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Tips to Improve Learning

1) Vary your learning routine, locations, and material

Many students have a fixed time and place to study. However, research has shown that

varying your study location – at home in a different room, at school, in a library- can improve

learning. In a similar way occasionally changing the time of day you study and the materials you

use - laptop, pen, and paper, speaking into a voice recorder - also boost learning.

2) Underline the Key Points

Understanding the main key points helps learners effectively. This is a common method

used by many students. While learning, highlighting & underlining the main points that help in

briefing up the whole topic or concept. These key points provide help during the time of

examination as highlighted statements assist us in brushing up the subject before exams or class

tests. Highlight or underline important points & be selective just enough to use them as review


3) Clarity Over Concepts

One should have clarity of subjects, topics & concepts while learning. This is of utmost

importance as whenever anyone asks you or discuss their queries, you can answer them easily.

Whenever you get a doubt, clear it immediately because you don’t know how it will affect you in

the process of preparation. Be strong in your concepts, take the plunge & discuss all your problems

with teachers & intelligent students. Get acquainted with textbooks & other related study material

to resolve all your problems over a topic.

4) Prepare Your Own Study Notes

Taking Notes is one of the most widespread study skills. Preparing the notes help to

summarize the lectures or articles in your own words, including all the key info, so that you can

easily remember the ideas. Note making is not an act of merely coping out great chunks of

information from books but a piece of writing that acts as a trigger to help you remember what you

have read. Remember, key words are more easily remembered than long sentences. Try to keep

your notes short, to the point, well-organized and easily readable.

5) Make a Study Plan and Stay Organized

A well-organized study plan helps you to be clear with what you need and when you need.

Create a study timetable and stick to it to achieve your goal. A study timetable helps you to remind

what to learn and when. It not only helps you get organized but makes the most of your time. It’ll

also put your mind at ease and eliminate that nasty feeling you get when you walk into an exam

knowing that you’re not at all prepared. Remember, there really aren’t any hard and fast rules to

tell you the best times for studying or how long you should work for. Everybody is different, so

the best way to establish a study schedule is to try different things and see what works best for

you, then modify your routine for maximum learning effectively.

6) Explore new ideas and concepts

Help students get a better understanding of new ideas by having them create a mind map.

A mind map can assist with understanding because it conveys hierarchy and relationships,

allowing students to see the big picture.

7) Brainstorm
Get creative juices flowing with mind mapping. Mind maps are a great brainstorming tool

and can help students let their thoughts flow freely while making important connections between

ideas and concepts.

8) Study with Others & Collaborate with Them

If you find studying in groups interesting than choosing a couple of study partners with

whom you work & study well. Studying in a group helps to break down the usual habit of sitting

alone with your nose in books all throughout the day. Doing a group study with great collaboration

with teammates helps in processing the information deeper & quicker. Active engagement with

information with your study mates not only helps in good learning but also makes studying more

enjoyable & easier.

The best way to learn something is to teach it to others to get mastery over the topic.

9) Give A Try to New Technologies

Though the old handwritten method still has & will be at its place. In the world of

technologies, try to adopt newer techniques in studies. There are so many online tools like social

media, mobile apps, blogs, YouTube videos, Google & much more. All these modern tech-tools

have truly made learning easier & user-oriented.

10) Use Memory Techniques to Develop Your Memory

Using different Memory tricks will help you in better learning. There are a variety of

memory techniques that can make remembering & learn much easier. Active & critical thinking,

questioning, reasoning & assumptions, and applying the knowledge practically in the right way

helps to develop learning skills.

11) Problem Solving Ability

Students must have problem-solving ability to assess all types of information they have

processed into their mind. They must be well prepared to solve out any type of study- related issue

or can help others with the same.

12) Space your study time

It's better to do two one-hour study sessions than a single unbroken two-hour session. You

will remember more if you do an hour today, then another hour tomorrow, especially if you get

the right sleep during the night


13) Use Previous Learning to Promote New Learning

Another great way to become a more effective learner is to use relational learning, which

involves relating new information to things that you already know.

14) Gain Practical Experience

For many students, learning typically involves reading textbooks, attending lectures, or

doing research in the library or online. While seeing information and then writing it down is

important, actually putting new knowledge and skills into practice can be one of the best ways to

improve learning.

15) Look Up Answers Rather Than Struggle to Remember

Of course, learning isn’t a perfect process. Sometimes, we forget the details of things that

we have already learned. If you find yourself struggling to recall some tidbit of information,

research suggests that you are better offer simply looking up the correct answer.

16) Learn in Multiple Ways

Another one of the best ways to learn is to focus on learning in more than one way. Instead

of just listening to a podcast, which involves auditory learning, find a way to rehearse the

information both verbally and visually. This might involve describing what you learned to a friend,

taking notes, or drawing a mind map. By learning in more than one way, you’re further cementing

the knowledge in your mind.

17) Use self-testing

This is a strong, proven learning technique. You can test yourself by trying to remember

what you were learning or explaining it aloud to yourself or to someone who is prepared to listen.

You can get friends to quiz you. One of the benefits is that is that you can get immediate feedback

whether you are right or wrong.


18) Take Regular Study Breaks

Your brain is like a muscle which can also get tired if you overwork it. Once it gets tired

you really can’t concentrate on your work. So, it’s important to realize the length of your

concentration span and help yourself to give some rest from the work you’ve put in. Taking regular

short breaks not only help improve your focus, but they can also boost your productivity too. The

relaxing period can be in the form of a ten-minute walk, a trip to the gym, having a chat with a

friend or simply fixing yourself a hot drink. This gives the brain the best chance to restore the

whole of your learnings.

19) Stop Multitasking

Multitasking can actually make learning less effective. In the study, participants lost

significant amounts of time as they switched between multiple tasks and lost even more time as

the tasks became increasingly complex. By switching from one activity to another, you will learn

more slowly, become less efficient, and make more errors.

20) "Cramming" for an exam can work…. for your exam results.

This is a last resort tactic and is proven to work short term, so you will probably do better

in the exam. But you won't remember much long term. Your brain makes long-term memories

only after some forgetting has happened. This is similar to a muscle that needs exercise to break it

down a little so that it can become stronger.

21) Recall Your Learning

Never forget to recall what you’ve learned all through your study sessions. Do something
else not connected to your studies, at the time when you go for a break after studying for 1 or 2
hours. But don’t stop thinking about what you’ve read, remember it! It’s quite important for us to
solve & recall the whole piece of information as this is the time when one can realize what topics
are in mind & which are forgotten.

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