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Full S ize P la n s
J ump" O rv ille H . Kneen
BARLING NB-3...U.S. Altitude Record Holder A masterpiece concerning parachutes
FLYING GLORY... 1 ,0 0 0 Ft. Flyer Motorless Flight by Anatole Feldman
Basic -facts about Sail Plying
The Stinsoii'D etroiter The Boeing P-12B Pursuit Ship Giant-Cloud-Breaker
This 2-ft. flying-scaie-inodel of the P-12B, the latest
f . S. A rm y 's pursuit plane, one of the fastest and m ost rakish
machines in America will m ake the snappiest jobs! The shit· R. O. G.
is known for its speed, its rapid climb, its m aneuverability, and
was also used by ( apt. Ira Maker in the A rm y's I’anam a-C . S.
daw n-to-dusk flight. T his model is an au th en tic reproduction of
the original ship, and having m inute d etails of the real plane.
In si>ite of these details, yet (lights of 500 ft. have been ob­
tained and durations of 45 sec. are possible. Our kit contains
all the necessary p arts, including ready-stam ped ribs, wheels,
dope. glue. .Ian. T issue, insignia plus a m iniature W A SP MOTOR
•■nil ALUM INUM PROP, and wood cut to size.
ro N S T R U C T IO V SET (w ith W asn m otor and Pron.) $4.00

The S tinson-D etroiter. ns illu strated here has H ere's an R.O.G. model th at perform s like
tlown over 2 m inutes duration, it's very sim ple nobody's b usiness! One th a t’s designed tor
to lmild. very realistic and very attractiv e. It climbing, stu n tin g , gliding, speed plus d u ra­
has detachable nose piece for duration winding, tion. one that will out-perforin any R.O.G.
using M-6 airfoil, just like the real plane, and model th a t you have ever seen! H aving a
adjustable wine for Ιοηκ stable flights. Kit cam bered wing of 20". indestructible rudder anti
contains ready •stam ped ribs, semi-finished stabilizer. K it contains all the necessary parts
prop. Jap tissue, special rubber m otor, etc., and a sem i-finished propeller.
packed in an unbreakable box. G IANT-CLOU D- B R EA K E R R .O .G .. $0.75
C O N S T R IC T IO N S E T .......................... $1.50 the size of the G iant-C loud-H reaker 50

Kiln D ried and Scientifically Cured

Lata Balsa W ood
2"x6"x36” ___ Sl.on 1/8" x6" x .r . $0.50 I/1 6 "x 6 "x 3 ' ..$0.35 l/3 2 "x 6 "x 3 ' ..$0.35
I /8 "x 3 "x 3 ’ . . . .25 1/16 "x3 "x .r . . .20 1/3 2 "x 3 "x 3 ‘ . .20 1/8 "x 2 "x 3 ' .. .20
1/16"x2"x3' . . .12 1/32 "x2 " x3' . . .12 1/8" sq. X 3 '. .04 1 /8 " x3 /1 6 " x3 \ . .04
l/8 " x l/4 " x 3 ' .. .04 1/8 " x l / 2"x .r . .07 3 /1 6 " x l/4 " x 3 \. .05 3/16" sq. X 3 '. .05
3 /8 " set. X 3' .07 3 /8 " x! /.2"x3' . .09 1/2" s q . X 3 '. . .09 3 /16"x3/8"x40" .07


Hamboo strip s 12" ea. .$0.01
Ambroid. I oz......................15
Ambroid, 2 oz. $0.28 Acetone. 1 o z ... 0.12 $
Han ina oil. 1 o z ... . .12 B anana Oil. 2 oz........ .20
A cetone. 2 oz....................... 20 Jap. tissue. 5 slits. . .25 Rice paper, per s l i t . . . . .05
Jaii. tissu e, per s h t ... .10
Chinese silk, per yd.. .90 M usic w ire, per ft. . .01 Fibre wheel, 3 /4 " diam
Reed, any size, te r ft. .01 Wood veneer 20"x30" .20 ea. .................. .01
Hamboo s trip s. 19" (w ithout joints) ea.$0.02 1" celluloid wheels, per p a i r ................ .15
1Ά " celluloid wheels, per p a i r ................20 2" celluloid wheels, per p a ir.................. .35
T h ru st bearings. .025 or .035 hole, ea. .05 T h ru st bearings. .025 or .035. per doz. .35 HOYS! H ave you a model of this famous navy tig h ter in your
B rass w ashers. .025 or .035 hole. ea. .01 B rass w ashers. .025 or .035 per d o z... .10 squadron? The above illu stratio n of the model is built from our
A rm y's insignia, per s e t ............................15 N avy’s insignia, per s e t .......................... .15 construction set. D oesn’t she look realistic? W e’ll say so! The
Rubber stran d . 3 /1 6 " x l/3 2 " . per ft. .0116 Ambroid, 4 oz. .48 " C o rsa ir” is not only a neat looking ship, bit! also an exceptional
■' "
Rubber stran d s. .045 sip. l/ ..........................
3 2 " x l/8 " , l / ? 2 " x l/ 1 6 " . l/3 2 "x 3 /3 2 " , per f t... .01
tlver. Our construction set includes all the necessary m aterials to ­
Colored, wing dope, orange, yellow, red. blue, green, pink, black, plain, per bottle .15 g ether with a m in iatu re W A SP m otor and a ready-m ade ALUMINUM
P L EA SE READ!—W hen ordering any of the above listed supplies or B alsa wood, a PROP. Huilt com pletelv from B alsa Wood.
packing charge of 15c m ust accompany all orders. A LL ORDERS M l'S T AMOUNT TO CONSTRUCTION SET (w ith W ASP m otor and P R O P .)............ $4.00
NO LESS TITAN 75c, including the packing charge. W E PAY T H E POSTAGE. NO
FOREIGN COINS OR STA M PS A CCEPTED. Canadian orders are subject to an extra
charge of 25c for k its, and supplies ordered.
PLEA SE PR IN T YOCR NAME AND AD­ O ur O ther Famous C onstruction Sets
Record Twin-Pusher (a simple hut exceptional flyer)........ $2.50
The Sea “H aw k” Morris Hydroplane (the record holder)..................................... 3.00
Indoor Commercial (a neat little model).................................. 1.00
The sea ''H a w k ” is the Outdoor Commercial (a duration flyer)....................................... 2.50
resu lt of several m onths of Twin-Pusher R.O.G. (just the model you w a n t).................. 1.50
experim enting. It is a w orth­
while model to build! T his Ryan “ Foursome” (the latest flying-scale-model).................. 4.00
model incorporates th e la test Curtiss “Falcon” (the Army’s observation plane)................ 3.00
design in model airplanes and Lockheed -Sirius (Lindy’s new plane)......................................... 3.00
using real aerodynam ic p rin ­
ciples. T he sea “ H aw k” can
make sh o rt hops off the
w ater and m ake a graceful
landing on ponds or pools,
Our N ew Illustrated C a ta lo g N o . 4
which will m ake you feel like Have you a copy of o u r la test catalog No. 4 which is just off the
a full-fledged adm iral! Ju st press? W ell, it pays to send for :i cony rig h t aw ay for it will save
the model lo have around you from fu rth e r use c f " in fe rio r" n’. »erials and from d istre ss in
camp! C onstruction set contains all the necessary parts for you to build. prices.
CO NSTRUCTION S E T ........................ ............................................................................... $1.00 W ould you like to have an illu stratio n of o u r la te s t Ryan " F o u r­
som e" the perfect flying scale-m odel? W o uldn't you like to have
IN D EPEN D EN C E PRO D U CTS more inform ation on the fam ous Boeing P-12B p u rsu it ship, illu stra­
tion of the "F alc o n ” . Lindy’s new plane, tw in-pusher R.O.G.. record
Hoys! Did you ever stop to think, th a t the quality of any article is not always judged tw in-pusher, com m ercial models, and am phibians th at really tak e off
by the price? And th a t's why you should not in sist on ” cheap" and " in fe rio r” m aterials. from w ate r as well as land? By all m eans ru sh a dim e for a copy!
Every item listed here and in our catalog has been tested and retested by noted auth o rities CO M PLETE CATALOG NO. 4 S E N T UND ER SEPA R A TE
in model airplane building, and has proven to lie the best th a t money can buy. Our m a­ COVER $0.10
te rials a re not onlv of the highest quality hut also a t th e lowest prices consistent with
quality. We g uarantee every article :e- exactly as represented or monev refunded. IN SIST nr A I C p C I —W hy not rep resen t our line of models and supplies?
ON IN D E PE N D EN C E MODELS AND S l'P P L IE S and YOU W IL L HE SURE OF USING L / L n L t h d . —W rite a t once for our discount sheet for details!
T he Curtiss Army “H A W K ” T he Lockheed-Vega

T he C urtiss H aw s, as illu strated here is a modet built trom ou r kit. Its unusual good T he Lockheed-Vega "Y an k ee Doodle" is the best 3-foot flying scale-
appearance and flying quality m ake it the pride of every hoy. I t ’s scaled-down and Imilt model in the m ark et. Its sweeping stream lin es. its sm ooth colors,
in the sam e m anner as the original ship. It has a spinner for the prop., real cockpit with its dashing appearances and its few ex tern al s tr u ts and appliances
painted instrum ent hoard, cowling and exhaust pipes, ju st like the real plane. H ere’s a m ake it an excellent ship to huiId. O ur construction set contains
chance for you to build an exact replica of th a t fast controllable p ursuit ship, th a t roars all the n ecessary p a rts, com plete from alum inum paint to a m iniature
through the air at speed of 180 Μ. P. II. W A SP m otor.
CONSTRUCTION S E T (contains the necesary m aterials) ......................................... .. . .$2.50 CO NSTRUCTION S E T .............................. .................. $4.00

June, 1930 J unior M echanics and M odel A i r p l a n e N ews 1

$1000 IN P R IZ E S - 165 A W A R D S - H O N O R C E R T IF IC A T E S

$1Q O O IN P R I Z E S
$ 1 0 0 0 IN P R I Z E S

* ■ ·
. -

HOYS, here's th e biggest op p o rtu n ity you ever hail to win
$100 in G O L D , a handsom e av iatio n trophy IS in. high and
national wide fam e as a cham pion model builder. H undreds
of dollars d istrib u ted in 165 aw ards. A nd th e contest is so
planned you can win as m any as 5 different awards!
You do n o t have to be an exceptional model
builder. You do n o t need great skill nor experi­
ence. We rew ard th e p atien t, steady b uilder—not
a freak flight perform ance no one else can duplicate.
You have as good a chance as anyone to win the $ IO O O
G R A N D G OLD P R IZ E of S100, th e 18 in. Silver
A viation T rophy engraved w ith yo u r nam e— IN PRIZES
value S50—and country-w ide recognition of your
ability. Besides the prize aw ards, every qualitying

e n try is aw arded an H onor C ertificate.

W ear the W ings of a P ilot

Upon enrolling you receive ca d et's identification card.


Com plete your model and send in a report. You then are
licensed P IL O T and aw arded your wings. F rom pilot you


Just out! Wings fold back same as real Fairchild. Also
Postpaid adjustable to bring centers of pressure and gravity to­
gether. Realistic model, workable doors, cellophane
U. S. / windows, pontoons, skis, wheels. Landing gear inter­
changeable. FULL SIZE blueprints, prepared by pro­
fessional draftsman. Eye-arresting model, the envy of
all who see it, with its orange wing and black-trimmed
fuselage. Minute and 3 seconds reports W. Va. builder.
Consistently flies 400 feet says Canadian boy. Span—
24 in. Chord—3% in. Length—17^2 in· Height—
6 in. W t .— *4 oz. Balsa, glue, dope, fittings, formed
prop and prop blank, wing ribs and framing readi-

cut, everything complete, a S5 value sold direct to Jp 9

you. Canada postpaid $2.20. U. S. p o stp aid .... L a



4 F O O T high flying record-m aker,
th e type th a t has 4 1 -M IN U T E
d u ratio n record. G ains 500-ft. a lti­ COVERED KIT Deluxe
tu d e . then goes in to llat glide to get Aviation*« most popular plane for 1030. Scaled
d u ratio n , aided by wind cu rren ts. direct from plane furnished by manufacturer.
20-feet C ham pion's ru b b er m otor, 4 -it. D eluxe k it h i« featherweight airplane
tu rn in g 16-in. balsa prop. F u ll size bilk, celluloid N . Λ. C . Λ . Cowline. pant*.
Otlirr kit·* Mtn« rxcci.t tbeuc ii*M-d for »»ilk.
b lueprints. N-X-E41 is a real prize- 1 l I.!. SIZ E B L U E P R IN T S . M odel !.;·-» black.
w inning design, eligible for any local oiftur-bhiiDcd fueclnue, ornnec-m l wing* nnu

or natio n al, A. M . L. A. or Playground gold iitripe of original, insignia furnished in­

A ssociation covered fuselage contest. clude.·» *'Χ-Χ-21Γ' and Lockheed trademark·

ΙΙι»1.·α, eluc. dope, metal parta formed dirre·
Offered a t low est price ev er m ade on tioiii*. everyth in * complet«*. Deluxe kit—SlO,
m odel of this big size. Easy to - n 4-ft. TUsu·* covered k it— 5Λ. 2-ft. ti**uo co

16 5-AW ARDS
build and fly. C om plete k it. C an. % cred kit— J2. All postpaid U.S. Canada and ^
postpaid $3.30. U . S. p o s tp a id .- v w rit of Denver, C o l add 50c for portami·.

H ere's a new model th rill! A utogiro
principal fully carried o u t. m ost ed u ­
cational and in stru c tiv e . Fuselage
and sh o rt wing b u ilt like any o th er
modele o f balfa and tiMue. Front prop rubber
powered Fannin« Windmill lifts like real auto-
I Spiril of y ciro fully explained in directions. Full,
scale blue print«, all [complete Can. , /
A St. Louis * T $2.2 0 . Postpaid. U . 8 ................................ “
Flying C a b in M odel
F in i,I,imI nil over in B I U L U A N T SII.V F.ll B eautiful colored scale model you will
L U ST It li. N o tliiu : lik.* it on market. be proud to ow n. One of ou r m ost
UO-aeeond lliitht report-'d by Near York n po p u lar m odels because of its realistic
one of Sigh t te--.m, on Ole. Quni if ap p earan ce. C o ck p it, stream lined
crrtifitatr». T oužil ls-in . MiUchfibre w
funrlnri· w ithstand any crni-li. W t. Í H o head rest, im ita tio n ex h au st, sy n ch ro ­
construction, all part., numbered. R ealist nized m achine guns, staggered a d ­
oven " l.on e Eagle" at controls. G-in. Gl ju stab le w ings. A rm y insignia in
" Y " win« ritis. 1>£ iu. disc wiiccls. d e­ colors, detailed full size blueprints,
ta il drawings, pictures, all C O M PL E T E . ull com plete. T o be covered w ith

superlim· J a p tissue. C an ad a, S o
Nothing quite equals the thrill of aeing a po stp aid $3.30. U . S .________ «J
hydroplane lift from the water and go
circling away .water dripping from iL, pon­ T o b e covered w ith thistledow n w eight'
$ 1 0 0 0 IN P R I Z E S

toons. H ere', the bU outdoor typo that silk. C an ad a and w est of D enver. $P
Tear Out—Mall Right Away 11a , down lor 12 1-2 m in u te. AH corn- S O
pirtc witli 24"x42" rile blueprint.,. A
etc. Canada $3.30 U. d. p o stp a id ..
C olo., $5.50. U. S. p o stp aid ___ D,
B e th e F ir s t to F ly T h e s e N e w M o d e ls
All kits anti supplies g uaranteed to satisfy, or for any reason w ithin 5
days m ay be returned and your m oney refunded.
Box 3161, C h illic o th c , O h io .
G entlem en: I enclose $ --------------- for w hich s"nd me, right aw ay
M odel kits l Itave checked below:
□ Fairchild Folding W ing . . Q Lindbergh Lockheed D e ­ t r i , , ■“ SK EETER B U G H YD RO PLAN E T h e ty p e th a t has flown over 400
Ο N -X -E -ll---------- ----------- luxe_______ _____ ___.510 r e g i o n 1«8' H'K sp o rt flying i t from creek, seconds a t th e D e tro it m eet, w in­
□ Iu d o o rlly d ro p la n e -------- □ L indbergh Lockheed __ S 5 » S r ό n i ,i river. Take or ta n k . T ak es ofT and ning prizes and aw ards running
□ Indoor Record Holder . . . □ Lindbergh Lockheed 2-ft.S 2 I'iniHn lands on water successfully. in to h undreds of dollars. C anada
□ S pirit of St. 1-oitis--------- □ A uto G iro ................... S 2
□ C urtiss H a w k . . ..............
□ C urtiss H aw k Silk Cov­
□ O utdoor Tw in P u s h e r ..$ 3
O O utdoor H y d ro p lan e__ $ 3 S ? ”'? >3 S1 po stp aid $1.20. P o stp aid $1

ered ------ ------------------- O C atalog, C o n test Enroll- PA G E IL L U S T R A T E D C A TA LO G, show ing new models developed b y ou r cn-
Included extra for p o stag e . . „ incut_______ _____ 10c ^ β g in e y a fte r atten d in g th e S t. Louis A ircraft exposition last F eb ru ary . C ham pion
Κ β Ami docs not offer any fast-flying, over-pow ered ty p e models whose sup po rt in the
N am e_____________________ atr depends on excessive speed. E very C ham pion model flics bv wing lift and not an
overpowered prop. Real scientific m ethods of co nstruction em ployed. C at., rules of
A ddress_________________ - S1000 C ontest, cad et identification card, and flying b u tto n , free w itli orders -j λ _
from this ad v ertisem en t. O therw ise s e n d .............. ................................ ........ ...... 1 U C
C ity and S ta te ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please w rite plainly.
Guaranteed to Satisfy—Or Money Back AWARDS - H O N O R C E R T IF IC A T E S
No. 6

J un io r M echani cs
M o d e l A ir p l a n e N e w s
CONTENTS, JUNE, 1930 In Our Next
Page 3 Issue
JU M P !...................... ............ . . ..........................Orville H. Kneen 6
Ups and Downs of Aerial Life Preservers GLIDING and SOARING
EXPERIM ENTS....................Prof. T. N. de Bobrovsky 9
Valuable Laboratory Observations About Models
Two of the outstanding men in the
HOW TO BUILD THE FLYING GLORY MONOPLANE. . . 11 aviation industry today, Mr. Pcrcival
A Simple, Good-looking Commercial Flyer White and Captain Leslie Potter, are
taking a hand in the make-up of our
MOTORLESS F L IG H T ................................. .Anatole Feldman 19 next issue, in which will start the
Clearing Up Much o f the Mystery of Sail Flying first articles on two of the most ab­
sorbing and thrilling subjects known
WINGS OF VALOR............... ...................................Jack D’Arcy 22 to the game.
The Hunt Is On and Startling Events Follow “Gliding and Soaring' is the title
of the book written by Mr. White,
HOW TO BUILD A BARLING N B -3................. ..................... 25 and which will be published in
serial form in M o d e l A i r p l a n e N e w s .
A Three-foot Flying Model of the Record-Making Plane In these articles will be outlined every­
thing you can imagine in connection
A COURSE IN AIRPLANE DESIGNING............... Ken Sinclair 35 with gliders from construction to
sail flying. Mr. White is the author
THE AMERICAN SKY CA DETS.......................... 36 of many works on aviation, including
Atlantic City, New York and South Haven, Mich. Events “ How to Fly an Airplane” , and he
knows his subject from A to Z.
PICTORIAL S E C T IO N ............................................................... 39 All that Lindbergh, Byrd, Cham­
berlin, Yancey and other successful ■
A FLYING MODEL OF A REAL GLIDER.............................. 42 airmen have learned about navigation '
in the air is set forth in simple lan­
MACFADDEN AVIATION ADVISORY BOARD................. 43 guage for you by Captain Potter.
He is an outstanding aerial navigator
HOME LABOR SAVING DEVICES......................................... 45 and during his thirteen years of actual
Fruit Jar Caps Needle Container flying with the British Royal Air
Force, has roamed the airways of
A Drawing Board Device A Cork-Hook Europe and both the Near and Far
Safety Mouse Trap Wood-Carrier
A D og’s Latchkey A Dope-Brush Holder
In addition there will be full size
Brush Preserver Candle for Camping plans for the construction of an Avro
Avian solid scale biplane. A beau­
FIOW TO BUILD A CANOE................................... E. F. Furth 47 tiful piece of work. Plans for an
Water Thrills and Sport for Everyone endurance model also are included in
our next and wonderful issue.

ř· Published M onthly by M ODEL A IR PL A N E N EW S PLB L1SIIIN G CORP., W ashington and S outh A ves., D uncllen, N. J.
E ditorial and G eneral Offices, M acfadden Building, 1926 Broadw ay. N. Y.
Jam es E. W illiam son, President Irene T. Kennedy, Treasurer W esley F. Pape, Secretary
J. W . I.cB aron, Advertising Manager, G raybar Ruilding, 420 Lexington A vc., New Y ork. N. Y.
E ntered as second-class m a tte r June 5th, 1929. a t the P o st Office at Dunellen. N. J ., under the Act of M arch 3rd, 1879.
Additional en try a t New Y ork. N. Y.
Copyright, 1930. by M ODEL A IR P L A N E N EW S P U B L ISH IN G COUP. Copyright also rti C anada and G reat B ritain . A ll rig h ts reserved.
I rice lac a copy in u . S. and in Canada. Subscription price $1.50 a year in th e U nited S tates and its p o sse ssio n s; also C anada, Cuba. Mexico and Panam a.
All o th e r countries $2.00 per year.
. , Chicago Office: 333 North M ichigan Ave.. C. If. S h at tuck. M anager.
London A g en ts: A tlas Publishing & D istrib u tin g Co., L td .. 18 B ride L ane, London, E. C.
Contributors are especially advised to be sure to retain copies o f tlieir contributions: otherwise they are taking unnecessary risk. Every possible effort will bemade in our
organisation to return unavailable m anuscripts, photographs and drawings, {if accompanied by postage), but we wilt not be responsible fo r any loss o f such matter contributed.

P R IN T E D BY T H E A R T C O LO R P R IN T IN G CO.. D U N E L L E N , N . J., U. S. A
June, 1930 J u n i o r M e c h a n i c s a n d M o d e l A i r p l a n e N e w s 3

A. A. C. Model Aircralters, 4719 Third Ave., N.Y.C.


B E R G H ’S M y stery Lockheed S IR IU S ; or otherw ise
called the "1JOG S T A R ” . T he en tire model is con­
I T FRENCH BERNARD PURSUIT stru cted of B alsa W ood, excepting for the light cellu­
loid w heels and m etal fittin g s. T he colors accom­
SH IP Kit—a low-winged flying scale panying th is k it lend the realistic touch to the
finished m odel; which when com pleted in accordance
model. Complete with colored dopes and to th e blu ep rin ts th a t go w ith the k it w eighs from
two to th ree ounces. T h is model is a wonderful
full-sized blueprints ........................... $3.50 flyer. C O M PLE TE K IT . O N L Y ................................ $3.59

Action Photo of the New York Aviation Show's

Prize Winning CURTISS "ROBIN” Flying
Scale Model built by Sky Cadet Walter Welsch
of Bronx, New York, front A.A.C. Kit.
MODEL Kit—Complete with colored dopes and
full-sized blueprints.......................................... §6.00
All K its A rc C om plete w ith B luep rin ts


AND SEAPLANE FLYER. Kit with full size-
24" U. S. ARMY HAWK. One of the B. M. TRACTOR Kit. wingspan 10"................ 40 detailed blueprints, pontoon blocks and pair of
BABY R.O.G. Kit, wingspan 10".......................50 celluloid wheels .................................................. $1.75
most popular flying scale models in the WINDJAMMER No. 3 Kit, wingspan 30".. .85
country. Kit complete with full detailed
blueprints ............................................ $2.50
wingspan 11-3/8" ...........................................§1.50
wingspan 38-3/8" ...........................................§3.00
span 24-1/2" ...................................................§3.50
BI-PLANE Kit, wingspan 24" .................. §3.75
PLANE Kit, wingspan 34-3/4" .................$6.00
23-1/S" ............................................................ $2.50
AH item s listed on th is page a re . sen t by P o st,
Prepaid. NO stam p s or F oreign coin accepted. Send
E xpress or P ostal M oney-O rder to A.A.C. M ODEI.
A IR C R A F T E R S , 4719 T H IR D A V ENU E. N. Y. C.
A. A. C. CHAMPION TW IN -PU SH ER BABY in s iz e ; but G IA N T in perform ance. T his
indoor com m ercial model is of 11" wingspan and is
in flight over roof-tops of buildings near Did you get your FREE copy of the g u aran teed to R IS E O FF T H E ground. Can be con­
verted in to a seap lan e if desired. K it com plete with
our factory. Kit of 36" wingspan model MODEL AIRCRAFTERS WORLD? If full-sized detailed blu ep rin ts and in boxed container.
not, send for one. ONLY .....................................................................................75c
complete with detailed blueprints.. .$2.50

Nation-Wide Demand Compels Us to Offer the Following Bargains!

Finest Grade Clear South American A.A.C. CHAMPIONSHIP RUBBER 1 7/8" Celluloid wheels ............. 25c Pair
Balsa Wood. Specially Cut, Dressed and flat. A skein of 200 Feet— (with bearings)
Prepared for Model Builders. ONLY ............................................... $1.00
Plank Sixes A.A.C. RUBBER LUBRICANT 2" Balloon Tired W h eels.......... 50c Pair
1" X6" X 36" long—$0.75 each which doubles flying time of your indoor (extra light)
2 " x 6 " x 3 6 " long— 1.00 each and outdoor models (not Glycerine)—per
2" X 3" X 36" long— .80 each bottle 25c. 8" Hand Carved Balsa Propellers ,50c Each
3" X 3"x 36" long— 1.00 each A.A.C. COLORED DOPE— 11" Hand Carved Balsa Propellers 75c Each
Strip Sizes excellent for wood and Japanese tissue (made right or left handed)
(special bundles of 25 strips) covering—In colors of RED, YELLOW,
Vs" X Vs" X 36"—$0.60 per Bdle ORANGE, BLUE, BLACK, GREEN, Pure Nitrate Dope 2 ozs.............. 40c Btlc
Í 4 " x ^ " x 3 6 " — 1.25 per Bdle SILVER and GOLD—Bottle sizes of 20c, (For silk Coverings)
Vs" X V&" X 40"— 1.50 per Bdle 30c and 50c each.
CÁ" N fá// sizes are twin-pusher COLORLESS AMBROID 9 Cylinder Celluloid air cooled imita­
sticks.) GENUINE Ambroid in colorless form. tion motors.........................50c each
ADD 15c extra for postage to points Excellent for invisible cementing work.
west of Mississippi and Canada. 1/2 oz—15c 1 oz—20c 2 ozs.—30c Send 2c Stamp for Complete Price List!

4 J u n i o r M e c h a n i c s a n d M o d e l A i r p l a n e N e w s

Model airplane contests are

coming. Will you be ready??
W hat Qur When model plane builders want their supplies and sets sent quickly,
A they order from Hawthorne.
When they want material of the highest quality, with prices consistent
Say: with, that quality, they order from Hawthorne.
When they want construction sets, plans and directions for planes that
Newell Martin, Peabody, fly, that have broken records, and that have given much satisfaction to
Mass., says: previous buyers, they order from Hawthorne.
“ The C urtiss Hawk
When they want all of the above, and besides that, want their order
model equipped with skis,
packed in a manner that insures safe delivery, without receiving broken
secured about 230 feet. I
parts, they order from Hawthorne.
thought this good, as it
took off the snow.” If you don’t believe this, give us a trial, and we will convince you.

Evan Gammill, Nashville, Specifications of Hawthorne Supplies

Ark., says:
Our balsa wood is of the best quality, slightly above the specifications
“Enough cannot be said of the U. S. government. It is specially selected for absence of worm holes,
for the Baby Tractor as a knots, cross grain and other imperfections.
Our rubber, paper, wire, glue, dope, etc., is the same as used by the
winners of the National contests in the past year, and is considered by many
Eugene Haynes, Winches' model builders as being the best obtainable.
ter, Ma$s.
By following up many important National model plane contests, Haw^
“I have three of your
thorne designers have kept up with the best in the field today, and you
Baby Tractors. They fly may be sure that, when you buy a Hawthorne plane construction set or
wonderful. Send the fob
lowing right away.”
plan, that you have one that is strictly up to date, and one that will give
the results you desire.
Nicholas Pastore, N. Y. C.,
“I am greatly pleased
Hawthorne Model Supplies— Special
with your wood and glue.” Large bundle various sizes of balsa wood, high qual­
ity, including flat wood, prop, blocks, long and short Balsa W o o d . Prices are on lots
lengths, square.wood, etc. Λ real buy.................... $ .50

H. A. Basil, Sheridan, High grade pure gum rubber. of Six. Length 24 Inches
V&" x 1l321' full skein............................$1.00
Mont., reports: 3/ιο" X l l32" full skein........................... $1.50 i/ 8" sq.................................
“ Some tim e ago we Japan silk tissue, very light and strong, the same as ι / 8" X 1 / 4"...........................
used by experts. Size 20" x 25" per doz................. $ .40
bought the parts for a 24" Thrust bearings, new design, high carbon steel, in two i / 8 " x 3 / 8 " ............................................
sizes, smallfand large, for indoor and outdoor planes.
Hawk. On the second Per dozen.............. »................................................$ .30 1 /8" XI A"...........................
flight we made a record of Celluloid wheels for models are very strong and light, . 1 / 4" s q ................................. .................. $.25
besides being very realistic.
592 feet.” 2" celluloid wheel..................................... per pair $ .30 1 /4" *3/8"............................
IK " wheel........................................... «.- per pair $ .20 1 / 4" X I A " ..........................................
Ambroid cement. In 1 oz.'tubes or 2 oz. cans. 3/8" s q ................................. ............$.30
Price per lot of ten ounces..................................... $1.00
O ther Models We Sell i /a" s q ................................ ............$.30
Airplane dope. In 2 oz. cans. Price per five cans.
Plain dope for covering............................................$ .80 i / 32" x a " ............................. ............ S.30
Junkers monoplane, record Colored dope for doping plane (what color)........$1.00 i / i 6" n " ............................. ............ $.30
holding indoor and outdoor New 1930 Catalog and model plane book with many
new ideas, plans, etc.................................................$ .10 i /8" X 2".............................. ............$-35
tractors, twin pusher, FoU
ker Universal, and others. in s tr u c tio n s , a n d id ea s th a t have
All in our catalog. ................$ .1 0


June, 1930 J unior M echanics and M odel A i r p l a n e N ews 5

H aw th o rn e Models A re FLYING Models


This is a model of the fast pursuit plane flown by Army

and Navy aviators. The weight of this plane is about
two ounces, made mostly of balsa wood. Flights of 300 feet
and 40 seconds have been reported from boys who have
made this plane.
The set for this model contains all necessary parts, includ­
Lockheed “ Sirius” ing celluloid wheels, cut out body sides, two colors of dope,
bent wire parts, plan and directions, etc.
2 Ft. (w ith o u t N. A. C. A . c o w lin g ) Complete construction set.......................................... $ 2*50
L in d b e r g h 's L a te st P la n e
This newest creation of the famous Lockheed line makes an excellent flying
model. With its streamlined rounded fuselage, tapered wing and absence of wing
struts, it presents a clean, fast appearance seen in few planes.
The wonderful design and construction in the Lockheed has been put into the
Hawthorne model with the result that in flying ability, strength and type of con­
struction, the last word in up to date models is presented.
With this set is included cut out ribs, fuselage parts shaped, wire parts, wheels,
radial motor parts, etc.
Construction set.................................. ............................................................ $ 3.50

The Baby Tractor is the simplest model to make, and as

Lockheed “vega”
it contains only just enough parts for flying, will outfly
many a larger and more costly model. This model has been
flown out of sight many times, under the right conditions,
This famous North and South Pole plane used by Sir Hubert Wilkins, the Arctic and when fairly well made will average about thirty to sixty
explorer, is great for a model. The performance, construction set and price are the seconds duration.
same as for the Lockheed Sirius model above.
Construction s e t........................................................... $.50

H aw thorne Model Airplanes

All Hawthorne planes arc scientifically designed with flying
ability as the first consideration. They contain all the latest
improvements in design, and the best points of models that in the
last year have won contests.
Hawthorne Model Airplane Supplies are made to satisfy the
demands of the most exacting model builder. They are made of
the best and lightest material and are used by many of the expert
model builders and contest winners of this country.
All Hawthorne construction si-ts contain every necessary part
to make the plane, with extra material included for possible mis­
takes. Hawthorne planes will fly well when made correctly.
The construction used in the real planes is followed as far as pos­
sible, with any necessary changes made by expert model makers,
in order to increase the flight of the plane.
A few features of Hawthorne planes are the celluloid wheels,
Actual photo of uncovered Lockheed Vega and Sirius wing and landing gear. which are the strongest and lightest for models; also two colors of
As much work is already done, such as cut out ribs, formed body parts, wing mount airplane dope, included with all scale model type planes; the suc­
block on Sirius, etc., the models are not hard to make. cess had by boys who have built these planes.

MAGINE yourself a young fledgling, joyriding “By the time she was over the side the entire tail

I along the skyways in a fast airplane, an army in­

structor as pilot in the cockpit ahead. The earth
unfolds as a green map, two-thirds of a mile below.
Suddenly you feel a shudder running through the
had gone. The nose being heavy, we fell into prac­
tically a vertical dive. You can believe we were drop­
ping pretty fast, though the ground didn’t come up as
fast as one would expect.
ship. The tail starts vibrating violently. Something “I saw Miss Gillis’s parachute open out, and at the
is wrong. The pilot leans over and shouts, as he same moment both wings tore loose. I unfastened my
throttles the engine: safety belt and waited a moment for the wings and
“Unfasten your safely belt—and JUM P!” flying pieces of fabric and wood to clear the fuselage.
How would you feel about that time? “Then I cut the switch, pulled myself up against the
I asked this question of Miss Fay Gillis, fair young terrific force of the falling plane, and dived head-first
student at Curtiss Flying Field, Long Island, and she over the side. I jerked the rip-cord and my ’chute just
laughed at me. A month before she had been in that caught the air as I heard the machine crash. Then I
very position. lii in the trees and crashed down. That knocked me
“I didn’t have time to think about how I felt. TVe out for a few seconds. . . .”
were coining down so fast that I lost no time climb­
ing over the edge of the cockpit. Then over I went, EANTIME Miss Gillis had floated for a few sec­
into the air.” onds, and then gently landed among the tree-
The young army pilot-instructor took up his narra­ tops. She pointed out the clump of tall oaks at the
tive of this record-breaking episode, the first real far edge of Curtiss Field, Long Island—probably a mile
aerial adventure he has had since he graduated from from the “contact-office” where we stood. She was
the Army Air Corps eighteen months ago. probably six or eight hundred feet high when she
“We were up about 1,000 feet, testing an old plane obeyed orders to jump. Clearing the plane, her safe
with a heavy new engine. The plane had had 400 or descent seemed assured the moment she pulled her rip­
500 hours. We flew upside down, and went into an in­ cord.
verted power dive for a few seconds, when suddenly Actually she landed in two trees, her parachute
the tail began vibrating. Spreading in. such a remarkable way as to leave her
“It shook the whole ship. I couldn’t keep her nose suspended in her harness, dangling between the
up. I knew we were in for it. The altimeter then branches.
showed about 3,500 feet. “I was forty feet or more above the ground,” she re­
“I told Miss Gillis to jump. We both had seat-pack called, in the detached manner that one relates an
’chutes. It takes only a second to climb over the side amusing episode oil a picnic. v
and take a dive. “It wasn’t very comfortable, so I started swinging
The Ups and Downs
Aerial Life Preservers
myself, aml managed to catch hold of a branch and
pull myself over. But I couldn’t get out of my harness,
because it takes two hands to unsnap the leg-bands,
when your whole weight is on them, and I had to hang
on to my branch at the same time.
“So I just hung there a few minutes, thanking my
lucky stars and shouting to Lieutenant Trunk, who had
come to and was trying to get down.
“ ‘Wliat shall I do?’ I called. ‘Are you hurt?’ Trunk
yelled, ‘No!’
“By this time a crowd had begun to collect, with Col. Charles A. Lind*
ladders and ropes and everything. In fifteen minutes bergh putting on a
They had a rope around me, to make sure I wouldn’t p a ra c h u te b efo re
get dizzy and fall. Then I climbed down the ladder, m a k i n g a f l i ght .
and found Lieutenant Trunk already down—and that’s This apparatus has
saved his life on four
all there was to it.” different occasions
From all this she emerged without a scratch. Not
even her “air-sense” was injured, for within an hour
or so she was back in the air, celebrating her initiation
as the second woman-member of the “Caterpillar Club.” “went bad” during its tests. The machine was jow
The pilot was not quite so fortunate. Hardwood when tlie pilot jumped that no one on ^ie saw
trees do not make the softest of landing places. He him above the tree-top horizon, thou^ 0f course tliev
sustained a cut belween the eyes, that required four­ heard the crash.
teen stitches, and his nose suffered from the same blow. Why some pilots and p a s s e n ^ refuse to wear these
After a day or so in hospital he was back on tlie field. “lile-bells’ is a mystery. Tf^ pil0ts 5 who take manv
He, too, was soon in the air again, and inclined to chances, and airmail pilo^ always snap on a para-
make light of his initiation into the inner circle of chute before^ taking oil" "Exhibitionists and students
those whose lives have been saved by a “silken um­ learning to joinj) Enetimes wear two, a breast type
brella,” when their airplanes refused to plane. in front aiid^ib-^eafspack behind. This is not due To
I asked him * mistrust of a sin­
what happened to gle ’chute, but
the machine. merely to make
“A total wash­ sure of a “happy
out,” he laughed. landing” in case
“I never saw a the rip-cord is
ship so complete­ pulled too quick­
ly shot. Sorry I ly, and the bil­
didn’t get a pic­ lowing ’chute is
ture of the re­ fouled by the ma­
mains.” chine.
Therein lies the O c e a n 1 i n-
story of these re­ e r s, l a u n c h e s
markable “l i f e and other "Water
preservers of the c r a f t a r e re­
air.” For if the quired to carry
pilot and his stu- l i f e preservers
d e n t - passenger for all passen­
h a d f a. i l e .tWys gers. They may
-tffuip themselves never be used,
with parachutes— b u t th e y a r e
it is the invari­ there when need­
able rule at Cur­ ed, and usually,
tiss Field and in of course, there
both Army and is time to don
Navy — they them before the
would have been boat sinks.
hard to separate Air-travel, how­
from the pile of Parachute in operation, the packing being completely released with folds of silk ever, is faster,
j u n k that w a s ready to be pulled out horizontally by the pilot chute as it snaps backward, in and safety de­
once an experi­ less than a second of time mands that the
mental plane. passenger be pre­
Or had their ’chutes failed at least partly to open pared. The seat-pack is convenient, makes a comfort­
in time—and the time was mighty short—for the pilot— able seat pad, and requires no instruction beyond mak­
we probably would never have known what really hap­ ing sure that the machine has been cleared before the
pened on that first day of September, when a plane ring is pulled to release the pilot 'chute.
8 J u n i o r M e c h a n i c s a n d M o d e l A i r p l a n e N e w s

It is very rare that the machine is so low that the feet the right wing collapsed. The pilot, Major Floyd E.
’chute will not open before the ground is reached. Evans, shouted to Snell to jump.
One of the host things about parachutes is that they Snell failed to move. Major Evans repeated his warn­
work for the amateur just as well as for the profes­ ing and jumped. Ilis passenger apparently could not
sional. Miss 0 ill is, a slim attractive air-recruit, told recover from his fear-complex, perhaps a form of “men­
me that she started to fly on August (i, had soloed on tal paralysis,” and was killed in the crash, while the
August 81, and jumped for her life the next day. pilot landed safely.
Two weeks later she joined the Curtiss sales force,
keeping on with her flying lessons, and the day I saw il 10 remarkable feature of this case was that only
her—October 5—she had just qualified for her private Ta short time previously Lieutenant Snell had made
pilot’s license. Thus two months from her first lesson a far more dangerous dive from the top deck of the
she had completed her ten hours of flying, and made a Leviathan into New York Harbor, at the dare of a girl.
safe landing in a parachute. liecently a form-fitting type of parachute was de­
The U. S. Army Air Coi’ps has the proof that once signed by Master Sergeant Erwin II. Nichols, para­
you make up your mind to leave the plane at 175 feet chute instructor at the Primary Flying School, Brooks
or higher, your chances of parachuting safely are just Field, Texas. One pound lighter, this type lies snugly
about 100 per cent. According to its records every man on the back from shoulder blades to hips, and is only
who has jumped with an Army type parachute and two inches thick, ft is recommended for use in bomb­
cleared the machine has had his parachute open. This ing and transport planes, and several companies recom­
is the type manufactured as the Irvin Air Chute, the mend it for their passengers.
most widely used, and was the only one on Sergeant Nichols has instructed more
the market until recently. It is the than 1,000 officers and cadets in the
standard for Great Britain and use of the parachute and more
other air forces. than 120 of his pupils have
Major E. L. Hoffman, saved their lives by para­
TT.S.A., is credited with chutes. Colonel Charles
the perfection of this A. Lindbergh was one
itø a v er. Ma j o r of his impils.
IIoffnmiT-e x P e r i- The , principle of
mented for '\T! the parachute was
with dummy loads * conceived by the
at McCook Field, f i r s t scientific
and received the student of flight,
Collier Trophy the genius Leo­
in 1926, for the nardo da Yinci,
greatest Ameri­ Details of his
can a c h i e v e ­ ideas are not
ment in avia­ known to have
tion. been put to
practical us e ,
It is this type
that has saved but one of his
almost all the disciples d ev e l­
nearly 200 mem­ oped them, and
bers of the ‘“Cat­ actually built a
erpillar C 1 u b'’, “sort of square
t h o s e butterflies sail extended by
whose wings have four rods of equal
failed and whose size and having
lives have been four cords attached
saved by a parachute. at the corners.” He is
Colonel Lindbergh still said to have made leaps
holds the record as a from buildings, includ­
“fourth degree” member, al­ ing the top of the Leaning
though several have made 'jqwer of Pisa, but if so, he
two safe jumps each. gave" HP his hobby before
One of the latter, Lieu­ 1618. -**-->__
tenant Walter Lees, jumped In the 17th čenlurý^tu is
at an estimated 150 feet of record that the French
when his controls failed. court was thrilled by an in­
Lieutenant Fred C. Xelson trepid individual who leaped
also leaped at about 150 Leslie L. Irvin, chief engineer of the Irvin Air Chute Co., with the aid of two um­
feet. His passenger failed to Inc., wearing the “free type manually operated” para­ brellas fastened to his
jump and was burned to chute with which he has made over 100 descents in safety girdle. Whether he made
death in the wreckage. The more than one leap is open
record for number saved is probably still that made to question, for the area of the much larger ’chutes now
May 28, 1927, when Major Lewis If. Brereton and used is the least that will support a man in a safe
three -passengers jumped to safety when the propeller descent.
broke. The fourth passenger stayed with the plane In 1788 Sebastian Le Normand is known to have de­
and was killed. scended by parachute from the top of Montpellier Ob­
This form of panic that occasionally holds even a servatory. lie is generally credited with inventing the
flyer to his machine is one of the mysteries of aviation. parachute. Some years later the celebrated aero­
Such was the strange fate of Lieutenant Edward Snell, naut Blanchard experimented with small parachutes
Michigan National Guard officer, last year. At 1,900 dropped from balloons, to (ConUnited on page 57)
M odels and T h e i r R e la tio n to
S c ie n tific E xp erim en ts
By L a b o ra to ry O b s e rv a tio n s W h ic h C an Be

Prof. T. N. de Bobrovsky A d o p te d b y th e M o d e l B u ild e r

ROM time to time I shall try to describe on these makes photographing very difficult. There are three

F pages some of the models which I have used for

scientific flying model experiments, and which
models have proven satisfactory and might he
successfully used by other model fans.
means of automatically correcting these deviations on
the twin pusher.
As a rule, the small wire "cans” on models are used
only to lessen the vibrations of the rubber. In the twin
In many cases, where a new device has to be tested pusher model described in Fig. 1, however, these cans
out and a flying model is used for that purpose, a twin- also affect, the directional flight of the model as well.
pusher type is employed. Very often this model’s flight As can be seen in this sketch, this model is of the Penaud
must be observed with, instruments and motion pictures type with one center fuselage. Note that the cans are
made. It is well known that the twin-puslier or, for that fastened to the wing. This serves a double purpose. \
matter, all of the pusher type First of all, it reduces the rubber
models are capable of carrying vibrations and then it also helps
heavier loads, and that their un­ to guide the model in straight
usual stability, as compared with flight. This is done in the follow­
the usual type models, makes ing manner. As the model goes
them ideal for experimental pur­ into a bank, the wing being some­
poses. However, one of the dis­ what flexible on the model, the
advantages of the pusher model is wing on the outside of the bank,
that they do not keep a straight getting more pressure, is some­
course and the many constant what raised; thereby also lifting
deviations from tlieir course the "can” attached to the wing.

10 J unior M echanics and M odel A irplane N ews

This "can” in turn rubs against the rubber band, thus flight. This model, also a twin pusher, twin fuselage
slightly reducing the speed of the attached propeller; craft, lias a small pulley fastened to each propeller,
the other propeller having somewhat more speed, the over which pulleys a small rubber band is stretched.
model automatically straightens itself. This elastic band helps to maintain the speed of the two
Another means of keeping a twin pusher type model propellers exactly alike and also eliminates the possi­
in straight directional flight is illustrated in Fig. 2, bility of a spin, crash, etc., in the event that one rubber
where on the front of the single or double fuselage, the motor should run down before the other. In construct­
rubber supporting hook is made of one piece of wire. ing a twin pusher of this design, the shafts will have to
An upright metal rod is soldered to this hook, to the be somewhat stronger than usual, as well as the cross
upper part of which a rudder is attached. This hook piece between the two shafts.
also hinges on (his upright rod. In spite of the fact The present methods used in the construction of multi-
that two iden­ motored models,
t i c a 1 propellers such as the Ford
m a y be u s c d tri-motor for in­
on t h i s model, stance, is to pro­
their revolutions pel only the cen­
a re never the ter propeller, the
same. This is two outside pro­
caused by the un­ pellers being en­
even unwinding tirely free, merely
of the knots in revolving slowly
the rubber bands. in the air. In the
Therefore, if one first place, this is
propeller should not a true imita­
revolve faster due tion of the origi­
to the tightening nal, and in the
of the rubber second p l a c e ,
caused by the un­ there is an un­
even u n r a v e l ­ necessary resist­
ing— the rubber ance by having
being tighter, it to drag the two
pulls the rudder s i d e propellers
in the opposite a long: t h e r e b y
direction and au- greatly reducing
t o ni a t i c a 1 1 y the flying range
straightens craft. of the model. This
Fig. 3 shows a also means that
third alternative the center pro­
for keeping the peller will have
model in straight (Oont. on page 50)
The Flying Glory Monoplane
Δ C o m m e rc ia l M o del T h a t Has F lo w n M o re T h a n 1,000 Feet

HIS model is not a copy of any particular large Cut plane exactly in center through trailing edge,

T airplane. Designed for Hying performance and spar and leading edge.
simple mechanical construction, it incorporates
scientific principles which make it an excep­
tional flyer in addition to its graceful appear­
1. Set up two books or blocks 1-3/4" high, about

27" apart.
Place wing tips on blocks so as to form a
ance. Soon a large airplane will be placed on 1lie
market with the same Y-shaped body. This feature sweep back of 3/4" at center as in plan.
greatly lowers wind resistance and also acts as a sta­ 3. Glue parts No. 45 (diatral form) No. 46 (front
bilizing influence in flight—on the same principle as the edge brace) and No. 47 (rear edge brace) as
keel of a sailboat. Straight flights of 1,500 feet have diagrammed.
been achieved with this model. Make these parts as shown in plan. After skeleton
There are several new principles of model engineer­ wings have dried, cover with bamboo paper being care­
ing used in this model which not only add to its value ful to stretch well to avoid wrinkles, using nitrate dope
as an educational project but also add to its sturdiness, for gluing and doping wings.
flight and appearance. Actual construction should not
take more than five hours. S t a b iliz e r
W in g s Take length of reed and form outside rim on plan,
using pins to hold diagrammed shape. Cut five pieces
First make one rib to size shown in diagram and use 1/J6" round wood to size as shown in plan (35, 38
this rib as template with which to make twelve more. and 37).
Take piece of basswood for spar 1/16" x 1/4" and cut Cut piece of 1/16" x 1/4" basswood for center piece
to 27" length. (No. 40) and set as shown in plan. Cut two pieces
Cut two pieces 1/16"x 1/8"x 28" spruce for leading 1/16"x l/S " spruce for tail formers (No. 39) and set
edge and trailing edge. as shown.
Then proceed as follows: Glue these parts together having them in form and
let dry. Then glue on other side. Then cover both sides.
1 . Pin plan on table or fiat surface. Drill small hole on section No. 40 with a small nail
2. Place spar (No. 42) in position noted on plan. as shown on plan for placing the rudder.
3. Place ribs (No. 41) on spar, spacing them
exactly as on plan. R u dd er
4. Glue front edge (No. 43) and rear edge (No. Make in same manner as stabilizer. Cut reed and·
44) to ribs. 1/16" round wood to size and glue and cover. Be sure
5. Ends of spars connecting wing tips must be part No. 31 extends 3/16" beyond outer rim.
slightly shaved before gluing to wing tips. (Continued on pofjr 50)
12 i J unior M echanics and M odel A irplane N ews
How το B u i l d t he F l y i n g Gl ory M o n o p l a n e 13
14 J u n i o r M e c h a n i c s a n d M o d e l A i r p l a n e N e w s
How το B uild the Flying Gl o r y M onoplane

13 ° P itc h

S o /id B a lsa
---------_r~7------ i ■ '

J unior M echanics an r Μ ode l A irplane N ews

do in No. 6 he re

No. 5

r \

10 Biild the Fl
Y1NG GL ° « v M 0N0 pl

n - c/o/ns /Vo. 7 here\ No. 6

18 J unior M ech

— PLAN A /E lv OF W/Ν ΰ —
Μ otorless F l i g h t -
A T re a tis e W h ic h C lea rs U p M u c h o f the M y s te ry o f S a il F ly in g

A natole Feldman

AX'S dream of flying on outstretched wings is Teutonic thoroughness, is rapidly mastering the uncer­
M as old as man himself. For twenty years now, tain element of the air.
his planes and his Zeppelins, propelled by In the past year over three thousand availed them­
gasoline engines, have carried him over the selves of the free instruction fostered by a wise govern­
earth and the waters. Today, a flight to the ment and offered in the public schools. Control sticks,
unexplored regions of the poles, if not tin every day oc­ elevators, air currents and gliding angles are discussed
currence, is a feasible practicability. But beyond this, as familiarly as radio and tennis.
there is a still more interesting, and perhaps more im­ True, in the plane of the German boy there is no
portant development in aeronautics; motorless flight— motor, yet he actually flies. And from the very nature
the sustained flights in a heavier-than-air machine of his bird-like machine, he learns more about flying
without propelling power. Take-offs, landings, banks and the laws that govern it than many a veteran pilot
and turns have all been achieved by the simple of the standard aircraft. For after the first day, which
utilization of the most common element about us—air. is devoted entirely to intensive lecturing, he climbs into
Germany today has gone air-minded. the seat of his glider, grips the con­
Bird-minded might be the better term, r A striking view of the “Eaglet” trols, waves his arm and leaps off in
lor the youth of the country has turned soaring in the air, with Capt. space.
to motorless flight and, with the usual Frank M. Hawks at the controls Xo instructor flies with him. He is
20 J unior M echanics and M odel A irplane N ews

sustained in the air youngsters. The movement is gathering momentum

by his own efforts; daily and people are becoming air-minded in the true
and his salvation sense of the word.
d e p e n d s on h i s There is a sharp and clearly defined difference be­
knowledge, concen­ tween gliding and “sail flying.” In a glide, the ma­
tration and quick chine slowly but steadily loses altitude until it
thinking. lands. In a sail flight, however, though the nose
Any boy in Ger­ of the machine is continually pointed down­
many over fourteen, ward it is lifted and sustained by upward
who has the neces­ currents of air and maintains or in­
sary interest and in­ creases its altitude.
itiative, may receive A novice in the science of motor­
official instruction in less flight uses the simple glid­
the art of gliding. er but it is the “sail plane”
All the preliminary that actually flics. In de­
instruction is given sign and construction
by c o m p e t e n t , it is far more sen-
trained men and the sitive and re­
percentage of really sponsive than
serious accidents is the glider to
so small as to be the vertical
practically negligi­ air currents.
ble. True, for the Those most
youngster the preliminary gliding is not dangerous, the commonly in use at present in Germany weigh from
machines rarely rising more than ten or twelve feet two to three hundred pounds and boast a wing surface
off the ground. But this is just the beginning—the ele­ of twenty square yards. Their design is such that with
mentary ground work. As he progresses, becomes sure remarkable ease they iloat upward on air currents. So
of his machine and its medium, cross-country flights of sensitive are they in operation that in actual flight the
thirty and forty miles are accomplished at elevations of pilot almost feels that he has wings and tail. He is one
three or four hundred feet—in short, motorless flight with his machine; there is and must be perfect co-ordi­
lasting for hours. nation between the two. A movement on the part of the
flyer is reflected in his ship and vice versa. The illu­
sion of a man with wings is still more heightened in
F ORTUNATELY, the art of gliding is not confined to
the youth of the country alone. The universities also watching from the ground an expert pilot manipulate
his motorless plane.
foster the science and almost every campus has its
glider club, formed with the express purpose of studying On first witnessing motorless flight it seems an in­
the design, construction and principles of the motorless explicable miracle but when one has learned a few rudi­
plane. It is here that the sensitive “sail planes” have ments of the design of the sail plane, a good, deal of
been developed; marvelously dexterous machines as the mystery vanishes. The most distinctive feature of
graceful and sure in the air as the birds they emu­ this type of craft is its long, narrow wings, reaching at
late. times sixty feet in length and less than five feet in
Despite man’s memorial aspiration to fly, it has width. They are built narrow to prevent excessive ed­
only been in the last decade that he has succeeded dies and long to give enough wing surface to lift the
in propelling himself through the atmosphere in a weight of a man and a possible passenger.
heavier-than-air machine. We /have our Zeppelins, our As compared to a glider, the method of launching a
mammoth freight and passenger planes, all powered by sail plane is very interesting. A simple glider merely
gasoline engines. We wage Avar in the air, explore the rolls or is dragged down an incline before it takes off.
inaccessible corners of the globe and speed up the A sail plane, however, is altogether too light for this
world’s business with wings and high powered motors method. If started slowly it would bob about like a
but the time is here, too, when simple gliders cross feather in a gale and immediately get out of control.
mountains, sail over oceans, ride clouds, and yes, even In launching an elastic rope device is used, which cata­
hover still in the heavens like a pinioned hawk before pults the plane in the air like a stone out of a sling.
the swoop. The pilot must maintain this initial speed by press­
Man is beginning to learn what the birds have always ing down the nose of liis sail plane, which act decreases
known—that the air will support him, even as water the angle of 1lie tilt of the wings. Gravity then operates
supports a swimmer, if only he will operate the wings and draws the plane earthward in a gentle angling
of his glider correctly. So far lias he advanced in the flight which is called a glide. From this, it can truth­
mastery of the air that all those old bugaboos of the fully be said that gravity is the motor power of the
flyer—wind gusts, squalls, pockets, clouds and storm— motorless plane.
are now recognized as having a definite, useful value
in motorless flight.
A covey of hovering birds, suddenly shooting ver­ BUTis that
the interesting and important feature of this fact
though the sail plane glides down, if gains
tically in the air'without the flap of a wing, is an ob­ altitude at Ike same time. On the surface of it, the
servation common to all of us. And by using the iden­ thing looks impossible but the following illustration
tical air currents that propel the birds, man, too, in makes it clear.
motorless planes, can rise and descend and direct his Imagine that a model glider is released from the
course above the surface of the earth. ceiling in one corner of a room to fly down to the
There are over two hundred glider clubs in Germany floor at the opposite end. And also imagine that at
today. Ten thousand flights in motorless planes were the same time some Samson thrusts the entire room
made in 192S and at a conference in the Rhone Moun­ high in the air. Thus visualised it will be seen that
tains in Central Germany, one hundred and five ma­ the model glider will be gaining altitude while flying
chines competed. The science, sport, art—call it what down. There are a score of other illustrations just as
you will—is more than an interesting novelty for the apt. It is in identically this way that sail planes
C' —'" : · ~,

M otorless Flight 21

make sustained flights—by using the opposing forces By starting against this a sail plane rapidly gains
of gravity and the upward currents of air. altitude.
As in every other machine or engine, elficiency is a Along with the pilots of motor planes, flyers of sail
prime factor and, in the design of the sail plane, it is planes avoid forests as much as possible as they offer
continually striven for. The most efficient motorless no landing places. However, the sand dunes along a
plane is the one with the lowest sinking velocity, for scacoast make for excellent flying conditions. Usually
it will respond to the slightest upward current and there is a steady inshore breeze blowing off the ocean
give the pilot more time to reach the next column of and this, striking the rising elevation of the shore,
vertical air. causes a steady, prevailing upward current of air, pro­
portionately higher than the up slope mountain air
GROSS-COUNTRY flight in a motorless plane is streams.
A achieved by the simple process of coasting from
high up in one air current to the foot of the next. Of
It has been the general experience that flying over
the sand dunes of a scacoast requires but half the skill
course there are many oilier determining factors which and work of flying over mountains, where every depres­
make for the success of a flight; the design of the plane, sion in the hills makes its own particular eddy.
the skill of the pilot and the contour of the terrain over One of the most interesting of all upward air cur­
which the flight is made. rents is the one which causes the cumulus clouds. A
From an elevation of 2,000 feet an ideal sail plane, skillful pilot of a sensitive sail plane can “hang” under
with a low sinking velocity, will glide to earth in about such a cloud and be carried along and even sucked up
sixteen minutes, whereas a simple glider will be forced by the uprising wind. It is possible that this specific
to land in half that time. current may revolutionize the science of motorless flight,
But the flyer of the motorless plane is not interested for with its aid a pilot can make long and sustained
only in a plane that sinks slowly. lie is after speed and flights over great distances.
distance. The best machines that have been built to But flying under clouds has its disadvantages, also.
date will fly between seven and eight miles, gliding It is a tricky business and requires all the skill and
down from an altitude of 2,000 feet. This is a ratio of attention of the flyer, for at any moment the cloud he
about one to twenty and is technically called the glid­ is flying with may change its shape or dissolve com­
ing figure. pletely, leaving him no alternative but to land.
Speed, of course, is a prime consideration in motor­
less flying, for with a fast machine a pilot can quickly PWARD air currents are also produced by the sun
get from one vertical air column to the next. Very
often in flying from one such column to another the
plane will have to buck strong head winds and this
U shining on certain reflective objects on the ground,
such as metallic roofs, large squares of paving, etc.
It is by recognizing, understanding and using these
consideration has led to the development of low and various upward air currents that (he glider pilot stays
high wind machines. aloft and covers ground. New and interesting facts
In summing up, then, the fundamental principles concerning the immense air ocean about us are being
underlying motorless flight, we arrive at three chief discovered daily.
factors: speed, gliding figure and sinking velocity. Un­ Germany’s intense interest in the niotorless plane
fortunately, as yet, it has been impossible to combine is due in great part to the Versailles Treaty. For under
all three in one machine. It is another case of the prac­ the original provisions of that document certain re­
tically possible as opposed to the ideally efficient. strictions were placed on the nation’s aircraft deirel-
By far the most useful factor in niotorless flight is opment. Consequently her {Continued on page 62)
the vertical air column. Of all such cur­
rents fhe best known and most used is the Captain Frank M.
one called “slope upward” found in moun­ Hawks, famous air­
tainous country. It is created when an air man and holder of
coast-to-coast rec­
current hits a hillside and rushes upward. ords (right) and
J. D. (“ D u k e”)
Jernigin jr. (left).

________ ________________
W i n g s of V a l o r


Morgan Field to report failure of his search. lie is met

by the %uper and ground crew, all very much excited.
When he. reaches the super’s office, Jimmy is .shown
a note that had been dropped from a biplane to the
effect that the mail plane, pilot and cargo had been
stolen and a ransom of ten thousand dollars demanded.
Into the darkness
The kidnaper's ship promises to return that night
flew Jimmy in and drop further instructions regarding the ransom.
pursuit of the
stranger HUS it was that, when under normal circum-

T stances the only inhabitant of Morgan Flying

Field was the aged night watchman, the super
and Jimmy Webster sat in an unlighted oflice;
and a pair of trusted mechanics smoked on the
Jtrip.AMES W EBSTER, a mail pilot, takes off from il/or-
gan Field, Salt Lake City, for Cheyenne on a regular
He waves good-by to his son, James junior, who
tarmac as they leaned against a trim monoplane
equipped lor a long and arduous journey.
In order not to arouse the suspicions of the kid­
is always at the field to see his father leave. Webster napers, the super had ordered that only those lights used
has taught the boy all he knows about flying and, except ordinarily at night be lit. Hence, the two who kept
for experience, Jimmy is the equal of his father. vigil sat in a darkness broken only by the glow of the
As Webster heads east with the mail, he notices a super’s perennial cigar and a shaft of silver radiated
biplane below him which seems out of control. He by a fast disappearing moon.
waves to the other pilot and sees the plane shoot to Jimmy struck a match cautiously and examined his
earth. He kills his engine and glides down, landing wrist watch.
close to the other plane. “Two fifteen,” he said. “Perhaps they won’t come.”
Offering his services he bends over the engine of the “We’ve stayed up this long,” answered the older man.
incapacitated plane when suddenly he turns and sees a “We may as well make a night of it.”
wrench coming through the air. Too late to dodge it, Jimmy nodded in agreement, completely forgetting
he is struck by it and stunned. that it could not be seen in the opaque light of the
I fours later, Cheyenne telephones that the mail has room.
not arrived and the super orders Jimmy out to look for They sat in a friendly silence for about thirty min­
his father. Jimmy, pleased· and excited at the prospect, utes. Then a faint drone in the distance caused Jimmy
is soon in the air. His orders are to fly low and slowly to sit bolt upright, his pulse pounding in anticipation.
so that he may observe the surrounding country. The super heard it too. He rose and crossed to the
Suddenly a biplane comes toward him, similar to the window, peering into the dark skies above.
one his father piloted. Jimmy jerks back his stick and Jimmy hurriedly thing on his flying togs and headed
rises to meet the approaching ship, lie gets close enough for the door.
to see the pilot and observe a crescent-shaped scar on “In case it’s them,” lie said hastily and ungrammati­
his check. Though Jimmy leaves, the other man gives cally, “I’d better be near the plane. I ’ll tune her up
no evidence of having seen him. now, and be prepared for a take-off the minute they tty
Night is coming and Jimmy turns his plane toward over. You stand in the center of the field and yell if
The Hunt Is On
and Startling
Revelations Follow
in Its Wake

went ahead, gaining speed and altitude as he tore

through the impeding blackness. When the indicator
on his instrument board registered eight thousand feet,
he killed his motor and dived.
Drumming steadily out of the distance came the
sound for which he listened. Jimmy’s eyes gleamed
they drop or make a move to drop a message.” with satisfaction, as he came out of his dive and headed
“Okay,” said the super, and they started oat of the in the direction of the sound. He gave the Sikorsky
door into the night. everything she had in an endeavor to sight the ship
As Jimmy reached the tarmac, he coaid see that the ahead before she was hopelessly lost in the perilous
grease monkeys had also heard the approach of the dis­ night—the night enveloping those dangerous mountain
tant plane. One crawled from ander the cowling, and peaks which spelled death to the careless flyer.
the other ran a cloth over the instrument board.
“She’s all okay, .Jimmy,” said one. “Fit to ily the TRAIGHT ahead of him loomed a bleak, black crag.
Atlantic. Can you hear ’em?” S Pulling back the stick with all the strength of
“I can hear somebody,” replied Jimmy, as the roaring his muscular brown hands, he zoomed almost vertically.
in the night became more and more distinct. “I hope It seemed to him that his landing gear must scrape the
it’s the right ship. Anyway, I ’ll get set.” mountain side, but no indication of disaster came. He
He sprang to the cockpit and eased the throttle open. breathed more freely, and once again his aching eyes
As he gave her the gan, his engine shouted a staccato swept in a searching arc.
answer to the pounding in the distance. Gradually he There in front— Was it imagination or did some
shut her down, and feeding just enough gas to keep her form actually scurry over the snowy peaks? He
revving, listened eagerly for the oncoming ship. coaxed a fe\v more revolutions from his already taxed
For a twinkling second, a star was obscured in the prop, and bore down on the shadowy phantom ahead.
heavens by a huge black shadow, and the distant drone A scarce hundred yards behind his quarry, he recog­
had turned to a powerful ominous roar in the stillness nized the ghostly figure as the Curtiss of the afternoon
of the night. Suddenly there flashed in Jimmy’s vision encounter.
a swooping, winged bird from the east side of the field. Deliberately he lagged behind as much as he dared.
She swung down in an abrupt arc, as though about to He could not risk losing sight of the other plane but,
land, and then as swiftly as she had come, thrust her on the other hand, it was better policy to make sure
nose to the moon and zoomed up­ that his quarry was unaware of his
ward. presence. When his eyes could just
The super’s shout and Jimmy’s make out the shadowy silhouette of
cry of “Contact!” rang out simul­ the other, lie gave her the gun
taneously through the night. The again, and brought all his flying
moon was fast dropping out of skill into play in an attempt to
sight as lie taxied over the field maintain an unvarying distance be­
into the darkness beyond. As he tween them.
whizzed past the super, the latter Over the black-topped Rockies
waved a metal cylinder in the air. they roared. Pursued and pur­
.Jimmy’s last doubts were banished. suer—the potent pounding of each
The plane had dropped the prom­ motor drowned in the roar of the
ised message. other. On and on! Prop blades
Back came the stick and up went whirling viciously through the
(lie monoplane. Up and to the west night as though fanning the very
in the direction taken by the other blackness aside to make way for
plane. Jimmy strained his keen themselves! Underneath—hard,
eyes through his flying goggles. It jagged, material rock. Overhead—
was no easy task to pursue a speed­ a fathomless, infinite abyss of
ing plane on such a night as this. pitch.
11 is engine singing a monotonous Suddenly, as though precipitated
song of power, he winged his way from the depths of Hades, a stream
toward the heart of the Rockies. of yellow light shot up from the
True, as yet he could not see his earth, enveloping the biplane in a
quarry, but, playing a hunch, he He turned swiftly—but it was too late protecting noose of blinding light.
24 J u n i o r M e c h a n i c s a n d M o d e l A i r p l a n e N e w s

safety belt unstrapped, should he have to gamble all

on a last desperate jump from his ship. When the
altimeter read 2,000, he judged that he was close to
the floor, for the mountains, he knew, were far above
sea level, at that spot. His straining eyes caught a
flicker of light, low and to the
left. Instinctively, he flattened
out, muttered a swift but fer­
vent prayer and put the plane
into a steep dive.
He waited tensely.
There was a jarring
bump as she pan­
caked and bounced
In the nick of upward. He gripped
t i m e , Jimmy the sides of the cock­
seized his con­ pit, ready to leap to
trols a ml spun oil' earth if a crash
in a whirling Im- threatened. A g a i n
melmann turn, the monoplane fell to
avoid ins: the ray the ground, scuttled
by inches. , forward for a mo­
From the rear ment, and then re­
and at a safe laxed like a tired bird
a l t i t u d e , he at the end of a long journey.
w a t c h e d the Jimmy clambered out of the
other ship dip cockpit and hastily examined his
gracefully a n d undercarriage. To his intense re­
prepare to land. lief, he found it intact. Then
As the biplane carefully he surveyed his sur­
s 1 o w 1 y* com- roundings.
menced to vol- Again the light which he had
plane to earth, seen from the sky flickered steadily in the distance. He
a square ;space groped for a moment in the fuselage and, withdrawing
upon the gi•on ml a flashlight, cautiously made his way toward the gleam
also shot into a that shone through the woods. Like an Indian, he
blaze of iu*tifi- picked his way silently through the underbrush and
cial light. foliage.
Jimmy banked A pale gray dawn was fast putting the night to flight,
w a r i l y as he and the huge pine trees were becoming shadowy silhou­
watched the biplane achieve a landing, and her pilot ettes in the first faint light of day. Suddenly there
emerge from the cockpit and walk across the field. loomed before him the outlines of a rude shack. Jimmy
Then, as suddenly as it had sprung into being, the stopped abruptly, and pressed the button that shut olf
light disappeared, leaving the night blacker than ever. his flashlight.
Jimmy blinked his eyes to reaccustom them to the -dark­
ness. For a few minutes he flew aimlessly back and IS right hand dropped to his belt, and he felt the
forth while his racing brain attempted to formulate
a plan.
in his holster before leaving the field. He withdrew
To lose the trail here would be utter folly. If he the weapon and cautiously continued his approach.
should return to Morgan Field, he was by no means He ducked down and crept up underneath the window.
sure that he could retrace his route on the morrow. Slowly he raised his head until his eyes were on a
To wing his way to the nearest town and commandeer level with the sill. His face hardened at the sight
an automobile to bring him to this spot seemed to be which met his eyes.
the best scheme, but yet not without its drawback. He
doubted strongly if he could pilot a car to this remote Three men were gathered about a table. Despite the
place in the heart of the mountain. To essay a land­ hour, it was apparent that they had not yet been to
ing in this treacherous darkness was well-nigh im­ bed. Empty bottles lay strewn about the floor, and
possible. Nevertheless, after a moment's thought, huddled on a bunk in the corner of the room was a
Jimmy Webster decided to do just this. prostrate figure. Jimmy’s p/ilse picked up a beat as he
Slowly he banked and commenced his perilous descent. realized that in all probability it was his father.
Danger lurked ominously in the thick darkness that He turned swiftly as he heard a crackle of the under­
surrounded him. lie concentrated willi all the power brush behind him. But too late! A heavy hand
of his keen young mind, and conjured up a mental descended and his wrist was wrenched violently. The
photograph of the white spot that a moment before had .38 dropped from his suddenly numbed fingers, and
been bathed in a shaft of light. He brought her nose the barrel" of an automatic struck him a glancing
round and headed for the place where he judged the blow upon the head. Blood zigzagged crazily down his
other ship had landed. cheek.
Death grinned over his shoulder, as he killed his In desperation he lashed out wildly with his free
motor for the hazardous dive. Down, down, he went, hand, summoning every last ounce of his fast oozing
the wind singing an ominous dirge through his struts. strength. He fought against the blackness of uncon­
His bronzed face set in a thin, grim smile, he gripped sciousness which threatened to envelop him. His swing­
the controls tensely and waited for—he knew not what. ing fist met nothing but the empty air. A flashlight
Down he plunged, a flashing gray meteor in the dark­ burst to sudden light, almost blinding him as the
ness. His eyes were glued to the altimeter and his brilliant beam shone full in (Continued on page 5G)
HE Barling like form. Use 1/S" x

T NB-3 is one
of the most
famous light
sport planes
IS strips

5 strips
Necessary M a te ria
1 18" x 1 /8"

1 /16" X 3"



leading edge, fuse­
lage longerons,
ribs, bulkheads, ele­
1 / 8" balsa cut to
the proper size for
the body. Be sure
the f u s e l a g e is
in America. It has vator and rudder straight and in line.
broken the world’s When this is com­
2 strips 1/8" x3/16" X 18" balsa wing spars
light plane record in plete, from a piece
2 strips 1/16" X 1/16" 18" balsa trailing edge
a non-stop flight X
of balsa 1 / 1 G" thick
1 piece 1 /4" X 1 /4" X 2" balsa axle streamlines
from Brow nsville, cut out all half
4 strips 1 18" X 1 /4" X 17" balsa landing gear struts,
Texas, to Winnipeg, centur wing spar formers from E to
Canada—1,650 miles 4 strips IS" bamboo stringers Q. Ambroid these
in sixteen hours. It 1 strip 1 18" X 1 /4" X 18" spruce motor stick formers in their
also holds the Amer­ 1 11-1/2" x 3 /4 " X 10" white pine propeller block proper positions and
or spruce s e t t h e fuselage
ican light plane alti­
1 118" round dowel 12" aside to dry.
tude record of more
2 feet No. 10 music wire fittings, landing
than 27,000 feet. gear
1 2 ounce bottle ambroid T a il G roup
F u s e la g e 1 2 ounce bottle banana oil
4 sheets Japanese tissue The tail group,
In the construc­ 1 large thrust bearing consisting o f t h e
tion of the fuselage 1 pair* 2" diameter celluloid wheels rudder and elevator,
it will be noticed 1 piece 1132" X 2" X 6" balsa cockpit formers i s b u i l t up of
that the nose or mo­ 1 piece 2" X 2" transparent windshields streamlined ribs as
tor mount is remov­ celluloid shown in drawing.
able. The nose is 21 feet 1 18" flat rubber motor Use ambroid light­
made of formers A, 6 copper washers ly w h e n t h i s i s
B, C and D, as 1 package model making being done. The
shown in drawing. curved shape is made
A w i r e c 1i p f o r by bending 1/32"
1lie motor stick is bamboo over a can­
shaped from a piece dle flame, steam or
of No. 10 music wire. electric iron. Take
Tlie bamboo string­ plenty of time to do
ers are spliced from this. Then cover
with Japanese tis­
1/1" X15" b a m b o o
cut as thin as Iios-
sible and fastened in
How to Bui ld sue;

C o c k p its
place with ambroid.
As shown in draw-
i n g s, 1 / 8" d o w e l
sticks are used in
A Barling NB - 3 From the 1/32"
balsa sheet, cut to
1he nose for attach­ shape as shown in
ing and detaching. E a s y C o n s t r u c t io n D e ta ils drawing. Use pins
When the nose is and ambroid to hold
fo r a ťhe cockpit formers
complete lay it aside
and prepare to work T h ree F o o t F l y i n g Model until they dry.
on the fuselage. Note No t e t h a t the
that this is con­ cockpits are shaped
st ructed in a box- differently.

26 J u n i o r M e c h a n i c s a n d M o d e l A i r p l a n e N e w s

L a n d in g G ear
Construct the landing gear from balsa 1/8" x 1/4" cut
to the right length. Cut out grooves in the struts and
insert and ambroid 1/16" bamboo cut to the right size.
This will strengthen the landing -gear struts. Allow
plenty of time to dry.
Xow bend the wire axle to shape and ambroid it to the
balsa struts. The two celluloid wheels are held in place
by small copper washers and a block of balsa made
from the sketch in the drawing. Shape out the stream­
lines and ambroid them at the end of the axle.

T ail S k id
The tail skid is constructed of bamboo bent over a
candle flame, steam or electric iron, and is ambroided in
place, as shown in the drawing.

W in g s
It will be noted that the wings on the NB-3 are turned
up at the tips. This is done to insure stability. Use
1/16" flat balsa for the ribs. Notice in the drawing that
only twelve ribs are cut out on top to hold a brace. All
ribs are alike in shape and can be easily made.
Build up the wings; one right and the other left. Use
1/S" square balsa for the leading edge and 1/8"x 3/16"
for the center spar. 1/16" x 1/16" square balsa is used
for the trailing edge. Be sure to have the first five ribs
notched on top on both wings. The other two notched
ribs are ambroided to the fuselage afterwards as shown
in the drawings. When the wings have been completed,
lay aside for a while.
Now take the fuselage and ambroid the elevator and
rudder in position. Allow about one-half hour to dry.
Carve the propeller to the standard Shape, sandpaper
and remove all bumps. A large cupping is not neces­
sary. An airfoil section to the blades insures better
performance. Balance the propeller. If it is right,
insert the propeller shaft and ambroid firmly.

A s s e m b lin g
The ship is ready for assembling at this point. Take
the motor stick, insert the propeller and fit the rubber
motor in position. Insert in the fuselage. A strong
piece of string will be needed. Tie it around the fuse­
lage and keep shifting it until the fuselage balances
perfectly. Take one of the ribs that are to be ambroided
to the fuselage.
Set that rib 1/3 forward of the balancing position
and mark it. Mark both ribs. Bemove and string and
ambroid the ribs in place, one on each side of the fuse­
lage. Give the ribs a 2° angle of incidence. Use pins
to hold the rib in place. Allow plenty of time to dry.
Attach the wings, one at a time, using enough am­
broid. Use a bottle to hold them up or blocks of wood.
Be sure your wing is straight out. The fuselage must be
in flying position when this is being done. Allow at
least two or three hours to dry. Then attach the other
After this is thoroughly dried, ambroid the 1/8" x 1/4"
xlG" strip firmly in the notches. This strip runs
through the fuselage to the fifth rib of both wings.
This brace will keep the wings from sagging downward.

C o v e r in g
Bemove the motor stick. Use the Japanese tissue for
covering and also banana oil. Cover the wings first,
then the fuselage. Pull the paper as tightly as possible.
Bun a slightly damp cloth over (Coniinued on page 63)
Ήο w το B u i l d a Barling Ν B -3 27

Prope/fer M a n g e r

;_ iL lk
28 J unior M echanics and M odel A irplane N ews
How το B u i l d a Barling N B -3 29
30 J u n iΛ o r M echanics and M odel A irplane N ews

HiiÉllÉeMi ·1 - „'tlÉh
How το B u i l d a B a -r l i n g NB-3 31

F ro n t Y/eyv
o f w in y M o to r S tic k Clip

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No. 5

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i 32 J u n i o r M e c h a n i c s a n d M o d e l A i r p l a n e N e w s

How το B u i l d a B a r l i n g N B -3

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o / o in aW SH AFT
34 J unior M echanics and M odel A i r p l a n e N ews
A Course in Airplane Designing
B y M a s te rin g T h is V a lu a b le C ourse, th e M o d e l B u ild e r o f T o d a y La ys
th e C o rn e rs to n e fo r H is C a re e r as th e A e ro n a u tic a l
E n g in e e r and D esign er o f T o m o rro w

By K en Sinclair
T X presenting this course, M odel A irplane N ews
-*■ wishes to stress the fact that model building is
more than a mere sport. I f the builder of model air­
planes learns the fundamental principles underlying
airplane flight and designing, he prepares himself for
a future career in the most profitable phase of aviation.
The policy of M odel A irplane N ews is not to en­
courage or teach its readers to become pilots, but
rather to become aeronautical engineers, designers,
salesmen, manufacturers, or equip themselves for any
other positions which require the training of the spe­
cialist or executive. Study this course from month to
month, master it in every detail and you will gain a
fundamental knowledge of the how and why of. air­
plane design which will be second to none.
T h e E d it o r .

LYING- scale models, and Fiaure 2 Having learned

F some other models, are

usually equipped with
several control surfaces, * Y

4 ^ - i — >1
why there is a
force set up on a
displaced control
to enable the person fly­ surface, let us
ing the ship to have some con­ learn something
trol over its movements after Force /I equals force B, buř B has a about the force
it leaves the ground. All con­ greater m om ent (D) about the axis X . and its effect on
trol surfaces act in the same q because it has a longer B
V the -ship as a
way, whether they are horizon­ whole. You have
tal, like the elevators and the Xo m om ent arm (2) probably tried to
ailerons, or vertical, like the ά turn a rusted nut
rudder. For this reason, the k w ith a short
same basic explanation applies wrench, f o u n d
to them all. that it was too
We see in Figure tight, and used a
1 a control surface. longer wrench on it, turning
The .portion at the it easily. Why does the
right is the movable longer wrench turn the nut?
part, the dashed Surely you were no stronger
lines showing its when you used the longer
normal p o s i t i o n , wrench, and surely the nut
while the solid lines • did not suddenly loosen up!
show its position The reason for this is shown
when moved by the in Figures 2 and 3. The force
p i l o t. T h b a i r that you apply on arm one is
stream, coming from acting at a shorter distance
the left, is not very from the axis of rotation
much ( l i s t u r b e d than is the force that you
when the control is apply at arm two. The two
in the normal posi­ forces themselves may be
tion, but if the con­ equal, but the one applied
trol is moved the air on the longer arm has a
is forced out of its allotted place by the surface. But greater moment about the axis because it is farther
the air stream does not want to be moved. It resists, away from it. This fact enabled you to turn the nut
pushing against the displaced control surface with a with the long wrench, though you were unable to turn
force that is represented on the drawing by the heavy it with the shorter one.
arrow. This force is then transmitted through the hinge Let us apply this same principle to the airplane. If
to the rest of the ship, causing it to swing in the direc­ the control surface is placed a short distance frqjn the
tion desired. It makes no difference whether the cóntrol center of gravity it will have to be quite large if it is
surface is placed vertically or horizontally, because the to exert enough force on the ship to control it. How­
air resists being moved, no matter in which direction. ever, if we place the surface (Continued on page 54)
The American Sky Cadets
ODEL aircraft, a ing point. This broke the
M sport which has
enlisted at least
a million boys and
record of 12 minutes 30 sec-'
onds made by the rising-
off-water model of Tudor
girls, got off to a Morris in the 1028 contest.
(lying start for 1030 with “I read the results of the
ihe announcement today by Louisville contest with
ihe Playground and Kecre- great interest and genuine
ation Association of Amer­ astonishment” wrote Ed­
ica of the Fourth National ward P. Warner, editor of
Playground Miniature Air­ Aviation and formerly as­
craft Tournament. Since sistant secretary for aero­
the first tournament con­ Thomas Hilton, 112 Westfield Ave., Elizabeth, N. J. nautics, Navy Department.
with a plane he built
ducted in 1927 after Colonel “The records that are now
Charles A. Lindbergh’s ocean flight, interest and skill achieved seem almost unbelievable. . . . I am sure that
among juniors in building model planes has shown these events do a lot of good.”
marked progress, the association reports. Orville Wright and Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh are
Boys and girls up to twenty-one years of age are eli­ co-chairmen of the tournament committee. Miss Amelia
gible to compete for the national finals to be held in Earhart, a committee member, has offered a special
Atlantic City, N. J., on October 10 and 11 next. Those trophy to the girl who makes the best record among the
under sixteen compete in the junior class. The con­ girls who enter. Girls are eligible also for the general
testants for the finals are chosen on the basis of records trophies in direct competition with boys. Entering the
their planes have made in local tournament held on or contest for the first time last year, girls made some ex­
before September 2. cellent records.
Model aircraft is sponsored by the recreation depart­ The tournament is conducted on a strictly amateur
ments in nearly 200 cities as a constructive hobby for basis, no cash prizes being awarded and no one being
spare time. qualified to compete who has accepted money for build­
The planes flown in the national tournaments have ad­ ing or flying model planes. Cooperating with play­
vanced in design, ingenuity and records achieved each ground and recreation bodies are civic and social or­
year. At the 1029 tournament in Louisville, Kentucky, a ganizations, boys’ clubs, schools, camps, the Boy and
fuselage model built by Henry Pacewitz of Chicago Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A.
flew for 11 minutes 32-2/5 seconds and was then lost Aero clubs of adults, now numbering nearly 200, have
from view of the judges over two miles from the start­ done much to foster junior aircraft activities.
N .Y . B o y s ' C lub
No one can visit the Boys’ Club
of New York at 10th Street and
Avenue A, without being deeply im­
pressed by the magnificent work that
is being carried out there.
The idea was conceived by Mr. E. H.
Harriman and the club was opened in
1870. Today at this club alone there
are over 7,000 members, while at the
Jefferson Park branch the member­
ship is 4,000.
Under a strong committee and run
by a staff of voluntary leaders, the
boys of the district have facilities for
recreation here from which they
would be cut off were it not for the
good work of the club.
Clubs for different activities have
been organized, each conducted by
a leader. Billiards and ping-pong
tables have been provided and one
sees here, perhaps the happiest bunch
of boys in New York.
Tiie mural decorations have been
done by the boys, under the leadership
of Mr. Max Starr and are excellent
pieces of work.
Camp Jamesport, L. I., is for the
boys’ summer activities and the mem­
bers are sent up in groups to enjoy
those activities.
The latest club to be formed is the
Wings Photo aviation group affiliated with the
Members of the Executive Committee of the National Indoor Model American Sky Cadets.
Airplane Contest held during International Aircraft Exposition, St. Louis. Mr. Mitchell, himself an aviator,
Included in the group are G. E. Bounds, Carl Ehrhardt, Joseph Lukas,
Capt. Jack Bursey, Maj. James K. Tully and Harry Maynard had been talking to the boys on avia-
A n n o u n c in g th e N a tio n a l C o n te s t Joseph Ehrhardt, St. Louis,
17-year-old high point winner
a t A t la n t ic C i t y ; P rogress o f the of the first annual National
Indoor Model Airplane Con­
test held during International
New Y o rk , S outh H a ven , M ic h . C lu b s Aircraft Exposition, St. Louis
W ings Photo

tion in general and it was decided that the interest

shown augured well for a model building group. Mr.
Henry T. Vance took charge of this group and the club
had a great inauguration.
For this meeting the Hon. F. Trubce Davison, As­
sistant Secretary of War, kindly lent to the American
Sky Cadets, a U. S. Army Air Corps’ official film show­
ing the training of an army pilot. Another film, en­
titled “Aviation”, was obtained through
the courtesy of Patlie Bros., Xew York.
These two pictures were highly appre­
ciated by the boys. After the films had
been shown, Mr. Vance led off the speak­
ers by announcing the formation of a
model airplane club. He then introduced
Mr. Daley of the Curtiss Ground School,
and an instructor at New York Uni­
This speaker out­
lined the different
courses that are given
and told the boys of
the many jobs con­
nected with aviation.
Mr. Daley was fol­
lowed by Mr. Mori-
arty, Assistant Ad­
ministrator of the
American Sky Cadets,
who told of the aims
of this national

Mr. R. B. Smith, Traffic Manager of the Ayiation Commander Kiseman Flight—Pete Noznick
Corps Consolidated Air Lines, then gaye the boys an Treasurer—Stephen Szabago
outline of the transportation side of aviation, telling Secretary—Stanley Ropiak
something of the great amount of work required to run
airplane services. A contest was held at the next meeting for the baby
Next came a surprise, when from the back of the indoor tractors which had been built, and the winners
auditorium and down the center aisle, to the platform, were awarded passes for a free flight in an airplane.
came five aviators led by Commander Eiseman of the A special programme was put on a week later when
U. S. Naval Air Station at Far Rocka way, X. Y. Mr. C. S. (Casey) Jones, president of the Curtiss-Wriglit
The commander introduced them one by one and each Flying Service, very kindly consented to be present to
had a few words of advice and encouragement for our give a talk to the members.
future aviators. These aviators were: Commander Mr. Jones, after telling the members that the expense
Eiseman, Capt. George Haldeman, Major Leigh, Capt. of taking a flying course, might keep some away, men­
Hall Stevens and Capt. Calhoun. Each of these avia­ tioned how gliders were coming to the fore in the United
tors stressed one point. The importance of the man States and that gliding would soon be within the reach
on the ground. The successful aviator is not the man of all. He described the various kinds of gliders and
who just flies and nothing else. said that not only was gliding a sport but that it was
Aviation, they said, is a great subject and there is a most useful in teaching many laws, a knowledge of
future in it for the man who knows his job. The big which was required by aviators.
money is in the ground jobs—inventing, designing, in­ He interspersed his message with one or two personal
structing, mechanics, selling. All these positions need experiences and gave a most entertaining talk.
years of study and thorough knowledge of planes and The business of the meeting only took a few minutes
aviation. under the able chairmanship of Steve Remote. Steve
The evening was a great success and Mr. Yance is to needs no gavel, works at high speed, puts everything
he complimented on the fine results- obtained. lo the vote and what Steve says goes, the majority
Two weeks later the club met for organization. Mem­ following as a matter of course!
bers signed up and were given their wings, kits, and
certificates. The officers of the club are: H at in th e R ing S q u a d r o n
LEADER One of the great air battles of the century was pulled
Mr. II. T. Vance off recently in South Haven, Michigan, when the South
Haven Model Airplane Club, known as the Hat in the
FLIGHT COMMANDERS Ring Squadron, was challenged in a tournament by the
Casey Jones Flight—Steve Remete Kalamazoo Scout Airplane Club.
Roger A. Williams Flight—Steve Naleshnik The boys from Kalamazoo came down in full force,
Eagles Flight—Joseph Zaky bringing planes of every shape and description, to in-
38 J uni or M e c h a n i c s and M odel A i r p l a n e N ews

vade the South Haven tarmac. But the South Haven Willis Potthoff with a scale model of
boys were ready to live up to their slogan and met the Stinson Detroiter and the Lind­
bergh medal it won at the National
their foes with an air fleet that proved irresistible. Indoor Model Airplane Contest at the
As the weather was a bit wintry for an out-door International Aircraft Exposition
meet, the grounds chosen, for the match was the Mich­
igan State Cavalry Armory in South Haven. The boys
themselves showed their organizing ability by com­ forty-five and
pletely conducting the tourney from start to finish, and two-fifths sec­
though feeling ran high in the contests, the fighting onds. If the
was restricted to the air. meet had been
The timing committee was specially chosen of un- held outdoors
on a still day, Thayer’s high-flying
plane would have shone to far greater
Wayne Hoag, another South Haven ace, took third
place. He too had serious plane trouble, but in spite of
this he scored up twenty-five and four-fifths seconds.
The boys from Kalamazoo force included every mem­
ber of the Boy Scout Airplane Club. Unfortunately
two of the planes were temporarily laid up in the han­
gars because of crash damages.
They promise to be in first class shape for the return

Members of the
Hat in the Ring Billy Williams, in­
Squadron of the structor of the Hat
A m e r i c a n Sky in the Ring Squad­
Cadets, So. Haven, ron, with his OX-5
Mi ch . L ef t to Ea g l e r o c k , who
right, Herbert
Stre et er , Eddy neld at one time
Kuhn, Wayne the record of being
Hoag, Jimmy Cal­ the youngest trans­
l ahan and J e a n port pilot in the
Ap p l e y a r d . All country
bui l d t he i r own
models and have
created a number
of records, while
Jean is secretary
of the club and
builds planes, too

biased experts, equipped with stop Another grouping of the Hat in

watches and field glasses. The meet the Ring Squadron. Left to
was given considerable publicity in right, L. H. Streeter, Billy
the local newspapers, who have Williams, Jim Callahan, Alfred
Patner, Smith Dodge, Junior
recognized the fact that the air en­ Croft. Rear, Edward Kuhn,
gineers, inventors, pilots and me­ Herbert Streeter, Wayne Hoag,
chanics of tomorrow are busy in Douglas Larson, Jean Apple-
the model airplane groups of today. yard, Phelps Whitlow and Edgar
Eddie Kuhn, ace pilot for the
Hat in the Ring outfit, chalked up first place for him­
self and won the honors for South Haven. His entry
soared like a bird for one minute and twenty-seven meet, which is to be held before long at Kalamazoo.
seconds. That time is a mark for the boys to shoot at. Twelve boys showed up from Breedsville lo attend the
Thayer, of Kalamazoo, chief among the contenders, meet, with the intention of getting all the dope on start­
got off to a great start, but his plane fouled the rafters ing a club and series of tourneys of their own. There is
just as it seemed that a new a possibility that a c‘tliree-way'’ meet may be arranged
record would be created. as soon as the Breedsville boys get things into shape.
φψ\ Those things happen to even The gang at South Haven are now planning an “Air
the most experienced of model Circus” to be held there in the latter part of July, a
pilots. three-day get-together of plane enthusiasts and model
Thayer was a representa­ builders.
tive of his home town at the Contests in every class will be announced, and big
National Model Airplane Wäcos, Travel Airs, and Eaglerocks will be in
Meet at Detroit the air, as well as the tractors and twin pushers of the
last year. In spite younger pilots.
of his bad luck, his Preparations for the event are well under way and
l B rendan J. plane took second there is every indication that all expectations will be

/ K e l l y , 47 place, banking and realized.
Bevy Court, climbing a r o u n d Every model building enthusiast is doing his utmost
Brooklyn, armory for to make tlie “Circus” an all around success.
N. Y., with a model built by himself the

T h e A m e r i c a n Ca d e t s 3?

O N this page are

shown two planes
used in active fight­
ing during the World
War. At the right is
a photograph of a
German Fokker D-7,
in which is clearly
seen one of the
Spandau machine
guns. Notice also the
“N ” struts, so popu­
lar today.
News E vents

I N th e c e n t e r is
shown a view of
the British SE-5.
Vickers guns were
mounted in the same
position as the guns
on the Fokker D-7.
Below is another view
of this famous single
seater fighter.
Both the SE-5 and
the D-7 were much
alike in the matter
of performance.
News E vents

J unior Mechanics and M odel Airplane N ews

'T'H E convertibil-
1 ity of the Heath
Super Parasol mono­
plane is amply dem­
onstrated in the two
top photographs. At
the left, the plane is
shown with an ordi­
nary wheel landing
gear and a t the right,
shown fitted with
pontoons for landing
on water

Ά .. SW
S ig i :
,_____ ► .. .. ■ Λ .. . ·
S v -t

. ř fm -

> . .. .·.


J N the oval is shown a striking view of Germany’s monster of the air, the Domier Do-X. This
plane, it will be remembered, successfully took off with 169 people on board and cruised over
Lake Constance for one hour a t a speed of 110 miles
~pELOW is seen a De Haviland 53 which has been dubbed in England the “ tradesman’s runabout.”
It is fitted with a 6 h. p. motor and the wings are automatically detached for garaging purposes. This
baby plane is capable of 70 miles an hour and its size is well portrayed in contrast with the mechanic
P. & A. Photos.
T he A m e r i c a n S ky Ca d e t s 41

I N . center is a side-
TJNUSUAL in de­ view of the world’s
sign and add­ speediest plane, the
ing greatly to the Supermarine Rolls-
comfort of its pas­ Royce S-6 seaplane,
sengers is the first in which Squadron
English built Leader A. H. Orlebar
pusher type mono­ e s ta b li s h e d the
plane (above). This w o r l d ’s r e c o r d
plane elim inates of 357.7 miles per
some of the gas hour a t Ca l s hot ,
fumes of the motor, Southampton, Eng­
which is located land, in 1929. This
behind th e pas­ plane won the 1929
sengers, and affords Schneider Cup trophy
them a better view at an average speed of
P & A Photo 328.63 m.p.h.
P δί* A Photo
I^ELOW is given an excellent view
of what might be termed a me­
chanical bird, the ornithopter. It is
a wing-flapping, foot-propelled ma­
chine, weighing only 100 lbs., al­
though it has a wing spread of 25 ft.
and a fuselage measuring 8 ft. in
length. It is claimed that it can
attain a speed of 40 miles per hour
P & A Photo
\ ______________ _ _ ______________ >
A LL o v e r
Ä Flying Model
t li i s \ on the wood, and work
/% country and Eu- down to line with razor
J \
clubs are spring­
ing up every­
of a Real
i*o p e, g l i d e r
G l i d e r
and sandpaper.
Bend t lie wire skid from
a 2" piece of music
where, in schools, univer­ wire, with 1/4" of the
sities, and among private Inexpensive end turned up and glued
enthusiasts. The example into the shoe as shown in
set by Wilbur and Orville Easy to C o n stru ct and the illustration. The top
Wright at Kittyhawk, member of the frame
X. C., has been followed the T h in g of the M o m e n t comes next. Its dimen­
with such success that to sions are 3/32"x 3/32"x
date W. II. Böwlus of Cal­ 3 7/S". Frame ends and
ifornia has chalked up an American record of nine bracing are as shown, 1/32" x l/l(i". Lay the bracing
hours, five minutes, and the Germans, spurred on by over the paper pattern in order to make the angles just,
motor-plane restrictions, have piled up more than four­ right. In assembling the frame, be sure to use special
teen hours and forty-three minutes. model-maker’s glue.
A pilot who knows glider principles and the wayward
ways of air currents can take oil' at the end of a rubber W in g
rope in one of these light, motorless planes, and by sheer
skill remain in the air for hours. Flights of more than The wing should be a solid piece of thin balsa. Lay
ninety miles have been recorded. out pattern for the ends on a sheet of paper squared
The best method of getting the hang of a glider is to oil' 1/ 8" X1/8". Cut out the pattern and trace on the
build a working model and experiment by living it your­ ends of the wing, cutting down to shape with razor
self. Here are plans for a glider model to be made en­ blade. Xow sandpaper the wing down to a little less
tirely of balsa wood. It was designed by the president than 1/16" in thickness, rounding edges and ends. Find
of the Detroit Model Airplane Flyers’ Club, Mr. Robert the exact center of the wing and make a heavy pencil
Flury. mark across it at right angles. Xow place the wing
Hat on a table, hold a ruler across the pencil line, and
F u s e la g e lift one end of the wing 1 / 2" from the table, thus
forming the dihedral angle.
Prepare a sheet of paper by laying it out in rectangles If (lie wood breaks or cracks across the center, a
one-eighth by one-fourtli of an inch each. Xow lay out coat of glue spread across the crack on the top and
the full size frame plan on this paper. Make the shoe or bottom of the wing will strengthen it. When finished,
lower part of the frame from a piece of balsa 3/32"x glue the wing to the wing stick about 1/16" from
5/S"X5 1/-1". Cut the paper pattern, trace around it the end.
T ail
Make the tail piece
from pattern in the
same manner as in
the above. Round off
the corners and edges
smoothly and glue
carefully to the wing

F in a n d
R u dd er
These are 1/32"
thick. Carve the fin
exactly to shape and
glue to the tail piece.
Make the rudder, then
hinge it to the fin
with two strips of
Japanese tissue paper
which are glued to
each side of the fin
and rudder as shown
in the illustration.

W e ig h ts
The commercial
glider is balanced
by the weight of the
pilot. Since our model
flies alone, this must
be compensated for.
Glue three lead (Con­
tinued on page 63)


Conducted by
C h a ir m a n
(Ex-Royal A ir Force) o f t h e B o a r d

EVERAL readers made some of tion being flown, it is easy to follow whether an education is necessary to
S tlie bumpiest landings seen round the roads.”
this tarmac' during the past weeks, That’s just it. There’s no incen­
and chief among them is George tive to learn navigation. Neverthe­
Stevens, of Upton Park, London, less, if every pilot were compelled to
learn the art of piloting. Yes and
no. Practically anyone can be taught
to pilot a plane, but it is the edu­
cated pilot who outstrips the other
England. “Is navigation an essen­ undergo a course in avigation many fellow.
tial part of flying?” George asks. of the mishaps so glibly attributed Education, howe\'er acquired, is
“Should one study aerial naviga­ to “crashed in a fog” or “lost in a the basis of all success, and this re­
tion?” fog” or “forced down by bad weather fers to aviation perhaps more than
Well, wo sat back and studied that and crashed on landing” would be any other industry.
one, and decided to ask a few our­ eliminated. Furthermore, a national if all those airmen who success­
selves. For instance—“Is soap an nucleus would be established from fully flew across the Atlantic and to
essential part of a bath?” True, it is which in time of need the Govern­ Honolulu, excepting those who fell
possible to bathe without soap, but ment could draw replacements for victim to mechanical or atmospheric
is it a good bath? “Is a ball essen­ the air corps. mishaps, had not mastered mathe­
tial to a football game?” True, a This can readily be appreciated matics at school or studied the sub­
game might be played with a bundle when it is realized that military ject afterwards, how do you think
of rags or paper tied with string, aviation of the future will not be they would have been able to plot
but is it a good game? restricted to regulations such as, their courses before and during their
See ivhat we are driving at? “the Nth and Mill squadrons will flights?
As a matter of fact, one of the meet over Columbus, Ohio,” (which Forget the bright remarks of sev­
most serious drawbacks to aviation can be reached by following high­ eral news correspondents in Paris
today is not the number of pilots but ways and railroad tracks) but will who gabbled about, “with a map
the lack of good pilots. By that is be more like “fifteen squadrons will drawn on a piece of paper from a
meant the number of pilots who, concentrate over MGa3.7 at 10,000 copybook, and with only one or two
once they are out of range of beacons feet”—a spot on the map known only dots representing New York, Ireland
and railways and roads which can to the authorities and which can be and Paris, Lindbergh flew the At­
be followed, can fly “blind,” which is reached only by aerial navigation. lantic, etc., etc”. Lindy had studied
another way of saying “navigate” So, perhaps, you can realize ex­ and prepared for that flight for
their planes. actly the importance avigation plays months before he accomplished it,
Hundreds of persons are being in aviation and in the matter of good and the basis of all his preparation
graduated each week from the “ten- pilotage. If you are bent on taking was education. And that’s that.
liours-and-you-solo” type of school as up aviation as a career, treat it as
private pilots, and ninety-nine out such and as you would any other
of a hundred are just that—private business career. Learn all there is Below is continued our list of
pilots. The other one, with an eye to learn about aviation, and that planes used in the World War.
to his or her future, keeps one foot will take you more years than you
on the ground (metaphorically speak­ think. Ita lia n —A . E. R. (C ontinued)
ing) and digs into a good course in This brings us to the question of
avigation, to give aerial navigation education. Many readers have asked Gabardini tractor monoplane, train­
its proper name. ing machine, 50 h.p. Gnome engine
From these one-out-of-every-hun- Macchi “5”, single-seater water plane
dred blossom forth your Lindberghs, M 5, Isotta Fraschini V.4b engine
Byrds, Chamberlins, Yanceys and 1 G0 li.p.
Williams. Ninety of the other Ma cclii “7”, si ngle-seater water pla no
ninety-nine slowly fade from the M 7, Isotta Fraschini V.6 2G0 h.p.
picture through lack of initiative, engine
and the other nine muddle through E ACH month the Macfadden Macchi “8”, two-seater seaplane M 8,
to limited commercial licenses after A viation Advisory Board scouting, Isotta Fraschini V.4B,
much hard work and worry. will endeavor to answer all ques­ 1G0 h.p. engine
This sounds discouraging, but it is tions concerning model building Macchi “9”, two-seater seaplane M 9,
and aviation in general. Address
not meant that way. all questions to scouting and bombing, 280 h.p.
Much of the cause of lack of initia­ Fiat A 12 bis. engine
tive and necessity for good pilots in The Macchi “12”. three-seater seaplane
the sense outlined lies in the general Macfadden A viation Advisory M 12, scouting and bombing, An-
layout of the country itself. Board, saldo S. Giorgio 4 E.2S 450 h.p.
Isn’t it quite natural for a pilot M o d e l A ir p l a n e N e w s engine
to ask, “Why study navigation when 1926 Broadway, Macchi “14”, single-seater fighter M
everything I want in indicators is 14 land biplane, 110 h.p. LeEhone
on the ground itself? Every high­ New York City engine
way stands out like a ribbon leading Enclose with your letter a Macchi “15”, five-seater land biplane,
from one town to another. The rail­ self-addressed and stamped en­ scouting, 280 h.p. Fiat 12A bis.
ways are easy to pick out from the velop to facilitate an answer, as engine
air. In the southern and central space is lim ited and all letters Sia “F.B.” airplane, bomb dropper,
states the ground is so laid out in can not be answered in these Fiat A 12 bis. 300 h.p. engine
mile squares that, providing one has pages. (1916) Sin biplane, bombing, two
a general idea of the compass direc­ 700 h.p. Fiat engines

____________ V
44 J unior M echanics and M odel A i r p l a n e N ews

Fiat-Sia-B.E. biplane, scouting and What is balsa wood? training. Many men are transferred
bombing, F. I. A. T. A14 650 li.p. How can you tell a water- from the training station for a series
engine cooled motor from an air-cooled of instruction courses and duty in
S. I. A. 1 flying boat, bombing type motor at a distance of about aviation. The final course in this
S. V. A. biplane, single-seater lighter, 20 ft.? series is in the Pilot’s School at
220 li.p. S. P. A. (Ansaldo) engine Yours truly, Pensacola, Fla. Upon completion of
S. V. A. single-seater, daylight S idney C lark , this course men are designated
bomber, S. P. A. 200 li.p. engine Box 30, Xaval Aviation Pilots.
Ansaldo single-seater biplane “Pri­ Prince George, B. C., Canada. Any recruiting station is prepared
mo” fighter, 220 li.p. S. P. A. (An­ to give candidates for aviation a
saldo) engine Answer: special physical examination to de­
Ansaldo 1 (called also the “Balilla”) , The speed of a Zeppelin is about termine their qualifications for flight
single-seater biplane, hunter, S. P. 85 miles per hour and that of an air­ training, and to advise them as to
A. 200 li.p. engine plane 357 miles per hour; obviously, their prospects without incurring
t lie latter is by far the speedier of any obligation on the part of the
Jap an ese the two. applicants.
The designation of the world’s
Itch fighter, 50 or 80 h.p. Gnome en­ greatest ace, living or dead, is a Gentlemen:
gine (small airplane) question open to controversy. How­ Would you please tell me if a
Xakajima, fighting and reconnais­ ever, credit is usually given to man graduates from a flying
sance, two-seater biplane, Hall Baron von Richthofen, the German school and receives a pilot’s
Scott engine, 150-200 h.p. ace, who figured in more air battles license may he be a U. S. Mail
than any other flyer. Pilot?
Balsa is light, pithy wood grown Yours truly,
U . S . A. only in South America. It is best H erbert J auchen ,
for model building as it is the 65 Mcrriam Ave.,
D.n. 4A, 400 h.p. Liberty engine strongest wood for its weight. Leominster, Mass.
(only one used on actual front in Air-cooled engines usually have
Europe) the cylinders exposed, whereas Answer:
Train in <j Airplanes water-cooled motors are usually cov­ The question of a graduate of a
Curtiss J.X.4 (B, C & D) ered in; hence, it is easy to distin­ flying school becoming a U. S. Air
Standard J1 for primary training guish the two. Also, the air-cooled Mail pilot is governed by Govern­
Curtiss J. X. II., two-seater (Ilis- type have “flanges” or cylinders, ment selection. A pilot can apply
pano-Suiza) while water-cooled motors’ cylinders for such a job if he is working for
Thomas Morse S.4 (B & C) have smooth sides. any concern carrying mail.
Standard E.l, single-seater for ad­
vanced training Dear Sirs: Gentlemen:
This ends the list of wartime W hy has a cambered wing Please tell me what type of
planes which I have been able to ob­ more lift than a flat, wing? plane is commonly used for ship­
tain and now I will start the other Yours sincerely, ping on civilian fields. I would
surprise; giving a list of World War D ic k J udge,
also like to know how fa st the
aces with ten or more machines to Wardner Post Office, plane can go, the gas capacity
their credit. It is quite possible Wardner, Idaho. and size.
that records might not be correct in Yours truly,
J a c k De M o r e l a n d ,
this respect, so that if any of you Answer:
know of others, do not fail to write 1011, B St., S. E.
A cambered wing has more lift Washington, D. C.
in and let me know. than a flat wing because greater
vacuum is created on top of the wing Answer:
U n ited S ta te s and this vacuum creates greater lift. There are many types of planes
The average vacuum over the top of used in transportation or civilian
Lieut. E. Bickenbaelier................ 20 the wing is responsible for two- service. The Ford-Trimotor is one
Major Baoul Lufberv.................... IS thirds of the entire lift. of the many in such use and we give
Lieut. Frank Luke........................ 18 you below the specifications desired,
Lieut. Elliot Springs (R.F.C.).. 15 Dear Sirs: taking this airplane for example.
Lieut. David E. Putnam............. 1” Can yon give me some infor­ Its dimensions are as follows:
Major Geo. A. Vaughn................ lit mation as to how one could enter span 74 ft., length 49 ft. 10 in.
Lieut. Frank E. Baylies............... 12 the Naval A ir Corps Training height 12 ft. 8 in., wing area 785
Lieut. Reed Landis (R.F.C.)------ 12 School? sq. ft.
Yours truly, The fuel tanks, located in the wing,
(Another ace is Capt. David In­ R amon C arl D ougan, have a total capacity of 200 U. S.
galls but we have no record of the 1021 Circle Park, gallons.
number of planes he brought down.) Knoxville, Tcnn. The performance of this plane is
as follows: maximum speed 114
Answer:, cruising speed 95,
F r e n c h —(liv in g ) Enlistment in the Xavy Air Corps stalling speed 5, ceiling
is made at any IJ. S. Xavy Recruit­ 14,000 ft., cruising range 570 mi.
Lieut. Rene Fonck........................ 59 ing Station, where the applicant
Lieut. Charles X ungesser (died may make mention of his preference Dear Sirs:
on Transatlantic flight in 1927) 3S for working into the aviation branch I want to know som ething.
Lieut. Georges Madon................. 38 of the service. Those possessing the about the landing and take-off of
Lieut. Maurice Boyan.................. 29 basic qualifications for this work a plane. In landing, which hits
Lieut. G uerin................................ 22 have a good chance of selection for the ground first, the wheels or
(To he continued) aviation duty. However, the selec­ the tailskid? In talcing off,
tion is competitive and any who try which leaves the ground first,
Dear Sirs: for it unsuccessfully will be required the wheels or tailskid?
Which goes the fastest; a Zep­ to complete their enlistments in the Yours truly,
pelin or an airplane? Xavy. L oy F. P eterson,
Who is the world’s greatest Enlistment is open to male citizens 11,96 IF. Main St.,
ace, living or dead? Who was between 17 and 35. Recruits are sent Decatur, III.
engaged in the most air battles to the Xaval Training School at
in the World War? Xewport, R. I., for eight weeks of (Continued on page 53)
wirwvrvwinrrsmwwwwwww w w w v v r v v w y w v w v/ v/ \vw www vv/ mt

& Φ ? ? * 1 1 »EPA R TM EM

H o m e L a b o r S aving D evices
Δ Few Examples of Handicraft
F or Y ou r F or th e
M o th er A r tist
Caps on fruit jars and Many fellows
cans have a way of stick­ who use a tilted
ing. This is a sure-fire drawing board in
little device that re­ making freehand
quires only a pair of and mechanical
hinges and some light drawings find it
boards, and which will unhandy to search
unscrew the toughest for the ink bottle
cap without effort on the each time they
part of the user. want to fill a pen.
Take two pieces of Here's a twist
wood, about 3"x3/4" x for keeping the
21". Fasten them vertically with bottle in plain
hinges to short pieces of wood, which s i g h t on t h e
are themselves nailed to a wall. board, and believe it or not, the ink won’t spill.
Make the two pieces just long enough Just tie a stout string around the bottle neck, and
to touch when not in use. This device grips fasten the other end of the string to a thumb­
more tightly as it is closed. tack on the top edge of the board.

S a f e t y M o u se T rap F or t h e P u p
Many people, and perhaps your mother is Your dog is a member of the family. But
one of them, dislike setting mouse-traps be­ how about it? Does he have to beg for ad­
cause of the tendency they have to snap mittance each time he “wants in”? Here’s
your fingers as you are setting them. Five a kink that will fix it so that any swinging or
minutes work will make the household screen door can be opened by the dog. Just
mouse-traps safe and convenient. suspend a bone from the door knob, at the end
First nail the trap to a piece of flat wood of a stout cord about six to eight inches long.
about 2" by S" by 1/2", near one end. Drive In the beginning, the dog will try to play with
a six-penny nail up through the board from the bone, and try to carry it off. In that way,
the bottom a short distance behind the trap, * lie’ll learn how to open the door.
and bend it over. When the lesson is clearly learned, substitute
Now fasten a string to the flying bar a bit of wood for the bone, and your pup will
of the trap, just long enough so that it will have his own “latchkey”.
hook over the nail point. Set the trap in
the ordinary way, and the string will prevent
its going off at the wrong time.
As soon as the trap is in place, turn the
nail around so that the string will slip off. C a n d le
fo r C am p in g
46 J unior M echanics and M odel A i r p l a n e N ews
rvrvrwvrwvwwfw www wψ wv/wwv/ wwwww-wwwww\pv/ v/'?/ w\y wv/ v/

oss^Ss ?,Λ
^ ^ M » K P A K T M E M T

S a v e Y ou r A
m b e i=J
B ru sh es C ork-H ook

N e e d N e e d le s ?
Around tlie workshop it's liandy to keep needle and
thread, not only for iirst-aid to torn clothing, but also
for many jobs of mending and fastening. The only
trouble is that needles have a way of getting lost. Here’s
a clever little device for preventing that.
Take two used pencils of the same size and shape,
a little longer than the needle. Remove both eraser
ferules, smooth down the little points on the inside
which held them to the wood, and push the lead clear
out of one pencil. Use the other ferule as a cap, whit­
tling down the wood a little if necessary. The needle
fits loosely in the space once held by the lead. You’ll
find that the whole apparatus will fit inside a large
spool, and there you are.

Camel’s hair water-color brushes There is only one way to remove a

will last twice as long if they are cork which has been forced down info
kept ready for use in the device shown its bottle, and this is it. Take a com­
above. mon large safety-pin and cut off the
The only materials necessary are head. Sharpen the cut end to a fine
two rubber bands and a glass tumbler. point, and then bend both points to a
Tie three knots in one band and right angle so that they face each
fasten it across the top of the glass. other.
Brushes will hang easily from the How take S or 10 inches of Ho. S
space between the bands, their tips gauge wire, fiatten one end for an inch
protected in water. or so, and insert this flat end through
the eye of the safety-pin, bending it back and
twisting to fasten firmly. It is a good idea to
pinch the eye so that the wire is gripped tighl.
In use, the prongs are pressed together and
inserted in the neck of the bottle. You will
find it easy to catch the cork between the
prongs, which will only grab tighter as you
P r o te c t pull cork and all through the bottle neck.

Y our

C lo th e s

There’s no chore more unpleasant than carrying in D ope B r u sh es

wood from outdoors, especially when the weather is wet.
Here’s an old device— (the hod was known in Rome) —
which has been adapted for the purpose, it saves vour
clothes from soiling and tearing, and makes the entire Brushes ought to be kept in lacquer thinner or tur­
job easier besides. pentine. But everyone has found that these liquids dry
Take two barrel hoops and saw off about a third of up swiftly, and that the brushes are often found stiff
the circles. and hard. For a safe and convenient brush-holder, take
Nail these U-shaped pieces to a piece of wood 2" x an ordinary two-quart fruit-jar. Cut a piece of wood
4" X 12", and mount the latter on a tivo foot piece of to a circle that fits the top. Then run up screw-hooks
broom handle or curtain pole. Strap iron may be from the inside, through the metal top and into the
substituted for the barrel hoops if you have some and wood. Use as many of these as you have brushes.
know how to cut and bore it. How put a screw-eye in the (Continued on payc 52)

.d - 4 é t - ......... ·-· . V-MIr. · -M Í1

u n io n M e c h a n ic s
»B P A R T M E M T

H o w to Build a C anoe
W a te r T h r ills an d S p o rt fo r E v e ry o n e

By E. F. F lrth

PRINGTIME is the beginning of out-of-doors and stern should be bent. Attach these to the 2"x4"
S time. For many this means camp, swimming and at the ends of the center line drawn lengthwise.
other water sports. Some buy canoes while Be sure all forms are set square and plumb. A care­
others get more pleasure in owning one which ful checking at this point will save a lot of trouble later.
they have built themselves, though it might in­ Take the four pieces of l" x l" x lG '0 " long oak and
volve problems never met before. Building a canoe is attach them to these forms with screws, as indicated
a challenge to any boy, but worth while. in drawing. Be sure to drill the strips for the screws.
First, either make or secure two trestles of the same All of the ribs may now be steamed, bent and placed
height and sturdily built. To the center of these and in position. The center ones should be placed first and
connecting both, nail a piece of 2 " x4" xl4' 0" long, as worked each way toward the ends. They should be
a center guide. Mark off the center of this piece and placed 1 " apart and in a vertical position.
another mark is made 4' 0" each side of the center. After all the ribs have been placed and secured on
These are the locations of the forms. Form A goes on the outside of the 1 " square oak strips, remove the 2"x
the center line and form B, one each at the other lines. 4" from (he bottom and substitute a strip 2" wide and
Take two pieces of 1" x G" x 12" long and one piece 1" x 1 " thick; long enough to run along the bottom of the
6"x34" long. Attach one piece of 1" x G"x 12" long up­ canoe and be attached to the stém and stern piece.
right to each end of the 34" piece with screws. Lay out
this form according to form drawing A. Cut to lines F canvas is used for covering, it should be extra heavy
and strengthen across top with strip.
Use two pieces l" x G " x l' S" and one piece l" x I and can be used without planking underneath. Lay
a wide strip of canvas on the framework and tack the
6"x2' 0" for each of forms B. Screw together so that center line to the center line of the canoe bottom strip,
the dimensions of form B may be laid out on them. using copper or galvanized nails. Stretch it, leaving no
Then cut to lines and strengthen forms across the top. wrinkles or fullness. Cut it with shears at the ends
Locate form A to center mark and one form B to each and lap it over 2", snipping oil the surplus.
mark 4' from center. Be sure that these forms are at Cover the canvas with a good coat of marine glue to
right angles with the 2"x4". shrink it and fill up the pores or meshes. This must
Select enough material from the 3/8" x 2" for ribs to be followed by three good coats of paint or varnish in­
make a rib about each of these forms. side and out, to be effective.
It would be well at this point to select some method The short deck in stem and stern may now be placed
of steaming the rib and steam the material so that it and a thin strip of moulding attached to the gunwales
can be bent. One way is to place a piece of large pipe over the edges of the canvas. A long strip may be
in (he ground with the lower end plugged. Fill this attached to the keel to prevent (lie canvas from being
with water and w o r n through
b u i l d a fire from rubbing on
a r o u n d i t. the bottom. If
Lengths of each half round brass
rib may be ob­ Necessary M a te ria l can be secured,
tained by pass­ it is to be used
1 piece 2" X 4" X 14* 0" pine base (temporary)
ing a tape mea­ 1" X 6" X Γ 0" form Λ
to attach the
2 pieces
sure about the 1 piece 1" X 6" X 2' 10" form Λ canvas from the
form and allow­ 2 pieces 1" X 6" X 2' 0" form B top of the stem
ing a little for 4 pieces 1" X 6" X 1» 8" form B around the keel
waste. As each 4 pieces 1" X 1-3/4 " X V 10" oak stem pieces to the top of the
2 pieces 1" X 1" X 16’ 0" oak gunwales
length is cut, 4 pieces 1" X 1" X 16’ 0" oak side strips (temporary) stern. Cut and
drop it in the 200 ft. 3/8" X 2" ash, cli|i. hickory ribs shape and center
pipe and allow or cypress brace. Place in
to steam thor­ 275 ft. 1 /4" X 3" cypress
1 piece 1 /2" X 3" X 14 r 0n
oughly. Clamps 2 pieces 1" X 1" X 14t 0n oak It is well to
will help to 1 piece 1-1 12'11 X 1-1 12" X 10’ 0" oak m ake a s la t
1 piece 3/8" X 3" X 31 II oak
hold these strips flooring out of
2 pieces 1 /2" X 6" X 1* 0" cypress
to the form. 1 piece 28" wide X 18' 0" long canvas thin m aterial
Select mate­ 2 gallons paint to protect the
rial and lay out bottom inside.
form C, over See P lans on Pages 4 8 and 4 9 Make s e a t s
which the strips and locate at
forming the bow proper positions.
48 J unior M echanics and M odel A i r p l a n e N ews

Form fo r ^ 'o "each side o f center

How τ ο B u i l d a Ca n o e 49
50 J u n i o r M e c h a n i c s a n d M o d e l A i r p l a n e N e w s

Models and Their Relation to Scientific Experiment

(Continued from page 10)
to lie of a much greater diameter to performance and, at the same time, of these rubber-band transmissions.
be abie to pull the cral't along, i lie aesthetic appearance of the Fig. 7 is a sketch of a Savoia-Mar­
which also necessitates the raising plane is not hampered with oversize chetti twin-propeller flying boat,
of the landing gear to allow free propellers and landing gears. In all where the two rubber motors arc-
swing of the propeller—another de­ these cases just one rubber motor is placed in the line of pressure within
viation from the original. Multi- used and all propellers are driven the wing and where one rubber band
motored models in general, where all with the aid of small pulleys and on pulleys operates both propellers.
propellers have to revolve, cause a rubber band transmissions; Fig -l
lot of thought to the builder of dy­ shows a 30-inch wing-spread, two- In central float flying boats, the
ing and scale models. Placing more propeller cabin model. It is a full motor should be placed in the fuse­
than one rubber motor often meets scale model, the interior of the lage and the propeller or propellers
with many obstacles; lack of room, cabin fully equipped with washroom, driven by means of the small rubber
they spoil the form of the model, nor thirty-two passenger seats, two seats transmissions. Based on my long
do the use of gears or chain trans­ and control equipment in the pilot’s experience with flying models, I have
missions seem to give the right re­ compartment, doors, etc., and it is found models constructed and pro­
sults. However, it is not difficult to driven only with one rubber motor pelled in the above manner to be
apply rubber motive power to all with two 6" propellers. The weight of very stable and the power of the rub­
propellers on such models as the the entire model is only four ounces, ber motor fully exploited.
Fokker and Ford tri-motors, the Fok­ Six strands of 1 / 8" flat rubber is The flying boat model shown in
ker four-motor, Curtiss Condor two- used. This model flies extremely fast Fig. 8, a six-foot flying model I had
motor, or particularly on the multi- and in absolute straight direction. occasion to use in my experiments,
motored seaplanes, where the pro­ The model shown in Fig. 5 is a 84" is driven by a single motor, the rub­
pellers are placed on the top wings wing-spread, tri-propeller flying ber being placed in a hollow wooden
such as the Savoia-Marchetti, Dor- model, the propellers used being tube above the wing. This method,
nier-XVal four-motor, the D oX three 5" propellers. Its weight is however, spoils the appearance of
twelve-motor, Fokker amphibian, etc. three, ounces. The rubber motor is the craft and the performance is far
It can be done effectively and quite placed on the bottom of the fuselage below that of models where the rub­
simply. and is composed of six strands of ber is placed in the float and the
Further illustrations and photo­ 1 / 8" flat rubber. propeller driven by rubber trans­
graphs show multi-motored flying Fig. 6 is a sketch showing how mission: in which case the craft is
models where all propellers are three propellers can be driven with much better balanced and the resis­
driven, thereby greatly aiding the one rubber motor with the aid tance lessened about thirty per cent.

How to Build the Flying Glory Monoplane

(Continued from page 11 )
F u s e la g e lage bridge (No. 7) flush with top. wings in position while rear brace
Cut piece of balsa for cross cowl dries to insure correct position and
Take 1/16" X 3" balsa and cut fuse­ brace l/lG " x l/4 " and fasten flush slant. v
lage side exactly as shown in plan. with top of fuselage sides with am­ Make two wing supports (No. 9)
Fse this side for template with which broid. same shape and size as shown in
to make second side. Only two are Cut three pieces 3/1G" round wood plan from 1/8" x 1/4" basswood.
needed. Fasten together at bottom 5/8" long and fasten in bottom of Making slot to fit and support
with 3/4 gum cloth and let dry. fuselage in position shown (No. 13). l/lG " x l/4 " basswood wing spar.
Prepare tail stock (No. 1-1) from Place wings temporarily in posi­ Before gluing permanently, place
5/S" X 5/S" X 1" balsa, making a V- tion on top of fuselage and ambroid wings in position and note if wing
sliaped block as shown on plan. back fuselage brace (No. 8) in cor­ supports hold wing spars correctly.
Spread fuselage sides and insert tail rect slanting position as shown in From 1/S"xl/1G" spruce (No. l(i)
stock, ambroid in place and fasten plan. Make sure top is flush with make wing cross sustainer and glue
with string while drying. When dry, top of front cowling brace. Leave in place as shown in plan.
shape down till flush with sides. Make rear ridge (No. 6) from
From 10 gauge 7/8"x 7/8" aluminum 1/16" x l/4 " basswood and fasten
form stabilizer sleeve (No. 15) by to top of rear fuselage bridge (No.
wrapping sheet around block of wood
1/1G" X 1/4". Glue sleeve on top of Gliding and 8) and insert about 1/16" inside
aluminum sleeve and glue in place.
tail stock reinforcing with gum cloth.
Take care to keep sleeve in straight Soaring Make rear fuselage brace (No. 12)
from 1/16" X 4" balsa and glue as
position between fuselage sides and Percival White, author of “How to shown in plan touching No. 6 and
in line of flight. Fly an Airplane,” has written for flush with sides. Drill a small hole
Make from 1/1G" balsa front and M o d e l A i r p l a n e N e w s a com­ in No. G in order to allow motor pin
rear fuselage bridges (parts 7 and plete work, “Gliding and Soaring,” (No. 28) to enter hole already made
8 ) to size shown in plan. Glue in­ covering this current sport from every in reinforcement pin (No. 13).
side of fuselage sides in exact posi­ angle in authentic manner. Shape fail skid (No. 1(5) from
tions .shown in plan. Every question you have ever 1/S " xl/S " bamboo and glue as
Make nose support and bridge wanted answered on this subject is shown in drawing.
from l / 8" x l/S " basswood and 1 / 8" presented in understandable language.
x l/S " reed (parts 3 and -1 ) and form Starting with the July issue, M ODEL N o se P ie c e
as diagrammed. AIRPLANE n e w s presents the open­
To insert nose support, place fuse­ ing chapters of the series of twelve. Take piece of laminated wood and
lage in a vertical position with the At the end of that time your knowledge make in same shape and size as
front on a flat surface, glue in place of sail planes will be complete. shown in drawing, and drill hole as
as shown in diagram. Don’t miss it—you can’t afford to! shown in plan for a light fit of the
Make upper cowling ridge (No. 5) On all news stands June 23rd at only 1/16" diameter brass tubing of pro­
from l/lG " xl/-l" basswood cutting 15c a copy. peller shaft.
to size as needed and clue between Make a flange from No. 15 gauge
nose bridge (No. 4) and front fuse­ brass. Drill holes in center, solder


June, 1930 J unior M echanics and M odel A i r p l a n e N ews 51

piece of tubing in it and nail to nose

P r o p e lle r
From block of 7/S" x 1 3/4" x 8"
Takes Off in Three Feet
basswood make propeller as shown
in drawing—13° pitch. Drill a 1/1G"
hole in center.
P r o p e lle r S h a ft
Use 1/10" X 2 3/4" steel rod (No.
17) flatten one end, and force
through the center hole of prop until
flattened end is embedded in wood,
preventing slipping of shaft inside
the hole. Place a copper washer on
shaft where it emerges from pro­
peller and then slip nose piece (Xo.
2) with tube, on shaft making sure
smooth rotation is possible. Then
turn hook with pliers as shown in
drawing. Fasten nose piece to nose TH ER E IS ONLY O N E
support and bridge with two Xo. 1
3/8" round head wood screws. CLEVELAND BLUE D IA M O N D
L an d in g G ear
Shape two pieces 11 gauge alumi­
Do not confuse it with others now on the market. We are the sole manufacturers and agents
num rod (Xo. 20) as shown in plan for it. Comparison with other kits is not only invited but urged.
and fasten on two V-shaped brass Have you started your model of the Cleveland designed Trainer yet? The news regarding
fittings (Xo. 31). Screw to fuselage this entirely new kind of all Balsa model kit is spreading over the country like wildfire. It
would do anyone good to sec the quantity of requests coming in by mail every day. And
enforcement piece (Xo. 13) with there is a reason 1
Xo. 1 round head wood screw. Take our extra large drawing (34" x 44") for instance, crammed full of photographs of cov­
Make your special axle (Xo. 22) as ered and uncovered models and details of construction, approximately 5,500 words describing
in detail how to build the Trainer, full size layouts upon which you may assemble your model
shown in drawing from 1/16" steel and last but not least, patterns for all necessary parts, may be cut out and used! You’ll have
wire and attach celluloid wheels with to sec a kit to appreciate its real value with its turned wheels and propeller spinners, stamped
ribs, partly finished nose blocks, perfect four-color name plates for the fuselage sides, etc. (See
washers, flattening end of axle to May .M o d e l A i r p l a n e N e w s if you wish complete information.)
keep wheels in place. Fasten axle Send for your Great Lakes Sport Trainer 2T-1 now. Insist on the kit stamped with the
with wheels attached to landing gear “Cleveland Blue Diamond” , as there is only one Cleveland designed Trainer model which con­
tains the above mentioned features—avoid substitutes.
and secure with a little ambroid. Introductory price $4.75 (Regular price $6.25). Postage 20c extra.
Keep wheels in line with body.
W e now offer tw elve of o u r popular stan d ard handy size scale outline d raw in g s, of the full rize popular
Com m ercial and M ilitary A irplanes, which may he n eatly hound to g eth et. T h ese d raw ings, you know,
Make one S hook (Xo. 20) from also contain photographs (various views) oi th e airp lan e w ith full in form ation on its Type. C lass,
1/10" steel rod. From 11 gauge D im ensions. A reas, W eights, P ow er-plant, Perform ance, and its coloring (w hen possible). The m ost
com plete draw ings and the g re a te s t draw ing values e v e r offered anyw here. They even cont: '
music wire make closely spiraled vate scales to which you may build yo u r 1 /4 " Scale E xh ib itio n and 3 /4 " Scale f ly in g m odels!
rear spring (Xo. 24) with seven SE-1 G reat Lakes Sport T rain er. lia s a w orld’s SE-7 New 1930 C u rtiss H aw k . T h e m ost popular
record of 34 outside loops—19 of which arc of arm y fig h ters.
spirals and an eye at both ends as official. And it still holds the record 1 SE-8 C u rtiss Falcon. W ell know n and efficient
shown in drawing. Motor pin (Xo. SE-2 W aco T ap er W ing. E xtrem ely popular sp o rt
Biplane. Used by som e foreign governm ents
arm y o b servation plane.
SE-9 C u rtiss Condor Bomber. Now widely used
28) to hold spring in position should ns a p u rsu it ship.
SE-3 M ohaw k P in to . H ighly efficient new low
in the U. S. A rmy to r bombing.
now be inserted in holes previously wing sp o rt shit).
SE-4 F o k k er S uper-T rim otor. T h e 14 place ship
SE-10 Lockheed S iriu s. Colonel Lindbergh’s choice.
It is also being produced as a m ail plane.
made in rear ridge (Xo. 0) and en­ down on many a ir lines throughout th e U. S. SE-11 R yan B rougham . T rim and popular present
SE-5 F o k k er F32. T he 32 p assen g er airlin e r now day high wing monoplane.
forcement pin (Xo. 13). The motor a ttra c tin g w idespread atten tio n . SE-12 T rav el A ir M y stery Ship. T h e first ship to
is nine feet of rubber band coiled into SE-6 S ik o rsk y Amphiblon S-38. Used on n u m er­
ous land-w ater air lines and as an air-y ach t.
o u tclass A rmy and N avy high speed planes.
It now h as a record o i 240»m iles per hour.
8 strands and attached to front and
T he altové draw ings will be mailed anyw here at $.15 each. S et of any 6—$.80. any 12—$1.50. P o st­
rear hooks. Put a little oil on prop paid. D raw ings SE-4 to SE-12 will be ready for m ailing about M ay 15th to 30tli. O rder yours now
and avoid disappointm ent.
shaft bearing and be sure shaft spins N EW M ODELS AND S U P P L IE S ! B alsa W ood 1/32 x 1/16, 3/64 squ.-.rc. etc. 4c per length. Send
freely. 10c for your copy of our la te st catalog im m ediately and let us keep you posted on tiie m ost advanced
model A ircraft E ngineering developm ents.
Cover rear and front of open fuse­ Orders mailed flic day they arc received. Stamps and C. O. D. orders not accepted.
lage top with bamboo paper and
dope. Cleveland M odel & Supply Com pany
Make wooden button (Xo. 19) from M ODEL EN G INEERS
basswood to lock wings in place.
1866N. W est 57th St., Cleveland, Ohio
R e a d y fo r F lig h t GET Λ PENCIL -FILL IN TH IS COUPON

Set up wings, rudder and stabi­ CLEVELAND M ODEL & SUPPLY CO M PAN Y 0-3 0-N

lizer. Look model over to see if rud­ Gentlem an: Enelowd find m y check or m oney order amounting
to * ............for which ih ip the following item·« im m ediately:
der and stabilizer are straight. Hold Great Lake* Trainer K it. p in · postage. $4.95
S E -1 ............S E -4 .............S i:- 7 ............ S E -1 0 .............
5 ..............
model by nose with one hand and S E -2 ............S E -5 .............8K -S.............S E -1 1 ______
S E -3 ............S E -6 .............SK -9.............S E -1 2 ---------
with the other give propeller about .................. Prnwings marked X above nt $0.15 each
G Prnwinga marked X above at $ .80

100 turns. Set model on smooth sur­ 12 Drawings marked X nbovo at $1.50
. . . . N e w Cleveland C atalog at $ .10
face. Lift tail slightly off ground T o ta l................................... S ..............

and give forward push. The plane I I am clearly printing below my

will take off, fly a few hundred feet I na m e .

and make a perfect three point land­
ing. The landing of the Flying Glory Trainer M odel in Flight A D D R E S S .............................................................................................................

is one of the strong features of the P. S. Write and tell us what models you
would like us to build, for you must not
C IT Y ................................................................... S T A T E ...................................

plane. forget we’re your friends. M e te l Experience..........................Years. A s e ...........................Ytarx.

Adjust anything which may be
52 J uni or M e c h a n i c s and M odel A i r p l a n e n e ws

necessary. For (lie next trial give If the stabilizer is not straight the
propeller 125 to 200 turns. Launch plane will either rise sharply or
A Famous from hand or ground. <li\re.
Aviator's For endurance, pull nose piece out,
hold, and turn propeller while some­
If the rudder is not straight the
plane will veer sharply to either
Message to You one holds plane. Give 300 turns. side. Much of the plane’s perform­
Resultant flight should measure from ance depends on the skill used in
500 to 1,000 feet. handling the stabilizer and rudder.

Necessary M a te ria l
1 piece 1/16" X 6" X 36" balsa fuselage sides, wing ribs
and all other balsa parts
4 lengths l/1 6 " x 1/4" X 3 6 " basswood
3 lengths 1 /16" X 1 / 8 " X 3 6 " spruce wings
1 length 1 /8" X 1 /4" X 12" basswood stabilizer and rudder
1 length 1/8" X 1/8" basswood
“Casey” Jones 4 lengths 1 /16" X 12" round wood
“Casey” Jones is one of the foremost 1 piece 1 /16" X 6 feet reed
men in aviation today. He is a famous 1 length 3/16" X 12" round wood
1 piece 5 / 8 " X 5 / 8 " X 1" balsa
war flyer, a world renowned pilot and 1 piece 1 /8" X 1 /8" X 4 1 " bamboo
is now President of the Curtiss-Wright 1 piece 1 / 8 " X 1" X 3" balsa
Flying Service—the “World's Oldest 1 piece 7/8" X 1 / 2" X 8 " balsa propeller block
Flying Organization.” "Casey” Jones 1 piece 1 /8 " X 4 " reed
knows airplanes! And here's his mes­ 9 feet 1/8 " rubber band
1 1/16" X 12" steel rod
sage to you: 1 1/16" X 1/2" brass tubing propeller shaft bearing
“Boys of today have a great (inside diameter)
future before them, for whether 1 piece 1 / 8 " X 1-1/2" X 1-1/2“ laminated wood front piece
they take up aviation as a 2 1 /S” fitting landing gear
career or not they will un­ 1 piece N o.ll X 20" aluminum rod landing gear
doubtedly live in an age when 1 front spring with hook motor
airplanes and flying will be to 1 rear spring with hook motor
1 1" wire brad base for motor hook
America what automobiles are 1 piece No. 40 7 IS" X 7/8" aluminum tail stock
today. I am glad to see so 1/2 sheet 24" X 19" X 20" Japanese tissue
many thousands of boys inter­ 1 can nitrate dope
ested in flying and constructing 1 tube ambroid
and using model airplanes. 3 No. 1—3/8" wood screws
Model airplanes not only pro­ 3 3 /8 " nails
2 1-7/8" black celluloid wheels
vide a lot of fun, but they are an 3 brass washers
excellent means of studying the 1 piece 3/4" X 20" gum cloth
principles of flight. Model 1 piece No. 15 X 1 12" brass
airplanes are now made with 1 package model pins
great care and craftsmanship,
such as the Kingsbury Silver
Arrow Flying Planes, which I
have personally flown. These
planes are expertly designed and
constructed, and besides pro­
Home Labor Saving Devices
viding a lot of fun, their realis­ (Continued from page 10)
tic flight action contributes a
great deal to a boy’s study of handle of each of your brushes and When heavy furniture has to be
aviation.” Signed: Charles B. suspend them in the jar, with just moved, there is always danger of
Jones (“ Casey” Jones).
enough liquid to keep them in good marking floors. Here’s a little con­
’W A Y O V ER H O U S E T O P S !
shape. Since the l'ruit-jar is air­ trivance which can be made in
tight, there will be no evaporation. twenty minutes out of an old rug
and two rods.
C an d le £or C am ping Take a piece of carpet or rug eight
feet in length, and cut it to 28" wide,
Here’s one of the handiest and to allow passage through doorways.
cheapest candle-holders ever made. A piece of wood 1" x 2S" is tacked
Just take 18 or more inches of wire. to one end, the iloor end. The other
Twist it around a piece of wood the end of the rug is folded and sewed
M o d e l N o . 22 roughly. Slits are cut to allow pas­
The Kingsbury Silver Arrow really flies! same diameter as the candles you are
Launches by hand or “takes off” from to use, in two rings as shown. Bend sage of the handle rod.
ground. Long, continuous flights assured. the end under to prevent, the candle As shown in the picture, the piece
Not a construction toy hut fully built. Λ of furniture is placed on strips of
moment to assemble and it’s ready to fly! slipping through. The other is bent
Made of Balsa wood and aluminum; alu­ into a hook for ridgepole or tree. board to prevent sliding. In this
minum propeller; adjustable wings; strong manner it may be drawn easily
elastic motor. Five models. Racing types
—No. 1, wing spread, 18 in. $1; No. 2, around the house.
wing spread, 26 in. $2; No. 3, (dual rud­
der) wing spread, 33 in. $3. Cabin types
—No. 21, wing spread, 22 in. $2.50; No.
22, wing spread 26 in. $3.50 (West of
Miss. $1.10, $2.20, $2.75, $3.30, $3.85.) If
your dealer cannot supply you, send your
order to us. Join Silver Arrow Club and
become a Master Pilot.
K in g sb u ry M fg . C o m p a n y ,
108-F M vrtte S t., K ccnc.lN . H.

Send 10c for this novelty
eraser. A steel disc wheel
with1 a "balloon” tire of
solid eraser rubber. Set of
4. 35c.
FREEI Kingsbury Movie-
scope! Twirling the leaves
of this novelty book B ra n d N ew
reveals a motion picture of Silver
Arrow flying. Also shows 50 intcr-
V y*= ^3esting K in g s b u ry M o to r
Driven Toys.
K ink
June, 1930 J unior M echanics and M odel A i r p l a n e N ews

Macfadden Aviation
Advisory Board Built Like Birds . . .
(Continued from page 44)
Answer: H ERE’S a brand-new application of the best principles
of model design. For m o n th s Selley has been develop­
The best landing is one in which, ing these m odels . . . actually building and flying
the wheels and the tailskid touch the them , th en painstakingly redesigning and rebuilding th em .
ground simultaneously. Sometimes, Each model has been thoroughly tested for flight per­
however, the wheels will hit the formance.
ground first. In the take-oil', the tail
skid leaves the ground first. Notice th e bird-like shape of th eir wings—th e cam bered
surface, the large dihedral, th e sweep-back, th e narrow ing
Dear Sirs: a t the tips . . . ju s t like a b ird’s. Notice th e large, slow-
I would be obliged to know if tu rn in g propellers. Add to this^their all-balsa construction,
an airminded man could fig an and you’ll see why they’re bound to win contests] th is Ju n e.
airplane without going to a fly­
ing school. My friend says it
can’t be done, while I say that if
lie has built and flown model air­
planes and lias studied an air­
N EW Selley Featherweight
plane designing course and every
fundamental fact about air­
planes and finally knows every­ Models for June Contests
thing about flying without hav­
ing had his hands on the con­
trols, he can fly without going to
Build them . . . Fly them . .. Win with them!
a flying school. I don’t mean
stunt flying but taking only a the NEW Selley
small ship, such as the “Baby
Hullet” or the “lle a th Super
Yours truly, An endurance tractor
G åsper G ranger, with 30" wing spread. Guaranteed to fly at
Spring St., least one minute. The sweep-back wing, with only
a small rudder, keeps it straight bn its course . . .
Swanton, Vt. the pronounced dihedral gives it great stability,
counteracting the torque of the large, slow-winding W ing Span
Answer: propeller . . . the slightly up-turned wing-tips
increase stability and help maintain altitude. 30"
We would not advise anyone to at­ Triangular construction of wing is strong and light,
tempt to pilot an airplane without and gives-greatest lift near the fuselage.
12" C a rv e d P r o p e lle r
a course of instruction at a dying
school, no matter how thoroughly he
may be versed in aero-dynamics.
While one may know everything the NEW Selley
about flying in theory, it still is nec­
essary to receive actual practice of
such theory under the guidance of
an experienced flyer. If one had A 30 twin pusher of a
read widely about how to drive an new design, and it lives up to its name. Notice the
automobile, this would not qualify bird-like fan-shaped tail, and the bird-like cambered
wing, set well to the rear of the motor stick. With
him to step in a car and drive it the center of lift so far back, no rudder is needed
without some one beside him who had . . . the sweep-back and dihedral of the wing are 10" C a rv e d P r o p e lle r ·
enough to make it fly straight. The single stick
actually driven a car before; hence, fuselage saves weight, so you can use plenty of
why apply it to flying a plane? rubber for duration flights. Of course it has slow-
winding balsa propellers.
It is barely possible, of course, 12" C a rv e d P r o p e ll e r ·
that in a remote individual case a W ing Span
man might be able to pilot a plane
without attending a flying school or the NEW Selley 1.65
receiving instruction of the kind but
it would be an extremely rare in­
stance and hardly establishes a rule. ALBATROSS Postpaid
Gentlemen: A 38" wing, V-fuselage
Kindly inform me where I twin pusher with an adjustable rudder. No need
may get a map of all the princi­ to chase it or lose it . . . just set the rudder and
let it circle gracefully over your head. Another
pal air mail routes of the United Selley feature is the detachable balsa fuselage
States and what it will cost. struts . . . you can fold the fuselage together for
safe and easy carrying. Of course, the balsa props
Yours truly, arc slow-turning, and the cambered wing is of the
F rank C leaver, new bird-like shape.
5317 13th St., N. W., S e n d 5c f o r c o m p le te
Washington, D. C. c a t a l o g u e o f o th e r
S e lle y m o d e ls , a s w ell a s
s ta n d a rd p a rts a n d s u p ­
Answer: They’re Easy to Build . . . p lie s . I n c lu d e s e v e r y ­
We would suggest that you apply t h i n g t h e m o d e l b u ild e r
C o m p le te k i t s f o r th e s e N ew S e lle y needs.
to the Department of Commerce, m o d e ls in c lu d e a ll m a te r ia l, carved
Aeronautics Branch, Washington, b a ls a p ro p e lle rs , f u ll- s iz e w o rk in g
D. C., for such a map.. To our knowl­ d r a w in g s w ith d e ta ils c le a r ly s h o w n
edge, this is free of charge. in p e r s p e c tiv e , a n d e a s y - to - f o llo w
s t e p - b y - s t e p d ir e c tio n s . S en d fo r
Selley Mfg. Co., in c .
y o u r k i t to d a y . . . o r s e n d $6.00
Dear Sirs: f o r a ll t h r e e k its , p o s tp a i d . A n d of 1 3 7 7 G a te s A v e ., B r o o k ly n , N . Y .
I have a plane which should go c o u r s e , S e lle y g u a r a n t e e s yo u r m o n e y
b ack i f yo u are n o t sa tisfied . Pioneer Model Builders Since 1909
600 ft. but it will not go that far
54 J unior M e c h a n i c s and M odel A i r p l a n e N ews
and not very quickly. What can Answer:

WORLD'S I do to make it <jo farther and

Yours truly,
Air-cooled motors have two classi­
fications; the radial revolving and
ihe radial fixed types.

R E CORD B ud J ensen ,
81/16 Dale Arc.,
Leves Park, Rockford, III.
The radial revolving type, or ro­
tary, is a form of engine in which
the cylinders, instead of being ar­

BROKEN!! A n sw er:
We would suggest that you move the
ranged along a horizontal crank­
shaft, are fixed radially like the
spores of a wheel around its hub.
wings backward, slightly; thus de­ The ignition of the charge on the
creasing i he lift, which possibly slows power stroke does not cause the revo­
up your machine. Also, we would sug­ lution of the crankshaft, which is
gest that you add a faster propeller fixed, but causes the engine itself to
with about four more strands of revolve around the crankshaft and,
rubber. by suitable connecting mechanism,
imparts motion to the propeller.
Gentlemen: The radial fixed type is more gen­
I would like to know if a ro­ erally used today. In this type the
tary niotor has pistons that are cylinders are arranged radially like
stationary and instead of the the spokes of a wheel around its hub
pistons moving, the cylinder but they do not revolve. The piston
walls and cover do. Please tell rods are directed toward the center,
me the difference between a ro­ where they connect with a “master
tary and a radial engine. rod” leading to the crankshaft, to
Yours truly, which the propeller is attached,
R aymond H aack, either directly or through a chain
Williamshurg, Iowa. of gears.

Δ Course in Airplane Designing

{Continued from page 35)
at a greater dis­
tance from the
center of gravity
i t w i l l have
mu eh m ore
effect, making it
possible for us
to use a smaller
surface. It is
not the best pro­
cedure, h o w -
ever, to design
a ship with a
very long fuse­
lage and small
tail surfaces, be­
cause the added
s t r u c t ii r a 1
weight of the long fuselage will more is placed ahead of the axis, so that
than offset the lessened resistance of the resultant force is moved up
the smaller surfaces. toward it. One must be careful,
(Reproducedfrom The Home News, of Λ*. Y.) however, to keep the surface behind
NOTHER important application the axis larger than that before it,
The Photograph shows Jack Harris, Jr.,
a member of the Model Aircrafters of the
World, Bronx Chapter, who recently broke
all records when his indoor and outdoor
tractor (lew for 10 Minutes and 36 2/5 Seconds
in a contest held a t Van Cortlandt Park,
A of this matter of moment arms since the surface will become uncon­
is in the control surfaces themselves.
By looking at the control surface in
trollable if the force acts ahead of
the axis. Figure 3 (b) shows a
(he plane of the axis and in its direc­ balanced control surface, looking
New York City.
tion, as in Figure 3, we see that if the down the axis, and (c) shows the
A A C In d oor and O utdoor resultant force on the surface is act­ same surface in the plan view. In
Tractor K it ing at a comparatively great dis­ man carrying airplanes, balanced
tance from the axis it will have a controls are used to lessen the strain
This educational kit is complete with all
necessary materials and full-sized blueprints powerful moment about the axis, on the pilot. They are not used on
to make the exact same model that Jack
Harris, Jr., used for his record breaking flight.
tending to turn the control surface racing ships, and are seldom used
Tliis kit contains two different sized propeller back toward neutral. Now let us try for ailerons, because they have a
blocks both for endurance and high-climb- to get the resultant force to act tendency to cause fluttering of the
speed performances.
nearer the hinge, thereby reducing surfaces at high speeds.
Com plete K it § ^ CPostpaid the hinge moment. How can we do
this? There are two good ways. HIS brings us to the subject of
West of Mississippi and Canadian orders
add 15c to cost of Kit.
Cash or money order.

One is to make the control surface
longer and narrower, bringing the
force toward the axis. This method
T ailerons. Ailerons are the control
surfaces of the wings. They are
placed horizontally, their function
is used only to a reasonable extent, being to control the inclination of
P. O. Box 7 F ord h am S tation because a very narrow surface is the ship in banks and turns. When
hard to build. an aileron is lowered it has the effect
N ew York, N . Y. Another method is the balanc­ of increasing the angle of attack of
25c secures your membership for 1 year in the ing of the control surface. This the wing, thereby giving it more lift.
i f . A . W. Join Now
means that some of the surface If the aileron is raised it cuts down
June, 1930 J unior M echani cs and M odel A i r p l a n e News 55

the lift of the wing. Here (lie model

builder runs into (liltieulty. If he
wishes t;o make liis ship turn in Get Parts for Flying Glory from US
Key n u m b ers below are sam e as those in th e p lan s of th is issue
flight, he may apply rudder and
aileron. The ship takes off. As soon KEY TO PARTS AND M A T E R IA L R EQ U IR ED
as it leaves the ground it begins to KEY QUAN­
turn, forced around by the rudder F uselage: R udder:
and inclined toward one side by the I F'usclage bodym ade ................................ 45c
1 N ose com plete w ith b e a rin g s.............. 50c
1 O utside R im ...........................
1 V ertical b ra c e .......... ..
ailerons. Then, if the ship flies 2 Nose Supports .................................. . . . . l r ,
1 Nose b rid g e .................................... ... I ' c
1 A n g u lar B race (S m a ll).........
1 A ngular b race ( L a r g e ) ....
rapidly, the outside wing raises 1 Upper Cowling R i d g e ............................. L 3e S tab ilizer:
1 Upper R ear R i d g e ............... .................... I
higher and higher, finally causing 1 F uselage Hridge (In te r. F r o n t) .. .. 5c 34
1 O utside Rim ...........................
1 C ross b ra c e .............................
the ship either to sideslip or spin. 1 F uselage Hridge (In te r. R e a r ) .......... 5c 37 2 Longitudinal b race (L arge)
2 W ings SupiKtrts . . . 10c 38 2 Longitudinal b race (S m a ll)...................... >20c
What happened? Just this. That 3 Rciniorccm cnt F uselage P in s ................
1 C ross Fuselage b ra c e ............................... .. L 39 2 Guides
40 1 P in ..
outside \ving was traveling through 1 C ross Cowl b race .................................... “c [
1 W ing C ross S u sta in c r............................ I Wings:
the air faster than the inside one 1 T ail Reinforcement ................................
1 A luminum S tabilizer Socket
3c 41 12 R ibs ................................................................ 3Sc
42 2 S pars ........................................................... 5c
was. Its greater air speed gave it 1 T ail Skid ................................ 43 2 F ro n t Edges ................................................ 5c
more lift. The greater lift raised it 1 Propeller S haft C o m p lete ... f"5c 44 2 R ear Edges ................................................. 5c
I Propeller ................................. 4ac 45 1 D iatral Form ............................................. 5c
higher and higher. Take a model in 1 W ing Lock ................................................1
2 Landing G ear Sides ................................ r22c
1 F ro n t Edge Brace ......................................1
1 R ear Edge b ra c e ........................................ > Sc
your hand, simulate a turn, and you 2 Term inal F ittin g for S id es....................|
1 Special Axle .............................................. 20c
48 1 Lug ................................................................ I
will see that the wing on the out­ 2 Celluloid black W h e els.......................... 35c
M iscellaneous Ite m s:
3 Model A eroplane Screws
side of the turn travels faster than M otor Pow er: 50 3 W ash ers. PlnSi N ails ................. j"10c
1 Close Spring (R ear) ............. 5c 1 S h eet Silk P aper ...................................... 10c
does the inside wing. For this 1 Open Spring (F ro n t) ...................... .. 5c 1 T ube of A m broid (G lu e ).......... .. . . . 15c
1 2 o r. can of Special D ope...................... 25c
reason, it is usually inadvisable to I Special Hook ............................................
9 ft. Ά " R ubber b an d . .
In stru ctio n Book ....................................... 5c
use the ailerons to help the model I Pin ............................... F u ll Size Plan .................................... 35c
ship turn. If it has enough stability
and is designed well it will take up N A T IO N A L CO N TEST
enough bank without the aid of the build your Flying G lory as given in th is issue.
ailerons. Fly it before a parent o r w itness. Send us your
distance record before Ju n e 30th and ii your d is­
The ailerons, valuable as they tance is longest of all we will send you a $5 gold
are, cause a lot of trouble. In piece. D uplicate P rize in case of tie. Complete
K it—$3.75 postpaid.
addition to the effect mentioned F lying G lory M onoplane, ready to fly, mailed in
special bo*—$8.00 postpaid.
above, they have a drag effect. An A ll raw m aterial (except w heels, dope, glue and
aileron that is raised does not in­ paper) for building Flying Glory—$1.60.
cludes sem i-finished bass prop, and rubber for m otor.
O ffer in ­
crease tlve drag of the wing greatly,
but let that aileron be lowered, and L O W E S T P R IC E S B A L S A A N D SU P P L IE S
things happen! As we see in Figure b est grade b alsa . Specially cut Any color dope 2 oz. can—25c. round—5c for 10 in.
and prepared for model use. Enough balsa, bass and reed for A lum inum sh eets 34 and 40 gauge
4, the raised aileron does not cause Γ X 6" X 36' S 75 m aking F'lying G lory—75c. — 25c per sq. ft.
2" X 6" X 36" . . 1.10
much turbulence of the air flow, be­ 2" X 3" X 36 .80
b a s s
4c a pc.
1/8 sq.— 1 /1 6 x 1 / 8 36"— Ambroid sm all tube 10c, large—
15c—2 oz. can—25c.
cause the air, already trying to go 3" X 3" X 36'V
1/16" X 2" X: 36" ..
5/32 sq. 1 /8 x 1/4, 1/16 x 1 /4 ,
1/16 X 3/16 36"—5c a pc.
1/16, 1 /8 , 3/1 6 round reed, 6 ft.
up from the top of tlie wing, is aided 1/16" X H I"’ X 18 " - -12 pcs
1/1 6" X 4" X: 18"—1 PC.............. .15
..50 b a ls a prop blocks any size— lc
per in.
Jap an ese paper—24 x 20—10c.
3 5 x 1 3 —12c. 20 x 33— 15c.
by (lie aileron in this position. If 1/16" X 2" X 18"— 1 pc............... .09 1/16 and 3/32 round wood 12" M usic W ire any size— lc per ft.
1 /16" X 1 ’ X 1 8 "--1 pc........... .06 long—12 pcs. 10c.
we drop the aileron down, however, 1/16" X 6 " X: 36" .
V i"
.45 1 /8 and 3 /1 6 x 3 6 " round wood— Bam boo 1 / 1 6 x 1 / 4 x 1 2 —12 pcs.
— 10c.
1lie air must follow it lower than 1/16" X 4" X: 36" .
1/16" X 1" X 31" ..
4c a pc.
1 /8 " flat rubber band lc per ft.. 5c service charge all o rders less
than $1.00.
ever, if it is to follow the curve of 25 strip s
1/8 " X 1/8 " X 36"
50 ft.—45c.
3/16 R ubber 1 l/2 c per ft or 50 5c packing charge on balsa over
the wing. The air is as we saw 1/8" X 3 /8 " X 36"
1/ 4" X 1/4 " X 36" .
ft. 60c.
T h in n er 2 oz. can—25c.
18" length.
10c p o stage e a st M ississippi. 15c
above trying to draw away from the 1 /8 " X 1 /4 " X 36" 1.25 3 ply veneer 20" x 30"—20c. w est of M ississippi.
Full supply balsa. b a s s any .s ize. Alum inum rod 1/16 round and J /S 5c in surance if desired.
top of the wing, and the lowered
aileron leaves a space for it to fill. E n tirely new and d ifferent dumm y m otor— fits any p la n e ............................................... _...........................................$.70
New light w eight sponge rubber pneum atic tires for scale and flying m odels. L ig h te s t on m a rk et. Prices
This makes a region of turbulence 1-1 /2 "—$.30 a pair, 1-3/4"—$.40 a pair, 2"—$.50 a pair.
above the aileron, and turbulence of
the air stream is the cause of drag. Cresemt M odel AircrøfÉ Supply 1805 BENSON AVE.,
In larger ships this effect is over­
come in a number of ways. The
Frise type aileron, shown in outline T W O B O O K S O N W R ESTLIN G
in Figure 4 (a), is used on several Com plete Science of W restling. ByJGcorgc Hack- The Science of W restling and Jiu Jitsu . By
ships, while differential ailerons are enschmidt. 70 full page illustrations. Price..S I.50 Earle Liederman. Price................................$3.00
used on others. Differential ailerons TH E RING BOOK SHOP 11 W est 42nd S t. New Y ork, N. Y:
are arranged so that the aileron that
is raised goes farther than the one
that is lowered. I think you can
H e re .It Is
A 2 ft. scale model of the Travel Air Mystery
easily see how this will overcome the Airplane. Complete set ready to assemble $3.00. THE 5EN5ATI0NAL PLANE
drag effect. Set contains stamped out ribs, celluloid engine,
pants, cowling, wheels, etc. Also sets of the Boeing It takes off, hanks, turns f.nd nlways makes “ three" point la n d in g .
Curtiss Twin Float Racer, etc. T his plane has a new prop making it the sm ooth ed and speedic-rt
llying piano built. T akes off like a pursuit ship. And only cost 00c
Q u e stio n n a ir e Illustrated catalog of models and supplies.. 10c. or 3 for 51.25 (no stam ps) add 10c if you want it insured.
1. Why is there a force set up in 3330 Iowa Ave. S t. Louis, Mo. 4550 N a tu r a l B rid g e , D ep t. M .N .l, S t. L o u is, M o.
a control surface when it is moved
out of its normal place? Does the
air stream resist any attempt to
W ith n fo re w o rd by t h e g r e a t e s t o f m o d e rn
fig h te r s . J a c k D em p sey
it will p ay you to keep a can of U n itite in y o u r co n test
move it? N o m a tte r how good a boxer ýou are. you
k it. A t a recent co n test in K ansas C ity one boy's
first experience w ith U n itite was to repair his R. O.
2. If you were designing a model sh o u ld n 't be w ith o u t this book. b u y it— R ead
it—S tudy Its co n ten ts thoroughly if you w an t to
G . w ith a sam ple tu b e sh o rtly before w inning first
place in his division.
ship, would you make the fuselage be up near the top.
A book adopted in m any colleges, high schools
U nitite was tested by the Am erican S k y Cadets
Experim ental Laboratory and is recommended by
extraordinarily long so that the ele­ and even in th e H aw aiian D ep artm en t of the them fo r use on model airplanes. D oesn’t this prove
U nited S tates A rm y.
vators and rudder would be efficient? I t Is a book w ith o u t an equal. Jack D em psey,
its w orth?
U n itite is stro n g , w aterp ro o f, tra n sp a re n t, and very
Why not? m ost popular of all boxers, has endorsed this
book. H e w rites th a t it contains m any fine points
quick d rying. I t will m end rubber, leath er, china-
w are, m e taf and m any articles no o th e r cem ent or
3. Why are balanced control sur­ th a t lie never knew about.
In this third edition, you'll find six full pages
glue will repair. W hen dqd is going fishing and
finds his bo o ts h av e a leak you can lend him your
faces used on large ships? of training stu n ts which D em psey. The M an
Killer. T he G reatest of All M odern F ighters,
U n itite . And y o u r m other" can use it w hen she
4. Why does the outside wing on em ployed in gettin g in trim for his big b attles.
b reak s a dish.
F o r a 2 oz. can of U n itite send 25c in coin or
W ould you m iss such a tre a t? You c a n 't go
a turn have more lift than the in­ w rong by sending in S I.0 0 for the la test train in g
m oney ord er to
side wing? book, or S3.00 for the three books. Unitite Liquid Cement Co.
5. Name one method of overcom­ THE RING BOOK SHOP 3315 A g n e s A v e . K a n sa s C ity , M o .
11 W est 42nd St. New York, N. Y. Dealers write or wire for fu ll particulars
ing the aileron drag effect.
56 J unior M echanics and M odel A i r p l a n e N ews

Wings of Valor
( C ontinued from 24)

his face, blotting out the surround­ unflinchingly into the menacing eyes
ings. of the bearded bandit.
“Well, well,” said a voice. “If it “No,” he said. “You’ll get no
THE % ,

isn’t the little boy I passed this money. All you'll get is twenty years
afternoon.” in jail.”
Jimmy choked back a sob of rage llis questioner eyed him through
that rose to his throat and tried to narrowed lids.
stare beyond the glaring light into “You’re a fresh kid,” he said with
the face of his captor. In the gray­ an oath. His hand suddenly left his
ness of the dawn, he distinctly hip and shot out, giving Jimmy a
noticed that upon 1lie other’s cheek stinging blow across the face. For
was a small white scar. The a fleeting moment, Jimmy forgot the
threatening automatic poked him in peril of the gun behind him. A con­
the chest. suming flame of rage swept aside all
“Get going,” said the scar-faced thoughts of danger. Like a tiger he
one. “AVe’ll go inside and let the leaped on the bearded bandit, llis
boys have a look at you.” right hand swung in a short arc and
W hen you build your crashed against the other’s jaw. The
ITH the menace of the gun be­ man staggered and dropped to his
own models use A ir
Seal Balsa. W hind him, Jimmy slowly made knees. Jimmy heard a startled oath
behind him. He became swiftly
his way to the shack. As he flung
the door open two of the men within aware that one of the occupants of
sprang to their feet, their hands the table was standing over him, an
Cultivated, selected and groping at the holsters at their hips. upraised botlle in his hand. Quickly
The third member of the party re­ he flung up his arm in protection
Kiln Dried. W eight 7 tained his seat, calmly pulling a but it. was too late. With a sicken­
to 11 pounds per cubic cigarette. The voice of his captor ing thud the bottle found its mark
boomed over his shoulder, reassuring on his head. A shooting pain darted
foot. Iiis cronies. through his whole being, a strange
“It’s all right,” he said. “I just nausea gripped him, and, with a
Our Balsa is used in the caught this kid snooping around. groan, he collapsed upon the floor.
He’s got a plane down the line some­
construction of many of where. I heard him land.” HE bearded man came to his feet,
the large commercial
planes, also throughout
A bearded, bulky ruffian rose from
his seat at the table and bore down
on Jimmy.
his hand holding his jaw.
“Throw him over there with the
other one,” he ordered. “We’ve got
“Did you bring the cash?” he de­ some new plans to make now.”
the country by model manded. Without ceremony the lad’s inert
clubs, schools and col­ Jimmy shook his head. His eyes body was picked up from the floor
were directed to the huddled figure and hurled carelessly on the bunk
leges. The very best on the bunk opposite. But he per­ which already held the bound form
grade of cut sizes may ceived no movement. For a moment of his father.
a cold fear clutched at his heart.
be had in quantities. Suppose—suppose it was too late! Fate has decreed that Jimmy join
Suppose his father was already his father as prisoner of that grim
dead? hand. W ill he manage somehow to
W e have made a study A rough hand jerked him by the give them the slip or must father
of model work and can shoulder. and son go down in oblivion as
“Well, speak up. Are you deaf? “among the missing”? Read the next
assure entire satisfac­ Did you bring the money?” installment for the next move in the
tion as to quality. Jimmy turned his head and looked game.

Write for Free Booklet C u rtis s " R o b in " Scale M o d e l C o n te s t W in n e rs

on Model Construction Two records went by the boards in connection with the Curtiss “Robin” scale
model contest. First, there were more than 300 entries; secondly, there were
seventy-two models actually delivered in time for judging!
Prize winners were as follows:
First Prize Fourth Prize
2251 N. Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. 308 Grove Street, Scranton, Pa.
W hen in New York see Fifth Prize
Second Prize
our display at this ad­ E. T. CROSSON K. T. RICHARDSON
dress. 1415 Pennsylvania Ave., Dallas, Texas Hill Top Lumber Co., Castle Shannon, Pa.
Third Prize Sixth Prize
T he Fleiscfamaim 17 Beckwith St., New London, Conn. 2073 West 38th St., Cleveland, Ohio

Trams. Co., Judges for the Contest were Mr. C. S. (Casey) Jones, President of the Curtiss-
Wright Flying Service, Clarence Chamberlin, President of the Crescent Aircraft
Balsa Wood Sales Division Company, Captain H. J. Loftus-Pricc, Editor, M ODEL AIRPLANE N e w s , Lieut.
F. M. Hopkins, Military Tactics Instructor at New York University, Cadet-
701 W ashington St., Colonel Albert Fregosi, of N. Y. U. Air Corps, Lieut. Reid Lumsden, former
instructor at the Lebanon, Tenn., Military Academy, and Mr. Thomas L. Bulger,
N ew York, N . Y. President of the Associated Aircraft Clubs.
June, 1930 J unior M echani cs and M odel A i r p l a n e N ews 57

(Continued from page 8)
wliicli animals were fastened. attached lo the harness in four They pass through and over the top
Andres Jacques Garnerin, another places. The rip-cord which he pulls of the air ’chute. There is a shock­
French parachutist, dropped from a to open the ’chute—actually a strong absorbing vent in the silk bag.
balloon over Paris in 171)7, from a wire cable—hangs usually on the The standard army type has a
height variously estimated from 2,000 left side of the wearer’s chest. small pilot ’chute to drag out the
feet to over a mile. He repeated his The bag of the ’chute is of high- main ’chute, and this is attached to
feat over London in 1802, from grade silk. The shroud lines are the peak of the big ’chute. The
S,000 feet, receiving a few scratches. of silk cord, which are continuous pilot ’chute has steel ribs and a
Many experiments were thereafter from their point of attachment on spring and is folded under rubber-
made. In 1837 Kobert Cocking, test­ one side of the harness to the other. cable tension. Thus when the rip­
ing a new type, fell to his death cord is pulled the pilot ’chute
from 5,000 feet. springs out; of the container and
The approved type today is com­ pulls the large bag out into the line
plete in one unit, strapped to the of flight. The average time required
person in varying ways. The seat- Model Airplane for the ’chute to open and assume
pack is most often used. The lap- normal descent is two to three sec­
pack is preferred by observers and
gunners, the back-pack by balloon
News onds after tlie rip-cord is pulled.
observers and exhibition jumpers. HE little pilot ’chute is thirty
All fasten to the liver in approxi­
mately the same way, with straps
over the shoulders and a hook across
Plans and Parts
Those who wish to purchase
parts for the construction of
T inches in diameter. The big ’chute
varies from twenty-two to twenty-
eight feet iu diameter. The standard
general service size is twenty-four
the chest, and straps about the up­
per part of the leg with a snap-hook models, or blueprints, will be feet. The twenty-two foot ’chute is
on each leg strap. The straps about furnished with the name and used generally with a twenty-eight
the legs pass across the liver’s hips, address of the company which foot ’chute, the latter being worn on
so that when the chute opens, no stocks them, upon request for the back in exhibition jumps, while
matter what type it is, he is sitting the small one is carried on the chest
in what amounts to a swing, with this information from the for emergency.
webbing taking the place of the reader. Address the Editor, This extra ’chute has sometimes
ropes of the swing, on either side of M odel A ir p l a n e N ew s, saved the lives of exhibition jump­
his body. Macfadden Publications, Inc., ers. Mrs. Irene McFarland of Cin­
Above his head the webbing di­ 1926 Broadway, New York cinnati, for a long time the only
vides into four “risers” and the City. woman member of the Caterpillar
shrouds of small cords which lead to Club, was saved by such a use of
the outer edge of the parachute are two ’chutes. She was attempting an


SALE 24" W ingspan
1st grade featherw eight. Curtis Hawk, P. 6 ............... $ .40
P. 3A (Radial) .40
10 sheets l/16"x 2"x36"-S1.00 S. E. 5. Scout............................... 40
Ford Trimotor............................. 40
6 ” l / 8"x 2"x36"-S1.00 Sea Hawk F.7.C.1 ........................ 40
5 1/16"x 6"x20//- $ 1.00 Vought Corsair............................ 40
Waterman Special....................... 40
3 ” l/16"x 6"x24"-$ .90 Bowing Pursuit F.4.B.1............... 40
Stinson Detroiter......................... 40
20 ” 1/16"x 2"xl2"-$ .50 Travel-Air “MysteryShip” . .40
25 sticks 1/8"x3/8^ x40"-$1.50 This is the plane for contests because it will fly German B.F.W............................. 25
25 ” l/8 " x l/4 ',x36,,-$1.00 for long flights; its tail surface makes it stable,
and its wing makes it a high climb model. N O N SCALE BLUE PRIN TS
25 ” l/8" xl/8" x36" -$ -60 The tractor plane is designed for the beginner, Full Size
25 ” l/8" xl/8" x20" -$ .45 still it has made record performances for the Navy Race- (wingspan 20") $ .40
advanced builder when made light and ac­ Commercial (wingspan 28") .25
curate. The kit set contains all the necessary Duration Tractor........................ 25
P R O P . BLOCKS material from which to build the plane.
Cement, banana liquid, wire, and full size blue
6 Blocks 5/8"xl l/8" x7" -$ .24 print are included together with a motor stick,
balsa sheets to cut the spars and ribs, and a
6 ” 3/4"xl l/4"x8"-$ .30
12 in. balsa propeller blank. The builder must Brings you a complete illustrated
6 ” l"xl l/4 " x l0 " -$ .45 make all the parts necessary for the plane. booklet containing latest model air­
planes, and model airplane supplies.
6 ” l"xl l / 2" x l 2"-$ .60 PRICE FOR COMPLETE KIT, postpaid in Full description of materials and quip-
U. S. A. or Canada. ment needed for each model. Every
Postage 15c Extra model is designed to fly when made
on all orders under $ 1.00 75c according to our simplified plans of
construction. Don’t fail to send for it.

H aw k Model Aeroplanes,
4944 IR V IN G P A R K BLVD., DEPT. D l C H IC A G O , ILLINOIS, U . S. A.
58 J unior M echanics and M odel A i r p l a n e N ews
exhibition jump from a height of
30 DAYS1FREE TRIAL 2,000 feet over Grisard Field, Cin­
cinnati. Her regular ’chute fouled
on the landing gear of the plane
from which she jumped. She then
We have purchased the entire stock and
landed successfully by using the equipment of the Universal Model Airplane
emergency ’chute, in this case the Co. formerly of Kansas City and are greatly
overstocked on some lines. Don't miss this
regular army parachute. The one opportunity to pick up some bargains.
that fouled was another type. Js" and 3/16" flat, or 1/16" square Pure
A properly made parachute can he Para Black Rubber Strands, any length—
2 ft. per cent. Full skeins at further re­
guided to some extent. By pulling duced prices.
the lines on one side the ’chute can Rustproof Piano Wire No. 6, No. 9. No.
be sideslipped about ten feet for 11—2 ft. per cent
Aluminum wheels with balloon tires 1 }·'.*
every hundred feet of drop. This is — 14c; 2"—17c each
not enough to make any headway Featherweight celluloid wheels 1
against a wind of any velocity. The —8c; 1 — 13c each
expert parachutist, however, can Featherweight celluloid dummy motors 9
cylinders — 35c.
avoid obstacles to a large extent. 21" X 31" Japanese tissue either Hakone
The landing should be made with white or Mino silk 5 sheets— 22c.
the feet close together, the knees 2 dozen hard brass washers with .028"
hole — 18c.
somewhat bent, and the body re­
WeihipOnApproval laxed.
No effort should he made to stand
The above material sent postpaid in U. S. Λ .
Canadian poslané extra.
Send 5— 1 cent U. S. stamps for our new
and 30 days’ trial 16 page illustrated catalog containing the
direct from our fac­ up. The fall is like a jump from a biggest list of bargains you have ever seen,
tory. Select from 44 six- to ten-foot wall, and it is easier or better still, send us a 50c trial order and
styles, colors and sizes. and less dangerous to take a roll or it will be mailed you free.
tumble than to brace one’s self and
Save rio Ä S n t
5 52 try to avoid it. The snaps on the C ountry Club
selling expenses enter into the cost and sell­ leg harness and the one on the chest
ing prices of these bicycles. Factory-to-Rider saves
you big money and assures you service. can be unfastened quickly in case A ero Supply Co.
EASY PAYMENTS if desifed. Only $5 down. the must
jumper falls in the water and
swim, or if such a strong wind
5821 Holmes St., Kansas City, Mo.
Weallow 30 d a y s for trial and test.If i tdoesnotsuit-re- “Where Your Dollar lias More Cents"
turn at our expense. D o b u s i n e s s d i r e c t w i t h m a k ­ is blowing that injury might result
e r s o f R a n g e r — P a t h f i n d e r — C r u s a d e r bicycles. from being dragged along the
T ip rC

Lamps, Wheels, Equipment and Sun-
dries a t half usual prices.
ground. Ordinarily these snaps can
be unhooked with one hand. F LY IN G C L U B P I N S - . - 3 5 d
RADIO — Musical Instruments. Complete The Army Air Corps and commer­ FREE CATALOG
line—exceptional prices and terms. Please mention D esign Show n silver plate 35 cen ts each. $3.50
which catalog you wish. cial firms repack the parachute once Cold plate or sterlin g silver 50 cen ts each.
$5.00 doz.
Made w ith any 6 letters o r less;
W rite to d a y fo r c a t a lo g an d m n rv olou s now
p rico o ffe r s a n d te r m s . a month if it has not been used. This No. sten 2 colors eaatncL

Mead Cycle Co., Dept. £170 Chicago helps in keeping creases from
ing in the silk and damaging the
form­ B A S T IA N B R O S . C O . 03ϋ B astian B ld g ., R o d e d e r . N . Y.

THE REDACE OF GERMANY” material. A pack that has been wet full Wc nrr developing η »mftU rocket plane. Fend 5c for our catalc« and
particular* about the R ock '! I’lnr.c.
B aron von R iclith o ften 's F o k k e r D7 which w as tised should be opened and dried to pre­ R U BBER . Pure frndi Para rubber. 1 / 6 in. flab
200 foot package (P o -tp sid ).................. ..................................................... S1.O0
in th e W orld W ar. C onstruction S et $5.00. Blue- 100 foot parknxo (P ostpaid)............. ....................................................................
p rin ts 75c. A ll full size blueprints. vent mildew. J. J. Runger, expert W light llR E Ifl. Aluminum m»a center* w ith »pong* rubber tire*, n t m s t i y
and strong. VP· carry these wheel» in three »ur*. N . 1— 1 H in. o

40c. M ercury
50c, C u rtiss H aw k
15c, G lider
25c, R3C-2 S eaplane R acer packer and jumper at Curtiss Field, in dia. No. 2— 1 *4 in. m dia. N o. 3 in. in dia. Any one of three
— 2
3 »ixew Per Pair (P ostpaid)............................................................................. 25
40c. C u rtiss Robin
25c. Lockheed V ega
3Sc, E aglcrock Bullet
25c, R ohrabarli R o stra
told me he would repack his ’chute P A PE R . Jnpanfe- »ilk t»*»u·» paper
nre 21 X 81 PW i h ň t i JOL P J m*
very light and t-treng. Sh een
a U ftt·................................... .25
m cxm 6
25c, Lockheed S in u s
__________ 50c, C u rtiss T n n a g er S afety plane
50c. V ought C o rsair, 4 sh eet to a set
only a week after he had omitted one WTINh Db Ei»RaS.double
A beautiful tm ooth running winder geared to to 1 ratio.
winder. Price each (P ostpaid )...................................2 00

Send 5c <·*ο»η) for our price lBt.

10c m ailing and insurance charges—no stam ps. of his Sunday leaps. The M odel Aero Shop. *7o J . Van M oren, Bay C resl, M unlinglon, N. Y.
1G63—55th S tre e t, B rooklyn, N . Y. It takes about an hour for two
men with proper equipment to re­ BUILD MODEL AIRPLANES THAT ARE
pack a ’chute. Since it must he 26" FLYING DUTCHMAN. Com plete k it. full sized
folded exactly right to he usable, this blue p rin ts, baud carved prop. Form ed w ire p arts
and rib s—$3.25 P ostpaid.
is very important. Incorrect folding BABY R.O.G. KIT—Full sized b lu ep rin ts, ready
may result fatally to the jumper, formed prop, and w ire p a rts —$.35 P ostpaid.
since the ’chute functions properly BABY R.O.G.—R eady to fly—$.75 P ostpaid.
only if arranged exactly as it is de­ CRIMSON MODEL AIRCRAFT COMPANY
signed to he. The Army Air Corps is 1355 Cypress Street, Louisville, Kentucky
always glad to instruct civilians in
the proper packing of parachutes. Tw in Pusher Racing M odel
Official Re c o r d —3 Mi nut e s — Miles
HELP M EN FLY OOLNESS is the most essential
T r i - S t a t e will tra in you for aeronautical
engineering in 108 weeks. It. S. degree a t
end of th e course. P repare yourself for a
w ell-paying position, g et a college education
C requisite in parachuting, and
there have been some truly remark­
able examples of calmness on the
part of the flyer who has had to
in little more th a n half th e usual tim e. All
unnecessary su b jec ts o m itte d . Intense con­
c e n tratio n on m ath em atics, m echanics, and
jump. Probably one of the most un­
la b o rato ry practice. In te restin g work in
T heory of F lig h t. A erodynam ics, A irplane
usual examples of this was the case
D esign, A irplane S tru ctu re and A irplane of Lieutenant Julius Barr of the
Engines. S tu d en ts fitted for research,
testing, design, m a nufacture, airport m anage­ Army Air Corps. His plane caught
m e n t, and salcsw ork. Basic training v alu ­
able in any branch of rapidly grow ing
fire at 5,000 feet when flying over
aeronautical in d u stry . Selfridge Field, Mount Clemens,
W ork in an atm osphere of self-reliance. Michigan.
Thorough instru ctio n according to individual
ab ility . No entrance exam inations. S tu ­ The flames trapped Barr in the
d en ts who left high school can m ake up work.
L iving expenses and tu itio n low. G rad u ate s
cockpit, just as his living suit caught This Kit contains nil parts for building our famous
hold responsible positions. 46th year. E n te r
Thunderbolt Model. It is very simple in its con­
on a projecting piece of the control struction
in S eptem ber, J a n u a ry , \la r c li ami June. and we know it is the most consistent
W rite for catalog. mechanism. lie was unable to re­ flyer ever developed.
lease himself. Fearing his para­ T H IS CONSTRUCTION K I T ------- 98c
. TRI-STATE , chute might burn, Barr removed it READY TO FLY
and held it over the side of the ship Send for O u rPlus
- - - ..................... $1.98
10c postage
40 P age C atalog in Color
CO LLEGE until the licking flames burned his
clothing free.
D e p t. 105
860 C ollege S tre e t, A n g o la, I n d ia n a 12 N . M a y S t . , C h i c a g o , 1 1 1.
He then beat out the flames in his "D istributors o f Red 'iV*is Products'’
Jme, 1930 J uni or M e c h a n i c s and M odel A i r p l a n e N ews 59
clothing,, donned his parachute and
went over the side to a safe land­
ing. The plane was destroyed. Had
Models oS Distinctive Design
Barr lost his head while trapped by Designed so you
the flames, a tragedy would cer­ too can build them.
tainly have resulted. Our improved con­
The development of the parachute
has caused the complete revision of struction sets con­
many theories previously held about tain: Printed Ribs
what happens to a person falling and S ta tio n s ,
from a great altitude. For many ready cut propel­
years it was believed that a person lers, lull size blue­
falling from a height would become prints, light weight
unconscious or die before he struck celluloid wheels.
the ground. Tests made by the Army Nose and cowling
Air Corps recently show this suppo­
sition to be wrong. blocks of the Cur-
By means of tests with a dummy Im proved C onstruction Set to build a 2 foot flying model of th e Lockheed tiss-H a w k a r e
S irius w ith a N.A.C.A, Cowling, pants and cone p ro p eller................................ $3.00 .
lit by a Hare light and a camera shaped. For all
timing the fall by the click of the improvements the
shutter at intervals of a second, it price remains un­
was found that the fastest speed at changed. Think it
which a man falls is not more than over, before you
120 miles an hour. As soon as the order a set else­
dummy. x>icked up speed, the air re­
sistance increased until there was where. Construc­
no further acceleration. Thus a tion set to build:
plane falling or diving at the rate 2 ft. Sikorsky
of 200 miles or more per hour, as has Amph.......... $2.75
happened, would pass the man even
in a straight fall without his para­ 3 Ft. Lockheed
chute open. A plane in a tailspin in­ V e g a ..........$5.25
variably spirals around him. Blueprints f o r
any 2 ft. model if
INCE his speed is never more than ordered separate,
S 120 miles a n hour and an aviator
in an open cockpit is easily able to
Improved C onstruction Set to build a 2 foot flying model of the Vougllt
C orsair—$3.00; w ith dummy m otor ...........................................................................$3.75
Others .......... $0.25
withstand the blast from such a
speed, it is not likely that a man Dummy Mo­
could ever become unconscious while tors .......... $0.75
falling through the air. The ques­ Colorless Ce­
tion was of great interest to para* ment ........ $0.33
chute manufacturers, because if a Postpaid.
man were to become unconscious he
would be unable to pull the cord. 32-page catalog
This question has been answered describing m o r e
by some of the men who have made models and sup­
record parachute drops. The longest plies 5c.
delayed opening now on record is
that of Jack Cope, veteran Chicago Immediate ship­
stunt pilot, who jumped from a ment of Construc­
plane 15,000 feet up and dropped an tion sets and sup­
estimated 10,000 feet before pulling plies from Stock.
the rip-cord. Dealers write for
The previous record drop before Im proved C onstruction Set to build a 2 foot flying model of the C u rtiss Army
Hawk ............................................................................................................................. t....$ 3 .0 0 discount.
opening the ’chute was made by
Harold Whitby, machinst’s mate,
U.S.X., who dropped 4,400 feet before NATIONAL MODEL AIRCRAFT & SUPPLY CO.
jerking the ring. His drop was made
in connection with many of the tests 2 9 H N orth A v e ., N ew R o c h e lle , N. Y.’
of the rate of fall which the Army
and Navy have conducted. “How to Second a Boxer” F if it y - S h o t
T arget
The minimum height from which N othing like it ev er published. C ontains heaps of Practice Air C‘» ,O g
a safe drop can be made has never valuable inform ation for boxer, tra in e r and second.
T he chapter devoted to the medical end, th e firs t aid
A utom atic
been completely determined, though, departm ent of a second's job, is w orth ten tim es B ox o flA m m u n itio n F re e
Guaranteed to h it n fly at ten feet. T ho ideal pistol
the cost of this book. Only $1.00 for a book th a t
as stated before, at least two men teaches you all a handler of a boxer, am ateu r o r for target practice. Get on·· todr.y and becomo a
good marksman in short tim e and at very little ex­
have landed safely from drops of professional, need know.
In its pages arc in stru c tiv e illu stratio n s of the
pense. Shoot* buckuhot w tli accurate precision
and Kroat force. Hold* fifty shot« in m agafine.
only about 150 feet. In the army correct and incorrect way to handle a fighter. E asy to reload. Excellent for huntin* birds, etc. Look* like a real
pistol. S E N D N O M O N E Y . Pay on delivery I3.VS plna umalí ex­
experiments it was found that in a T H E R IN G BOOK SHO P 11 W . 42 S t., N . Y . C.
pres.* ehnrires.
J E N K I N S ,' Dept. F-32-W , 685 Broadway, N e w Y o r k
drop from a plane wilh a horizontal
velocity of 80 miles per hour, the
parachute inflated in three seconds 10-1 s e c o n d s flia b t by th i s E n d u r a n c e C a b in
PI a n e . 20 in . w in g s p re a d , b r illia n t re d , b o d y
Electrical Training for men of am­
bition and limited Utne.
Conciso, comprehensive
course in Theoretical and Practical Eloctrlcal ,
and the dummy dropped 175 feet in a n d w in g . Risen off g r o u n d , b a n k s , c irc le s a n d
three seconds. This would make 175 m a k e s 3 p o in t la n d in g s . W in C o n te n ts , P rize s.
P in a d o lla r b ill to th i s a d a n d s e n d to Engineering including M ath­
ematics and Me­
chanical Drawing.
feet the barest minimum. T R A N S -C O N T IN E N T A L AERO S U P P L Y
Students construct motors. Install wiring, test elec­
trical machinery. A thorough courso designed to be
It was found, however, that when •1550 N a tu r a l B rid g e , S t. L o u is, M o.
completed in one college year.
the leap was made front a plane go­ P. A. B a llc r in o —291 P a r k e r A vc., C lif to n , N. J .
THIRTY-SEVEN YEARS’ successful experience
nssuros you maximum training in minimum Urno.
ing at a faster horizontal speed, in­ C. M am , 722 S t., A tc h in s o n , K a n . Send for free catalog
flation was speedier and a lower
height was possible in safety. From
a plane Hying at or near the stalling-
A. P u r x h a s e J r . , W a ln u t Avc., N arw o o d , M ass.
G . C a r te r 1719 *'P M S t., S a c r a m e n to , C a lif.
C. H ig g in s 22*1 So. 5 th S t., E m a u s , Pn.
H . L evine 8431 J a m a ic a Ave., W o o d h a v e n , N. Y.
J . W a rn e r 141 L a u re l D r., A lta d c n a , C alif.
speed, the jumper should leap while 426 Takoma Ave., Washington, D. C. J

r fit «, K-J - ·■' -*■ '

60 J unior M echani cs and M odel A irplane N ews

.still several hundred feet high.

Simplex A ir A French military i>ilot had an
amazing experience when his plane
suddenly dived from 5,000 feet, deriv­
Model Co. ing on the stick to right it, he caused
such a sudden shock that he was
thrown out of the cockpit. He
pulled his rip-cord and landed safely. A R iot o£ N o is e
AUBURN, MASS. Various stunts have been tried F or REAL B o y s !
with parachutes. One of the C o· A E R IA L C A N N O N S— F lash bomb* th at
ro«*k tho air.
earliest experiments was that of the D AY SK Y B O M B S— On·* loud report on
tho ground and then a terrific report in
Send 5 cents for complete parts list. jumper taking motion pictures while tho air.
A 5 cent service charge is required on all falling. James K. Clark, one of the 0 ,2 OI.OBE SA L U T E S —Shaped like b o n b e .
and junt im loud.
06 TW O IN C H S A L U T E S—G ive th e tin can*
orders amounting to less than $1. A star parachutists of the Navy, tried a ride.
5 cent packing charge is required on all M 33 THREE IN C H
SA L U T E S — M iniature

shipments of wood or metal greater than this in 1020. He used an automatic 30 T H R E E IN C H FLA SH C R A C K E R S — A

18" in length. Prices are subject to camera lashed to his body, and his P * 8? cannon report w ith a loiul H uh.
PA R A C H U T E JU M P E R — Loud
jrojoeti» parachute jumper high in air and

change without notice. All goods sent jump was made from several thou­ rail· off with tho breeze. Fly r>00 feet

postpaid in the U. S. A. No stamps or sand feet above Anacostia. L 12 in flight wind.

IM P O R T E D C H A SE R S— P lenty o! drive
in thorn.
C. O. D. orders accepted. The camera failed to record much IM P O R T E D G R A SSH O PPE R S— A
of fun. report« at every hop,
CANNON R O C K E T S— Fly high and
1/ίο* x Vs" X 3 ' Spruce 0.3c. Balsa in the upper part of the fall, and a E ” atraitht and end w ith loud report.
IM P O R T E D S E R P E N T S — A night piece
1 /ίο X 1" X 3 ' “ .06c. curious hodge-podge of ground and th a t releases a howling, «croechlnf dem on.
CO LO RED R O M A N C A N D L E S— P lenty
,'s"x K " x 3 ' ■· .03 " .033 sky resulted when he approached of pep and color.
JÍ " X X X 3 " .045 “ .054 T « B R IL L IA N T T O R C H E S— Long burning
W * yr -X 3 “ .054 “ .06 the earth. The experiment has been torche· of red irre.
V / x l ' x 3'
1" X 3" X 3'
“ .24
“ .48 tried a number of times since. E ing fountains o f lire.
. . and plenty of punk.
1" X 3 "x 3 H * ** .56 One of the most recent stunts was
Reed 6' lengths, '/ίο ' diam. .05c.; $K 22 S e n d fo r F R E E C a t a lo g " M "
—.075c.; 3/io* .10c. that of Henry Bushmeyer, a profes­
Balsa discs R* thick 2" diam. .07c.;
3 '—.08c.; 4 ' .09c.
sional parachute jumper and in­ M . WAGNER P
Ambroid dope Ά pint .50c J-ζ pint .95c. structor at Roosevelt Field, Long Wholesale Fireworks
Ambroid Cement 2 oz. .33c. 4 oz. .53c. Island. He leaped from a plane at 34 Park Place, New York City j^J: y
Bamboo paper 13" x 36" .12c 10,000 feet and broadcast to a chain
243^" X 333.Í" .14c.
Rice paper 18* x 24* ,09c. 21" x 25" .06c. of radio stations a thrilling account
Wood veneer 20" x 30* .22c. of his descent.
Flat rubber 50' of W .50c 50' of 3/io* .75c.
Piano wire 3' of No. 5 or No. 8 .04c. Buslmieyer used a tiny broadcast­
28-30-32-34-stccl wire per spool
3 'of No. 11 or 15 .06c.
.10c. ing set which had been used on the MODEL AEROPLANE SUPPLIES
1/io" copper washers 10 for ,05c. Graf Zeppelin to tell the story of its Send 5c for bundle of Balsa and Price List
on Supplies.
We can supply any size balsa that you globe-circling journey. The trans­ AERO SHOP, 3050 Hurlbut Ave., Detroit, Midi.
need, also propellers, I beams, wing sec­ mitter had a range of more than a
tions, bolts, nuts, screws, brads, alumi­ mile, and after a slight delay be­
num, brass tubing, turnbuckles and cause Buslmieyer had to be dropped COLORED DOPES
books on model building. out of range, due to the wind, the For the final realistic touch oh that
story came through perfectly. The model plane, use Aerovar colored dope.
stunt undoubtedly helped to add to
FLY THIS COMBAT MONOPLANE! the reputation of the parachute for Aerovar dope is a solution of high grade,
T li is realistic copy of a
m ilitary m onoplane is an safety. tested materials that combine to produce a
uutiifually graceful flyer.
W ing-sproáa lx in. W eight While the parachute is close to wear resisting, drum tight surface on
onlv 7-S ox. A’ill take off
by own power and fly over perfection for the saving of lives of model planes.
80 ft. M arkings in red and
blue. Can be built in 2
hours w ith ou t tools. Con­ flyers under even extremely difficult Aerover comes in colors of silver, gold,
struction ect includes 0-in.
alum inum propeller w ith
sh aft, 1 4 in. diso wheels,
conditions, there are many experi­ white, yellow, orange, red, green, blue,
wood struts, rubber band motor and all other parts, w ith clear direc­
tions. C om plete set, packed in unbreakable container, only $1.00,
ments going forward now to extend gray, black, and also clear.
postpaid in U . S. and C anada. Order today. Satisfaction or
m oney refunded.
its usefulness still further. Per Vt pt. .45 (no stamps)
Thus the Army and Navy are S h ip p in g charges .05 e x tr a s
The MIDLAND MODEL WORKS working on the idea of a parachute D istrib u ted by

Chillicolhe, Ohio capable of lowering an entire plane J. H. GROVES Jam esburg, N. J.

(W o cannot mako C O. D . shipm ent«. N o retail catalogue issued.) to earth. Two successful landings of
a plane by a huge parachute have
been made. The lirst was accom­
RADIAL H oosler
plished at Los Angeles on August
A ir 24, 1926, by a parachute 50 feet in
M otors diameter, invented by Harry A.
T anks Douchett, chief machinist’s mate,
TH t wr. W on All TJ. S. Navy. The ship was lowered
ONLY «Ο Ζ . A ir Model with its pilot from a height of 2,500
«•IN. BORE Louisville feet after the engine had been killed.
A IR C ontest
STRONG AND HE plane was blown three miles

Counter bftlanretl rlecl crnnkalmft. U nique. Fliee Ό 4 ft. to

O ctober,
1929 T from the field during the drop,
which took 06 seconds. It; was held
S tro n g
C o n stru ctio n
li ft. modele. Klnltdicd port*, duty to neeomhto, $2.00 poetpm d.
Com pletely uf.riuldi-d and touted $-1.00 nontpaiil.
C O M P R E S S E D AIR TA N K —U iiatw rixlit rcunlCM. Ί ι Ι Δ prei·-
to the parachute by a 40-incli steel Five [5 3 Flying A irplanes £or $ 2 .0 0 T h at
luiro, 3" diam eter 30" lone, $7.00 'd . 2 t" le n t Sti.DO poetp'd. cable. The plane made a pancake Perform L ik e th e Real T hing!
M O TO R AN D 2 d " TANK C O M B IN A T IO N — IV t com plete N o t co n stru ctio n note h u t n ea rly a sse m b le d F ia n c e .
o n lv 8 H o*.l Send th is Ad. $13.00 p o. t paid.
C O M P LETE KIT FOR 5 F T . C O M P R E S S E D AIR M O D E L landing, but with no damage save G u a r a n te e d to F ly .
1) LONE E AGLE B O M B E R - 2 8 inch w ood fr a m e p a p e r c o v ­
w ith blueprint Ira« tank and motor $4.00 postpaid. II hvo an
air model for your n ext N ational M odel Airplane contest. Or­
der to d a y l Ho mire and indo·*«· only m oney orders or drafts.
breaking of an undercarriage part e r e d Wim?; 7 in . alu m . P r o p e lle r ; 17 In. s e t R ubber M otors;
ta k e s oir g rou n d ; 300 f t . flig h ts; w e ig h t 8,4 o z .
2) LONE EAGLE S C O U T —20 in . n oil-b rea k a b le W in g ; 6^· in .
R . O . G . R E C O R D K IT , every th in s needed with actual eizo
drawing. Only OSe postpaid.
and the snapping of a propeller alu mn.. P ro
M otors;
p eller;_F
rop eller; F Iexib
le x ib lp
le I.nndin*£G car; 12 In.
L a n d in g G ear; jn; s e t R u b b er
ors; ta k e s o ff g ro u n d · 160 i t . fligh t* ; w a t e h t 2 4 o z
B U R N H A M N AT’L C H A M P . K IT . 1 0 4 min. tractor. Complcto
with act. »ire print $1.00 poatpnid.
blade. The nervy pilot of the plane 8) LONE IE ΓE AGLE M O TH —In in ch B a lsa W ood W in e ; 4·»* inch
m eta l P rop oller; 150 f t . flig h ts; w e ig h t 4 ox.
W OR LD R E C O R D F U SE LA G E M O D E L — K it for Leja 1 6 4
min. m odel com plete w ith larc« blueprint— only $1.K0 postpaid. was B. Carl Oelze of the Naval Be- 4) GREAT EAGLE: GLIDER — 1G Inch non-breakable W in»;
cabin ty p o F u se la g e : llig V a lu e . _ , ..
R U B B E R — l / 3 2 " x 1 /8 " flat full fr--h ekeini* upecial price till C) LONE E AGLE GLIDER - 1 2 in ch Balsa W ood W in g ; cabin
Ju ly 1st only— 75o postpaid (1 /3 2 " x 1 I S " eame price). serve. ty p e K usclngo: d o e s a ll s tu n ts . . . .
E a ch s e t In individual b o x c s ;a ll packed in o n o sh ip p in g ca rto n .
S P E C IA L C O M B IN A T IO N — l skein rubber— 1 l b " o r 3 /3 2 " flnt
(specify which) A 2 ox. lubricant till July la to n ly $1.00 postpaid
B E S T R U BBE R L U B R ICA N T KNOW N used on all latest rec­
The experiments were continued, C om plcto w ith in te r e s tin g In stru ctio n B o o k let.
ord m odels. D oubles w in d ·— Dig 2 o i. ran, onlv 88o postpaid. and at Tracy, California in 192S, a A L L F IV E [S ] F O R $2.00
S E N D 1 0 c AT O N C E FOR A NEW IL L U STR A TE D L IS T B u y fro m your local dealera. I f not in stock, order
J U S T O F F TH E P R E S S showing nil tho latest and best ma­
terials a s used by recent N ational contest winners of trips to
72-foot ’chute was used to land an­ d ircct fro m us. We pay postage.
Europe, etc., w ith surprising low prices on tho best m aterials.
other plane. At a height of 2,200 W ild e r M iq. C o .^ A a rc v a ft M o d e l T)iv.
S c h o o ls : clu b s ,d e a le r s w rite fo r to r m s . “ M odol A irp lan e
E x p e r ts o fT o d n y a r e th o A v iation E x p e rts of T o m o r r o w ." feet the pilot, E. J. McKeon, shut
PERU M ODEL A IR P L A N E S H O P crlf the motor and went into a dive.
D E P T . J . P E R U , IN D IA N A
The ’chute opened and landed the
June, 1930 J unior M echanics and M odel A i r p l a n e news 61

plane gently. Λ complication arose,

however, when the huge parachute
dragged (lie plane for some distance
on the ground and somewhat dam­
aged it. A sen satio n al, 16 in. F e a th e r­
This difficulty was met in a still w eig h t F ly e r th a t w eighs only
Ά oz. I li a s m ore power for its
more recent experiment, when an w eight th an an y th in g in the air.
Si-foot parachute, the invention of B alsaw ood c o n stru c tio n ; built-
up w ings w ith formed r ib s ; in ­
Major E. L. Hoffman, U.S.A., was d estru ctib le. detachable landing
tested at Wright Field, Dayton, gear. E asy to m a k e;
Ohio, This huge ’chute was tried C o n struction S e t . .. ( C ■ ■
out with a 1,600-pound bomb as a (By M ail, p ostage 10c ex tra)
weight. Major Hoffman developed a
release mechanism, which insured
the bomb from being dragged after
being landed.
This device works instantly and in
Build and Fly these New Ideal
a descent with a plane would be
operated by (he pilot an instant
prior to landing. Since lliere was
F e a t h e r w e i g h t Models!
no one with the ’chute to operate The Latest Devclopn
in > Light-weight, Long-
it, the release was pulled after the Flying Airplanes. _Simpli­
bomb struck and the bomb was fied, advanced design; all
Balsawood construction; ad­
dropped instantly. justable wings; adequate
After (lie weight is dropped the power for long flights;
formed fibre propellers;
parachute deflates. Until (his de­ easy, rapid construction . . .
vice was invented it did not collapse the outstanding idea in
Model Airplane Design!
and because of its huge size, great-
difficulty was experienced in cap­ Ask 'Our Dealer,
or Order Direct by Mail.
turing it during the preliminary Satisfaction Guaranteed
trials. When caught after being
pursued across the field by an auto­ Catalogue of Ideal Model Air­
planes, Parts, Fittings, Materials
mobile, it lifted the men who were and Supplies for Model Builders
trying to deflate it and dragged them . . . Mailed for 5c.
with it.
Tliis largest of parachutes is de­
veloped along the same lines as the
& SUPPLY CO., Inc. A S u per-plane; 22 in. size and w eighs only
built-up w ings and formed fibre propeller w ith improved
o z .I H as
standard 24-foot parachute perfected 20-24 West 19th Street, hanger. A djustable w in g s; interchangeable landing gear.
by Major Hoffman. It lias the pilot C onstruction is e a sy : com plete Λ —
C onstruction S et .................................. S I
New York City.
’chute, vents in the dome, and a cor­ (B y M ail, po stag e 15c e x tra ) ” JL φ
responding weight and quality of
silk are used in the parasol and “HOW TO BOX’*
shroud lines. There are ninety-six A V IA TIO N
panels and forty-eight shroud lines
(W ith a F o rew o rd by J a m e · J . C o r b e tt)
Λ book th a t n o t only tells you how to learn this g reat
sport, b u tu iv e s a re a s o n fo rc v c ry tliin K y o u a rc asked to d o .
Inform ation FR EE
in the giant ’elmte. Λ Hook th a t n o t only jyives you reasons, b u t explains in
m inute detail th e m eaning of each blow and illu strates
S en d u s y oiir n a m e a n d ad dress for fu ll in fo r m a tio n
reg a rd in g t h e A v ia tio n and A irp la n e b u s in e ss . Find
The plan of dropping the entire w ith m any photographs the correct and incorrect way o u t a b o u t t h e m a n y g re a t o p p o r tu n itie s n o w o p en
a n d h o w w e p repare y o u a t h o m e , d u r in g spare
to handle yourself.
fuselage with the passengers in it, In addition, a special section w ith fourteen full-page tim e , t o q u n llfy . O ur n e w b ook “ O p p o rtu n ities
holographs by B enny Leonard on his "L essons on in t h e A irp la n e I n d u s tr y ” a lso s e n t free If y o u
and also various methods of letting δ oxing.”—A ll for only Sl.OjX a n sw er at o n ce.
(lie passengers down at the decision T H E R IN G BO OK S H O P
11 W e st 4 2 n d S t. N ew Y o rk , N .Y .
D ep t. 31S-A 3601 M ichigan Ave., CHICAGO
of the pilot, without leaving it to
them to make up their minds about
jumping, are recent ideas in para­
chuting that are being developed.

Stories have been su b m itte d to
M odel Air p l a n e N e w s which
are copies o f stories th a t have a p ­
peared in other m agazines.
Anyone s u b m ittin g a plagiarized WING SPAN 32" LENGTH OVERALL 18M"
story through th e m a il and re­ G L ID IN G : T h e la te s t sp o rt in A v iatio n ! W H E E ! BOYS, and h e re ’s th e n e a re st th in g to flying
ceiving and accepting rem unera­ the real glider. By building and flying tin s model glider, you w ill n o t only gain the experience
tion therefore is g u ilty o f a Federal ot construction, hut also th e th rill you will have, when you launch th is model glider .against winds,
cu rren ts and so ar for several hundred feet. W h at could be m ore th rillin g ? T his model lias flown
offense in using th e m ails to m ore than 1,000 icct. It has m ovable controls, flying w ires ju s t like the real thing. Kit contains
defraud. / planí jU STS T f lπΓΎΐODEL°TO UJIA VE *IN ^ IIr)e|ad>-stanl'>e'i· « 1ιιρ· ' ÍÍisue' shock ropes. »««» sized
The publishers o f M o d e l ,_A i r - CONSTRUCTION SET (Postpaid) ......................................................................................................................$1.50
p l a n e N e w s are anxious—as are
all reputable publishers— to sta m p MODEL AIRCRAFT SUPPLIES AT LOWER PRICES!
l/U i" X 2" X 3' $0.12 10 pcs. 1/1 6 ” X 2" X 3’ ................................... S1.00
o ut this fo r m o f th e ft a n d piracy 1 / 32" X 2" X 3 ' 12 10 pcs. 1/3 2 ” X 2" X 3’ 1.00
and are advising all m agazines 1 / 8 ” sq. X 3 ' ...................................... .. . . .03 1 /8 " X 1 /4 " X 3· 04
3 /8 " sq. X 3' ............................................................. .07 3 /8 " X 1 /2 " X 3 ' 09
fro m which such stories have been 1 /2 " sej. X 3’ ...................................................................09
A m broid, 2 ozs. ........................................................... 25
1 /8 " X 3 /8 " X 3 ' 07
Ambroid, 4 oz....................................................................48
copied o f such plagiarism , and are Banana oil .......................................... .20 W ing dope, 2 oz............................................................ 20
offering to cooperate w ith the p u b ­ B earings, sm all or large ................
Jap an ese tissu e, per s h e e t ......................................... 10
.05 W ash ers, sm all, or la rg e ............ ..............
Jap an ese tissu e, S sh eets ......................
lishers thereof to p u n ish the guilty Rubber, any size, per ft. ........ ....................... 01 Bam boo strip , each ...................................................01
persons. W ood veneer, per slice! ........................ 20 M usic w ire, an y size ............................. 01
W hen o rdering any supplies listed here, a packing charge of 15c m u st be included. M inimum
Notice is hereby given to all who order 50c. No foreign stam p s or coins accepted. Send m oney o rd ers o r checks. N ever send cash.
have s u b m itte d or who su b m it O rders shipped w ithin 24 hours!
. SEN D Λ Ί ONCE FOR OUR CATALOG which is cram m ed w ith th e la te s t design in model av ia­
stories th a t th e sam e m u s t be tion and a full line of supplies.
M o d el A ir c r a ft S u p p ly H o u s e , L a w r e n c e , L.I., N.Y.
62 J unior M echanics and M odel A i r p l a n e N ews
A "parachute seat”, the invention
U.S. MODEL AIRCRAFT CORP. of Floyd Smith, was tested on April
Est. 1909 3, 1929 at Trenton, N. J., with suc­
cess. By means of this device the
passenger slides through, a trap door
Out in the bottom of the plane, when the Broke the T ran s-U . S.
pilot releases a control. The ’chute
opened instantly, leaving nothing to Flight Record—
the volition of the passenger.
T he M odels to W in your Contest R. E. Taylor, formerly a star para­
CURTISS FA I. CON MILITARY OBSEKVA He used a Lockheed “Sirius” low­
TIØN BIPLANE, Span 22'/2 inches. Weight chute jumper at Lakehurst, and winged monoplane.
V/2 oz. Construction Kit with full size Marie Smullin of Philadelphia,
drawing and Building instructions. Price made the jump when the inventor, April Model Airplane News carried
Post Paid ..................................................$3.25 full size plans for a perfect 3-foot
BARLING N. B. No. 3 World Record Hold­ piloting a Ryan monoplane, released flying model of this plane.
er Low Wing Monoplane. 24 in. span. the control. Perfect landings were
Construction Kit with full size Drawing Did you build a model?
and Instructions. Price Post Paid.......$3.25 made.
Variable Pitch All Aluminum Propeller The Irvin Chute Company is con­
Patented, 9" ..........................................; .$1.S0 Watch the plans in Model Airplane
Graf Zeppelin Construction Kit 55J4 inches ducting experiments with a para­ News. Every month are published
..................................................................... $7.50 chute devised to drop the entire pas­
Bellanca Construction Set ....................... $9.00 plans for one of America’s outstanding
Fokker Construction Set ............................ $8.50 senger compartment, and also a airplanes. So far there have appeared
56 Page Catalog illustrating 24 additional fly­ ’clmle for the plane itself.
ing and Exhibition Models and complete line plans for
of Model Supplies: send 10 cents for copy. Severe tests are now being devised A Ford Tri-motor A Junker’s “Bremen”
U. S. MODEL AIRCRAFT CORPORATION by the Department of Commerce so A Curtiss Hawk A Loening Amphibian
397-99M Bridge Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. A Bernard “ Yellow A Curtiss “ Robin”
that parachutes sold for commercial Bird” A Bernard low-wing
aviation may be as nearly fool-proof A Bellanca CH (Solid) fighter
J a c k D e m p s e y , T h e I d o l o f F i s t i a n a — 324
and as practical as possible. Ä Curtiss Army A Savoia S-55 flying
pages. 142 photographs—beautiful binding. Parachutes will be required to Falcon boat
By Nat Fleischer. Price......................$2.00 A Lockheed “Sirius” A Vought Corsair
open fully in 25 drops with a 200- A Douglas Mail Plane A Barling NB-3
T H E R IN G B O O K S H O P pound dummy thrown from an air­
11 W e s t 4 2 n d S t . N o w Y o r k , N .Y . plane traveling 60 miles an hour, and Keep up with the times and build
with Model Airplane News. On all
from an altitude of not more than news stands, and only 15 cents a copv.
150 feet.
BOYS! W A N T A N In oilier tests parachutes must
AIRPLANE? open fully from 500 feet even when
lines are twisted in packing.
Dropping with an SOO-pound load
S-3S twin motored 2 ft. flying model. Weighs
J.Í oz. Made flight of 2 minutes. Rises off land and
I am giving dandy fliers, free, to every boy who is water. Construction set complete with blueprint—
am bitious enough to help me sell a very inexpensive auto
accessory. Four models to choose from and every one
will test the strength. Bate of descent $2.00 postpaid.
must not exceed IS feet per second. “ HUMMER deLUXE” Monoplane the best
guaranteed to fly. Y our le tte r places you under no ob­ flyer you ever built. Construction set complete with
ligation. D o n 't delay! W rite im m ediately to J o h n L icnr,
2 3 2 7 S . C u y le r A v e . , B erw y n , Illin o is .
Silk canopies must be replaced aflcr blueprint—$1.50 postpaid.
four years, and cotton canopies a Iler BROOKLYN MODEL AIRCRAFT CO.
132G F l a t b u s h A v e . B r o o k ly n , N .Y .
3 FT. FLYING SCALE MODEL Iwo years and harness after two
C onstruction K it ..................................................... $1.50 Thus the approved parachutes
Blue P rin t Only ........................................................... 35
Ready to F ly ................................................ $7.50 will be so safe that no one need 7
W e give a. 25r'o discount on all supplies bought
in dozen lots. Send stam p for price list.
hesitate a moment when the test C /
C E D A R H U R ST AE RO CO. comes.
Box 126, C edarhurst, N . Y.
LOOK! An excellent contest model. A light
NEW SCIENTIFIC W O ND ER weight 37-inch Twinpuslicr that will fly from
Motorless Flight 2 to 6 minutes in any weather. Simple construc­
tion with all the latest features. Holds local
junior record with a 9 minute 40 second flight.
( C ontinued fro m page 21) Kit contains full size plans with detailed instruc­
tions, all balsa is cut to size, finished ribs, and
wire parts formed. Plenty of cement, done and
air-minded students perforce turned extra material for emergencies.
3 for 25c BI GFUN COMPLETE KIT, POSTPAID ....................$2.25
You ap p aren tly seo thn^CloUies, Wood, to the study and development of Send 10c for our new illustrated catalog.
Stone, an y object. See Bones in Flesh.
F R E E Pkg. radio picture Aims, takes pictures w iilam i engineless lliglit. They have made EHRUARDT’S MODEL AIRCRAFT SUPPLY COMPANY
cam era. " Y o u 'll like 'em ." 1 pkg. w ith e a c h 25c o rd e r.
M a r v e l M f g . C o ., D e p t . 9 3 , N e w H a v e n . C o n n .
mighty strides in the field and the in­ 7020 Wise Avenue, St. Louis, Mo.
terest is continually fostered by a
score of competitions held yearly
throughout the country.
Johannes Nell rig, in a plane of his
own design and construction, recent­
WATCHWORD ly established a new world’s record Fresh Para Rubber, H” flat, H e a foot
85c a skein.
for motorless flight when he llew 41 21x31” Jap tissue 5c a sheet or 6 for 25c.
miles, using slope and cloud winds. V16x2x40” sheet balsa................... 10c
MELVIN**« M O D E L V r P ^ He attained an altitude of 2500 feet. ΗχΗχ40” balsa, 3 for................... 5c
a r c BUILT tof~ L .Y a n d (_ ^ /M / | f f The first successful passenger HxY 16x40" balsa, 2 for.................. 5c
GUARANTEED FLY: flight was of thirteen minutes dura­ HxHx40” balsa, 2 for.................. 3c
Η χΗ χ40” balsa, 2 for.................... 5c
OR YO U R M ON EY RE FU N D E D tion. Η χ3/ΐ6Χ'40” (Tractor Motor Sticks,
The record for motorless flight balsa), 2 for................................. 5c
MERCURY- RACER with a passenger is held by Ferdi­ Special: 40” Twin Pusher Motor Sticks,
311 6 .xHx40" balsa, 2 f o r ............. 5c
ia th e moat m ic e in model airplane history! Beautiful
straightaw ay flight« of 3 0 0 to 8 0 0 feet. circular flight·. Barrel nand Schulz, who stayed aloft 9 hours ADD 5c for packing. Postpaid.
rolls», loop th e loop·, etc .— A ll are possible w ith this wonderful
uuw D istan ce and D uration model. and 21 minutes. With his passenger, FREE plans for Tractor and Twin
Heinz Reicliardt, he shuttled between pusher with all orders of 81.00 or more.
READ V TO F L Y :—B e a u tifu lly d e c o r a te d in V erm illion Rossitten and Pillkoppen, in East “Quality Materials at Lower Prices.”
and Oriole Y ellow , with R e d , w h ite , an d B lu e in sig n ia .
Prussia, for that length of time.
on tra n sp a ren t w in gs·
{5 c e x tr a i f you i
S I . 9 5 p o stp a id .
a n t it in tu r e d )

OTHER M O D E L S:— S I.7 5— $2.50— $2.75— $3.75. Rend 1 0 c .

On October 2nd, 1925, Scliulz made S o u th e rn
for illustrated catalog of nil our models and receive also free samples
of wonderful new m aterials used in construction of our planes.
another record, staying aloft in a M odel A irplane Supply Co.
Such as. Japanese Vellum ( t t r o n g e r t h a n x i l l : ) . Genuine F. C.
‘ “ ibbe - - * “ ...............*~ motorless plane 12 hours and 6 min­
Airplane Hub
utes. Two years later, on May 3rd, 259 Fifth Street, N .W .
order for M E R C U R Y -R A C E R .
S e n d C a s h or M o n e y -O rd e r to 1927, lie bettered this time, staying in ATLANTA, GA.
M ELVIN M F C . C O ., 2 3 3 M ain S t . . C in cin n a ti. Ohio
the air 14 hours and 7 minutes.

June, 1930 J unior M echanics and M odel A i r p l a n e N ews 63

Λ Model Glider O n ly 50 0 0 o£ th e s e p a r t s a s s o r tm e n ts
(Continued from page -12)
“B-Bs” or air-guu shot in tlie frame
w ill b e s o ld o n th is
With a piece of music wire, at­
tach a strip of balsa 1/10"x 1/16"
to the front of the shoe. The wire
can be forced through the balsa into
the shoe. Glue two little blocks of
$1 50 1
R egular $3.50 L ist
brinfls the following as-
so rtm e n t of p a rts so
essential to every model
balsa to each side of the* rudder. A
piece of thread should now be glued I SpecialJDoublc W inder 2 A lu m in u m T h ru s t
from each block to the end of the w ith extension h andle Bearings
1 Celluloid Radial M o­ \· Doz. W ashers
foot bar. tor 3 in. I)ia. 4 “ S” Hooks
For straightaway dying, set the 1 Pair Celluloid wheels 2 Yokes
2 in. Dla. w ith b e a r­ 2 L engths Bam boo 12 in.
rudder in line with the frame of the ings and washers long
fuselage and launch from the hand. 1 Can of Wing D ope2 oz. 2 Feet .011 in. Piano Wire
WINDER 1 T ube of Am broid
If the foot bar is adjusted so that T he w inder as illu strated usually sells 10 Feet of 1/8 in . R ubber 2 Feet .018 in. Piano
for 75c and the celluloid m otor for 25 Feet of 3 /16 in. R ubber Wire
the rudder turns at an angle to the S I.00. T he value of th e en tire asso rt­ 1 S heet of “ J a p ” Silk 2 Feet .037 in . Piano
fuselage frame, the glider will of m en t a t c u rren t prices is S3.50 and
to n et your nam e on ou r list it will he T issue 20 X 24 incites Wire
6 R ound Sticks 12 in x
course fly in circles. sent to you a t the special pricejof S I.50. 1 S heet lig h t Bam boo
Send money orders only, no stam ps. Paper 21 x 25 inches 1 /16 in.


Δ Barling NB-3 26 W e s t 1 7 th S t r e e t N e w Y o r k C ity

(Continued from page 26) T raining for Boxers—W ith a Foreword by

Jack Dempsey. By Nat Fleischer.
the covering of the body, wings and Price....................................................................$1.00 ENDURANCE MODELS
tail. When the dampness dries out, THE RING BOOK SHOP, 11 W. 42 St. N. Y. C.
Send 5c for C atalog
of models th a t will
notice how still' the paper will be. w in your co n tests;
Then coat with banana oil. m odels b u ilt for
long d u ratio n in
Attach the nose and slip in the NEW TYPE BABY R.O.G. th e air. Tills big
39 inch fuselage
motor stick. Make sure everything A Speedy Model, Complete K it............$ .50 tra c to r flics 192
seconds in still air
is lined up and firm. Try gliding the 20" Wing-span Cabin Model K it........... 1.25
1/8" Flat Rubber, 35 ft. 25c; 200 ft......... 1.25 and m uch more on a h o t su nny d ay . Exceptional stab il­
plane. If it glides well, it is ready 3/64" Sq. Rubber, 40 ft. 25c; 200 ft.......... 1.00
ity . less thai}2 oz. w eight, e x tra long pow erful m otor,
“ slow p ro p ”— a record ty p e th ro u g h o u t. Tw o sizes
to be flown. Japanese Imperial Tissue, 6 sheets........... 25
Above articles postpaid. Stamp for list.
— o utdoor k it and p lan postpaid $2.95. . Indoor $1.25.
C om plete supplies for th e m odel .b u ild er a t m ost
Wind the rubber motor about fifty DUFFEY AIR MODEL SHOP reasonable prices. Ask for C atalo g “ M ,” Sc.
times and head it into the wind. 117 Fir Street, Michigan City, Ind. PIONEER MODEL AIRPLANE SUPPLY CO. Champaijn, III.
The plane will make a short hop and
then land. Wind it up again to one
hundred and fifty or two hundred
and let it go. Longer flights may
be attained by hand launching.

Frank Hawks' Glider

Captain Frank M. Hawks’ cabin GUN PLANE
glider “Eaglet,” in which he flew W onderful Stunt Plane N o th in g else lik e if. R egisters
w h e re it h its th e ta rg e t. A b so ­
from San Diego to New York on the Shoots from c a ta p u lt like th e big lu t e ly h a rm le ss. Looks lik e a
first transcontinental and the longest planes launched from ships. Stabilizer for looping
and o th er s tu n ts . A irplane wings are light balsa
re a lg u n .Im p ro v e y o u r m a rks­
m a n s h ip —in d o o r s o r o u t. P rice
glider (light ever attempted, is the wood. 14JÍ inch sp read , length of plane 17 inches.
T liis F lying Fool A irplane holds 800-foot flight record. $1.00. I f y o u r d e a le r c a n ’ts u p -
only aircraft of its kind extant. W h e n o r d e r i n g c n c l o i e 10c p o s t a g e . p ly yo u w r ite : D e eks M fg ., Co.,

The “Eaglet” was designed and SEND FOR OUR 40 PAGE CATALOG IN COLORS I nc.( 107 A rch S t.,C a m d e n , N .J.

built by Prof. R. E. Franklin, of the FULTON TOY PRODUCTS CO.

312 N. May St., Dept. 104, Chicago, 111.
University of Michigan, and his
brother Wallace, for The Texas Com­
pany. . ,
Specially stressed for airplane tow­ "A viation E n th u siasts' MINIATURE MOTORS
ing, it is of monoplane type, with a
fifty-foot detachable wing and an over­
all length of twenty-one feet. Its tr i­ M3
angular, fabric-covered fuselage is of
tube steel, as are (he struts. Its M ODEL CLUB PINS
wing is of wood. Empty, it weighs
.‘100 pounds; with Hawks and his M o d e in Silver or G o ld F r o n t $6.00 P e r D o z .
A n y L e t t e r C a n Be A p p l i e d t o P i n t o
cargo aboard, it weighed 500 pounds. C o n fo rm w ith C lu b Nom e.

Fully loaded, the “Eaglet” has a

stalling speed of about fifteen miles M5
an hour. Its gliding ratio is twenty- M A K E RS OF PINS FO R
two to one, which is to say that from A M E R IC A N S K Y C A D E T S AND
N. Y. G R A P H I C J . A . C .
an altitude of one mile, in still air, it
can glide to any place within a
twenty-two-mile radius. f M7
In addition to the telephone with All S o r t s MEDALS All S p o r t ·
which Hawks communicated with S C H O O L — CLASS AND FR ATER NITY PINS
The finest 3-, 6- and 8-cylinder compressed air
motors made. Will fly 4'/· to. 7 ft. models.
the tow plane and the radio receiving Motor driver 5 ft. Lockheed Sirius and rub­
set for his entertainment in flight, JOHNSON CO. ber driver models for sale.
Send 10c for Catalogue.
the “Eaglet’s” distinctly new features 352 W . 1 3 t h . S t . “ W i n g B u i l d i n g " N e w Y o r k , N. Y. M IN IA T U R E A IR C R A F T C O R P.
are its all-enclosed cabin and com­ W rito_F or’ C atalog “ G ” 83 L ow T e rra c e , N ew B rig h to n , N.Y.
plete instrument board.
64 J u n i o r M e c h a n i c s a n d M o d e l A i r p l a n e n e w s

Summer Days Are Glider Records THE METEOR FLIES 3000 FEET

Flying Days for Official List of Endurance and

Distance Flights
The following is the official list of
endurance and distance flights made
by all types of gliders:
One P ilo t—No P a s s e n g e r T his is th e finest flying model ev e r m ade.
T h e all flexible co nstruction enables this
model to stan d up u n d er m any record breaking flights.
Duration—1-1 hours, 43 minutes, A d justable controls m ake th is plane loop th e loop, barrel
roll an d in general jierform like a stu n t-d u ra tio n plane.
25 seconds, by Lieutenant Dinort, Only th e b est m aterials arc used. C om bination reed and
balsa co n stru ctio n cu t dow n w eight to u minim um .
October li), 102!), at Itossitten, Ger­ Sjiccial ru b b er gives more power.
K N O C K E D D O W N —easy to assem ble, every th in g cut,
many, in a specially designed P ri­
T he C hallenger Scout mary Training Glider of the Khoen-
drilled, and b e n t to shape— all m aterials furnished in ­
cluding am broid, labels, and insignia.— $2.50 [jostpaiil
and insured.
(M odel CSM-3) Eossitten Gesellschatt. F U L L Y A SSEM B LE D — R EA D Y T O F L Y — Beautifully
decorated in V ermilion and Oriole Yellow on tra n sp a re n t
Now completely assembled and decorated, wings. S3.75 postpaid an d insured.
ready-to-fly $5.00 Cross-Country Plight Over Prede­ Please m eet us half w ay. We carry a large stock so th a t
wc can give you e x tra rapid service. W e will appreciate
Incorporating suprem ely fine flying quality (250 to
500 feet—including K.O.G. take-offs) w ith stu rd y termined Course—Ninety-two miles, it if you will o rd er to d a y . T h a n k you!
construction and excellent design, th is m achine is made by Eobert Kronfield, summer K A H N A IR C R A F T C O ,
unquestionably th e "b est b u y " in model airplanes 5710 W o o d la w n A ve. C h ic a g o , III.
today. You’ll w ant it a t home—y o u 'll w ant it a t
camp. Send for it today and he sure you HAVE IT .
of l!)2i), in a Professeur, standard
Ready to fly—with wings attached. type of the Elioen-Eossitten Gesell-
Postpaid $5.25 scliaft, at Wasserkuppe, Germany. N E W W A Y S T O W IN
Scmi-constructcd Kit. Postpaid, $4.25 Altitude—7,300 feet above point of M ODEL CONTESTS
start, made by Eobert Kronfeld, Broadficld offers Model Builders
T he Miniate M an summer of 102!), in a Professeur,
standard type of the Ehoen-Eossitten
short cuts in Model Construction
ami new materials for making finer
contest models. Broadficld
(M odel M -l) handles many parts and
Gesellschaft, at Wasserkuppe. supplies no others
O ne P ilot—O ne P a s s e n g e r S PE C IA L O F F E R fi)
Send r25c in stamps, or coin for Handy
Duration—0 hours, 21 minutes, Razor Knife and a New Broadficld, 44 page
Model Aeroplane Catalog, one of the finest
made by Schultz, summer of 1027, at and most complete ever printed.
For promptness in answering this adver­
Eossitten, Germany, in a model of tisement, you will receive a special 25c assort­
the Ehoen-Eossitten Gesellschaft. ment of Balsa Wood free.
22 Yale Street, Hempstead, New York.
M o to r le n g th — 18"

A nnounced ns a 60 second d u ratio n m achine la st

C W in g s p a n — 21"
W e ig h t — % -o z.
A v e r a g e d u r a tio n
— 50 s e c o n d s .
After the Wedding
In n changing world one thing remains
c ontests are Coming . . .
Y o n c a n ’t ufTord a n y l>ut t h e best
■ u p p lic a a n d s p a r e p a r t s . S e n d n o il’.'
m onth, reports ‘ already prove th is rem ark ab le flyer unchanged. R ubber, in 10, 25, 50 o r 100 ft. lengths. 1/S"
to have fa r g re a te r capacity for flight. A 90 second flat, lc per i t . ; 3/1 6 " flat. 1-1/2" per ft.
duration is not im possible. L et us know w hat Jap an S ilk T issu e, 21" x 25" sheet, 7c.
YOUR Minute Man has done. And d o n 't forget, June, with her sun-kissed rose gardens and Bam boo P ap er, 24" x 37" sheet, 13c.
w hile its outdoor flig h ts w ill a sto n ish you. -the sweet scented, starry nights, still is the favored A m broid, 3 /4 oz. vial. 15c; 2 oz. can. 30c.
M inute Man is also light enough for indoor per­ time for youths and maidens to answer the W inders, double, ra tio 4-1/2 t a 1. 35c ami 75c
formance. A w onderful com bination for the bright, age-old mating call—youths and maidens M achine C arved P ro p ellers, 6" to 12"; balsa
w arm days of sum m er—and those occasional rainy who, after the wedding, begin that all but 7.1/2C per in .: bass. 6c per in.
ones th a t keep your o th e r m odels idle. A d justable P itch Alum inum P ropellers, 10".
age-old business of home building. 75c; 8". 60c.
Construction Kit, 75c. Mailed with extra pro­ Balloon T ired Alum inum W h eels: Selley. 2"
peller blank (shaped, ready to carve) The business differs with the years. Bless 60c p r .: 1-1 /2 ", 40c pr. F u ll lialloou. 2", 50c
$1.00 Postpaid you, yes. What with installment houses, p r . : 1-3 /4 ", 45c p r . ; 1 -1 /2 ", 40c pr.
and automatic refrigerators, and color notes Celluloid W heels, 1 -7 /8 ", 35c p r . ; 1-3 /8 ". 25c
A FEW MORE MODEL BUILDERS WILL that carry straight through the house from pr.
frying pan to the guest room sheets that bid 3/3 2 " C orru g ated # A lum inum , .005" thick. I.’"
COMPLETE THE ENROLLMENT AT wide, 50c tier f t . ; G erm an silver, 6" wide.
CAMP DUNCAN a gay good morning to the breakfast tray 35c ft.
America’s Leading Model Camp when it goes upstairs! But in their hearts A lum inum R iv e ts, 1 /1 6 " x 3 /1 6 ", Sc doz.
home builders have had similar longings
Delay Means Disappointment throughout the ages. SELLEY MFG. CO„ Inc.
1377 G a te s A vc. B ro o k ly n , N . Y.
Dollars to doughnuts, even the cave- P ioneer M odel B u ild ers S in ce 1909
dweller wanted h is cave to be the finest and
G R A N T A IR C R A F T C O . friendliest cave in all the land!
KEENE, N . H . Only nowadays it’s more than a mere
m atter of finding a roomy cavern. Every
22 Cal. Blank eager bridal pair faces a terrifying array of
possible materials, architectural styles and
Automatic arrangements when they plan their home.
And as for decorations and furnishings— ! N E E D T H IS
Y o u n eed no license
100 p erm it to ow n this Γ» phot Had they the wisdom of Solomon and the
CA RT - years of Methuselah they could not hope to
A utoinntie. U se for fun or
aclf-deíeneo. Keep« ftw ay
e trnmpp. frightens thieves. know everything they should. A IR C R A F T M A N U A L !
F r e e ! w a r ,, a » a y d o·»— Λ real X
homo protector. Fool your friends.
Snmc n» un expensive Automatic in Your H ome is ready to be their friend S o m a n y r e q u e s ts h a v e b e e n m a d e for
construction, finish, appearance, dura­
bility: autom atic rnagaxinc loading and ejection of ___
in need. The June issue of the magazine is a n a ir c r a ft m a n u a l fo r A m e r ic a n S k y
tridees, instant and powerful report. G uaranteed ab solu tely safe. Send no right in many things besides sound advice on C a d e ts t h a t i t h a s b e e n d e c id e d to a d o p t
m oney. P ay on delivery $4.00 plus shipping charge». 100 cartridges.
JE N K I N S , 6 8 3 B ro ad w a y , New Y o r k , D e p t. F - 2 2 - J . .
refrigerators and delightful new ideas about Practical Aviation as t h e o ffic ia l a v ia tio n
colored breakfast services. It is a mine of ffu id e o f t h e S k y C a d e ts.
information discovered by men and women Practical Aviation c o n ta in s th e s to r y o f
who have spent their lives prospecting in the th i s e v e r -g r o w in g i n d u s t r y fr o m A to Z
fields of architecture, building home eco­ a n d c o n ta in s t h e p r o v e r b ia l th o u s a n d
nomics, interior decorating and gardening. a n d o n e i l l u s tr a tio n s .
After the wedding—or before it—secure a R e a d w h a t C u r tis s , B lé r io t, S ik o r s k y

3 Great Planes S1
One Sn ipe Tractor, 19 in. w ing, w orth S5c; 1 Baby R. 0 . G.,
copy of Your H ome and lcam what a
wise friend and adviser it can be, both to
home building novices and old-timers in the
a n d m a n y o t h e r p io n e e r s o f a v ia tio n
h a v e to s a y a b o u t th e i n d u s tr y .
Practical Aviation is $50 w o r th o f fly in g
13 in. w ing, w orth COc; 1,12 in. or 16 in. w ing Glider, w orth business. Whether you arc building or bet­ fa c ts fo r 50c a n d e v e r y p a r a g r a p h is a
25c—all 3 k its complete $1, postpaid. B ig value. tering, let YOUR H ome help you make s te p p i n g s to n e to s u c c e s s . T h is b o o k
Wonder Glldor, la te s t design, 16 in. balsa wings, a Ο Λ λ y o u r home the finest and friendliest in all c a n b e o b t a i n e d fr o m y o u r n e w s d e a le r or
real glider, instru ctio n s, k it. mailed fo r . . . . the land b y s e n d in g 50c in stam p s fo
1 Λ » gets 10 in. Glider, unusunl value, complete, postpaid.
Gliders popular now. Build and sell them . ** Y our H ome , a Macfadden Publication. PRACTICAL AVIATION
Free Catalog and p ric elist. Q uality m nterial for any models On all news stands May 23rd. Price 25c.
a t low est prices. Get into the contests! O ur kits win them. 1926 Broad way, New York
J.W. ALEXANDER & CO., A ircraft Dlv„ 1129-2 Olive S t„ ST. LOUIS, MO.
Wings for You!

American Sky Cadets

The insignia of the American Sky Cadets—illus­
trated above—identifies the wearer as an air-minded
chap who already knows something about the intricate
and interesting problems of airplane design and con­
struction and is rapidly learning more. For the Ameri­
can Sky Cadets is the most helpful organization of its
kind in existence. If you are air-minded you should
become a member and wear the handsome silver wings
which every cadet receives free upon joining. And if
you are promoted to the commission of Flight Com­
mander or Squadron Commander, as you very likely
may be, you can replace the silver wings with the gold
wings which will be sent to you with your commission.
Read what jou get with your membership in addition
to the insignia.

An Organization of Air-Minded Boys

The American Sky Cadets conduct City, plane kit at the beginning of his membership.
State and National Contests for airplane model Membership entitles you to twelve consecu­
builders. Cups and medals are awarded to tive issues of MODEL AIRPLANE NEWS, the
successful entrants. Every cadet is eligible official magazine, which besides many thrilling
to compete. stories of adventures in aviation, prints scale
Free consultation with the Aviation Ad­ plans and other information of special interest
visory Board is always available to each cadet. to every model builder.
The Advisory Board will answer your questions The first issue will arrive shortly after you
and help you with construction difficulties. have received your official membership card
Each Cadet receives, free, a MOSKITO air- and the handsomely colored certificate of
membership which is your authority to wear
I-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 the wings without question.
Dear Administrator; i Here is the opportunity you have been looking for! If you are
I want to be an AMERICAN SKY CADET, because I j interested in building and flying model airplanes, if you wish to
am air-minded! I am enclosing $1.50. - learn airplane designing, if you wish to grow up to be a leader in
this great industry of aviation, become an American Sky Cadet
Name......................................................... A g e ........................... today! Join the leaders. Receive the latest scale plans each
month. Accept expert guidance in building your models. Enter
Address..................................... C ity ................... S tate.......... | them in the official contests open only to American Sky Cadets.
Learn the latest things of interest to model builders. Read the
best, most thrilling stories about the romantic business of flying
When I have obtained 10 more members please make me j that are being published. All of these benefits are yours for less
a Flight Commander and send me my gold wings to replace ( than the price of the magazine alone. Fill out the coupon, enclose
my silver ones. I $1.50 and mail it to the Administrator, American Sky Cadets,
I_ J 1020 Broadway. New York City, TODAY!
Because W e W a n t Every Boy
to havea Moskito Model ive are passing on the benefit these
reduced prices made possible by our tremendous production
Record Endurance model. Five minute flights or more easy with our special The sensation of the Baltimore Aviation Show. Official Kit of
propeller and new kind of wing construction. Kit absolutely complete with full American Sky Cadets. To the right an actual unretouched photo
sized layout and all details. of the Baby
Free extra propeller. Wire R.O.G. which
fittings all b e n t a nd m a d e duration
ready to use. Aero dope and flight of four min
aero cement. Balsa con­ utes in the air be­
struction throughout. Can be fore thousands of
adjusted for height or dis­ people. This is a
tance. Rudder adjustable. sure contest win­
ner. You must
Flies in small room or out have one for your
of doors. You'll never be hangar of models.
satisfied till you own a Mos­ Cannot be beaten
kito Flier—Why wait? — at twice the price.
$1.00 postpaid. Get it today—50c.

GET B O TH FOR $1.25 pon

r below
for this combination offer of Baby and Flier together
for 51.25. \Ye may not
repeat this offer again, M o s k it o T a in a g e r — $ 1.0 0 P o s t p a i d
so order today.
This safety model, big
sensation of the New
York Aviation Show, is
guaranteed R.O.G.
Read these Startling Prices R.O.W. and to rise off
snow or ice. Will not
dive, tailspin or gottnd-
Orders less limn $.50 not filled. A ll prices postpaid. loop. Uses newly dis­
covered safety princi­
Large Tubes Aero Cement.......................................... 15 each ples. Complete kit con­
2 o/., bottles Aero Dope................................................20 “ tains bentwood pro­
2 oz. bottles thinner ....................................................20 “ peller, extra propeller
Cement in Cans—2 oz.................................................. 25 “ ldank, all wood cut to
Small tubes cement ..................................................... 1 0 “ fit, cement, dope, fit­
Bottles Banana Oil with brush ... ................. 10 “ tings already made. etc.
Sheets Japanese Tissue Paper 21 x 2 5 " ..................05 “ Also full size blueprints.
Sheets Japanese Bamboo Paper 24 x 3 6 " ..................1-1 Everything to make
Sheets Cellophane 1 2 x 2 4 " ................. 12 “ this amazingly stable,
Sheets Three Ply Veneer 12 x 24" 30 “ long flying, safety
model, I he best plane.
Following strips of rubber lengths of 25 and
100 feet—
1/16x1/32" ............................................................ .01 per foot
1/16x1/16" ............................................................ .01 “
$2.25 p o s t p a id TWIN PUSHER
1/8 X 1 /8 " ........................................................................ .02 “ Flies 10 minutes and
1/S" flat .................................................................. .01 ··
many hundred feet.
3/16" flat.................................................................. .0154 All balsa construction.
Pcs. No. 60 Drill Wire 36" long....................... .10 each Wi n g s p r e a d ' 30".
Piano Wire, 10 ft. rolls ....................................... .01 per foot Weight 2-3/4 oz.—can
Spools of Steel Hair W ire.. . . . .......................... .10 each be lightened. You can
Pcs. Flat Bamboo each 15" long......................... .0 2 “
be as sure the Moskito
Winders . . .................................................... .30 " Twin Pusher will out -
Packages Aluminum Powder................................. .10 “
fly any other model as
Fittings—Envelopes containing the following— you are that there will
1 propeller hanger, 1 shaft, 1 small wing be a flame when you
clip. 1 large wing clip. 1 wire can, 1 rear strike a match.
hook, two washers, two bearings.................. .10 per pkg. Most complete kit on
Washers .10 “
market. Two ' blank
Bearings .......................................................... .10 “
balsa popellers — right
Propeller Blocks (Shaped) 6" long. .08 each and left—with kit. Free
.10 “
.12 “
winder, dope, cement.
9” .14 “ Wire fitting all formed.
10" .16 -·· Wing ribs cut to fit
11" .18 “ and wing cuve proven.
12" .20 “
You’ll get a $100 worth
16" .28 “ of fun out of this $2.25
Bentwood Propellers 6" long .12 “
model. Easy and simple
7" “ .14 “ to constuct with full size layout sheet,
8" “ .16 “ model.
9 " *« .18 “
10" “ .20 -
$ 2 .7 5 p o s t p a id C a b in T r a n s p o r t
II” “ 2o
12" “ .24 ” This model has flown
16" *“ .32 ·· 1.21)0 ft. Wing spread,
Balsa Wing Rib Sets .35 per set 36". Fuselage, 20".
Balsa Entering Edge Sticks. .10 each Weight, 3 oz. or less.
Small Wheels ......................... .02 “ All balsa wood con­
Medium Wheels ................... .03 “ struction. F u s e l a g e
Large Wheels .05 “ sides already made and
a l l w o od c u t to
size. 12" carved pro­
peller. Extra b I a n k
free. New type landing
Gentlemen: gear, shock absorbing
Send me postpaid today: (mark article X) and unbreakable. All
Money order enclosed. fittings ready to use.'
4 oz. real airplane dope.
□Baby R.O.G.—$.50 □ Moskito Flier $1.00 2 oz. of waterproof ce­
□Combination offer Baby R.O.G. and Moskito Flier—$1.25 ment which dries white.
□Moskito Tanagcr—$1.00 f Twinpusher—$2.25 Ribs cut and shaped
ready to use, with
□Moskito Cabin Transport—$2.75 wing curve tried and proven. An unbeatable bargain at $2.75 postpaid.
City and State.................................

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