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Séquence 2 : Half a Perfect Couple

Séquence 2 : Half a Perfect Couple

Dr. Patricia Thomas was a University professor. Her husband, Alfred, was a
medical doctor. To outsiders, they were the perfect couple. Both were successful in
their careers and earning good incomes. They lived in a nice house, drove BMW’s and
were active in their community. Only close family members knew that Alfred had affairs
with other women. His youthful looks and disarming charm helped him to “use women
wastefully”. At home, he was moody and easily irritated. Sometimes, he even hit
Patricia. He cared nothing for what Patricia thought. He knew she would never leave

Early last year, Alfred was diagnosed with AIDS. The illness progressed rapidly
during the next 13 months. When he realized that he had AIDS, he wanted to inject
his contaminated blood into Patricia. Instead of leaving, Patricia stood by him. As his
condition worsened, it was Patricia who fed and bathed him, changed his nappies and
responded to all his basic needs. On top of all this, she continued to tolerate his moods
and bad temper.

When he passed away, it was a relief. At the funeral, members of his family made
speeches in which they described him as a loving husband and devoted family man.
They implied that some people (like his wife) had never understood or appreciated him
properly. Their snipes were the last straw. Finally, Patricia was out of patience. In the
moment, she resolved never to let herself be abused by his family or anyone else again.

When it was her turn to address the guests, Patricia made her points in a loud
and clear voice. The crowd was stunned. She told them how Alfred had womanized
recklessly, and thus ended up with AIDS. She revealed his vicious attempts to give her
his deadly disease and how, in spite of it all and without help from his pretentiously
caring family, she had cared for him through the long and horrible months of his illness.
She said she put up with the misery and abuse because she wanted to keep the
marriage together. She finished by saying that she was sick of the hypocrisy of the
whole affair, and felt she had to let her views be known.


Séquence 2 : Half a Perfect Couple

Needless to say, Alfred’s family was furious. Patricia could not have cared less.
She felt free, finally, of the abuse and pain, and glad she would no longer have to
pretend to be half of the perfect couple.

Adapted from a handout used by Everjoice J. Win. UNESCO Workshop, South

Africa, 2000. Gender Sensitivity – A Training Manual. UNESCO 2002.


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