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Parábola das Dez Virgens


A Parábola das Dez Virgens (seção) por Phoebe Traquair,

Mansfield Traquair Church, Edimburgo.

Então o reino dos céus será semelhante a dez virgens 

que, tomando as suas lâmpadas, saíram ao encontro do esposo.

E cinco deles eram sábios, e cinco eram tolos. 

As loucas tomaram as suas lâmpadas, e não levaram azeite consigo; 

mas as prudentes levaram azeite nas suas vasilhas com as suas


Enquanto o noivo tardou, todos eles cochilaram e dormiram. 

E à meia-noite ouviu-se um clamor: Eis que vem o esposo; saia ao seu


Então todas aquelas virgens se levantaram e prepararam suas


E as loucas disseram às sábias: Dá-nos do teu azeite; pois nossas

lâmpadas se apagaram.
But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us
and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.

And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; 

and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the
door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord,
Lord, open to us.

But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. 

Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein
the Son of man cometh.


A Letter from the Hierarch of Luxor

On Certain Disciplines of the Keepers of the Flame
Stalwart Souls Who See the Goal before Us:

I am known as a disciplinarian, and that not without cause. For it is

certain that when the disciplines of the Spirit are correctly given and
then applied, the very laws of nature without fail raise the individual
lifestream out of all limitation into that marvelous and incomparable
blessing, the ascension in the light.

So precious is the prize, so transcendent the goal that the price too
must come high. Those seeking the ultimate purposes in life are tested
most thoroughly, for how can we impart the secrets of the universe to
the unworthy?

To be a Keeper of the Flame is also not without tests. One which

frequently comes to individuals (and it is a very subtle test indeed) is
that one in which they themselves think, or someone else declares to
them, “You don’t need to be a member of the Keepers of the Flame
Fraternity to keep the flame.”

To this I would immediately reply, “You are so right. But this is truth
in part, and therein lies its subtlety.” This statement is similar to that
of a Christian who says he does not need to belong to a church to be a
follower of Christ. Once again we would say, “Quite true. But we
would shed light upon the subject.”

Blessed ones, we have had some experience in these matters. We have

found that those who cannot or are not willing to harmonize
themselves enough to live in a spirit of cooperation and service with
their fellowmen in a constructive spiritual organization—especially
one which we sponsor—are usually far from being ready, as they may
think they are, to follow the Christ or to receive our deeper teachings
and assistance.

For the most part they need to be left alone by us for quite some time,
and this we often do as the best discipline for their natures.

Bear in mind that although their tenets may differ, the purposes of all
faiths are quite similar. While the ultimate faith may yet be sought, I
am certain that in unity for the light there is strength. And therein is
to be found the fruit of that cooperative endeavor which is never
realized in going it alone or in expressing continual disapproval of this
or that phase of the outer organization or of the outer personalities of
its leaders.

Those religious structures whose purposes are both high and holy and
which originated in our own consciousness should not be condemned
for flaws that the expanding Christ consciousness of its members will
surely bypass unto victory.

One of the functions of spiritual fraternities such as the Keepers of the

Flame is the training of disciples to overcome personal differences and
antipathies through loving associations dedicated to service.

It is through active participation in spiritually constructive

organizations that testing makes possible the disciple’s learning the art
of true love.

For therein he learns to continue even when in difficulty to be wholly

constructive toward God and man, offering gratitude to the Almighty
in genuine happiness for the blessed opportunity of showing his
loyalty to him by being loyal to a truly worthy cause.

Certainly we did not create the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity

merely to construct a physical tower in which to gather the multitudes
together as did Nimrod.1 For we build in anticipation of an
unparalleled world unity, with the fervent hope that the earth shall be
filled with the glory of the true knowledge of God’s laws.2 Thus is our
tower raised in spiritual concord, a mighty fortress of souls united in
the flame that shall withstand the tests of time and space.

Those who are willing to submit to the early disciplines of the Path,
realizing full well that they have free will and that the choice is always
theirs, still choose lovingly and joyously to constructively band
together under our banner to bring light and light’s unity to men of
every faith as well as to those of no avowed faith.

Then, through well-organized and well-oriented strength in united

service, the freedom of a new heaven and a new earth is born. Rising
phoenixlike from the dead-ash framework of the old, it is an ever-
present hope and a mighty focus of light for the golden wave of the

Those generations shall also call all blessed who choose to keep the
flame of their fathers and the glory of their Father in heaven blazing
brightly on the altars of earth, as did the brothers at Luxor who
brought the ascension flame from Atlantis long ago.

These are worthy to wear the mantle of a keeper of the flame in both
an inner and an outer sense. They are truly one with light’s children
Lux regit! 3

Serapis Bey

(1) Gen. 10:8–10; 11:4. (2) Isa. 11:9. (3) Lux regit! [Latin, “Let light reign!”]

A Letter from Paul the Venetian

“O God, You Are So Magnificent!”Developing the

Divine Sense

To You Who Are Destined to Keep the Flame of His Eternal


Speak this phrase daily with intense adoration. Speak it many times in
the quiet recesses of your mind and heart.

Speak it as you observe the beauties of nature—the lovely flowers, the

trees, the blue sky, the drifting clouds, and the faces of children
looking up and moving toward a greater maturity of godly expression.
While you speak it, contemplate how many other Keepers of the
Flame, both ascended and unascended, are speaking it with you; and
know that you shall never walk alone.

peak it in the teeth of every wearying problem, and watch how your
strength will increase as you magnify the Lord!1

Giving this affirmation of the magnificence of the Creator as he

appears throughout the creation is an exercise basic in its simplicity.
As you praise him with childlike wonder, “O God, you are so
magnificent!” these very words will automatically key into your world
the release of a most powerful and heartwarming energy from the
center of the universe of God’s Being—expanding for the beginner as
well as the advanced student a greater awareness of God and his ever-
enfolding love.

You may practice this exercise for a day or for a lifetime. It is one for
which you will ever be grateful and of which you need never tire. It is
also suitable for teaching to children.

Simple yet profound, quiet and glorious, it will draw into your world
each hour the radiant love and penetrating wisdom of your own God
Presence. As you establish through your devotion the glory of the
Father above in the earth below, he will lift you in his arms of
tenderness and love, cushioning the bruises of the road and imparting
that grace which overcomes earthly mistakes and strengthens the
heavenly bond.
I AM eternally one with the magnificence of God,

Paul the Venetian –Château de Liberté

NOTES: (1) Luke 1:46.

A Rising Tribute
To be a keeper of the flame

Is more by far than bear the name: 

To be an image of the right 

Means rising to one’s Source of light.

The courage rare and will to do 

Will steer your course the whole way through 

Until, escorted through the door, 

Your victory’s won, the strife is o’er!

For your own heart God’s altar is; 

The flame you kindle there is his. 

By your attention on the light 

You magnify the embers bright.

To be this keeper of the flame 

As Jesus did in God’s own name 

Is each man’s goal, his true life aim, 

And thus ascend, an I AM flame.


A Letter from the Keeper of the Flame

Your Heart Is the Altar of God Keep the Flame

Blazing Brightly

Blessed Keepers of the Flame, Eternal Comfort to You Always!

The way to immortality, from the beginning of life onward, has never
been an easy one. But the reward, as beloved Serapis states, is
exceedingly great.

Men trade the victory of eternity for mere moments of their passing
lives because they know not the Law and lack the vision of its
fulfillment in themselves.
Now I am certain that you who are in tune with us, even a little, must
sense that out of consideration for the best interests of both our chelas
and the would-be followers of the divine promises, we have spared no
energy or effort to set forth the true knowledge and perspective of the
Law. Thus in truth the children of earth have many heavenly
advocates and friends of light standing just beyond the veil.

Dear ones, have you ever thought of your heart as the altar of God on
which the eternal flame of Being and life pulsates, at times flickering
and then rising again to glow with magnificent fire?

Men worship at many shrines, but none so close as the altar of their
own heart. The Holy Spirit, whose representative I am, is always the
kindler and the rekindler of the sacred fire for those who esteem the
treasures of heaven as worthy of pursuit.

It is to these that I dedicate my message today, for you are the salt of
the earth who have kept your savour.1 It is to see that you continue to
do so in the face of all obstacles and every test that we herein devote
our time and talents to the holy purpose.

Countless millions occupy this planetary platform and draw their

energy from the same Source. They feel the comfortable rhythm of a
constant heartbeat day in and day out, and they are warmed by the
same revivifying solar fire as they breathe the fire-fanning breath of

Here they live and move and have their being, using the words I am
without realizing that they are speaking the name of God “I AM.”
They express a mild or passing interest in their Source and they are
almost totally unaware of what their goals should be.

They are not aware of the surge of elemental life, nor do they suspect
that the prison-house of matter is served by the intelligent electron.
Neither do they sense the struggle of souls who stand at the doorway
of birth pleading for a chance to reembody upon earth. Without this
realization, how can they value life’s opportunity that is without price?

It is not enough for God to will freedom for all men. Each one must
secure it for himself, summoning the necessary courage to defend that
freedom against all enemies of the Spirit.

Our way is no simple game of blindman’s bluff where the goal does
not matter except to serve as a sport to vicious, rude and unthinking
men. On the contrary, it is the life plan of a Christ in the making.
Think how the beloved ascended master Jesus has constructively
affected the world for two thousand years.

What do you think it will mean to this earth when thousands and
eventually millions keep the flame as he did?

Think how the beloved ascended master Jesus has constructively

affected the world for two thousand years. What do you think it will
mean to this earth when thousands and eventually millions keep the
flame as he did?

Ponder the fact that much of your present fund of objective

knowledge about life was received through tradition from your
parents, teachers and associates. In addition, the hand of error-prone
bigots, well versed in their own conceit, has offered its instruction to
the world quite readily.

While the blind continue to lead the blind, we direct mankind’s

attention toward harmony and unity as more important than the
doctrine of the vicarious atonement, which is predicated upon the
appeasement of the wrath of an angry deity.

Such erroneous concepts are in direct contrast to the truth concerning

divine love, whose radiant, Edenic purity holds only the best and
highest vision for every child of light. Behold, this is the love of God
that enables each one to atone for the sins of the past through the
intercession of his own Christ Self.

Yield not, then, to the lure and false promises of those human apostles
of ease who teach what is pleasing to man rather than the truth of God
and the instruction of the ascended masters.

While some steeped in the errors of orthodoxy have promised

mankind salvation through the sacrifice of another, others have
suggested that in a few easy lessons one could gain enough spiritual
knowledge to lead a charmed existence forever after without any
effort, just letting God do all the work.

Those who are looking for the easy way out and are not willing to
exercise self-discipline in overcoming the momentums of their own
past errors as well as those inherent within civilization may glory in
such promises.

However, when such individuals near the end of their life span, they
see that there is no forthcoming fruit for labors left undone or half
done—no divine victory, no realization of the ever-present love of
God or the hearing of his voice declaring, “This is my beloved Son, in
whom I am well pleased.”2 

Too late they will know that the ripe apple of promise has turned to
ashes; and their wasted lives and blighted hopes will be proof enough,
delivering in bitter terms the stern mandate that a change in course
must be pursued.

To save our blessed disciples from all of this and from other pitfalls on
the Path, we have dictated the forthcoming lessons with the firm hope
that many souls will attain spiritual victories and retain them as a
momentum on behalf of the light of God to provide in the chronicles
of the saints leaves of inspiration that shall be for the healing of the

As beloved El Morya has said, “We have left no stone unturned to

make these lessons safe, effective and fully charged with our power of
victory to manifest as quickly as the Great Law will permit!” I am
hoping you will realize that in the simplicity of these lessons there is
great profundity and power.

Although I have warned against the folly of “a few easy lessons,” I am

certain that those who receive even the first several months of our
instruction will recognize for themselves that they have within their
hands the means of invoking tremendous assistance from on high.

Valuable keys that will open doorways of light are being placed in
your hands. The use you make of them will determine the response of
heaven to the invocations of your own soul.
The sincere will come to know a power they have not known before
and sense a clarity of thought and a confidence of purpose they have
not previously had.

As you continue to absorb the radiance of the light behind our words,
reviewing them again and again, you will find our love permeating
your very pores until you feel the eternal comfort which we long to
bestow upon all who call this blessed orb home.

Long ago when the individuality of man was wholly identified with
the divinity of God at spiritual levels, millions of spirit sparks danced
in a vast sea of flame in the I AM Presence of the Great Central Sun,
the hub of all creation.

Then the fiat of the eternal Presence rang clear, “Let there be light and
life for these souls now going forth into the way of self-expression
through the individualized consciousness of the I AM Presence!” By
the power of love eternal the sparks leaped in the flame to obey the
direction of the Presence and went forth to begin their journey into
Spirit form and Matter form, all the while remaining in constant
communion with the Source of light and happiness.

Primitive religion, even in its modern forms, is builded on the ancient

teachings of a material creation which present the story of Adam and
Eve allegorically in order to reach waning human sensibilities.

The Book of Genesis recounts the cosmogony of the physical

universe, yet very little is told concerning the great moment of the
spiritual creation of man.
Traditional accounts reveal scarcely anything of how he was endowed
with God’s consciousness and blessed with the abundance of love and
how, after descending, he became separated from his Source and lost
the contact and memory of his former estate.

As was the case when Atlantis sank, the loss is mankind’s; and paradise
will be regained only when the law of the I AM Presence is
rediscovered and applied. This is the goal we set before you; this is the
mark that has been placed before us.

To heaven I now commend you, blessed ones. No matter what life has
held in store for you in the past or to what high promise you aspire,
the law of God is its own proof.

And as you daily increase your attunement with us and with your own
Great God Self, the returning consciousness of the sacred fire will
make and keep you a pure manifestation of that fire to serve on one of
the seven rainbow rays of the solar radiance.

Then, because you live and because God lives in you, all life will be
blessed. Is this not a wonderful thought, precious friends of the Holy
Spirit? Do this, and you shall live as God’s children and as joint
representatives of the Holy Spirit, sharing my office on behalf of all

Accept now the gentle ministrations of that blessed Holy Spirit, whose
symbolical dove descending from on high releases the God-qualities of
all the rays.

Thus God’s Spirit descends swiftly to bring comfort to all and then
ascends to exalted heights where the divine plan is fulfilled in you and
in every part of life.
Can I count on you to watch with me and to keep the flame blazing
brightly in your own house of light as you abide at the spiritual
summit of life, ever aware of your responsibility to keep the faith for
your brother as well?

Keep, oh, keep them constant still

In the center of thy will.

Never, never let them stray;

Give them comfort every day.

I AM keeping the flame for you until you are able,

The Maha Chohan


(1) Matt. 5:13. (2) Matt. 3:17. (3) Rev. 22:2.

Worthy Gleanings from Earth’s Fields


A Quality for Keepers of the Flame Embody

It is continuity of purpose alone that achieves results.

A great purpose is cumulative: like a great magnet, it attracts all that is

kindred along the stream of life.
  is not only the architect of his life, but he must also lay the
foundation and build the superstructure.

Thy life, wert thou most pitiful of all the sons of earth, is no
idle dream, but a solemn reality. It is thine own. It is all that thou hast
with which to comfort eternity. Work, then, like a star, unhastening
yet unresting.

A study of the careers of thousands of young men shows that the chief
difference between those who succeed and those who fail lies in the
single element of staying power. Permanent success is more often won
by holding on than by a sudden dash, however brilliant.

He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the
diligent maketh rich. He that gathereth in summer is a wise son: but
he that sleepeth in harvest is a son that causeth shame. —Proverbs

When everything seems to be going against you until you think you
can’t hold on a minute longer, don’t give up the ship! For right then
and there the tide will turn.

A lamp swinging in the Cathedral of Pisa… The boy Galileo observing

the steady movement of a pendulum… An original idea of measuring
time is born.
It was the last three days of the first voyage of Columbus that told. All
the years of struggle would have availed nothing if he had yielded to
mutiny. It was all in those three days—but what days!

“Brave Admiral, say but one good word: What shall we do when hope
is gone?”

The words leapt like a leaping sword:

“Sail on! sail on! sail on! and on!”1

—Joaquin Miller

If we go to a factory where compasses are made, we can see the

needles before they are magnetized and they will point in any
direction. But when they have been applied to the magnet and they
have received its peculiar power, from that moment they point to the
north and are true to the pole ever after. Man never points with
constancy in any direction until he has been polarized by his ideal.
Without capital or influence it is no easy task to succeed in an
undertaking which everyone around you considers foolish and
visionary. But fortunately for the cause of human progress there are
always brave spirits with determination and constancy enough to
stand their ground and push hard even when the world opposes.
There is no predestination about success.

My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.   

—John 5:17

The man who vacillates never develops strength of character. He

cannot be depended upon or trusted with anything important, no
matter how honest he may be. No man ever advances very far unless
he is willing to follow up his convictions with all the force he can
muster. Even an honest mistake made sincerely and with the
determination to accomplish the task at hand will reinforce the
momentum of decisive action and narrow the chances for future

We are often told to aim high, but we must also give direction to our
aim. He who is unable to see the angel in the rough marble will never
carve it out with mallet and chisel. A general purpose is not enough.
The arrow shot from the bow flies straight to the mark.

The magnetic needle does not point to all locations on the globe to see
which it likes best. Though the meteor beckons and the stars twinkle
to it and try to win its affection, the needle, unaffected, points steadily
to the magnetic pole.

While other stars daily course with untiring tread around their great
circuits, the North Star, distant beyond some men’s comprehension,
moves with a stately sweep of more than twenty-six thousand years—
for all practical purposes of man, stationary not only for a day but for a

All along the path of life other luminaries will beckon to lead us from
our cherished aim, from the course of truth and duty; but let no
moons which shine with borrowed light, no meteors which dazzle but
never guide turn the needle of our purpose from the North Star of our

But I am constant as the northern star, 

Of whose true-fix’d and resting quality 

There is no fellow in the firmament.2


Keep thy heart with all diligence; 

for out of it are the issues of life.

Put away from thee a froward mouth, 

and perverse lips put far from thee.

Let thine eyes look right on, 

and let thine eyelids look straight before thee.

Ponder the path of thy feet, 

and let all thy ways be established.

Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: 

remove thy foot from evil.

—Proverbs 4:23–27
Constancy is nature’s motto as she labors to create a flower, a tree, a
blade of grass. 

What then will she do for the greatest of her creations? 

Aeons are nothing to her. 

Out of them she patiently carves her noblest work, 

the perfect man.

“Many men,” said Longfellow, “do not allow their principles to take

but pull them up every now and then, as children do flowers they have
planted, to see if they are growing.” 

We must be willing not only to work but to wait.

In your patience possess ye your souls.     

—Luke 21:19

Not until the wounds of the nations are bound up, not until all who
hunger and thirst after righteousness have been filled, not until the
Gospel of the Kingdom has been preached in all the world has an able-
bodied man the right to lay down his armour and call a halt.

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which
the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall
melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein
shall be burned up.

Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of
persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,

Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein
the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall
melt with fervent heat?

Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and
a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent

that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.
And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation.

—II Peter 3:10–15


(1) Joaquin Miller, “Columbus,” stanza 4, lines 5–8. (2) Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, act 3, scene 1, lines 60–62.

Basic Cosmo – Science

Prepared Under the Direction of Lanto,

Choran of the Second Ray

The Wide, Wide Open Spaces Part II

Deep in the heart of every sincere person is the burning desire to do
right. Sorrow and remorse for wrongdoing come quickly to those
individuals who intermittently sense the deeper meaning of life—their
high origin and ongoing destiny.

Such ones feel the constancy of will to improve themselves and their
lot and to keep their faith in God shining brightly day by day; and they
await in hope a miracle of deliverance out of all human bondage into
the very arms of divine freedom itself.

Like a multicolored flower garden, there are many varieties of human

personalities. Each of these has numerous moods and reflexes which
react to and with other personality types, all of which can be traced to
hereditary and environmental factors, childhood and adolescent
training and life’s experiences along the way, together with personal

Hence, while the Law acts in accordance with the deeds of mankind to
reinforce the endless chain of cause and effect within the human
personality (which people themselves establish by their own free will),
the Supreme Arbiter of that blessed Law, moving with unerring
precision, is ever aware that many “know not what they do.”1

Therefore life in its great and unceasing mercy formulates those

circumstances whereby all may learn how to be truly free as God is,
drawing each soul higher and higher on the cosmic scale until at last
one and all reach the ultimate goal of reunion with God in their own
ascension in the light2—far removed from the dark vigil of
Gethsemane’s garden3 or the raging welter of Golgotha’s hill.4
In the spectrum of the changing human personality, we observe that
some people are almost wholly self-righteous and believe they can do
no wrong. Others, by contrast, are plagued with excessive self-
condemnation and often feel that they can do no right.

These opposites, like Jack Sprat and his wife,5 can figuratively be said
to lick the platter of the human consciousness clean. Somewhere on
the misty flats between the moods of a sometimes sad, sometimes
happy humanity, they go their ways of independent pleasure-seeking.

Living now in moments of hopelessness and despair, now in fleeting

ecstasy and transient joy, they are unwilling in the main to relinquish
the blessing they call life, which they share with so many and do all
they can to preserve.

At the root of humanity’s problems is their tendency to identify with

the physical body. They seem to lose sight of the fact that the body is
merely a veil or vehicle through which the inner man, or the spiritual
focus of God’s Presence, is intended to express.

Men also seem prone to forget that the life energy they use is a gift of
God. One day, however, each of them shall stand as the centurion of
old, pondering not the master Jesus on the cross, but their own
crucifixion in Matter and form. Rising still higher in consciousness,
they shall proclaim in wonder at the shrine of their own God Self,
“Truly this man was the Son of God.”6

Part I of our “Basic Cosmo-Science” was intended to acquaint Keepers

of the Flame with the accuracy of God’s bookkeeping system, which
immediately deposits men’s debits to life, their misqualified energies,
right within their close possessions (the four lower bodies), there to
be “interred with their bones.”7

The energy that they use constructively rises on swift and radiant
wings of light to enter those realms of heaven where, because of its
perfect and exalted nature, it becomes a credit recorded in the causal
body. There it manifests as electronic color rings (spheres within
spheres) surrounding the individualized God Presence as a vast
storehouse of light in which repose all the treasures of heaven for the
individual lifestream.

We could have included more scientific detail in these first lessons,

giving many more complex aspects of the Law; but we deem it far
more important for each person undertaking this study, from the least
to the greatest, to first have a correct basic understanding.

All should realize that divine judgment, which is meted by each one’s
Higher Self, operates with absolute fairness to all. Keepers of the
Flame should also know that God’s laws are infallible and that they are
never discriminatory with respect to personality; neither can any man
defraud the Great Law.

Man’s only salvation lies in cooperating with God, who is in truth the
law of the sacred fire. Only that creation of man which is made in
God’s image, the enduring image of the flame itself, can be endowed
with immortality.

All that expresses a lesser quality will sooner or later be consumed by

the sacred fire. To flaunt or to ignore the Law is to bring about pain
and suffering. This state endures until injustice is removed and the
Law is once again respected and obeyed.

We shall discuss the subjects of karma and reembodiment,

immortality, the sacred fire and the precepts of the Great Law in
future lessons. In bypassing some of the details of this science at
present, we are giving you a running start which will enable you to
eliminate much of your karma and to clear the deposits in your own
wide open spaces so that your consciousness will be purified, a place
prepared to receive the true teachings of the Christ.

We have already shown you that human creation exists right within
your own physical orbit, interpenetrating the atoms and cells of your
physical body and contaminating the etheric, mental and emotional
bodies as well.

Our next step is to give you an immediate antidote for this poison by
teaching you the proper method of working out your own salvation.8

This is accomplished as you invoke the sacred fire each day to dissolve
as much of this sticky and indeed tricky molasseslike substance as the
Law will allow.

This process, known as transmutation, will speed up the action of

your own electrons, causing the densified substance hampering body,
mind and soul to be transmuted into pure light, thereby preparing
your being and consciousness for a marvelous future in service to God
and man.
By restoring imperfect thoughts and feelings to the perfection of the
mind and heart of Christ, you begin to develop the potential of your
Christ Self and you become a partner with God, your own I AM
Presence, acting as a co-server with the entire hierarchy of heaven.

Transmutation of densified substance(left) into pure light


By redeeming the regrets of the past and the sins of commission and
omission, you are vested with the blessings and eventually the abilities
of the ascended masters. Thus you can be qualified to cooperate with
the Cosmic Christ in the redemption of the earth according to divine
law, wherein all things shall become in fact new.9

Prayer and intercession are good, decrees are wonderful, and living a
good life is marvelous. But the actual dissolving of past records of
human creation must necessarily be accomplished spiritually and
scientifically God’s way.

To fully explain the technicalities of this truth would take considerable

time and detract from the immediate benefits that are to be gained
from the application of the first principles.
There is, however, much valuable knowledge which we will convey to
you at the proper time if you are faithful. We give the vital and the
practical first, for it is this teaching which will make it possible for
people to become more quickly anchored in God, in his light and in
his image.

Therefore keep the flame of his blessed gift of life as you would a
precious bouquet of flowers, for it is through earnest striving in love,
service and wisdom that you shall earn your own freedom as God
intends all to do.

The removal of these accumulations from the wide open spaces is

most efficiently accomplished by the violet transmuting flame. This
merciful flame of God vibrates at the highest frequency of the spiritual
spectrum and thus carries the most intense transmutative action of the
Holy Spirit.

The violet flame is revealed as the gift of God’s grace, the power of the
Christ which completely dissolves and transmutes all human creation
within man when it is called forth with sincerity by anyone on earth.

It should be understood that no man of himself has the authority to

project a flame of God. Only his I AM Presence can do this for him.

Therefore the ascended masters request diligence on the part of the

students as they call forth by decree—“In the name of the beloved,
mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me”—the violet fire of
freedom that shall fulfill every heartfelt call of mankind.
You should call for the violet fire to blaze forth around yourself in a
concentrated action of the sacred fire about nine feet high and seven
feet in diameter.

Through your regular, daily invocation, this spiritual flame can be

sustained twenty-four hours a day to continually melt, dissolve and
transmute all the tarlike substance between and around the atoms and
electrons that compose your four lower bodies.

It will transform before your very eyes the nature of all energy
substance and energy patterns in your world that are less than the
perfection of your divine plan into pure ascended master light
substance and light patterns, which you can then use to bless and heal
yourself and all mankind.

You need only look up to God and give the following decree at least
three times daily with intense love and adoration. You should
concentrate on the meaning of each word and realize in full faith that
each call you make is answered instantaneously by your own I AM
Presence, who is ever one with the Supreme Father, the I AM
Presence in the Great Central Sun, the Source whence all creation

When giving this decree, it is essential that you visualize a dazzling

white light projected directly from your God Presence around your
form shining like the sun on fresh-fallen snow.

The tube of light, as the armour of God,10 is a source of a special

protection to all the sons and daughters of heaven. Within this tube of
light, envision a pulsating flame of shimmering violet light, a
concentrated cone of spiritual energy.

Let that flame be heard within your soul as the soundless sound, as of
a rushing mighty wind of the Holy Spirit11 cleansing your four lower
bodies and purifying your entire being by the living wholeness
(holiness) of God. The violet fire is never harmful, but always changes
human discord into divine harmony on contact.

The action of this decree will make life as Above, so below—

harmonious and complete. For just as the cosmic light rays sweep
clean the interstellar highways, so the violet flame will sweep clean the
wide open spaces of your immediate world.

Day by day you will come to realize more fully the truth of this
statement if you remain constant in your application. Always
remember to hold the vision of the violet fire within the pure white
cylinder and yourself standing in the midst while you give the decree.
And then, with gratitude to God, go out into the world and be about
your Father’s business.

Know that right where you are, God is; and therefore you can affirm:
“I am a child of the light and there is nothing that can harm me. I am
protected always by the tube of light, that magnificent screen of light
substance from heaven’s holy summit, sent forth and sustained under
the direct and loving ministration of the entire Spirit of the Great
White Brotherhood.

Thus I go forth to conquer in the name of the I AM Presence and to

live above the mass consciousness in the ascended master
consciousness of the Christ.”
Keepers of the Flame: this is the activity of a lifetime. The violet fire
will always do its perfect work if you faithfully call it forth. If you
apply the techniques outlined in lessons 1 and 2, six weeks from now
you may well be a new person.

Remember, the light of God does not fail. Therefore, continue to use
it daily, hourly, momentarily, making all things right by love. Above
all, avoid creating more negative karma—by living as the ascended
masters do and accepting their direction. You will be guided more and
more as time goes on until at last you are aware of light beyond

Will show God’s love is everywhere!

Peace be with thee.


(1) Luke 23:34. (2) See Acts 1:9. (3) Matt. 26:36. (4) Matt. 27:33. (5) “Jack Sprat could eat no fat; His wife could eat no lean; And so
betwixt them both, They licked the platter clean” (anonymous nursery rhyme). (6) Mark 15:39. (7) “The evil that men do lives
after them; The good is oft interred with their bones” (Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, act 3, scene 2, line 82). (8) Phil. 2:12. (9) II Cor.
5:17; Rev. 21:1. (10) Eph. 6:11. (11) Acts 2:2.

And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a

flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he 

looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, 

and the bush was not consumed.


Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning;

And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will
return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they
may open unto him immediately.

Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find
watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make
them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them.

And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch,
and find them so, blessed are those servants.

And this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what
hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have
suffered his house to be broken through.

Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour

when ye think not.

—LUKE 12:35–40

Violet Fire and Tube of Light Decree

By the Ascended Master Saint Germain

0:00 / 3:26
O my constant, loving I AM Presence, thou Light of God above me
whose radiance forms a circle of fire before me to light my way:

I AM faithfully calling to thee to place a great pillar of Light from my

own Mighty I AM God Presence all around me right now today! Keep
it intact through every passing moment, manifesting as a shimmering
shower of God’s beautiful Light through which nothing human can
ever pass. Into this beautiful electric circle of divinely charged energy
direct a swift upsurge of the violet fire of Freedom’s forgiving
transmuting flame!

Cause the ever expanding energy of this flame projected downward

into the forcefield of my human energies to completely change every
negative condition into the positive polarity of my own Great God
Self! Let the magic of its mercy so purify my world with Light that all
whom I contact shall always be blessed with the fragrance of violets
from God’s own heart in memory of the blessed dawning day when all
discord—cause, effect, record and memory—is forever changed into
the Victory of Light and the peace of the ascended Jesus Christ.

I AM now constantly accepting the full power and manifestation of

this fiat of Light and calling it into instantaneous action by my own
God-given free will and the power to accelerate without limit this
sacred release of assistance from God’s own heart until all men are
ascended and God-free in the Light that never, never, never fails!

A Message from the Knight


To the Keepers of the Flame

Freedom Is More than a Name

Gracious Ladies and Gentlemen:

When long ago the waters covered the earth and the beauty and
perfection of God through the evolutionary process began to expand,
to vivify and to create to the vision of man as well as unto God the
greatness of the outer manifestation, life was not without an inner
manifestation of devotion and the formation of the Universal Christ
within the heart of man.

For there is an outer manifestation, an act of creation which is

concerned with the physical aspect of life; and there is also a
magnificent inner repository of God-good filling mankind, flooding
mind and heart with those concepts that are benign.

If one will strive to attune with that [inner] aspect of his being and
not regard the manifestation of selfhood as entirely connected with
the physical body, he will find that he is able to externalize a greater
portion of the universal aspects of God and his attendant attunement
with that Universal God. For the spirit of becoming one with God is
essential to the manifestation of perfection in the lives of mankind.

You have heard, in the recently released book Climb the Highest
Mountain, of the synthetic image. Let it be known unto you then, one
and all, that mankind, through their creation of that synthetic image,
have established in their world a pseudomanifestation of the universal
Presence as well as of man.

When they understand the creation of God as a volatile action of the

very molten lava of his heart flowing out as a volcano of loveliness
into his consciousness and domain, mankind will conceive of the
omnipresence of God as touching his life and consuming the dross in
that life little by little, until none remains any more at all.

Then, through the power of transmutation’s flame, life is lifted up

from a moth or a leaf that is flitting or drying unto that which
understands the vibrancy of life and the qualities that direct the life of
mankind into not only an intelligent manifestation of perfection, but
one that is able to gauge the passions of the living God, of which they
also are a part.

Let men understand, then, in the valor of their heart and the
constancy of their being that the fruition of perfection within their life
is not a happenstance but a manifestation of cosmic courage, which
can be drawn forth and magnetized from the heart of God.

Nothing happens by chance, beloved ones; for all is a manifestation of

some law—the law by which a man is either able to cast himself down
as a moth unto the ground or raise himself up and soar as on eagle
wings into the consciousness of God and the throne of cosmic peace.

I am called Saint Germain, and I bear to you this day contact with my
own living flame. All that I am, all that I hope to be, all that you are
when you say with God-delight the name of God, I AM, is fulfilled in
your consciousness as you offer yourself point by point unto the
perfection of God.

For although this perfection did manifest with the first day of
Creation, I can assure you by all that is holy and pure that mankind’s
contact with perfection is contact with God through the ritual of the
days. And therefore, “sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof,”1 and
sufficient unto the day is the righteousness of each man as he
apprehends little by little the magnificent Eucharist of the Sacred
Word coming through the ritual of the days.

You are changed, as Paul said, “from glory to glory, even as by the
Spirit of the Lord.”2 But I want you to pause and consider this day the
many people throughout the planetary body—those who have a
beating heart just as you have who are ignorant and held in the very
bonds of ignorance by reason of mankind’s stultification in dogma and
dogmatism and in strange rituals which do not seem strange to people
because they have become familiar.

I want all to understand, then, that whereas man is prone today

whene’er he hears of the great rituals of the Brotherhood to in some
way or other have doubts, confusions of mind and chaos of being, he
cannot seem to recognize that the very things with which he identifies
today are those things which are common to him by reason of
familiarity and his association with them.

Let men, then, raise their heads in triumph toward the skies, for there
no longer is, nor ever was, a need for mankind to be cast down in the
gall of bitterness.

When the ritual of the Lamb’s blood3 is understood correctly,

mankind perceives that God does not thrust either his beloved Son or
anyone into a volcano or into a situation where he becomes a
sacrificial lamb.

For each man shall bear his own burden4 and each man shall be raised
unto the perfection of his Christ Self even as Christ Jesus made known
unto mankind long ago in those sacred mysteries which were often
not spoken in public but were spoken privately to his disciples and
have never been recorded anywhere save in the rituals of akasha.5

I am Saint Germain; and I come to you today because of your flame of

devotion, because of the flame of the devotion of many hearts, which
are also devotions to the cause of freedom. For the world today is in
turmoil as never before, and darkness covers the land.

It is a thick darkness as in ancient Egypt, and it does not promote

freedom among mankind. Mankind are ever coming more and more
into a spirit of bondage because they have not accepted nor
understood the rituals of freedom.

You, then, are they to whom heaven has given that God-delight which
is to understand the sacred mysteries of God and to be a part of that
which is most holy. Yet all your brothers and sisters throughout the
planetary body, you say, are also those who ought to become
recipients of God’s grace.

In a most unusual manner, yes. But why are they not receiving that
grace? It is because many of them in past lives have continually
manifested greed, selfishness and a complete trampling upon the
things of the Spirit.

What you see today manifesting in the physical world of violence, of

deceit, of a lack of tranquility is but a manifestation of the violence in
which mankind has increasingly lived through the wars of the ages.
Yet freedom must ultimately come to all who diligently seek it,
forsaking the ways of the past.

I want you to understand, then, that the realm of God-peace is a realm

which is of God-desire. The causes of the sacred fire have never been
more sacred, for more and more does the history of the devotion of
the martyrs, of the saints, of the chosen ones manifest itself in the
epoch of man’s freedom that clearly speaks to each heart and reveals to
all who will understand and accept it that heaven is behind the
movement of mankind’s freedom into that domain which is true
Christ-freedom—the freedom of the living soul to exercise its
prerogative and choices and to encase itself no longer in human mold
or deceit, but by the power of the transmuting flame raise itself in
God-victory and a renewal of that hope which courses through the
being of man, through the arteries of man and through the veins of
man as the living lifeblood of the Universal Christ.
For all men upon the planetary body were made of one blood to bear
witness to the life force in its essence within them, which is spiritual.
And mankind is indeed far more a spirit than he is a physical form
manifesting upon the screen of life.

I want you to understand that my heart this day is full of devotion for
the love of God that you bear within yourself, the devotion and feeling
which you have toward all mankind, and the understanding that
although something was not understood by you yesterday, it can
indeed be with you today and be as real and as genuine as anything
else in life has ever been genuine.

Will you understand with me today that there was a moment when
you trembled upon the wings of birth and you knew not the physical
form of life and life-manifestation, whether friends or foes? Yet today
mankind come suddenly into those juxtapositions whereby they meet
individuals upon the streets of life that they may not have seen before
in their entire embodiment, yet suddenly that person may become a
vital friend or a vital enemy.

But what a tragedy it is when mankind choose the prerogative of

identifying that person as the latter; for wherever there is discord or
inharmony, it immediately produces that dark fruit which is a poison
within the world body and eventually reacts upon the entire human
race to produce those manifestations which are vile, to say the least.

I want you to understand, then, that true love—that love which casts
out all darkness, that love which establishes the banner of freedom
over the world, over the fountain of mankind’s hearts, that produces a
pool of cosmic reserve energy which can rush in to quench those
unfortunate human flames and conflagrations—must indeed be
exercised by those who understand it.

We do not expect that all shall always understand all of the sacred
mysteries, nor do we anticipate that mankind will be able suddenly in
a matter of a day, a month or a year to manifest complete

After all, even from our level of ascension, we find that there is a

certain ongoingness, a triumph of universal mystery that stands
behind the wings so that each day is a renewal of experience as the
transcendency of God manifests itself from glory to glory even by his

Oh, I assure you, beloved ones, you need have no fear of death nor of
dying, for I tell you that the greatest of fears are to be found in
physical living where mankind does not understand or apprehend the
magnificence of the God estate and therefore, because of his lack of
understanding, produces those unwholesome situations from time to
time that are most unfortunate in their manifestation. Do you see?

I want you to understand, then, that the closer the world body politic
comes to a state of consonance with the love of God, the more shall
the world know such magnificence of cosmic invention as will be a
triumph not only to the physical body and the overcoming of physical
illness, but also as a manifestation of perfection in every realm of
invention—transportation, communication, health and even the
production of cosmic abundance and the sense of cosmic abundance,
which will enable mankind to draw forth and magnetize from the
Godhead those particular facets of triumph which are a mark of
cosmic ascendancy, revealing clearly to all who see it that that man or
that woman is moving forward day after day in a consciousness of

I am Saint Germain. I recognize the problems

now existing in the world, but I cannot
recognize them as though they were a tangible
reality that could never be mended. You will
recall that there is on record the statement,
“God can mend thine every flaw.” And when
mankind thinks of the casting of the Liberty
Bell, of that great bell that hangs in
Philadelphia,6 they will understand that God can indeed mend the
flaws of their nation, whatever that nation may be.

They will understand also that God can mend their individualized
faults, whatever that manifestation may be. They will understand that
God can perfect the cracks upon the heart of the world and produce in
the heart of the World Mother the understanding that her children
are coming home.

And with that advent, the coming home of God’s children, the
recognition of triumph in this latter-day age of mankind’s heresy, we
will see produced in the world the revelation of those sacred mysteries
of the sacred fire that without question are pouring out upon mankind
as never before the sundering sword of devotion that may in many
cases fulfill the words of the living Christ “I am come not to send
peace upon earth, but a sword” and “A man’s foes shall be they of his
own household.”7
Let all understand, then, that in matters of spiritual reality, the
unfoldment of God’s consciousness is what is important; and
therefore, this is that which we stand behind and back with the full
authority of our office. We want you to understand that freedom is
more than a name. It is a game indeed that every man can play and
every man can assist in. For when the earth is truly a free earth, it will
be because it has enlisted the services of the many and not the few.

Therefore I say, as I touch you upon the head, each one, with the
sword of my authority and the ring of my consciousness and the
power of Archangel Zadkiel, it is to remind you that although you
have free will, I also have the same. And I choose to bring you
(because you have come within the precinct of my consciousness) that
blessing which will establish forever the forces of freedom in the
world and will enable you to mark the triumph of the cosmic sword
that is a replica of the flaming sword of Eden that guarded the way of
the tree of life.8 For the priesthood of Melchizedek9 is a reality! And
the sacred fire is a reality! And you are a reality—not a figment of
someone’s imagination!

As you stand, then, conscious of the triumph of your God-freedom

that is resident within your souls, let it be in that firmness of mind
that determines that none shall ever pass where you stand. For you
stand for God and for God-truth. And so long as you do, you may take
the sword of my office in your hand and declare with full fervor: “I
AM God-free! The earth is God-free! And all life is God-free now and

I thank you.
The Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral

Colorado Springs, Colorado

July 1, 1972

I AM God-free!

The earth is God-free!

And all life is God-free now and forever!


(1) Matt. 6:34. (2) II Cor. 3:18. (3) Rev. 7:14; 12:11. (4) Gal. 6:5. (5) akasha [Sanskrit, from the root kas ‘to be visible, appear’, ‘to
shine brightly’, ‘to see clearly’]: All that transpires in an individual’s world and all events in the physical universe are recorded in an
etheric substance and dimension known as akasha. Akasha is defined as primary substance, the subtlest, ethereal essence, which
fills the whole of space; etheric energy vibrating at a certain frequency so as to absorb, or record, all of the impressions of life. The
akashic records can be read by adepts or those whose soul (psychic) faculties are developed. The messengers have explained that
an ascended master or an unascended adept can look at a record just the way an archaeologist would look through layers of the
earth. He can look through layers of records and pinpoint any age or time since the earth was created and read the record of what
happened at that particular point in time and space. (6) The Liberty Bell is both a relic and symbol of the American Revolution.
The bell is inscribed in part with these words: “Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the Land unto all the Inhabitants thereof. Lev.
XXV.X.” Originally cast in London, the bell cracked the first time it was rung, March 1753, and was recast in Philadelphia.
Originally the bell hung in Independence Hall, in Philadelphia; it was rung to announce the first public reading of the Declaration
of Independence, July 8, 1776. The bell’s last clear notes sounded in honor of George Washington’s birthday, February 22, 1846,
when the famous zigzag fracture occurred. Having since been displayed in cities around the nation, the Liberty Bell is now on
permanent display in Liberty Bell Pavilion, across the street from Independence Hall. (7) Matt. 10:34, 36. (8) Gen. 3:24. (9) Ps.
110:4; Heb. 5:6, 10; 6:20; 7:17, 21.

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