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Free Fall Reaction Paper

I read a lot of learning material about Freefall to understand the lesson and fortunately, I
learned a lot about Freefall. When we drop something we usually don't care how fast it falls
and not bothered at all. But because of this lesson, it makes you curious about the falling
object, how does air resistance and gravity affecting it, what is the velocity of it and many
more questions related to Freefall.

When we hear the word Freefall we think that it was an object falling which is right but the
term "free fall" is used to describe a falling object that is simply affected by gravity. Gravity
pulls on all objects in the same way, regardless of their mass. Here on earth, the gravity is
9.807 m/s². For example, when you want to take your money in your pocket and you
accidentally drop both coins and paper bills at first we thought that the coin fall first because
it was heavier compared to the paper bills. The mass of both objects is not the reason why
does the other one falls faster but because of the air resistance, Galileo Galilei proposed the
remarkable observation that all free-falling objects fall with the same acceleration nearly 400
years ago.

I think it's not always enough to merely read about it. We should also try testing it like
dropping objects too to broaden our learnings.

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