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TD Compréhension orale:greetings and introductions

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ou ta tutrice.
A- Warm-up questions
Réponds aux questions suivantes. Ne pas dépasser les lignes.
What is the importance of greeting in Senegalese society?
When do you introduce yourself to someone?
Why do you introduce yourself to someone
A Pronunciation

Situation 1: This is a new recruit, Mr Paul Faye wanting to introduce himself to Mr.
Ndiaye, Managing Director of Socas factory. Complete the following sentences.
a- Paul Faye: Excuse me, Sir...............................................? I'm Paul Faye
b- Excuse me, Sir, I'd.............................................. I'm M Paul Faye

c- Please could you.................................... me...................................... I'm Mr Paul Faye.

Listening comprehension

d-It's a....................................Mr Faye. I'm Mr Moctar Ndiaye

e-How do.............................................. I'm Mr. Moctar Ndiaye

f-How are......................................?Nice ......................................

Listening comprehension

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1-Who's introducing himself?
a-Jenny Ross
b- Edward Green
c-Tom Bradley

2- Who does the newcomer introduce himself to?

a-Jenny Ross
b-Tom Bradley
c-The receptionist Mettez la réponse en gras
Listening comprehension

3- What is Jenny?
a- the head of administration in the marketing department
b- the boss
c- a receptionist
4- Where is Tom Bradley for the moment? Mettez la réponse en gras
a-he is in his office
b- he is away
c- he is at the reception desk
5- Who is the boss of the enterprise
a-Tom Bradley
c-Edward Green
Listening comprehension

6- What service does jenny offer Edward Green.

a- She shows him his desk
b- she tells him to give her his coat
c- she tell him to take him to the department Mettez la réponse en gras

7- What does jenny show Edward Green

a-her coat
b- The way to the toilets
c- his desk, telephone and PC

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