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“And when thou art done, some

things shalt thou publish, and some

things shalt thou shew secretly to
the wise.” II. Esdras.XIV: 26
“As for the truth it endureth.
and is always strong; it liveth and
ccnquereth forevermore." I.Esdras,
IV: 38.
“ Madea highpriest foreverafter
the order of Melchisedek." Heb.
VI: 20.
"Now concerning spiritual gifts,
brethren, I would not have you
ignorant.” I. Cor.. XII: 1.


t B
Contents for Novem&er, 1508 ,



EDITORIAL. - - - - 63.

A LETTER. - - - 66.


.JUST FOR FUN. - - - 70.

The December number will contain the first
installment of an article entitled “The Parable of
Circe’s Pens” by Mrs. Allie I. Lucas; and Inspira
tional poems by Dr. Letta M. Entwistle, “Aeona”
and C. L, Porter. Also Aaticles by Dr. Cartlich, and
Supreme Master, W. T. Wooten, beside the regular
departments. Look out for the Xmas number.

Int. Instituut
S o c. G esch ied en is
A m sterd am
Entered as se:ondclass matter December 16,1905, at the post of I ice at Waldron. Ark.,
under the Act of Congressof March 3. 1879.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Official Organ of the Ancient: Order of /lelcliisedek._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A Journal of Occult Science, Spiritualism and Reform.


VOL. VI. NOVEMliKR. 1008. NO. *2

For the Voice of the Magi.

M IL L EN X rA Li 1>A W X.
Heralded by seers and sages,
Since the flight of Time began;
hooked for, longed for, hoped for, prayed for,
By the thoughtful sons of men;
Centuries have made their cycles,
Ages too have rolled away;
Periods of intellectual darkness,
Superstition holding sway.
Tyrants cruel beyond measure,
Riding with an iron hand,
Crushing out of life’s existence
Intellects so great and grand;
Ilydra-headed forms of Evil,
Some insidous, some made plain.
Sins of small and large proportions,
Bringing sorrow in their train.
Stubbornness and Superstition,
Selfishness and cruel greed,
Which ignores the rights of others,
To their cries will not take heed;
Devoid of fraternal feeling,
Seeking to increase their gain,

Without thought of right or justice,

Without care for others pain.
But at last their doom has sounded,
Almost full the bitter cup,
Of Iniquity, which fates stern mandate
Has decreed they shall drink up:
Slowly has the mills been grinding.
Of the Gods, through all the years,
But exceeding f i n e the product,
Of their labor now appears,
Science, teaching man's saivation
With a startling accuracy,
Is appearing, and increasing,
AI ighty Truths to set man free,
From himself— his baser passions,
From the creeds that long have held,
In a vice like power his freedom,
And obedience compelled.
To e x pr e s s the mighty movement,
That o’er earth has now begun.
W ill require a different language,
Something n e w under the Sun,
For the o l d will prove too barren,
To convey the thoughts sublime
Coming from the spheres above us,
Soon we’ll hear the joy-bells chime.
Think not that the gift prophetic,
From the f a i t h f u l o n e s has gone,
Only o n c e in by-gone ages,
Was its blessed power withdrwan,—
When man’s sins and mental darkness
Became dense— obscured the Light,

Kainly groping in the shadows.

Almost- lost ali sense of Right
Now the Angel-hosts are marshalling
A ll obedient to command.
I’o release the Truth Eternal.
Blaze its Light upon this land.
“ Even now the faithful watchman.
“ ox t h k h e i g h t s ” has heard the sound —
Will you heed his words prophetic
And in Wisdoms ranks be found'
The t r e k t e a c h in g of the Master.
Soon will "blaze. and burn, and glow.
And the power of its effulgence.
Shall be felt by all below.
And its truths will flash like lightning.
Round and round our little sphere.—
Then gross Unbelief will vanish —
Then the “ pure, white Light” appear.
Dr. Letta M. Ent-wistle,
3328 'Vernon Avc. Chicago. 11).
IT 15 ALL THE WORK OP THE DEVIL. w as found th a t she had been badly
bruised in her head and back bv
.or . . . the violent fall, as she was pulled
A Minister 6 Conflict with Soiritusl'srn. ^owr! by her husband to the side
by j. whittemore. m. p. walk. She however insisted in go-
continued. ing on that evening. She seemed
CHAPTER X. perfectly rational except a constant
Mr. Charles Graves, with his dread of the officers, whom she
wife and Mrs. Woodard, were knew Woodard had summoned for
driven to the next station south of the purpose of taking her to the
Middleville where they waited for asylum. All night long she seemed
the evening train. When Mrs. in fear. After riding a few hours.
Woodard came-to consciousness it she seemed to awake to the danger
44 VOICE OF T i l E M AG I.

hanging over Edward. She seemed ted she had gone to her mother.
to imagine that the officers had He said as little as possible about
taken him to the asylum. But Jennie, but he made considerable
when her brother assured her that bluster about Edward. He preten
he was out of reach of danger, she ded to think his brother-in-law had
became more assured, but run him off. He protested that
at every station where they stop both Edward and his wife were in
ped her alarm again arose and she sane, and ought to go to the
was looking out for the officers. asylum, without delay. Church
All the while she suffered from meeting was approaching. It was
her bruises. After reaching her the annual meeting, for the choice
brother's house, a fuller examina of officers, renting of pews, and
tion proved that her injuries were for making general arragements for
mote serious than at first supposed. the current year. Three years had
Her spine was permanently injured. passed since the offensive resolu-
Mr. Graves had sent a check to was adopted, giving him liberty to
Prof. Freeman and asked him to depart at pleasure, and pledging
give the money to Jennie to come the church to pay the expense of
to her mother without delay. He removing at any time he chose to
had sent another private order to go. The pastor had never acted
the bank to furnish Galvin with upon his privilege, and some wick
money to finish his college course. ed people surmised that the fat
This was also done through Prof, salaries offered him in other places
Freeman. The letter to Galvin was were all gammon. It was evident
written by a confidential friend of now that the tiJeof public senti
Freeman and was, carelessly, di ment was running strongly against
rected by Edward, whose chiro- the “oldest pastor."
graphy was detected both by Galvin The church meeting was to be
and his father. But as there was held on Sunday afternoon, so as to
neither post-mark or date on the afford the country members an op
note it did no harm. Jennie, when portunity to attend. The pastor’s
commanded to give her father the strongest friends were in the
money, or return it, in her ex country. He said this was because
tremity fled to her teacher for ad the farmers were more clear
vice, and was kindly conveyed to headed and more sound in doc
the station where she met Galvin. trine. But there were some of the
After Jennie could not be found in unregenerate class of the congre
the neighborhood, and did not re gation, and even a few evil-minded
turn that night, the pastor suspec members of the church, who said

it was because the country people break ,Mr. Woodard took every
did not know the pastor as well as possible pains to impress upon
the people in town did. everybody, as far as he dared to
The Sunday morning' service do it, that both his wife and Ed
was attended by a rather small ward had been made insane by
congregation, but the church meet Spiritualism. The mass of the
ing had a better attendance than people in the town and surrounding
for a long time past. There were country were inclined to believe the
several reasons for this general pastor’s statement, and to regard
turn out of the members. It was the rather course article denying
generally known that the pastor it, false and abusive, and the de
was in trouble in his family, and all mand that he should call the Her
sorts of stories were in circulation ald to account became more and
as to the real state of affairs. more imperative. Other papers,
Very few persons had even sus secular and religious, lost no time
pected that there had ever been reporting this a case of Spiritual-
anything between the pastor and stic insanity, with all additional
his wife but perfect harmony. lies common in such cases. One
The personal friends of the fami story was to the effect that Mrs.
ly, or rather of Mr. Woodard, had Woodard had run off with another
sometimes thought Mrs. Woodard man, and her son had been sent to
rather reticent on the subject of an asylum.
church doctrines arid discipline. Another reason why there was
But that she was an intelligent, an unusually large attendance at
refined and beautiful lady none this church meeting was the fact
ever doubted. And the poor and that the committee on church dis
afflicted all knew her to be sympa cipline were to report. It was sus
thetic, kind and benevolent. Some pected that they would report that
few of the sisters who were in the attending Spiritual circles or even
special confidence of the pastor, sitting with mediums for any pur
knew that her people were inclined pose connected with spiritual com
to Spiritualism, and that she was munion was a sufficient cause of
not easily brought under subject church discipline.
ion to her own husband, even as Then, there were others not par
the church is subject unto Christ. ticularly involved in Spiritualism,
Some more besides these had some who were suspected of being here
inkling that Edward was rather tical on some of the vital points of
hard to manage. After tfm out doctrine. Probably no one dreaded

this meeting more than the pastor. had not been down for a long time.
The time carne. The- pastor took After that one verse of “Gome
the stand. A hymn was sung, se Holy Spirit. Heavenly Dove,” was
lect portions of scripture were sung. Then the pastor asked to be
read: those passages declaring the relieved from serving as chairman
authority c f the church to bind or as he might have more than usual
loose, and how to treat heretics, to say in this meeting. Deacon
and when a brother or sister should John Hays was nominated and
be consigned to Satan: or to be a seconded. While the pastor hesi
heathen mar and a publican were tated a little Prof. Dolt asked if
most prominent. Pastor Woodard Deacon Hays was not under im
was famous for appropriate ser plied censure. The deacon was on
vices. He “improved all occasions." his feet. After Dolts remark, he
Rev. Prof. John Dolt being pres said: "I arose to request the with
ent was called upon to lead in drawal of the nomination, but
prayer. He did not seem to know should I do so after the professor's
whether the Lord was present or remark it might imply that there
not. He told him that he had posi was some truth in what he inti
tively promised to attend that mates. 1 am not aware of any cen
church meeting. If he was not sure by the church, actual or im
then present he wanted him to plied. Hence, if you do not
“come right down." for there was want me to serve, you will have to
very important business to be at vote m& down. The pastor may
tended to that afternoon, and the put the question.”
Lord was an interested party. With undisguised reluctance the
Then he occupied half an hour in pastor put the question. "Those
reminding the Lord of the true in favor of Deacon Hays serving
state of the case. He told him all as chairman will manifest it by
about the insanity of the pastor's rising and standing until they may
wife. and. how he had been perse be counted.” More than seven-
cuted. He could not tell the Lord eighths of the church arose. The
where the insane Edward was. but pastor declared it a vote without
wished him to understand he had calling for those opposed, or count
run away. He told him all about ing those standing.
the troubles in the church, and a The chairman took his place
great many other matters of inter and declared the meeting open for
est, which almost everyone but the business.
Lord already knew. Probably he The report of several committees

were heard and adopted. The com allow of it. When he and oth
mittee, called the church commit er members of the committee had
tee, whose especial duty it was to been rebuffed and harshly used,
look after the spiritual and doctri they deemed it useless to say
nal interests of the church were more to them. It was useless
called upon to report. This was to "cast pearls before swine.”
composed of five members. The "Then,” said said the chairmen “I
pastor was chairman. He arose and wish to learn before going any
read a long report implicating a further whether 1 am the only
number of members. Some were swine in this church. I take the
accused of neglecting the “stated liberty to speak in my own de
ordinances of the church-' by a t fence.” The deacon was about to
tending meetings on the Sabbath call another to the chair, v/hen a
where heretical doctrines were motion was made and seconded
preached, when services that each of the accused be asked
were held at their own church; of by the chairmen whether or not
neglecting the observances of the he or she had been dealt with ac
"Holy communion,” and for giving cording to the gospel rule before
countenance to "lying vanities by being publicly accused. This, was
attending Spiritual circles and lec strenuously opposed by the pastor
tures.” Two persons were accused and others on the ground that the
of disrespectful language to, and offence charged were not private
about the pastor. The chairman injuries but public offenses. But
was one of the accused parties. the motion prevailed by a large
His crime was truly trinitarian. He majority. Twenty persons said
was unsound in doctrine, had neg none of the committee had come
lected the holy communion service to them first, by himself alone then
and had attended spiritual meet taking with him two or three more,
ings. In addition to this several before telling it to the church.
persons were accused of refusing Several said the first notice they
to contribute of their substance for had received was the report read
“the ordinances of the gospel.” by the pastor.
The chairman asked if all these ac One brother who had a triangu
cused members had been labored lar charge against him, said the
with according to gospel rule be pastor had not spoken to him for
fore being accused before the two years; he had a slight suspic
church. The pastor replied that he ion that he was regarded rather
thought they had been labored with pigish, but he had not thought there
as far as the circumstances would were so many swine in the church-

He hoped the pastor would save weeks from today. There was no
his pearls until he found some opposition—everybody was glad
lambs, a better church and a fatter for a hush for a time.
salary. The moderator gave notice that
This brother has appeared in at the adjourned meeting there
church without a name several would be presented a minority re
times, first as the author of the port, unless the majority should
resolution giving the pastor per amend theirs or withdraw it al
mission to leave at pleasure. This together.
man’s name was Thomas Williams. Next came the report of the
He was a printer by trade and was treasurer. There was a deficiency'
foreman in the Herald office, and on pew rent and unpaid subscrip
many thought that he might have tions of two hundred and fifty dol
prevented the publication of the lars. He considered not more than
attack on the pastor if he had one hundred dollars collectable,
chosen to do so. This fact may ex leaving a deficiency of at least one
plain why his remarks should now hundred and fifty dollars. The
raise the pastor's wrath to a high pastor had been overpaid one hun
temperature. Woodard bounded to dred dollars. There was now due
his feet, and turning his face to to the treasurer two hundred and
ward Williams began in an excited fifty dollars. This amount he had
manner and loud voice to rebuke paid out of his own pocket. He
him for his cool impudence. He gave notice that he would not be a
was promptly called to order by candidate for re-election and asked
the moderator—“Mr. Woodard is for a settlement.
out of order,” but the pastor was Almost the whole church were
too mad to notice the chairman surprised at this condition of the
further than to say, “I claim a church finaces.
right to rebuke”—“Stop sir. sit Mr. Woodard went to the desk
down,” said Hayes; “I shall not of the clerk, wrote a while, then
stop,” said Woodard. "Another handed the paper to the clerk and
word and I will have you arrested went back to his seat. The clerk
for disturbing a religious assembly,” then arose and read:
thundered Deacon Hayes. The “To the Congregational Church
pastor sat down. Bro. Williams of Middleville, I hereby resign my
moved that the report of the church pastorate of the church and ask
committee be referred to an ad the church to dissolve the rela
journed meeting to be held two tions hitherto existing.
James Woodard."
VOICE O t l I)E MAGI. 4!)

Two or three in a breath moved ly fair and liberal offer. It is just,

to accept the pastor’s resignation: carrying out the provisions of the
but some discussion arose about resolution of three years ago. No
the overpay he had received. Some one will think of driving the pas
one proposed that he preach long tor off, but if he wishes to go we
enough to make it even. Mr. will be liberal with him. If he
Woodard said he was willing to do wishes to stay, of course, he can
that. Mr. Williams then reminded do so."
the church t.hat three years since, The motion was carried by an
the pastor was released, and had .overwhelming majority. The pas
been ever since at liberty to go tor said petulantly, "I shall leave
when he pleased, he had now re this town before another Sabbath.”
signed and the church had nothing A committee was chosen to set
more to do about the matter. He tle with the treasurer. Another to
would also remind the church that supply the desk for the present,
the resolution agreed to contribute and a third to nominate officers for
for his removal, and, “I now move the ensuing year, all to report at
that if Mr. Woodard wishes to an adjourned meeting to be held
leave town now, the church remit in two weeks. The meeting then
the amount of his over-pay.” adjourned and Prof. Dolt immedi
Mr. Woodard asked if the motion ately pronounced the benediction.
was that the over pay be remitted The state of affairs was tele
only on condition of his leaving graphed to Mr. Graves. Tuesday
town? morning Mr. Graves was in Middle-
Mr. Williams said, ‘‘that is my ville. He found the pastor packing
motion " up the household stuff for remov
“Then it will not be remitted al. He reminded Woodard that
until I go?” there was nothing in that house
“Not if my motion shall prevail.” except his books that belonged to
Mr. Dolt said, “I trust the church him. Woodard did not fancy hav
will not feel disposed to drive off ing any collision with his brother-
their pastor who has so faithfully in-law, so he removed his own
served them these twenty-eight propei ty to tne rail-road station.
years. I hope Brother Williams will Mr. Graves rented the house and
amend his motion so that it shall furniture to the Free Baptist min
not be conditional on his leaving ister and left on the same train
town.” with Woodard.
“I cannot do that. It is a perfect To be continued.


The dark’ning shades of night,-fall—
Bringing the stars to view:
The night-birds call—
The glistening dew,
And giving
O “ the sun a O
golden hue—
Seem to me the grandest time of all.
Some say the morning’s dawn —
The sun rising above the clouds,
Adding beauty to the morn,
B) removing every shroud
Far surpasses, with its lofty sun. so proud,
For, then, another day is born.
Another day is born; Ah, yes!
But brings it peace,
Each one to bless?
From sorrow’s cease,
To smoothen every furrow's crease?
Will its close be crowned with righteousness?
Oh! we don’t know,— the future lies before;
The glories of that morning bright,
May be no more
When the shades of night
Have summed up that day, in judgment, right,
And find no treasures added to its store.
Man is like the morning, when he enters into life,
To be measured at its close
From toil and strife,
By the thoughts he chose,
The high ideals to which lie rose
And the friendly deeds he did, so rife.

Evening of' the <J;iv is like life's closing time.

When we shall meet the measure,
By the heights we climb.
And the thoughts we treasure,
For Life’s monuments are not built by leisure:
I’m waitingto know what measure may be mine.
Thus, the dark'ning shades of night-fall—
Life unto its end:
Earth’s last call.
Alike to foe and friend.
I trust no terror— no regrets mav
O »• lend.
And my measure not the least of all.
C L. Porter. Longton. Kan.

Appearance and Importance so practical is its patent “benefits" :

of tfie Trolley. namely: That, whereas the old-
time mode of Transportation, find
As we leave behind us the Age ing its culmination in the steam-
(.and sign) of ‘‘fish" flesh and fowl, engine—which whirls us along up
to enter the wondrous arc of on a specific track, with once in
“Aquarius" and Uranian Age of credible speed—was and is an ex
electrical activities and phenomena, ample of the storage of ENERGY
of strange demonstrations and as a Power House in immediate
combinations—we are forced to a proximity to the "freight.” or Hu
new conclusion at least: whether manity moving toward a desired
we accept all the Ideas presented destination; forever crippled with
and Formularies paraded as new, out the Telegraph.
or not. But, what an innovation and
And to make this conclusion transformation is the electric motor
clear from a material standpoint, and Mechanism and Adjustments
so that its spiritual application may with a Central Power-House:
be justly enterained by every earn which supplies currents of Force—
est student of Truth who cares or at command of the' operator,
dares to investigate I will cite you when the Trolley is in proper pos-
to a fact which needs no argument.

ition. all other appliances being in and consumption, or destruction.

harmonious adjustment. This saving and utilizing the of
All this is the result of Uranian the World’s supply of fuel, by; in
Minds as pioneers of the onward troducing electrical apparatus in
March of a grander PRINCIPLE stead of steam power, may not yet
of Unity, of Centralization; when appeal largely to thinking minds,
by concentration of Thought those nor indeed to the mass, with the
mighty energies of the UNI necessities of water transportation
VERSE have been harnessed and todimish the sum total of pent up
distributed from a Central Station, energies in oil and coal, to be fur
available all along the “Line” ther considered.
which controls and has “pre-emp V/hile the much-talked-of “pre
ted" Creative Materials. Con servation of forests, and Forestry
structive Ability, and Permission Laws may add but a minimun of
(franchise) being the "trinity” relief to the vexed situation, more
invoked— withoperating agencies, imminent questions are thereby
many. overshadowed, and purposely so—
At first, this new system of still, it is good to thus focus the
Electric Railway either competes Public Eye upon this phase of fu
with or accelerates the steam ture needs and possibilities; where
engines, traffic, with a passenger by Progress will be conserved, and
“provision” only—but even now the apparently inexhaustible Store
encroaching on its undisputed do of ENERGY to be released and
mains by an approach to freight secured by drawing on Nature’s
facilities and rates, (not to men Reservoir of primal elements,
tion "rebates” and passes) that must and will commend itself to
may be long in ousting its rival — Gapital and economy, when the
heretofore in complacent posses New Age is fairly dawned.
sion off roadways, franchises, and It has long been a pleasing pros
representative interests sufficient pect to me, that to do away with
to hold them;—though the mooted the disagreeable smoke (of mortal
question of coal or oil supply and and material concept) and scream
exhaustion will eventually deter of the little cavorting power-house,
mine a forward step: upon which our travel now depends
A step in the right direction, for journeys of any length, would
that of dispensing with the little, be a delightful change—and how
dangerous power-house that drags much of accidents might thus
its train-load of misery—or mag be averted only time, inventive
nificence—to its appointed End genius .political economy and Di-
VOICE o n HE MAGI. 5-3

vine Providence shall say. this trinity but not least, the Con
Having fixed your attention, ductor-Reason: using these fig
perhaps, upon the important prin ures of speech, I proceed to furth
ciple of advancing from the small er elucidate by reminding the chief
power-house in close connection to business of the moterman (per
that which is to be moved to ac sonal will) is to look after the me
complish its mission or purpose— chanism and adjustment of pow
to the better one of Divine Order, er aside from the trolly, that of the
Central and unlimited, everywhere conductor (Reason) being the
available in its Cosmic Relation or completement of present agencies
sphere of action, we are ready for for each car, who has the concern
the spiritual inference and inter moreover, of taking toll—lest we
pretation. forget our indebtedness to the
Shall we patronize, promote and company, while we gaily or grumb-
paternalize the new? ly wend our way.
This is the momentus problem Reason as conductor may drop
confronting every one of us— and us at the right point—to return at
the nation;—are we going to hitch our choice or necessities —or we
our Car of Progress to the cur may ignore his good office and go
rents set up at the Great CEN it independent a season: On a
TRAL Power-house, or shall we familiar route, may be, manage our
be dilatory and slack to embrace own stops and starts—if the moter
the opportunities of the incom man is agreeable or dependable.
ing Tide, vibrations and waves “Nothing in it ” says one, nor in
over wires— and wireless— and this comparison of the Soul on its
continue to take our chances and Course through an earthly span
risk of the old method? —of one or more—treated in the
There the sputtering, defective style of a railway of life, and the
engine may mete out destruction commonly known engine apper
at any moment, because we can taining, but it is a new feature in
not turn off the power at the "Dynamics” to understand that we
"twinkle of an eye” and as it are “face to face” with NEW
leads, what shall prevent us from LAWS (or newly discovered) be
following? All important here, is cause hitherto "unknown” or but
the appearance of the trolley—(our very partially.
Guardian Angel) as also Intelli Its higher application from
gence of the Moterman(Engineer) whence the correspondence now
the Human“/ree-w/7/,” and third of astonishing the world and minds of

mediocrity, forms our parallel for No matter how tremendous is

the Future racetoward the G o al- that current that palys over the
even while the multitude set their "wires”—if the trolley is off or un
hope upon the finite goal. provided (or unseen).
Hence, it becomes a case of And oh! what a nuisance seems
definite decision and results, as the car otherwise equipped but
the “change" is thrust upon us to blocking the Way for any Cause,
accept and keep up with th® “Pre alt traffic and passage over that
cession" and procession,—or lag line thus prohibited or delayed, the
and spend our valuable hours and one vital need being adjustment.
talents in accumulations of freight Quite pertinent here is the criti
—which is doomed—while we fail cism coming; That the “Ghildren
at Iasi ourselves to arrive by either of this generation are wiser than
method: the children of Light”—for never
Suppose in vain a Tramway car is thus neglected
We may charter a train,— for want of the trolley, and neither
Seize a "pass" at eleven do they depend upon but one for
And slip into Heaven. a group or train except as service
Is the trolley out of gear, or lack demands the "trailers.”
ing for our especial car?—Is the Was I designed to be a trailer?—
Power turned off at Gentral: while were you?—Now is the day of
we are having a jollification,' un salvation, and each individual car
mindful of our motion or unknow or vehicle of the Soul must be pro
ing for faulty sense perceptions vided with its trolley in the new
that we are actually standing system that is dedicated to Use
still? (Will ard Reason both help to carry Passengers to their Long
less in these contingencies). What Home, (or a visit to the Celestial
is their recourse in such a de Kingdom).
ficiency, they cannot progress no Let us "love His appearing” who
matter how splendidly equipped in comes for His own;
other contrivances, as it waits on Let us love the appearing in every
the track for adjustment—for Po zone
tential Energy from Beyond—Gen Of our Guardian Angels, who touch
tral if you please; Life, Love, Wis us with “fire”
dom, Goodness, Divine Will and And connect us with Tiuth on the
FORGE—manifested by connect heavenly wire.
ions with the train, the Gar private Allie I. Lucas
and individual. San Francisco, Galif.

i~ i ' : ~ 7 \ Y ~r ^ ~ g " *
Conducted by Dr. Letta M. Entwistle. 3828 Vernon Ave.. Chicago. HI.


As long as suffering humanity continue to ignore the laws
of nature through ignorance or perversity, it will be necessary
to instruct and call attention to the PEN A LTIES of broken or
only partly obeyed natural laws, is is a lamentable but self-evi--
dent FACT, that there is no phase of human knowledge so
imperfectly understood as that which pertains to the preserva
tion of health and the removal of disease. Nine-tenths of these
last named conditions are proven to exist because of improper
and injudicious diet, or continued over-feeding. Everyone, es- .
especially those who lack a proper amount of excercise, has ex
perienced that “‘lazy feeling” after having OVER-INDULGED
theappetite. REPLE TION in any formis afoetohealth, if kept-
up for any length of time, the lining of the gorged blood-vessels
become distended and thinDed,-—-its proper resiliency destroyed
and aneurism or embolism may be the outcome of such con--
ditions. So wonderful is the construction and mechanism of the
human body, so completely are all its laws and functions ad
justed by Divine Wisdom and Authority, that even a PA R
T IA L understanding and observation of them, insures long
life, health and happiness. Regularity and method in ways of
living are EMPtI A TIC if these laws are to be maintained.
MOTHER N A T LIRE is. most kind and generous to those
who do not BREAK them and cause her worry and suffering.
After years of experience and observation I am prepared to
AFFIRM the teaching of the future which will benefit mankind*
the MOST, is one that pertains to CORRECT physical and
mental conditions— what they ARE, and how to enjoy3 and
maintain them
A sound mind in a sound body, a pure and permeating

spirituality from an enlightened and spirit-filled Soul, must he

the watch-word, the aim and ultimate goal of the Future as well
as the Present. Health and strength of body does NOT depend
on the Q U A N T IT Y of food that is eaten, but a careful adjust
ment of the AMOUNT that can be properly digested and as
j o
beyond or above this is HARM FULLY

SUPERFLUOUS. It is also very injudicious to partake of a

hearty meal jn*taftera mental or physical strain of any kind,
for at such times the ordinary functions of the body are at a
stand-still, the nerve-force which gives them strength and tone
has been used up and over-drawn in other’ directions, thus
leaving them weakened and impoverished. A short period of
REST and relaxation must be indulged in— then HUNGER
will manifest (the only true and reliable indication of the need
for food) which will be WELCOME and enjoyed with a zest
that assures assimilation. To ONE who dies from LACK of
food, T H O U SA N D S die from over-feeding and the gratifica
tion of ABNORM AL appetites. Eating BETW EEN meals is
also a pernicious habit—to have a H E A L T H Y appetite re
quires a period of rest, and all thought and desire for food put
aside, to promote and recuperate the processes of digestion.
Neither must we ignore M ENTAL conditions. Any vio
lent indulgence in anger, fear, worry or grief will DESTROY
the appetite and completely ARREST digestion, changing the
food-product into a FERMENT, creating noxious gasses, and
systemic poisons— a Babe partaking of its natural nourish
ment, after the mother has been violently angry is thrown into
convulsions. HIGHLY-SEASONED FOODS create abnormal
appetite, which is aggressive, calling for continual I N
CREASE and STRENGTH of flavoring or seasoning.
STRONG condinents, spices, sauces and relishes, are also
harmful, perverting and benumbing the N A T U R A L , healthy
appetite— weakening the digestive juices, rendering their power

and quality IN A D E Q U A T E to their natural functions. N a

ture does not require A R TIFIC IAL stimulants. The confirmed
habit of cigarette smoking among the young men and boys of
England now menaces, to an ALARMING degree, the strength,
and efficiency of her Army, which was once her pride and
boast, and through this nerve-destroying habit is fast becoming
a shame and disgrace, when contrasted with the vigor, and vi
tal force of the GERM AN youth who are not addicted to it.
IN OUR OW N country, HOPELESS cases of insanity are
alarmingly frequent, as well as PHYSICAL WRECKS of
young men and boys— from this habit. CONSTANT GUM-
CIIEW ING weakensthe FIRST process of digestion, “ working
the salivary glands over-time,” for days, weeks and months,
must eventually result in indigestion and dyspepsia-—instead of
a benefit, as many eroneously believe. Constant indulgence in
the pernicious habits of the present day will inevitably result
in weakened vitality and mental and moral derangement.
To assist in the cure and W ARD OFF these crises, to
arouse and educate the consciousness, to arrest and prevent the
mental and physical dangers that now threaten the human race,
must be the word and duty of all those, who realize and enjoy
the benefits and blessings of the “ simple life” if happily their
efforts shall be rewarded in the salvation and betterment of
their fellow-men— now helpless victims to the force of pernic
ious habits. Dr. Letta M. Entwistle.


Psychic Healing is based upon the law of Spirit and Laws
of Nature. It* we place ourselves in harmony with both, we
WILL be healed, and kept in good health, just as surely as
twice two is four. Now we will proceed to instruct you JU ST
HOW to heal yourself.

A t any convenient hour, lie down with your head toward

the North, or sit in a reclining position facing the North, and
take ten or a dozen deep, long and even inspirations, and ex
hale them slowly, at the same time concentrating on the weak
and ailing organs, holding the ST E A D Y INTEN TION to
send the Sub-concions Mind, with ALL your Vital Forces
into them to stimulate, rebuild and regenerate them to a “ new
ness of life. ” As you perform this exercise, you should bear in
mind the Fact, that you can Foim (not cieaIe)secretions in any
organ or part of your body, that will go to build up a healthy
tissue, just as easily as you can form, by the exercise of your
WILL and INTENTION, a mouthful of spittle. That you can
do this, even the small hoy, who wishes to drown some poor
insect, or to clean his slate when a sponge or cloth is not han
dy, KNOWS. 'There is no “guess so” about it. His supply of
saliva seems unlimited and equal to ALL his demands and in
tentions. 1 use this illustration because it is po plain and sim
ple that any. one can understand it, although it may seem crude
to some. My object is to make all these things perfectly plain
to every student.
Remember, that after •you have taken Jyour breathing © and
concentrating excercises,to relax every muscle, and also relax
the mind. Let the mind—Objective mind— roam around lazily
at its own sweet will,— fall asleep if you feel an inclination.
You must not, however, try to Force the mind in auv certain
channel, or on one certain thought, for to do so is to make
yourself PO SITIVE when you should be PA SSIV E , or R E
CEPTIVE. A Positive mind does not receive, but rather sends
out, and is for the time being, insulated. You should remain
in this passive atttiude for at least 15 or 20 minutes.
I would again impress upon your mind, that the SAME
FORCE that generated: that builded your body, atom by atom
and cell by cell, will NOW proceed to re-gen era te and re-build

it again. There is no mistake about it. It Will do it. You may

not instantly feel the Forces at work, or sense the effect of their
work, and it may take some time for yon to get the Objective
mind in harmony with the force of the Sub-conscious mind—
or soul— but the work IS going on, and it WILL accomplish
the perfect work.
IN my years of healing practice, I have often been asked
by my patients about other Healers, and NOT ONE can truth
fully say, that I ever spoke disparaginlgy of a single one. Be
cause I know of NONE but have healed and blessed the world.
If some make stronger claims than I do, How do I know but
they have developed and advanced more than I? So, let me say
here to ray students, who are to enter the field of healing, give
to Every Healer and health system, your very best wishes for
success in making human lives better and happier. It will not
hurt you to do this, but it WILL attract to you a baud of “ Min
istering Spirits” who will remain with you, and help you in
your work.
Now in regard to diet, and certain compositions of foods,
you will find that your own soul will let you know JLTST
W H A T class of food it has need of. Simply listen in the S i
lence, for that “still small voice,” which IS the Soul or In
tuition. Consult IT, when in doubt, for it NEVER made, nor
Will make, a mistake. The Objective mind, does blunder and
make mistakes. It is that part that first recognized that there
was a being of flesh and bones The Objective mind is simply
a collection—a reservoir, so to speak, of our material experien
ces we have gained from infancy by contact of our five physical
senses with OBJECTS, hence we call it the “ ObjectiveMind.”
It is NOT to be depended upon in its Reasonings or its conclu
sions. It is so often mistaken. We have often firmly believed
a thing to be true, only to find later that it was false. Yet
while the Sub-conscious Mind— “stillsmall voice”— the REAL

YOU ,never makes mistakes, when the Objective (Material)

Mind has accumulated to a greater capacity as years roll by, it
becomes of mighty force and overshadows the Sub-conscious.
* -rr«r>'
CORRESPONDENCE __ expressed on paper. Such grand
truths that came from the Egyptian
Dear Editor: prophet, in verse, cannot be sur
The Supreme Temple passed. and should take deep root
meeting of our Brotherhood, which and do much good, in convincing
was convened one and one-half the people of the power of spirits
miles south-west of Waldron, Sept. on the minds of man; and be the
29th, to October 6th, was one long means of aiding all who listened to
to be remembered. It no doubt cre cast off the shackles of ignorance
ated lasting impression upon, not and superstition that has bound
only the members, but the visitors man ever since cursed by religious
as well who attended the public hierarchy.
meetings, for they received truths The spirit control in our private ,
which are not imparted by any ex circles was fine and it did our
cept the higher spheres of spirit whole being good to note the rapid
intelligence. No orthodox minister advancement of our young men and
can present such facts, yet they young women, who. no doubt, are
pretend to teach that which comes being prepared for some grand and
from God. They do not know God, noble work of the Brotherhood.
neither will they in their present Now we can imagine something of
darkened understanding of him. what happened on that great day
We tried to talk about an hour to of Pentecost, of Testament history.
a very attentive assembly gathered The transfiguration of our seer in
under the shade of the cedars. to King Melchisedek, with crown
Sunday p. m.; but when our seer and kingly robes, sitting upon his
spoke, being under control of throne, what could be grander?
ancient spirit forces, the audience No wonder the two disciples were
gaped in amazement, and we then amazed when Jesus was trans
more than ever realized how much figured. Yet. our orthodox breth
superior is the control of spirit ren say. “it is not for us now.”
powers to our poor mentality, or Since when have these things been
even what we receive from the done away with? Only through
controls of our Modern Spiritualist suppression of the light of truth.
mediums. Its granduer cannot be The eleventh and twelfth degrees,

which completes all the ancient moving. The Order advanced nine
Magi work, is so far ahead of. the ty per cent during the year. Thus
others that we are bewildered at Truth, though crushed to earth is
wisdom of the ancients. If such rising again, and will be a power
teachings fail to make better men to spread the gospel of peace to
and women, surely nothing else can. all nations; for truth beareth the
• A word of gratitude and praise victory, and we surely have it.
for brother and sister Wooten, who There was one instance to mar
maue all welcome, visitors and all. the occasion, a solitary “eavedrop-
It was a hard task, especially for er," who it hurt more than anyone
sister Wooten, although the ladies else, and who boasted of it after
did nobly in helping; the two pil ward, and at the same time a guest
grim sisters, the Misses Wilson of our esteemed hostess. Oh, the
and others did much to lighten the perfidy of some.
burden, yet it was a great strain, Dear Editor and Seer, here is
for none were turned away. We our hand as to fealty to the cause,
must not forget to thank pilgrims and work we shall whenever duty
Stanton and wife, whose guests calls, for our faith and trust is in
ve were a part of the time; theirs spirit guidance. Well I am like
to is a home for the weary pilgrim, Paul, 1 long to depart (not this
and they are zealous workers in physical) and be with the brethren,
the order, though living some dis but must abide our time. May the
tance away. All the members are angel world keep you with us un
alive to the work. The harmony til the full restoration of the house
that prevailed was perfect, all of of Israel, when you with others
one mind concerning the work, and will handle the key that unlocks
just like one happy family. the door, and the plates come forth,
The Realms told us the time which were once given to a few,
had come for erecting a temporary and for disobedience taken away
edifice for a temple and college, to be again restored to others who
untill a permanent location was would be faithful to that trust.
settled upon. Brother Wilson of Selah.
fered one-half the lumber, and J. W. Cartfich, M. D.
Brother Wooten the land, so work Kansas City, Mo.
will be commenced immediately. *15-
Through the faithful members, and Dear Editor.
the untiring energy of piigrims On Sept. 29th I attended the
Adams and Wooten things are anual convocation of the Supreme

Temple of the Brotherhood of sister Wooten whei e I was enter

Jesus Ancient Order of Melchise- tained. I feel to say that they both
dek at Waldron. Ark., 1 being a are a gaurranty of the truth and
charter member of this society in beauty of this society. To all whom
Kansas City, Mo. Too much can 1 met there' I send kindly greetings
not be said in commendation of this with an expressed wish to meet
Society. Its teachings a‘re up-buil them again. I came home better
ding. and its tendencies make for for the going and gladsome and
the developement of the fore s of h. ppy for the memories that clus
the Soul—and the growth of Clair ter about the Temple of high Spir-
voyant powers, which all possess tual teaching. Brother Adams is a
and none can bring into expression master and teacher of great capa-
without proper training of the mind. bilities. Peace be unto thee.
The seed brings forth its own pe Louise L. Huck.
culiar demonstration when condit Gauthron. Ark.
ions are made, but these conditions
must be made. The soil prepared, Brolher Adams, do you remember
planting in the favorable season, I he eve when first we met?
etc., before the life principle within 'Twas many years ago,
finds the light of expression. The But 1fain can see it yet.
teachings of this ancient order ful It seemed we were not strangers,
fills every promise of the growth "Though we had never met be
and development of these fore;
inner forces: I know from experi You asked that I stay v. ith you
ence. 1 received great help while in Though you had but a pallet on
attendance at the Temple, and the floor.
sincerely wish that those who are
athirst for something they do not I stayed with you that night,
find' in the Orthodox church, would And it seemed that pallet there,
turn their attention to this beau- Was bedecked with beauteous flow
t'ful truth and drink at its peace ers
ful fountain. Its truths unlock the Placed with an angel's care.
secrets of the hidden forces within 'Though we talked and talked
us, and develops these powers so Until the Wee small hours,
canuse them and become a helper in Our rest there was sublime
we the world. I was charmed with On that pallet of spirit flowers.
the kindly hospitality and warm wel
There you told me your story
come 1 received from brother and
Of your life and lonely self—

How to you your chosen work

Looked better than earthly pelf.
I.SSDEJ) mo n t h l y a t w a l d h o n , a r k .
You told me, then, of your visions B Y T ilK M A O 1 r ( 7 n i ,I f lllI X G COM PAXY.

Seen so long, long ago. Subscription One year, 50 cts.

When the symbols of our loved To foreign countries. 75 cts.
order E. H, Ad a mh , E d it o r .
Shone in the heavens with fiery
Always give full name and ad
dress with every communication
Although, then but a boy, Advertising rates made known on application.
You were chosen for the work,
Send money by Money Order, or
And the passing years -give evi
Registered letter, made payable to
the Magi Publishing Co.. Waldron,
Your part, you do not shirk.
Great th i progress made
This is number 0 2 . If the num
Siecj to you it has been given;
ber on your address label be 62, or
Now you see the fruits of toil
less, your subscription has expired.
For which you long have striven. Renew at once and not miss a single
But the years are moving fast, number.
Dear old friend of mine, XOVKM BER, 1908.
And I trust the work you’ve begun
Shall go on to the end of time. Be sure and read our special
offer on third page of cover.
And 1 trust that our friendship,
Formed in years long passed by. We are under obligation to Pil
Shall be renewed on the other side, grim Bro. Geo. F. Lawrence, of
A friendship that ne’er shall die. -Denver, Colo, for the fine half-tone
And I hope, as the years go on, engraving, the frontispiece in this
To a time when our earth’s work issue.
is o'er, Hi
That fortune shall deal with us Our frontispiece, this month is a
lightly, halftone reproduction of the large
And peace be our's forever-more. photograph, of the Supreme offi
G. L. Porter. cers and members in attendance
Longton, Kansas. during the annual convocation of
the Supreme Temple, last month.
Be sure and read our “Special Of Reading from right to left they
fer’’ on third page of cover. are as follows: L. J. Wilson, S.

Treasuer: E. H. Adams, S. Seer; Templars Lodge of Masons, dated

W. T. Wooten, S. Master: J. W. in 1795, also have many of his
Gartlich, S. High Priest; W. B. books and household goods of that
Turman, S. Historian: H. G. Stan time. He died and was buried in
ton, S. Herald: A. D. Sanders, S. Carrol County, Arkansas and was
Sentinel, and Webster Ashford. S. buried with the honors of war by
Watchman. Second row. Mrs. the State Malitia, also by the Ma
L. S. Huck, Mrs. W. T. Wooten. sonic Ceremonies, and was be
Mrs. L. J. Wilson, Mr. Berry Gray, lieved to be the last Revolutionary
Mrs. Louisa Sanders, Miss Gola soldier to pass from this life to the
Wilson, Mrs. H. G. Stanton and next condition, of that brave band
Miss Addie Wilson. The children of heroes, men who fought to
are Masters George, Olgar, Volney secure the iberty of the people
and baby. Ethel Wilson, children of this great United States.
of Pilgrims L. J. Wilson and wife. My parents were staunch sym-
William B. Turman, the subject pathzers and supporters of the
of this article writes me. concerning Union cause durir g the War of the
himself and a part of his history, Rebellion, and because of this, my
as follows: 1 am a native Arkan- parents and 1 was made to suffer
sian, born and reared in Arkansas. many dangers, privations and hard
Lived in the state before, during, ships during that war. and since.
and since the g/eat civil war of 1 was then honored by being hang
1861 to 1865. and still reside on ed three times by the neck, by the
the same old homestead that I and bush whackers of the South; at
my parents lived on during that another time a squad of them built
memoraple time. I am a One. good, a fire to burn me, but 1talked and
sweet, old batchelor, of English paid out of that: and 1 was often
Scoth and Welch blocd. and some chased by them through the woods
times. 1 think 1 will get married and thickets like a wild animal,
when I get old enough and have and during many nights and days
the time. 1 was forced to hide in the thickets
My grand father, on my moth and live on acorns and persimmons;
ers side was a Virginian by birth, besides many other blood-curdling
was a son of of an Englishman, dangers of immediate death by
and fought for the Colonies durirg shooting.
the Revolutionary War, and lived But through it all. for some pur
to see and name me. pose. and by some means, my
I have his Dimit from the Knights Guardian Angels, so directed and
VOICE 0 1 7 HE MAGI. 65

protected me, that I escaped with was that every human being has
my life through all of that terrible some particular object, or thing
time of several years, and to have that they would like to keep abso
the pleasure of hearing the can lutely secret and safe within their
nons booming out the welcome own control, so that no body
news that peace was declared. could touch it or know it; this dis
The war prevented me from covery led me to invent the Tur
getting even a common education, man Keyless Combination Pad
because there were no schools, lock, for use of just such people
but I learned to read and write some and it is the only lock in the world
at home, I am now a practical that satisfies every body that their
farmer and have a mechanical and secrets and valuables are safe and
inventive turn of mind. I can do secure. It has no keys to loose or
any kind of mechanical work, and be bothered with, it is strong
when not engaged in my common durable, non-pickable, and has
business on the farm I do not go many changes, like a safe lock,
fishing, or hunting, or loafing for and the greatest puzzle in the
rest or recreat;on. But instead 1 world. I have studied the good
look for what the people need and, teachings of Masonry and of Odd
and when I find it, my inventive Fellowship, inside these orders,
faculty gets busy, and the result and been a member of several
is. something is invented as it is other Fraternal orders, and have
called; after which my mechanical lately joined the Brotherhood of
ability puts it into existence for Jesus—Ancient Order of Melchise-
mans use. I have made many new dek. the great Occult order, and
things and many improvements. school of Mysticism,‘and have been
But I dont imitate, or follow others; selected and appointed the Histo
I originate new things to supply rian for this order, the duties of
the wants of the people. I have which will very soon engage me.
applied for, and received many 1 find the work of the Magi, in
patents in the U. S. and several in the ancient order of Mel-
foreign countries, and have never chisedek, very pacifying and up
been refused a patent on any of lifting to human character, teach
my applications; and have many ing peace and contentment to its
good inventions, now in model members. Contentment is Heaven
form, and in drawings, awaiting on Earth; Discontent is Hell in
results of my present patents. this life, and its demands complied
One of my greatest discoveries with with. causes the Hell

hereafter. Therefore “be con except one, and is developing a

tent” is my motto and my advice good degree of Clairvoyancy. He
to all. is a studious, thoughtful young
man. and a faithful pilgrim.
Mrs. Louise S. Huck is a yan- To be Continued.
kee “from the heart out.” She was
born near Portland, Me., October CORRECTION
18th, 1858. She is a daughter of
In the positions of the pilgrims
the late B. F. Tozier. who was an
in the second row, Mrs. L. J.
editor and publisher for fifty years
Wilson's name should follow Miss
and was the oldest printer in the
Gola Wilson, instead of Mrs. W. T.
state of Maine at the time of his
death, in the 70s. Mrs. Huck is a
direct descendant of Sir Edward Dear readers of the v o ice , I
Rawson, Sec. of the colony of have been called to Boston’ Mass,
Massachusetts, of Plymouth Rock to the death-bed of my beloved
History. Her father's mother w-as mother. As readers of the " v o ice ”
Mary Emerson, cousin of Ralph there is a brotherhood among us—
Waldo Emerson. This branch of when one is sorrowing we are all
the Family Tree is ancient in his in sympathy—so I will ask you all
torical fame, and has mention in to send thoughts of love, strength,
Binke’s Peerage. Sister Huck is courage and faith to rr e while 1
one of the charter members of am passing through this ordeal.
Temple No. 4, Kansas City, Mo., We know there is no death but we
and a faithful worker in the cause give up cur beloved with an aching
of Truth, Knowledge and Intelli heart, and until the soul comes
gence. into its own. we shall cling to the
physical expresion of those we
Mr. Berry Gray was born at love, and especialy mothei— she
Brawley, Ark., May 27th, 1889, who gave us the life so beautiful,
and spent his childhood on the and helped us always, and loved
farm, moving to Waldron when us through our mistakes, and re
twelve years of age, where he joiced as none other can, through
attended the high school five years, our successes. I shall soon have
completing the eighth grade, He an angel mother—she will soon
then returned to his birth place, know the secret of the new brith,
where he has since resided. He is but O, when her dear unwearied
the youngest member of the Order feet are pressing the cold waves of

the Jordan, it is then I shall need and on into absolute spirit.

you, dear reader, and your loving Life in the spheres of the spirit
thought, your thoughts of strength, world is similiar, but more intense,
so send them to me over the stretch than in physical form, and with all
of distance and I shall receive the pursuits, as inclination leads,
them and be strengthened thereby. that you have in physical life.
Louise S. Huck. There is much music, but all are
Cauthron, Ark. not musicians, nor singers. The
music of the spheres is entirely
Question Department. spiritual, to meet spiritual needs
Conducted by Magi spirits. Send and expression.
in your questions. Only questions
of a philosophical or scientific ______ Tempfe T jding^^
character will be considered.
Q.—Does the spirit, after so-
For only TFiree Doffars
you can now become a member
called death, ever return, to be
of the Brotherhood.
born rgam into a physical form?
U — Was there a beginning to The Trinary Council have de
cided, on account of “hard times."
life or spirit? They are one, are to make a reduction in the Temple
they not? fees, for the year ending Sept. 20th.
Q.—Has life in the spirit world 1909. The fees ate as follows:
any similiarity to our life here, and First five degrees and nine lessons.
are their pursuits as varied as $3.00: Sixth degree and three
lessons, $1.00; Seventh and
here, or do they all play harps? Eight degrees and three lessons,
W. T. W. $1.00; Ninth degree and three
A.—The spirit after once leaving lessons, $1.00; Tenth degree and
a mortal or physical form, never ten lessons. $3.00: Eleventh de
enters into physical life as a dwel gree and ten lessons, $3.00;
Twelfth degree and ten lessons,
ler on the earth sphere, except in $3.00.
obsession. It does not return to be mm
born into life physical again, neither There will be a convocation held,
does it lose its individuality or at the office of the Supreme Tem
acquired knowledge. ple, during the holidays, for the
Life is eternal, without begin- purpose of giving those who desire,
ing or end. Life and spirit are one, and are prepared, the high degrees
of the Order.
and have always existed in some Those who have not taken the
form. Spirit evolves from lower to full course can do so at that time.
higher conditions—from cosmic Let us hear from you if you in
into physical, then into mental. tend to be present.

7 he New Theology Magazine,

Pupfisfiers’ Corner. comes to us under the name of the
‘"r e v i e w n o t i c e s . New Age Magazine. Harry Gaze,
T he La w o f T h e R h y t h mi c and F. P. Fairchild, Editors. Dr.
B r e a t h . By E. A. Fletcher. Gloth, C. A. Beverly, Western Represen
12 mo., 250 pages, $1.00. tative. Just as good as ever, and
R. F. Fenno &, Go., New York perhaps better.
City, N. Y. Constructive Science, Published
This book explains for the first monthly at Elwood, Ind. W. D.
time in Western literature, in a Wattles, Editor. 8 page quarto.
convincingly clear and simple form One year 50 cts.
and with convincing proofs, the This is another New-thought,
basic truths of the Rhythmic Journal, and decididly socialistic.
Breath as taught in ancient Hindu If you want to read good, con
philosophy and developed by the structive 'hought, send for it.
author. The Ghiropractor. M. P. Brown,
It embodies the most complete M. D., M. G.. Editor. Official Organ
Science and Philosophy of Life of the Universal Chiropractors
ever presented to the Western Association. Published at 828
world. Brady St, Davenport, Iowa,. Devo
Other books—legion in number ted to the interests of Chiroprac
—claim to disclose Eastern mys tic. 50 cts. a year.
teries: This book does! It carries Vol. 4—Nos. 7 and 8 combined,
you by clearly defined paths to the in one issue 132, pager, and con
gateway of bodily health and tains a report of the national
spiritual power. It depends upon meeting of the Universal Chiro
the individual whether he pass practors Association, very interest
through. The knowledge is here; ing and instructive; nicely illustra
its application brings illuminating ted with half-tone engravings.
results. Success to the Chiropractor.
These truths involve a knowl
edge of the Law of Vibrations or THE ORACLE.
the basic law of the universe.
Exponent of West Gate Phil
The Health Reporter. Kansas osophy. Published for The People
City, Mo., Devoted to the Temple of High Ideals. Organ of the West
of Health, Dr. G. H. Carson’s Gate Brotherhood. Send stamp for
Healing Institute. $1.00 a year. sample copy.
The October Number of the The Oracle. Bridgton. Maine.

Coffegeof Ancient Chafdean

Mysticism and Spirituaf Truth,
A School under the auspices of the Brotherhood
of Jesus—Ancient Order of Melchisedek.
A Schoof for the Study of Nature’s Finer Forces,
and the Devefopment of Spirituaf Powers.
W ill be open for students, November 15, 1908.
It is the purpose of this School, to prepare its
students for platform work, as Ministers, Organizers,
and Teachers; to develop the spiritual forces in each,
according to his or her ability, to develop Trance, In
spirational, Clairvoyant and Physical Mediums, and
The course of study will consist of the interpre
tation of the Bible, according to the Chaldean Wis
dom-revelation: free discussion of all Philosophical
and Spiritual questions; the study of Spiritual, Men
tal and Magnetic healing, as practised by the ancients.
Astrology and Palmistry will be taught, as con
nected with the Spiritual forces.
Developing circles will be held three evenings of
each week.
Students will have free use of the College library,
and the reading of some twenty-five of the best of
the Occult, New Thought and Spiritual magazines.
The School is located one and one-half miles
south-west of Waldron, on the Winfield road. Mail is
delivered daily at the School.
This is one of the most healthful of locations,
with fine mountain scenery.
Competent teachers, and the best of conditions for
Students can enter at any time, and stay such
length of time as circumstances will permit.

To those already members of the Brotherhood,
the tuition will be $1.00 per week. To those not
members of the Brotherhood, the regular fees of
the Brotherhood, and $1.00 per week.
A limited number may obtain board and lodging
on the grounds, at $4.00 per week; board may be ob
tained in the neighborhood, or in town at $3.50 to
$4.CO per week.
Trains arrive at Waldron, from Heavener. Okla.,
on the Kansas City Southern R. R. at 11:30 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. daily except Sundays, on which there
is the evening train only.
Address. E. H. Adams, Sec.,
Lock Box, 6. Waldron, Ark.

JU ST FO R FU N . “Seems to me it's a heap more

important,” interrupted a by-stand
He Took '“The Same.”
ing farmer, “whether she ‘lays’ or
“You say you were in the bar at ‘lies’ when she cackles.”— Har
the time of the assault referred per’s Weekly.
to?” asked the lawyer.
“I was sir.” Insanity.
“Did you take cognizance of the
“ You admit having received a
landlord at the time?” $50,000 fee from the trust?” said
“I don't know what he called it,
the lawyer for the state.
but I took what the rest did.”
“I do,” replied the senator, calm
—The Stenographer.
ly. “Besides I sent it back.”
“Sent it back!”
More Important. “I did."
Two village worthies were dis “ Your honor,” said the lawyer,
cussing a mooted point in gram turning to the court, “I cannot
mar; as to whether a hen “sits” prosecute an insane man.”
or “sets” when she takes to her Adjournment was had until some
nest. alienists could be rounded up.—Ex

Christmas Box • t o y o u The New Life News
o r to any point in the country on your order, A National Monthly Magazine
25 pounds Dried Fruit, 12 cans Canned The New Life naoazine
1ruit, !-2 oaf. Hcneu and 8 lbs. Nuts Is the Official organ of
Guaranteed first-class and all this year's crop.
Dried fruit put up in 2 lb. cartons. The New Life Movement
This Box Costs $7.50 Unity of the Churches
WE PAY THE FREIGHT The New Life Church
2 of Our Regular Assortments The New Life Keligion
5 0pounds Dried Fruit, 6 kinds, packed in
2 ib. cartons, $6. 0 0 box.
Ganned Fruit Assortment—Fancy fruit put up
The New Life Society
i i heavy cane syrup, 24 cans, 5 kinds, $4. 75. The New Life Institute
Combination—50 lbs. Dried Fruit. 2 doz. cans
Fruit, all for $ i o . o o . The Best $1.00 Magazine in the U, 6.
We pay the freight. Edited by John Fair, Author,
Write for price list of all assort
The New Life Theology - - $5.00
ments. Also Three Colored Souv
(Just out, 550 pages)
enir Post Cards Free.
K h f k r k n o ii P ik s t N a t io n a l Ha n k , C o l t o n ,
The Newer Life - - - - $5.00
1 AM POK N1A , (The Ideal Life, 500 pages)
California Fruit Products Co. The New Lifeist - - - - $5.00
Avenue 78 GOLTON, CALIF. (The Ideal Man, 500 pages)
The New Life Songs - - - $0.25
PUBLISHERS of Occult, Spiritual (The New Life Hymnal, 130 pp)
and Reform papers, inserting the
A Great System of Religion, Edu
followimg “ad.” will be given like cation and Politics. Send 10 cents
space in the V o i c e . for copy of our magazine—112
voice'of th e.magi. pages. Address all orders to
a monthly magazine of Occult The FAIR Publication House
Science and Spiritual Philoso The New Life Building
phy. Published monthly. Price 3015 N. Broad Street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
5 0 cts a year. Sample copy
free. Address, Magi Pub. Co., The World’s Advance-Thought
Waldron, Arkansas and
Advertisements must be in this Universal Republic.
Lucy A. Mallory, Editor,
office not later than the first of Portland, Oregon.
the month to insure insertion in Per year, $1.00.
current issue.

Words and Works of The Master, Jesus,

of (oafifee.
As Reveafed 5u Matthew, Mark, Luke and John,
Together with Comments by The Master.
A ll of which has been given through a deep trance medi
um, and taken down by competent scribes, in the presence of
This book contains all the Teachings, Works of Healing,
and manifestations of spirit power recorded in the four Gospels,
freed from the interpretation of priests, and leaving out that
which has been added by theologians upon which to build and
susrain their creeds and dogmas.
This is a book every “ pilgrim” should read. Every honest,
thinking man should read it It will show you the real intent
and purpose of the Master’s teachings. It will “ rend the veil”
of Superstition and Sy per- natural ism.
This hook contains nearly 180 pages, size 5 x 7 inches. It
is printed on heavy white antique laid paper, and has heavy
linen paper covers; colors,'brown and saphire. Price, by mail
po&tpaid, 55 cents

Addrss, Magi Publishing C o , Uafdron, Ark.

V O I C E O F T H E M A O I.
(Official organ of 1 he Ancient Order of Melchisedek.)
Exponent of the Higher Spiritualism. A Journal of Reform.
Three month's trial subscription, and psychic reading, only 10 cents.
One year, with psyoho-astro reading, and membership in H. H. and S.
Gircle. 50 cents. Or one year and a copy of “Words and Works” for
only 85 cents, all post-paid. Address. Magi Pub. Co., Dept B., Wal
dron. Ark. U.S.A.

Ancient order of McfiisedelL

„ W H A T I S IT ?
The Ancient Order of Melchisedek, was founded
by Melchisedek King of Salem. He lived and reigned
at the time of Abraham, and Abraham was a member,
and a high priest of the order, before he came up out
of Ur. of the Chaldees.
It was founded to teach and conserve the secret
doctrines. It was in the great temple in Egypt, that
the Master, Jesus of Nazareth, was initiated into the
secret doctrine, and from whence he came up into
Galilee, where he practised its teachings, taught and
organized temples. The Order became so corrupted
in the third century, A. D., that it was disbanded.
But as its teachings were revealed to Melchisedek by
discarnate spirits, so has this order, its ritualistic
work, and its teachings, been again revealed through
a seer whom they chose and prepared for that pur
pose, ( who is a deep trance medium), and it has been
taken down by competent scribes, in the presence of
witnesses. It is a fraternal, educational and spiritual
institution. It is Chartered and Incorporated. It has

a system of receiving members from a distance,

where there is no temple. Such members hold mem
bership in Acme Temple, No. 1. which is at Supreme
Temple headquarters. The fees are low considering
the vast amount of instruction given its members.
It is the Order of which Jesus was a highpriest,
and John the Revelator, was a seer. It is similar to
all other great fraternal orders in that it is a secret
order, yet it is superior to them all from this fact: It
is intensely scientific; teaching all the laws govern
ing man, from the conscious atom to the Master of
Light in the realms of eternal perfection.
We give only outlines here for want of space: to
to fully appreciate the grandeur, use and beauty of
this order one must master its teachings and live up
to its rules.
It is founded on the laws of nature. The masters
who brought it to the uses of man in the first place,
lived close unto nature, knew its laws and lived up
to them, and the result was a golden era where
health, wealth and perfection showered their bless
ings upon them.
The order leads its members into the college of
fine forces, teaching the laws governing the physical,
mental, moral and spiritual natures of man, bringing
the blessings of heaven to earth, and making life
worth living.
What does it teach? It teaches one how to develop
his, or her psychic powers, and become clairvoyant,
to see; clairauaient. to hear; and psychometric, to
sense and know.
It teaches the laws governing trance and inspira
tional mediumship.
It teaches how to develop the power to heal.
Do you want to be a Magnetic. Mental or Spiritual
Do you want to be a Psychometrist or a Clait-
Do you want to be an Inspirational or Trance

Then join The Brotherhood of Jesus—Ancient
Order of Melchisedek. Become highpriests; receive
the babtism of spiritual knowledge, and know the
tru th .
The order has twelve degrees; the first five
teach of the laws governing the development of
Glairvoyancy, Psychometry and healeng—physically,
mentally and spiritually.
The sixth degree teaches of the spirit and its
powers, both carnate. and discarnate, and the devel
opment of the higher spiritual gifts.
The seventh and eighth degrees teach of the
laws governing man's physical being, leading up from
cosmic mist, through evolution to animal nature; the
force of atomic education, embryonic training and
physical development.
The ninth and tenth degrees teach of the al-
chemies of nature, and the laws governing the same.
The eleventh degree teaches of Inspiration, and
Revelation: it reveals the Ancient Mystery.
The twelfth degree is the key to that hieroglyph,
the Bible.
This Order has a Supreme temple, and Subordi
nate and degree temples. It also has a branch, called
“The Church of the Brotherhood of Jesus.” This
department is open and free to all seekers for Truth.
The Supreme Temple is empowered “to establish
such subordinate branches as it may deem best to
carry out the intent and purposes of this organization:
to pass upon the fundamental laws, constitution, by
laws, and rules of business of every kind and nature:
with power of establishing schools, churches, in
stitutions of learning, in the arts and sciences, and
the founding of sanitariums and health institutes.
The fees are as follows:
First five degrees and nine lessons, $5.00: sixth
degree and three lessons, $1.00: sevehth and eighth
degrees and three lessons. $2.00: ninth degree and

three lessons, $3.00: tenth degree and ten lessons.

$4.00: eleventh degree and ten lessons, $5.00: twelfth
degree and ten lessons. $5.00: making a total of $25.-
00, for the twelve degrees and forty-eight lessons.
The order is a revealment of ancient ocGult
knowledge, the Wisdom-religion, and spiritualism as
taught by Melchisedek, the founder of the order,
Jesus, who was a high priest of the order, and many
of the ancient philosophers.
Will it benefit you? Why not? it has benefited
others: why not you? Hundreds have united with
this order and received the lessons, and all have been
Prof. Adams has devoted over thirty years to the
study of the occult, and in an adept of both Oriental
and Occidental occultism. He gives his personal a t
tention to the lesson department, and holds the re
spect and esteem of his pupils.
How can one become a member of the order and
receive its secret teaching, while living distant from
a temple of the order?
Simply write to the Supreme Scribe, or the Dep
uty Supreme Organizer, and ask him to send you an
“application blank," and folders of the order, if you
have not already had one. When received, fill out the
blank application, being sure to sign the obligation;
then return it to the Supreme Scribe, together with
the fee for the first five degrees and nine lessons,
and he will mail same to you at once, together with
the secret work, Word in cypher, and key.
We have many testimonials in our office, from
those who have joined the order and taken the course
of lessons, and all testify that it is the most com
plete course of instruction in the Occult ever given.
Yet they are so simple a child can understand them.
For further particulars address,
Supreme Scribe, Lock Box 6,
Waldron, Ark.

The Chief of the Tribe THE OPEN ROAD.

of the Ghourki A Magazine of Faith
(Not Everybody’s Magazine.)
Wants to send you that peculiar Published at Pigeon-Roost-in-the
little brown book called The Ghour Woods, Indiana.
ki for at least one year. Twenty- For Mental Constipation and Brain
five cents is all he asks, and if you Fag. Recommended by Regular
don’t like the magazine, you won’t and Irregular Physicians and Chris
be out much. tian Psychologists. One Dose eve
The Ghourki is published twelve ry Thirty Days for Twelve Months,
times a year in the Chief's own print 50 Cents.
shop, and it contains the sayings P A IN L E S S C U R E G U A R A N T E E D O R M O N

of the Chief and some others. E Y R E F U N D E D .

Moocha Saba, one of the Chief's "We have no cemetery, not even a
satelites, says: graveyard at Pigeon-Roost:-: No
'“I'd rather go to church than to Preacher (except my-seif) no law
go to Hell, but I don't have to go yer and the, nearest, doctor, thank
either place.” God. is seven miles away :-: Why
He says lots more things, a good shouldn’t we be happy,”
Close to the Soil. The Songs of Happy Birds and
many of-which are printed in The the Scent of the Wild Roses in its Pages. SO Ceni -
Ghourki Remember, 25 cents will ts a Year. Three Month's Trial. 10 Cents, Stamps
or Coin. Sample Pages FREE.
do the work. It's worth the price to POST OFF-CIS ADDRESS;
be in good company. Griffith, (Lake Co.,) Indiana.
THE CHIEF OF THE TRIBE R . f . d . n o . 1 .

Pigeon-Roost-in-the-W oods.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Morgantown, W, Va.
A Bi-monthly Journal of the High
er Thought. If you are one that
One Casein each
i ^
o x h c a s k

studies into the How. What; and no matter what the disease or
Why of the Past, Present, and Fu
how serious, free of charge. A
ture. you will find in TH E OCCI
DENT much that is of interest. healed case is my best adver
Send 25 cents for year's subscrip tisement. Address, with
tion (six numbers), or 10 cents for stamped envelop, Editor, OC"
six miscellaneous number;.
L. Frances Estes,
Tampa, Fla.
124 Highland St.. Brockton. Mats.

"Correct Engfisfi--
How to use it,"
P A R T IA L C O N T E N T S .
Queries and Answers.
The Art of Conversation.
Shall and Will; Should and Would; How to Use them.
Pronunciations (Century Dictionary).
Correct English in the Home.
Correct English in the School.
What to Say and What Not to Say.
Course in Grammar.
Course in Letter Writing and Punctuation.
Business English for the Business Man.
Compound Words: How to Write Them.
Studies in English Literature.

$1.00 a Year. Send 10 cents for sarrpfe coou.
The New Theofoou Magazine.
( t h e n e w t a l k a b o u t g o d )


Subjects considered in current issue: Does Conscious

ness Gontinue—The External and Internal Worlds—
Life After Death—The Sixth Sense—How to Master
Life, Attain Success and Health. Send 25 cents for '
trial subscription and art calendar for 1908 to The
New Theology Magazine. Box 2592. Boston. Mass.


A. Free-Lance and Fearless Investigator, Ex
perimenter, and Demonstrator of REVOLU
“ Itis the Burning-glass power” says oneadmir-
er of the literary style of its editor.
25 cents for one year. 10 cents for three months.
No free samples. “ BIRTHDAY KEY” free to
all yearly subscribers.
Prank Theodore Alien, Editor and Publisher
Box 711, • • - (feminton, N.J,

We Want Agents for THE VOICE

In every Gity, Town and Hamlet in the United States
Write for samples.terms, order blanks, etc.
Address, Magi Pub. Go., Waldron, Ark.

........................................................................ 190 ...
Magi Publishing Comgang,
Waldron, Ark.,
Send The Voice of The Magi to the following address
for one year. Also the Psycho-Astro Reading, and
Membership card of the Magi Health, Success and
Happiness Circle.
Name ...................
Post office............................ State ............................
No......................... Street....................................
Box No ........................... R. F. D. No .-.........
I inclose 50 cents and lock of my hair.
I was born the day of 18
The color of my eyes


( .)
is a monthly papers partly in pho n o w e n l a r g e d

netic spelling, and devoted to equal A Monthly Journal of the Cosmic

rights, united labor, common prop Philosophy or Sacred Scierrce: be
erty, and Gommunity homes. It is ing devoted to the diffusion of a
issued by the Altruist Gommunity. movement proper for ameliorating
of St. Louis, whose members hold the present sad state of humanity,
all their property in common, live whereby man can recover his an
and work together in a permanent cient rights to Integral or Gomplete
home for their mutual enjoyment, Immorta'ity. Sample copy 10c.
assistance and support, and both Price $1.00 per year. Address,
men and women have equal rights P eter Davidson.
and decide upon all its business af Loudsville. Wh:te Go. Geo'gia.
fairs by their majority vote, it off
ers a home and employment for life
to all acceptable persons who may
wish to join it. 25 cents a year. mentioning this magazine, a "
Address. A. Longley. Editor. ' five booklet, descriptive of the
ISO? Ghouteau Ave.. American Society for Psychic
St. Louis. Mo. al Research and its work, will
"ADVANCE THOUGHT PUB. CO. be sent, together with infor
P. O. Box 573 Portland, Oregon, mation as 1o how TWO
U, S. A., Booksellers. Buyers Ex YEARS. PII PLICATIONS
changers and Importers. M A Y B E UAJ) FOR T H E
Write us for free information re
PRICE OF ONE. These pub
garding printing, books and lessons.
We teach and sell the new lications give SC IENTIFIC
Portland ScflOOf of flstrofosu corres REA SON S F<) R IM MOR-
pondence course. Send for circul TA LIT Y .
ars, booklet, etc. Try it. William S. Crandall,
Tribune. Building,
Words and Works of the /Taster. New York City.
A Wonderful Revelation. WANTED.
Price Postpaid 55 cents, W a n t e d - -Organizers. For partic
Magi Publishing Go., ulars address E. H. Adams, Su
Waldron, Ark. preme Scribe, Waldron. Ark.
LOOK! $1,85 FOR $1.00, LOOK!
IIovv to Save Money on Your Periodica] Literature for 1909.
Four First-class Publications offered at a great re
duction from their Combined Subscription Price.
FARM a n d HOME .50
P u u m h iik r h P r ic k 1.8 8

By special arrangement with r~ — n


the publishers we are enabled to

make the above extraordinary
clubbing offer, to wit: T h e V o i c e
o f t h e The Ladies’ World,
M a g i .

Farm and Home and Good Liter

ature, all one year for $1.00. the
publishers’ price of the four pub
lications being $1.85. By the
terms of this offer you get T h e V o i c e o f t h e M a g i , a great hcusehold
magazine, a high-class agricultural and home paper and a fine literary
and family paper, all for one year, thus, practically supplying the whole
needs of the family in periodical literature for only $1.00, or a little
more than half the combined publishers’ subscription price of
the four publications. Subscriptions to T h e V o i c e o f t h e M a g i may
date one year from the time of their present expiration. Subscriptions
to The Ladies’ World, Farm and Home and Good Literature will be for
the year 1909, or date one year from the current issue, according to
the time of their receipt and the custom of the office of publication.
The Ladies' World is a fine high-grade Household Magazine. Each
issue Consists of from 36 to 44 large quarto pages, with a beautiful
cover printed in colors. Farm and Home is the leading agricultural
and home paper, published semi-monthly. The 24 numbers make a
volume of over 600 pages. Good Literature is an attractive and popu
lar illustrated and literary family monthly, and every issue contains
from 24 to 48 large quarto pages. Cover printed in colors.
Subscriptions are not desired from foreign countries, New York Gity
(Borough of Manhattan) or the Dominion of Canada.
All orders for subscriptions should be addressed.
Magi Publishing Go.. Waldron Ark.

MORRIS PRATT INSTITUTE. sterna's s lie s t m best

\ School under the auspices of Spirit
A large and beautiful buildup.
Steam heat. Hot and oo.-. .vow.
A T WO 'VIdA kfs* GOtJRvSK.
Prepares specially far J ' u . .... -
Private work.
Open to ail of botn sexes and of all
ages over fifteen. <mc.
A D M I T T A >. C B W I I111 O I T T I’TX A M I N A T I O X .
wc cue.
Tuition per H^ar, 4 50. r t i u . a
S I.75. Rooms per wee*, $ l.2o to.S2.tJJ.
Club boarding in building. Send fur
catalogue to A. J. Weaver, Pri
V/hi ewater. is.
Geo. B. Warne. Pres.

Become a Vegetarian
A nd becom e s tro n g e r, h e a lth ie r, h ap p ier, clearer-
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lsm th ro u g h T H E V EG ETA R IA N MAGAZINE, you how to k e ep y o u rse lf an d y o u r fam ily h e a lth y
T h e V eg etarian M agazine stan d s fo r a cleaned a n d sav e doctors* bills. Sim ple rem edies you g e t
body, a h e a lth ie r m e n ta lity a n d a h ig h e r m orality. a t a n y d ru g s to re o r m ake yourself. N o poisons,
A dvocates disuse o f flesh, fish an d fowl a s food; hy- no alcohol, no s e c re t p a te n t m edicines. F re e a d
E lenlo liv in g a n d n a tu ra l m ethods o f obtaining
ealth. P reach es h u m a n ita ria n ism. p u rity and
tem perance In a ll th in g s. U pholds a ll th a t's sensi
vice. N o th in g to sell. O steopathy, M assage,
C h ristia n Science, E lec tric ity , W a te r T re a tm e n t,
V e g eta rian ism , an d P h y sical C u ltu re t x plained
ble, r ig h t a n d d ecen t. A b le co n trib u to rs. H as a a n d recom m ended w h e re u sefu l. E v e ry n u m b e r
H ousehold D epartm ent w h ic h te lls how to prepare is w o rth $1.00 to you. S u b scrip tio n p ric e 01 CO p e r
H e alth fu l a n d N u tritio n s Dl6hes w ith o u t th e use of y ear. S am p le copies 10 c en ts. C an be se«* »a t th e
m eats o r a n im al fa ts . G ives v alu ab le Tested Reci
pes and u seful b in ts o n H Y G IEN E , SELECTION office o f th is p ublication. W e w ill send c .r p a u e r
OF FOODS, TA B LE DECORATION. KITCHEN fo r one y e a r an d th e C olum bus (Ohio-/ Medical
ECONOMY, CA RE O F COOKING UTENSILS, etc. Jo u rn a l fo r
F u ll of tim ely h in ts o n PR EV EN TIO N AND CURE
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ta ria n s, a n d personal testim o n ials fro m those who
Only $1.25.
have been cu red o f lo n g -stan d in g diseases by th e
adoption o f a n a tu ra l m eth o d o f living. TELLS S 1>1R I T u T r M E D I l M~
AND BRAIN PO W ER. V aluable h in ts on
C hild-C ulture—how to Inculcate unselfishness,
benevolence an d sy m p ath y In ch ildren. A m agu-
Send lock of hair, or yoi;r own
rin e fo r th e w hole fam ily. U niquely p rin ted , v ell
illu strated . Pages 7 by 10 Inches In size. P ublished
handwriting. Three questions
m onthly. S en t postpaid to y o u r ad d ress, 1 y ear, for
Bl; 6 m b s.. 60o, 3m os.,25c; Im o .,1 0 c . N o fre e cop*
answered, 50 cents. Full read
ing, Gl. Address Mrs. Fannie
For sale at this of/.ce.
E Pan!. 1200 Virginia Ave.,
Joplin. Mo.

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