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10 Medical Terminology in Nursing Process

NPO (Nil per os) – Nothing by Mouth It refers to the time which you can’t drink
or eat anything before going into a surgery
ADLs – Activities of Daily Living Are skills required to manage one’s basic
physical needs, including personal hygiene
or grooming, dressing, toileting,
transferring or ambulating, and eating.
N/C – Nasal Canula a small tube that is put into the nostril to
deliver oxygen to people who have lower
oxygen levels
NG- Nasogastric Tube a tube that carries food and medicine to
the stomach through the nose of a patient
who is unable to eat
GT – Gastrostomy Tube a tube inserted through the belly that
brings nutrition directly to the stomach of
the child.
Ad Lib – As Desired to indicate freely or that as much as one
desire should be used
C/O – Complains of a complain of a patient like they are in
pain. Example “I am having a headache”

BRP – Bathroom Privileges when the patient has a permission of the

doctor to use the bathroom when it’s
BPM – Beats per Minute measuring the pulse of a patient by
counting the number of times the heart
beats in one minute if it’s in a normal
CBC – Complete Blood Count a blood test to check your overall health
and it detects if the patient has anemia,
infections, leukemia etc.

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