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Energy efficient intra-cluster data aggregation technique

for wireless sensor network
Anupkumar M. Bongale1 • C. R. Nirmala2 • Arunkumar M. Bongale3

Received: 23 September 2018 / Accepted: 31 July 2019

Ó Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Computer Applications and Management 2020

Abstract Cluster based routing strategies are popular as number of alive nodes, energy consumption, number of
categories of routing protocols among wireless sensor data packets received by BS. Results obtained show that
networks (WSNs). In a typical cluster based routing pro- ICA performs better compared to LEACH and LEACH-C
tocols, few nodes are elected as cluster Head (CH) nodes protocols.
and they form clusters with other nodes of the networks
known as cluster members. The data sensed by cluster Keywords Cluster head  Wireless sensor network 
members is sent to CH node for data aggregation and Routing protocol  Data aggregation  Intra cluster
further processing. Data Aggregation is considered to be
one of the important methods used to prolong the network
lifetime of WSN. Data aggregation is quite popular among 1 Introduction
cluster based routing protocols for WSN, where the data
packets are aggregated by intermediate nodes till it reaches A wireless sensor network (WSN) is formed by the net-
to BS. Data aggregation ultimately helps in reducing the work of wireless sensor nodes. WSNs have found their
number of data messages thereby assisting in network life usage is various applications such as underwater wireless
prolongation. In this paper, an intra-cluster data aggrega- sensor networks, body sensor networks, building monitor-
tion technique (ICA) for WSNs is proposed. ICA constructs ing, wireless multimedia sensor networks, etc., [1]. Irre-
the intra cluster data aggregation path from a source node spective of kind of applications, the role of sensor nodes (or
to its CH node in an energy efficient way. The data packets simply called as nodes) is to sense some information of
are aggregated along the aggregation path by intermediate interest that has to be monitored. A sensor node either
relay nodes till the message reaches to designated CH periodically or upon receiving a query transmits the sensed
node. Comparative analysis of ICA, LEACH and LEACH- data to data collection point called as base station (BS) or
C protocols are carried by considering the parameters such sink node [2].
The sensor nodes jointly perform the activities such as
sensing information, communicating with one another and
& Anupkumar M. Bongale
with BS through wireless medium. To carry out such
activities, each sensor node requires energy, which is
Department of Computer Science and Information supplied by a non-replaceable battery. The practical prob-
Technology, Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Symbiosis lem of WSNs is that the nodes are equipped with limited
International (Deemed University), Lavale, Pune,
Maharashtra, India
power supply and it is not feasible to replace the battery
every now and then. Hence, the major research work
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bapuji
revolving around WSNs is design of energy efficient pro-
Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere,
Karnataka, India tocols that help in prolonging the network lifetime. There
3 are various opportunities such as better node deployment
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Symbiosis Institute
of Technology, Symbiosis International (Deemed strategies, data aggregation schemes, designing efficient
University), Lavale, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Int. j. inf. tecnol.

routing protocols, through which energy efficiency could reduced packet count and transmission cost. Sinha et al. [8]
be achieved [2]. have proposed a novel data fusion technique and cluster
Every node consumes some amount of energy while formation method for WSNs. Periodic sampling of sensor
processing, sensing, receiving and transmitting data. Out of data leads to generation of huge raw data and hence authors
all, data transmission consumes comparatively larger have used data aggregation on the basis of entropy of the
energy than others. Cluster based routing techniques are sensors to extend the power of sensor nodes. It is also
best way for controlling the data transmissions [1–3]. In presented that clustering also helped in prolonging network
cluster based routing techniques, few nodes are elected as lifetime. Another cluster based data aggregation
cluster head (CH) and they form clusters with other nodes scheme through balanced architecture based on hexagonal
of the network. The members of cluster send the data to clusters is presented in [9]. Here, CH node aggregates data
their CH node and CH node further transmits combined of the cluster members and forwards to BS.
data to BS. The process of combining data is called data There are few articles that show the use of mobile agents
aggregation. The data collected by group of sensor nodes in for performing data aggregation in WSNs. Lohani and
the sensor field are spatially correlated and hence there is a Varma [10] have proposed a dynamic mobile agent based
high probability that sensed data has some redundancy. data aggregation approach that takes into consideration of
Hence, cluster based routing protocols with data aggrega- energy efficiency, network lifetime, end to end delay and
tion strategies are best way of prolonging the network aggregation ration while making the decision for migration
lifetime [4]. Therefore, in this paper, an intra-cluster based of agent in multi hop sensor network. Another work pre-
data aggregation scheme is proposed. sented in [11] uses mobiles agents to aggregate and route
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 the collected data of WSNs. Authors have proposed a
explains most recent updates on LEACH protocol and protocol called as zone-based mobile agent aggregation.
other data aggregation protocols for WSNs. Assumptions The uniqueness of the protocol is that the mobile agents
and network model used are mentioned in Sect. 3. Pro- begin to collect the data from the point where events are
posed intra-cluster data aggregation technique is explained occurring and move towards the sink node. Such an
in Sect. 4. Results are discussed in Sect. 5. Section 6 approach helped in minimizing the mobile agent journey
concludes the paper. cost and also helped in enhancing aggregation accuracy.
Xu et al. [12] have proposed maximum-lifetime data
aggregation with cooperative communication (MLDAC).
2 Related work The concept of cooperative communication represents a
framework where transmitting nodes can cooperatively
Cluster based routing strategies involving data aggregation aggregate the raw data and send to BS. Here, authors have
have attracted many researchers of WSNs community. contributed a novel method of pairing nodes in an energy
Most prominent and so called legacy protocol is low-en- efficient manner. The paired nodes aggregate the data and
ergy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) [5, 6]. forward further to necessary destination. This approach
LEACH is cluster based hierarchical routing protocol helped in improvement of network lifetime.
popularly known for its probabilistic threshold based In some of the articles, data aggregation is considered as
cluster head election strategy and in-network data aggre- multi-objective optimization problem. There are few
gation schemes. Over the last decade LEACH protocol is methods which have used branch of artificial intelligence
improved with reference to various aspects such as better for providing better data aggregation solutions. Lu et al.
CH election methods, inter cluster routing, refined data [13] used multi-objectives for constructing data aggrega-
aggregation approaches, etc. Most of such variants of tion tree through jump particle swarm optimization.
LEACH protocol are reviewed in [3]. In this section, a brief Authors have focused on optimizing the objectives such as
review of existing data aggregation methods is presented. minimizing total energy consumption of aggregation tree
An efficient data gathering solution termed as Band- and maximizing the network lifetime of tree. Such objec-
width Efficient Heterogeneity aware cluster based data tives are fulfilled when first relay node of tree fails, entire
aggregation (BHCDA) is proposed by Mantri et al. [7]. The tree construction process starts again. So that node failures
algorithm works in three different phases namely CH will not affect the performance of network lifetime. Ant
election phase, aggregation phase and forwarding phase. In Colony Optimization is another metaheuristic method used
the second phase, all elected CH nodes of the network identifying for relay node of data aggregation path pro-
aggregate the data within their cluster. In third phase, each posed by Lin et al. [14]. While transmitting data, a node
CH itself acts as an individual node and forward the data to estimates the remaining energy and pheromone level of
next CH node till the aggregated data reaches to BS. neighbour nodes and wisely selects the next hop aggregator
Advantages of such aggregation schemes were found to be node. Rajesh and Paramasivan have proposed fuzzy based

Int. j. inf. tecnol.

secure data aggregation technique to select the secure and – BS is assumed to be equipped with surplus power
non-faulty node members for data aggregation in [15]. supply.
There are sufficient number of articles belonging to – Nodes are able to sense data, transmit and receive data
unique data aggregation schemes for WSNs. [16, 17] are to and from other nodes within their respective
survey articles on data aggregation techniques for WSNs. transmission range.
From the literature survey, it is observed that most of the
articles focus on inter cluster aggregation and few focus on
3.2 Network model
intra cluster data aggregation. In this paper, an intra-cluster
data aggregation method with special emphasis on multi
In this paper, we have considered well known free space
hop aggregation is proposed. Further sections explain
and multipath channel radio propagation models as
proposed data aggregation scheme.
described in [5, 6]. The corresponding models are used
depending upon the distance between the receiver and
transmitter. Multipath fading model is used if the distance
3 Assumptions and network model
is grater than or equal to threshold distance ðdthresh Þ or else
free space model is used. To transmit r-bit of message the
3.1 Assumptions
transmitter of node requires energy ðEtr Þ and is calculated
as per the Eq. (1).
The presented work is carried out under following (
assumptions. Network model and assumptions are similar r  Eele þ r  efs  d2 if d\dthresh
Etr ðr; dÞ ¼ ð1Þ
to [5, 6]. r  Eele þ r  emp  d4 if d  dthresh
– All nodes are randomly dispersed in simulation area.
To receive r-bit of message the receiver requires energy
– Position of all nodes including BS are fixed.
ðErc Þ and is calculated as per the Eq. (2).
– All nodes are homogeneous i.e., initial energy of each
node is 2 J. Erc ðr; dÞ ¼ r  Eele ð2Þ

Where Eele represents the electronic energy and it depends

upon the factors such as digital coding, modulation, fil-
tering and spreading of the signal,

r  efs  d and r  emp  d represents the amplifier
energy and depends upon distance to receiver and accept-
able bit-error rate.

Table 1 Simulation parameters

Simulation parameters Values

Number nodes 100, 200

Simulation area 250  250 m2
Network energy 2  100 ¼ 200 J
Scenario#1 Grid topology and BS at (125, 125)
Scenario#2 Grid topology and BS at (125, 300)
Scenario#3 Random topology and BS at (125, 125)
Scenario#4 Random topology and BS at (125, 300)
Eelec 50 nJ=bit
efs 10 pJ=bit=m2
emp 0:0013 pJ=bit=m4

Fig. 1 Flowchart of proposed protocol

Int. j. inf. tecnol.

90 ICA

Number of Alive Nodes

Number of Alive Nodes



40 40


20 20


0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400
Simulation Time (Seconds) Simulation Time (Seconds)
(a) Scene#1 (b) Scene#2


Number of Alive Nodes

Number of Alive Nodes

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Simulation Time (Seconds) Simulation Time (Seconds)
(c) Scene#3 (d) Scene#4
Fig. 2 Number of alive nodes over simulation period (100 Nodes)

4 Proposed protocol nodes are elected as CHs for the current round. T(n) is
calculated as per the Eq. (3) [5, 6].
In this paper, we are proposing an intra-cluster aggregation 8
< P
strategy for wireless sensor network. The proposed proto- ; n2G
TðnÞ ¼ 1  P  ½1 mod ð1=PÞ ð3Þ
col operates in rounds and each round consists of three :
0; otherwise
steps namely cluster formation stage, intra cluster aggre-
gation path construction, and data transmission phase. where P is number of CHs for the current round. As per the
First stage of the protocol is cluster formation phase. LEACH protocol, the value of P is 5% of total number of
Here, initially cluster head nodes are elected. The CH nodes. r is the round number, G is the number of nodes that
election process is similar to the one followed in LEACH are elected as CHs in the round r.
protocol [5, 6]. All the nodes of the network participate in After successful election of CHs for the current round,
head election process and to become CH, participated node cluster formation process begins. Here, each CH node
of the network generates a random number between 0 and broadcasts ADV message consisting of its node ID with
1. If the random number is below the threshold T(n), such header information. The non-cluster head nodes (also
called as normal nodes) receive the ADV message of CHs

Int. j. inf. tecnol.

200 ICA

Number of Alive Nodes

Number of Alive Nodes


100 100

50 50

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Simulation Time (Seconds) Simulation Time (Seconds)
(a) Scene#1 (b) Scene#2

200 ICA 200
Number of Alive Nodes

Number of Alive Nodes

150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
0 200 400 600 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Simulation Time (Seconds) Simulation Time (Seconds)
(c) Scene#3 (d) Scene#4
Fig. 3 Number of alive nodes over simulation period (200 Nodes)

of the network. Upon receiving ADV messages, a normal from its neighbour node list which is having comparatively
node has option of either choosing a CH or choosing any larger residual energy among available neighbour nodes.
one of its neighbour nodes as the relay node. If the normal Third stage of proposed protocol is data transmission
node chooses CH node, our protocol works similar manner phase where a normal node transmits data to its CH node
to LEACH protocol otherwise, process of intra cluster data during the allotted TDMA slot. Normal node transmits its
aggregation path from the normal node to CH is initiated sensed raw data to the relay node and relay aggregates the
via one or more relay nodes. received data with its sensed data further forwards the
The choice of choosing either CH node or a relay node aggregated data to CH node. The data aggregation process
is dependent upon distance and energy based parameters. described so far, takes place within the cluster. Thus, the
Intra cluster data aggregation path construction is the sec- proposed protocol ensures that a normal node transmits its
ond stage of the proposed protocol. Before a choosing CH sensed information to CH node either directly or indirectly
node, a normal node checks if there are any of its neigh- via one or more relay nodes. When the data packets are
bour nodes which are at much closer distance than the transmitted via relay nodes, the total number of packets
designated CH node. A normal node chooses a relay node processed at CH node are reduced and hence saves the
processing energy of CH node. Another advantage of the

Int. j. inf. tecnol.

200 200

Energy Consumption of Network (Joules)

Energy Consumption of Network (Joules)

150 150

100 100

50 50
200 300 400 500 600 200 300 400 500

Simulation Time (Seconds) Simulation Time (Seconds)

(a) Scene#1 (b) Scene#2


Energy Consumption of Network (Joules)

Energy Consumption of Network (Joules)

150 150

100 100

50 50
200 300 400 500 600 700 200 300 400

Simulation Time (Seconds) Simulation Time (Seconds)

(c) Scene#3 (d) Scene#4
Fig. 4 Energy consumption of network (100 Nodes)

proposed aggregation scheme is that it reduces the data received by BS. The simulations are carried out using NS
transmission distance from normal node to its CH node. 2.34 [18]. NS2 generates results in the form of text files and
The reduced transmission distance should obviously help in graphs are plotted using open source graphs plotting tool.
efficient energy utilization of normal nodes as well. All Details of the simulation parameters are mentioned in
three stages of the proposed protocol are mentioned in the Table 1. We have considered cases of 100 and 200 nodes
Fig. 1. dispersed over 250  250 m2 simulation area. To validate
the efficiency of ICA protocol, following scenarios are
5 Results
– Scenario#1 Nodes arranged in Grid Topology and BS is
situated at (125, 125) i.e. at centre of simulation area.
In this section, comparative analysis of proposed data
– Scenario#2 Nodes arranged in Grid Topology and BS is
aggregation scheme with LEACH and LEACH-C protocols
situated at (125, 300) i.e. out of the simulation area.
is described. To understand the efficiency of ICA, we have
– Scenario#3 Randomly located nodes and BS is situated
used prominent comparative parameters such as number of
at (125, 125) i.e. at centre of simulation area.
alive nodes, energy consumption, number of data packets

Int. j. inf. tecnol.

400 400
Energy Consumption of Network (Joules)

Energy Consumption of Network (Joules)

300 300

200 200

100 100

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Simulation Time (Seconds) Simulation Time (Seconds)

(a) Scene#1 (b) Scene#2

Energy Consumption of Network (Joules)

Energy Consumption of Network (Joules)


200 200

100 100

0 0
0 200 400 600 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Simulation Time (Seconds) Simulation Time (Seconds)

(c) Scene#3 (d) Scene#4
Fig. 5 Energy consumption of network (200 Nodes)

– Scenario#4 Randomly located nodes and BS is situated 5.2 Average energy consumption
at (125, 300) i.e. out of the simulation area.
Figures 4a–d and 5a–d show the plot of average energy
consumption of all the mentioned network scenarios for
5.1 Number of alive nodes
100 and 200 nodes respectively. This parameter indicates
energy consumption pattern of network. Initially all the
Figures 2a–d and 3a–d show the plot of number of alive
nodes are equipped with full 2 J. Hence, the total energy of
nodes of all the mentioned network scenarios for 100 and
the network is 200 J for 100 nodes and 400 J for 200 nodes.
200 nodes respectively. The parameter ‘‘number of alive
As the simulation progresses all the nodes indulge in
nodes’’ represents the pattern of node deaths of the net-
clustering and data transmission process leading gradual
work. As observed from the Figs. 2a, b, d and 3a–d, ICA is
decline of network life. It can be observed from the fig-
able to prolong the network lifetime. But from the Fig. 2c it
ures that ICA keeps low profile in energy consumption
is found that LEACH-C is better than LEACH and ICA.
pattern than that of LEACH and LEACH-C protocols.
Hence, ICA is comparatively more energy efficient.

Int. j. inf. tecnol.

80k 100k
Average Packets Received by Base Station

Average Packets Received by Base Station

70k 90k

40k 50k

30k 40k


0 0


































Network Topology/Scenario Network Topology/Scenario
(a) 100 Nodes (b) 200 Nodes
Fig. 6 Average number of packets received by base station for Scenario#1, Scenario#2, Scenario#3 and Scenario#4

5.3 Average data packets received by BS at different locations. This helped us to understand the
strengths and weaknesses of ICA. We found that ICA pre-
Figure 6a and b show the plot of average number of data formed better in comparison with LEACH and LEACH-C
packets received by BS of all the mentioned network sce- protocol. But, in Scenario#3 for 100 nodes case, the nodes of
narios for 100 and 200 nodes respectively. It can be the network died soon for ICA when compared to LEACH
observed from the figure that the data received by BS for and LEACH-C. The performance of ICA protocol may
ICA protocol is less than that of other protocol in all the decline if there is no opportunity for intra cluster data
scenarios of Fig. 6 and data received by BS is more in case aggregation. This can happen because there may not be
of ICA for Scenario#1 and Scenario#4 of 200 nodes case. efficient relay node and source node directly sends the data to
The reason being that the data packets are aggregated by CH node. In the future, we will evaluate the performance of
relay nodes in most of rounds of ICA protocol and hence ICA protocol by increasing the number of nodes of the net-
number of packets received by BS should be comparatively work to 300 and 400 nodes.

6 Conclusion References

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