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My Name is …………………………………

The Seven Sacraments
No Type Meaning
1 Baptism  Seal by God ( on the forehead)
 Takes away original sin (Adam and Eve)
 Children of God ( Members of the Holy Church)
 We have a new life
2 Confirmation  Performed by Bishop
 Confirms us to be a Child of God
 Receive the Holy Spirit in order to make us strong
& perfect 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
1. Wisdom
2. Understanding
3. Counsel (direction)
4. Fortitude (courage, strength)
5. Knowledge
6. Piety (faithful)
7. Fear of God ( reverence, respect)
 Makes us soldiers of Christ
3 Holy Eucharist  The receiving of Jesus Christ in the sacrament of
the Holy Eucharist
 Action by which we receive: the Body and Blood
of Jesus Christ as spiritual food for our soul
 Jesus comes to us as our Friend to visit our soul
 He gives the Grace to make our soul pleasing to
God and help us to be good
 To show our love to Jesus we receive Him in
Holy Communion every time we are at Mass
 Remember that before we could receive the Holy
Eucharist we must be free from Mortal Sin
 Fasting of at least 1 hour before receiving Holy
4 Penance/ Confession  Is a visit with Jesus (Priest represents Jesus in the
(Reconciliation) Confessional Room)
 Sins (mortal/ venial) which we have committed
are forgiven
 Make peace with God
 Also with people whom we have hurt
 Way of showing Jesus that we are sorry for our
 Jesus’ way of showing forgiveness to us
 When we go for confession
 We admit that we are sinners
 Ask yourself how have offended God
 Be truly sorry for our sins
 Make up our mind not to sin again
 Tell our sins to the priest
 Must do the penance that the priest gives us.

No Type Meaning
5 Anointing of the Sick  Performed by a priest
 Seriously ill/ injured/ elderly anointed with the oil
of the sick on the forehead
 Ask God to help in their sufferings, forgive their
 It can restore the health if it is God’s will
 Oil was blessed by the Bishop during Chrism
Mass during the Holy Week
 Through this sacrament people receive
forgiveness of sins and comfort in their sufferings
6 Holy Order  For Bishops, Priest and other ministries (deacons),
 They receive power and graces to perform their
Sacred duties from God
 Proclaiming the Gospel, teaching, preaching,
baptizing (administer 7 sacraments)
7 Holy Matrimony  Ceremony when a baptised man and a baptised
woman are united for life, As One In God’s Name
 This is a Sacrament of Christian Marriage.


Sacrament of Penance
1. Also known as Confession / Reconciliation
2. This Sacrament is very powerful because
 It frees us from sin
 For Catholics, this is a Sacrament for forgiveness and grace
3. This Sacrament is used for the forgiveness of sins committed AFTER baptism
4. It’s a sign from God to impart grace to the soul.
5. We reconcile ourselves with God to impart grace to the soul.
6. Catholics can confess their sins to a priest in confessional box or confess by face to face
meeting with a priest (Priest represents Jesus in the Confessional Room).
7. The power of forgiving sins belongs only to God
8. God uses a priest as a tool who represents him on earth to forgive your sins (mortal/venial).
9. Catholics need to be sincerely sorry for the sins and try not to do it again.
10. Make peace with God.
11. Also with people whom we have hurt.
12. Jesus way of showing forgiveness to us
According to church law, Catholics should at least confess twice a year, but it is easier to go
once a month. By going confession, it helps you to recall what sins you have committed and
feel sorry for your wrongdoings. Going confession (Sacrament of Penance) will, most
importantly strengthen your relationship with God.
When we go for Confession
1. We admit that we are sinners.
2. Ask yourself how we have offended God.
3. Be truly sorry for our sins
4. Make up our mind not to sin again
5. Tell our sins to the Priest
6. Must do the penance the priest gives us
All of us need the Sacrament of Penance because all of us are sinners.
Scripture says: If we say we have no sins, we are deceiving ourselves and refusing to admit the
truth, but if we acknowledge and confess our sins to God, then God who is faithful and just,
will forgive our sins and purify us from all our wrong doings. (1 John 1:8-9)
We cannot say there is no need to confess our sins to the priest, and that we can confess
our sins straight to God.
Jesus gave the power to forgive sins to Peter, to the Apostles and their successors, when he
said: I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth shall be
considered bound in heaven; whatever you loose on earth shall be considered loose in heaven
(Matthew 16:19)


1. When do we Sin? We sinned when we do something wrong on purpose.

2. Why does Sin offend Sin offends God because when we sinned we do not love
God? God.
3. How many types of There are 2 types :
Sins are there? a) Mortal Sin
b) Venial Sin
4. What is MORTAL A Mortal Sin is offending God knowingly and willingly in
SIN? a serious matter.
5. What is VENIAL A Venial Sin is offending God knowingly and willingly in
SIN? a small matter.
6. What does MORTAL Mortal Sin takes away God’s life from the soul until the
SIN do to the soul? person asks God for forgiveness

MORTAL SIN makes us:

a) Lose sanctifying grace – God’s love
b) Lose our right to heaven
c) Lose all our good works; and
d) Unable to do anything for heaven
7. What does VENIAL Venial Sin do not take away God’s life, but they make our
SIN do to the soul? love for God weaker.

a) Makes us love God less
b) Makes us less worthy of God’s help; and
c) Weakens us against Mortal Sin. (means we are nearer
or more likely to commit Mortal Sin if you continue to
commit Venial Sin e.g. from stealing to robbery)
8. The 7 Capital Sin If we continue to commit Sins, what will happen?
(Capital means Our body will not die but our soul will die and also the spirit.
deadly) We can never be God’s children again.

1. Pride Not Humble The excessive love of one’s own

2. Covetousness Not Generous Greedy and Not willing to share
3. Lust Impurity Not pure e.g. watching obscene(dirty)
picture or movie
4. Anger Not patient / understanding The desire of vengeance
5. Gluttony Greedy Greedy especially eating. You cannot
stop eating and not willing to share
6. Envy Jealously Always suspicious, easily notice what
other do wrong, angry when other do
good thing
7. Sloth Laziness / Idleness/ Not Wasting time, doing nothing, lazy
How to get ready to make a good confession

1. Prayer to the Holy Spirit for help:-
Dear Holy Spirit, please help me to know my sins.
Help me to be sorry that I said No to your love.
Help me to be more loving from now on.
Help me to ask Jesus for forgiveness in Penance.
(Say 1 Our Father and 1 Hail Mary and 1 Glory Be)
2. Think of my sins and how many times I committed each one
1. Did I misbehave or have an improper posture or dress in church or cause others to
get distracted?
2. Did I answer back my parents or teachers or the elders?
3. Did I do my house chores?
4. Did I eat or drink more than the sufficient amount? Allowing myself to get
carried away by gluttony
5. Am I selfish in the use of my possession?
6. Does it hurt me to share them with others?
7. Did I miss Mass on Sunday / Saturday evening or Holy Days of Obligation or
arrive late for Mass?
8. Did I get easily angry or lose my temper?
9. Am I lazy to do my work and studies?
10. Did I forgive my enemies?
11. Did I neglect to pay my debts?
12. Did I distract others at work causing trouble?
13. Did I read bad books or look at immodest (dirty) pictures?
14. Did I engage in impure conversation?
15. Did I do anyone harm with my words or actions by calling names or insult or
tease others?
16. Did I lead others to sins by stealing and read bad books?
17. Did I like to keep bad thoughts in my mind?
18. Did I spend too much money unnecessarily?
19. Did I steal?
20. Did I go with bad companions?
21. Am I envious of my neighbour’s goods?
22. Am I greedy?
23. Did I say my prayers in the morning and before going to bed?
24. Did I receive Holy Communion in the state of Mortal Sin or without necessary
25. Did I fast before Holy Communion?
26. Did I fail to mention out of embarrassment some of grave sin in my confession?
27. Did I say bad words?
28. Did I tell lies?
29. Have I unjustly accused others?
30. Did I tell the faults of others without necessity?
Now I must tell God I am sorry for my sins, I have not loved God as He has loved me:
Father, I have sinned against You
Be merciful to me, a sinner


Now I must make up my mind not to be bad again. My confession will be good if I am
truly sorry.
Father, I am sorry for all my sins.
I am sorry for what I have done and failed to do
I will try hard to be more loving
Help me to live in Your Love.
I kneel down before the Make the Sign of the Bless me, Father for I have sinned, this is my
priest Cross First confession

Bless me, Father for I have sinned, my last

confession was ………… ago.
I tell the Priest my sin My sins are:
After telling my sins, I For these and all my sins I am truly sorry.
Then I listen to what the (I have to remember how many prayers the
priest says to me. The priest asks me to say)
priest will tell me what to
do for my penance. The
prayers he asks me to say.
When the priest gives the Act of Contrition
Absolution, I say O my God, because You are so good, I am
sorry that I have sinned against You, and
with Your help I will not sin again. Amen.
When the priest blesses I also make the Sign of the Cross
me with the Sign of the
Then the priest says to me Go in peace, God bless you
I answer God Bless you, Father.
Then I walk back to my seat, kneel down and say my Prayer after confession and the
penance (prayers) given by the priest.
Prayer after confession
O Jesus, I thank you that you have forgiven me all my sins,
with your help I will not sin again. Amen.

The Ten Commandments
No. Commandments Explanation
1 I am the Lord your God, you shall  I must worship God and no one else but
have no other gods before me God
 Offer to God alone the supreme worship
2 You shall not take the Name of the  I must honour God’s name always
Lord your God in vain  To speak with reverence of God, of the
saints and of holy things
 To be truthful in taking oaths and faithful to
3 Remember the Sabbath day and  I must keep the Lord’s Day holy
keep it holy  Worship God in a special manner on
4 Honour your father and your  I must be obedient
mother  Respect and love our parents, to obey them
in all that is not sinful and help them when
they are in need
5 You shall not kill  I must be kind, forgiving and loving
 Take care of own spiritual and bodily well-
being and of our neighbour
6 You shall not commit adultery  I must be pure in all I say and see and hear
and do
 Be pure and modest in my behaviour
7 You shall not steal  I must be honest
 Respect what belongs to others
8 You shall not bear false witness  I must be truthful in what I say
against your neighbour  I must not tell lies
9 You shall not covet your  I must be pure in my thought and in what I
neighbour’s wife desire each day
10 You shall not covet your  I must be satisfied with what I have and not
neighbour’s goods to be jealous of people’s possession.


Jesus, the Bread of Life
Jesus told His disciples: “I am the Bread of Life”. He was not speaking in riddles. He was saying “I am the
living bread which came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he will forever, and the bread which
I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life,
and I will raise him up on the last day” (John 6:35, 51, 54). Many people turned away from Jesus because this
teaching sounded harsh. But He spoke the truth! But the people did not know HOW Jesus would give His
Body and Blood.

At the Last Supper “The night before Jesus was to suffer and die for us). Jesus celebrated a big feast with His
apostles. As they were eating, He took bread, blessed it and broke it, and said “Take, this is my body”. And
then He took a cup and when he had given thanks, He gave it to them and they all drank from it. And He said
to them,” This is my blood of the covenant, which poured out for many (Mark 14:22-24). Jesus gave us the
Eucharist so we could eat His Body and drink His Blood, so He can live in us, and we can live forever. The
Eucharist is food for our souls!

When we receive the Eucharist, we are receiving the Same Jesus and Lord that performed miracles, that taught
the way to Eternal Life and that save us from our sins by offering His Life for us.
Jesus promised to stay with us until the end of time, and He has made this possible through the Blessed
Sacrament. In every Catholic Church, Jesus is present to us during Mass, but also He is there in the tabernacle
– a box where the Blessed Sacrament (Jesus) is kept so we can pray to Jesus and visit Him.
Just as people 2000 years ago would go to visit Jesus to listen to Him and seek healing from Him as he walked
the earth, so too we can go to Jesus in the Eucharist. This is the Most Sacred of all the Sacraments, so it is
very important to prepare with special care.

Jesus, the Bread of Life
1) When Jesus said “I am the Bread of Life”, was he speaking in

2) Did people accept his teachings, or did some turn away? Why?

3) What happened at the Last Supper?

4) Is the Eucharist Jesus’ Body and Blood? Really?

5) When we receive the Eucharist, what is special about it?

6) How can Jesus stay with us until the end of time?

Names for the Eucharist: There are many different names for the Eucharist, and they help us to know more about this gift of Christ

Holy Communion
Communion means "union with". So, when
we share in Jesus' Body and Blood, we are
united with Him is very special way, Jesus Most Blessed Sacrement: This
Holy Mass
livesin us, and welive foreverin Him. Holy is the MOST holy Sacrament.
Massis the Liturgy we We ue this title for when the
celebrate on Sundays. It is Communion given to someone aboutto Eucharist is kept on the
Holy because we gather to diecalled Viaticum", and other special titles tabernacle or when we worship
worship God and celebrate are: Bread of angels, Breadfrom heaven, and the Eucharist in a celebration
the Eucharist Medicine of Immoralty calledAdoration or Benediiction
CCC1330 CCC1330 CCC1330

Holy and Divine Liturgy

The Liturgy is public Lord's Supper.
worship. When we gather
together on Sundays, we Names of the Because the Eucharist was given at he
worship God, and the center Eucharist Last Supper and it is celebrated in the
of this worship is the same way even today we can call it the
Eucharist Lord's Supper. We are invited to the
Altar of the Lord to receive Our Lord.
CCC1330 This is a great feast! We celebrate Mass
like the great wedding feast in Heaven

Memorial of the Lord's Passion

and Resurrection
Breaking of Bread.
The Holy Sacrifice if the Mass
makes preent the Sacrifice of the Jesus was recognised by His disciples after
Cross. The Eucharist is the same His resurrection in the breaking of bread
Body and Blood given up for us (the sharing of the Eucharist). We know
to unite with God in a covenant Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. This
(an agreement that makes us title also reminds us of wha tJesus did at
family) the Last Supper,when He took bread, gave
thanks and broke it giving it to His disciples
CCC1330 CCC1329

“Eucharist” means THANKSGIVING. We have so many things to thank God for! We can thank Him
for creation, redemption (that Jesus saved us from sin) and sanctification (that we can be made Holy)
(CCC1328). The Eucharist is the greatest gift of God can give us, for it is Jesus Christ, the Son of
God, really and mysteriously present in the species of bread and wine (CCC1357)
The Eucharist is a sacrament of thanksgiving and praise to God the Father (CCC1358). It is a sacrificial
memorial of Christ and His Body on the Cross (CCC1358). As a remembrance, the Sacrifice is made
present in a real way but in a non-bloody way (it is the same sacrifice as on the Cross but in a different
way). So every Mass, is the same one sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross (CCC1364-7) is made present in
the Eucharist. At Mass, you are present under the Cross at Calvary (CCC1363). Also, in the Eucharist,
Christ is truly present by the power of His words and His spirit (CCC1368). It is Jesus who celebrated
the Eucharist with us in and through the priest or bishop who is Christ’s minister (CCC1369).

During the Mass, the priest says a prayer called

CONSECRATION over the wheaten bread and sine
made of grapes (CCC1333). During this prayer, Jesus
becomes “substantially” present in the bread and wine.
This means that although you may see bread, taste
bread, smell bread and feel bread (and wine), it is not at
all bread and wine except by appearances or “Species”
(CCC1375). Really, it is Jesus Christ’s Body, Blood,
Soul and Divinity (CCC1347). This change is called
transubstantiation (CCC1376), which means “change of
substance”. The entire bread and wine is Jesus truly
present. And is the bread is broken, Jesus is not broken,
but is really present in each of the part (CCC1377).

When we receive Holy Communion, we receive Jesus

really and truly present, Body, Blood, Soul and
Divinity. We receive the same Jesus who offered
Himself for our sins on the Cross during the Mass,
which is really the same sacrifice (CCC1383). We share
in the eternal life of God which Jesus won for us in the
Resurrection. Jesus lives in us as nourishment for our
souls, God loves us so very much!

What three things must I do to prepare to receive Jesus (CCC1385)?
Because you are going to receive Jesus, you must be ready to meet the Lord! This is the most important
event of your life!!!

This means that you must not

have any mortal sins. You
1. You must be in a
should examine your conscience
state of grace
and if you need to, you should
go to Confession before
receiving Holy Communion.

You are not just receiving a

2. You must consider piece of bread, you are receiving
Who you are about the Body, Blood, Soul and
to receive. Divinity of Jesus Christ, the Son
of God. Have respect and be
humble before your Lord.

At present, this means that you

must not eat or drink anything
for one full hour before
3. You must observe a
receiving Holy Communion
Eucharistic fast.
(you may have water or
medicine, and you are excluded
if you are an elderly or caring
for an elderly person).

Be sure you do all three steps before you receive Holy Communion!

How do I receive Holy Communion?
1) We must be sure we have 1. _________________________________________
done the 3 steps to prepare _________________________________________
for a worthy reception of 2. _________________________________________
Holy Communion. Do you _________________________________________
remember them? 3. _________________________________________

2) When it is time to receive You will walk quietly down the aisle, keeping your hand
Communion, folded in prayer in front of you.
You may during this time pray over and over “My Lord and
My God”
3) Before you get to the Priest or You must decide which way you want to receive Holy
Eucharistic Minister Communion, there are two ways:
If you decide to receive Jesus, keep your hands folded
in prayer.

If you choose to receive Holy Communion in your
hands, cup your hands with the palms facing up, and
place your left hand on top of your right hand. This
will make a little throne for Jesus. Be Sure to hold
your hands above eye level.
Both are good ways to receive Communion.
4) The Priest or Eucharistic You will reply “AMEN”
Minister will hold up the
Blessed Sacrament and say
“The Body of Christ”
5) After receiving the Eucharist. 1. ON YOUR TONGUE
Open your mouth, and stick out your tongue to the
Eucharist to be places on your tongue. Take one step
to the side and eat the Blessed Sacrament. Then,
return to your seat with your hands folded in prayer.

The Blessed Sacrament will be placed in your hand.
Take one step to the side. Take your right hand to pick
up the Eucharist and placed it in your mouth and eat
the Blessed Sacrament. Then, return to your seat with
your hands folded in prayer.
6) In your seat Take a silent time to pray and thank Jesus for this Gift of

What happens when we receive Holy Communion?
1) We have a special and very close union with Christ CCC1391

2) We gain a share in Jesus’ life and Resurrection (we will have CCC1391
eternal life like Jesus promise)

3) We receive a spiritual nourishment and an increase in grace CCC1393

4) We become united with the Mystical body of Christ (His CCC1396

Church in union with Jesus)

5) We become committed to serving the poor CCC1397

6) We pray for the unity of all Christians CCC1398

7) We pray for the coming of Jesus Christ at the end of time CCC1403

8) We receive pledge of the glory that will come (either at the CCC1402
end of the world or when we leave this world)

9) Your venial sins are forgiven and you are protected from CCC1393
future mortal sins

You must go to Mass every Sunday and every other Holy Day of Obligation. You must hear the Mass,
it is not necessary for you to receive Holy Communion, but it is good to receive Communion
frequently. You may receive Communion every day, so long as you are not in mortal sin. If you receive
Holy Communion in mortal sin, this is called a “sacrilege” and is a very serious mortal sin. You must
confess it next time you go to Confession. You are, however, obliged to receive Holy Communion
once a year during Easter time (CCC1389).
You should be familiar with the Mass already. You likely have been going with your family and school
regularly. It would be good for you to go through a Missal (a book with the parts of the Mass) with
your teacher or parents so you can follow the Mass better. Do your best to pay attention, be quiet and
listen very carefully.
Because we know Jesus is present in our church in the place called the TABERNACLE, it is proper to
show Jesus that you know He is there, and tell Him that you love Him. You can do this by genuflecting
every time you get in and out of your seat. To genuflect, you kneel on your right knee, and make the
Sign of the Cross. Have reverence, and don’t be too quick. This is a good way to greet Jesus our Lord.

Loving Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
Jesus told us that He will remain with us in the Blessed Sacrament. In the Eucharist, Jesus stays
with us in all the tabernacles in the world. A tabernacle is a box (usually gold) found in every
Catholic Church (CCC1378). A the end of the Mass, the Blessed Sacrament is reserved in this sacred
place so Jesus can be given to the sick and people who are unable to attend Mass. Also, Jesus
remains in every Church, so that we may visit Him and show Him our Love.
When we enter the Catholic Church, we should genuflect to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
(CCC1378). To genuflect, we kneel on our right knee and make the Sign of the Cross.
We adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, for Jesus for Jesus is our Lord. We venerate (love and
worship) the consecrated Hosts reserved in the tabernacle. Sometimes, we have a special ceremony
called “Adoration” when our Eucharistic Lord is placed in a Monstrance (a stand to display the
Blessed Sacrament) (CCC1378). During Adoration, prayers maybe said and sometimes ac
procession occurs – such as on the feast of Corpus Christi (the Body and Blood of Christ). Usually
at the end of adoration, the people are blessed with the Eucharist, and this is called Benediction.
Because Jesus is present all the time in the Church, it is good to visit Him there and to say some
prayers. To visitor Lord in the Eucharist is a way of thanking Jesus for this gift of Himself. It is also
an expressions of our love (CCC1418). It is our duty to worship Jesus, and this is a special way we

Divine Praises

Blessed be God.
Blesses His Holy Name
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true
Blessed be the Name of Jesus.
Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be His Most Precious Blood.
Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy
Sacrament of the Altar.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary
most holy.
Blessed be her holy and Immaculate
Blessed be glorious Assumption.
Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and
Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste
spouse. Blessed be God in His angels and
in His Saints

Eucharist Questions
1. What are three other names for the Eucharist?
a) ____________________________________
b) ____________________________________
c) ____________________________________

2. What does Eucharist means?

3. Who celebrate the Eucharist?
4. What is the prayer called that the priest says?
5. What does the priest pray over?
6. What happens to these things? What is this called?
7. After the consecration, is there bread and wine anymore?
8. Is Jesus truly present in the Eucharist? How?
9. When the Eucharist is broken, is Jesus broken?
10. Is the Eucharist is sacrifice? Is it the same sacrifice as the Cross?
11. Is the Eucharist a meal? What does it nourish?
12. Should we thank God for this Gift?

Preparation for 1st Holy Communion

1. Please make the Sign of the Cross

2. Why do you attend the Sunday school?

Who has asked you?

3. Are you attending the Sunday Mass with

your parents with your parents/ guardians
every Sunday

4. Why do we have to go to church every


5. Who do we receive during the Holy Mass

/ Eucharistic celebration?

6. Why do we want to receive Him?

7. Why is He important in our life?

8. What do we say when we receive the

Holy Communion/ Body and Blood of

9. How do we behave when we are in the

Church and during the Holy Mass?

10. How many Sacraments do we have?

Name them.

11. How many Commandments are there?

Name them.

12. Who is Jesus to you?

13. Why did Jesus die on the Cross?

14. Why do we have to go to the priest for


15. Please say the Act of Contrition prayer.

16. Please say the basic prayer of the church:

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be

17. What will you do after you receive the

First Holy Communion?

1. Who did God gives the Ten Commandments to? ______________________
2. God’s First Commandments says that nothing should be more important to us than _______.
3. The Second Commandment tells us that God’s _________is special. We must not misuse it.
4. In the Third Commandment, God gave us instruction about how we should spend His special
day. We must remember the _______________ day and keep it holy.
5. In the 5th commandment refers you shall not __________. We must all do we can to take of
our own life and the life of others.
6. The 6th Commandment refers to marriage and how husbands and wives are supposed to act
towards each other. You shall not commit ______________.
7. The 9th Commandment tell us not to desire certain things. You shall not covert your
neighbour’s _____________.
8. Jesus came to teach about God and his ___________.
9. Where was the Ten Commandments given? ___________________.
10. Honour your ____________ is our 4th Commandments. When you honour them, you obey
11. God says, you shall not ______________ and this is the__________ Commandment. Taking
money from your mother’s purse without asking is one example.
12. The 8th Commandment tell is not to tell ______________. We must be honest at all times.
13. Sometimes we may want what a friend has so badly that we begin to dislike our friend and
act unkindly towards him/ her. So we shall not covet our neighbour’s _______________.
14. The greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart and mind and __________.
15. God showed his love when He sent Jesus to __________________ on the cross.
16. The first 3 Commandments spoke of how we should treat ________________.
17. The other 7 Commandments teach us how we should treat each____________.

Word List:

Name, soul, steal, God, parents, wife, die, laws, other, adultery, Moses, God, seven,
Sabbath, Mount Sinai, lie, goods, kill

1. How many Sacraments are there? _____________
2. Can you name the 7 Sacraments:-
a) Bap _ _ _ _ b) Con _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
c) Pen _ _ _ _ _ d) Ho _ _ Eu_ _ _ _ _ _ _
e) Ho _ _ Or _ _ _ f) Ano _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the _ _ _ _
g) Mat _ _ _ _ _ _

3. Name the two types of Sin:

a) M _ _ _ _ _ b) V _ _ _ _ _

4. Which Sacrament takes away our Original Sin? _____________

5. What is Mortal Sin?
6. What is Venial Sin?



7. Can we receive Holy Communion of we know have committed Mortal Sins?

8. Which Sacrament helps us to purify our Sins?
9. Whom did Jesus give the right to forgive our Sins?
10. What does prayer mean?


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