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January 16, Friday I woke up at around seven thirty o’clock in the morning, yes that early because mom

was so noisy and all. I

woke up and washed my face directly with soap and cleansed it with water. Like the usual routine I get to prepare the spices
and the chicken, so fast forward I finished at around ten o’clock. However, it was not yet time to rest for I assisted mom with
the pork and squid fillings. During that time, I also charged my phone, and from ten to twelve mom was just like following what
mom asks me to do. Luckily, when my sister arrived, she brought me Jollibee lunch, I was so hungry that time and satisfied with
the food. I ate spicy chicken with pancit palabok and did not notice myself that I ate a lot of rice, after eating I immediately
washed my hands and marinated pork belly and finished marinating at one forty o’clock. I was so tired that time and decided to
sleep, I woke up after an hour of sleep then I turned on my laptop and started preparing for a quiz later. So study, study and at
around three forty o’clock I then took the quiz and luckily everything on it were on the notes so I had an excellent score. Back at
laptop again as I encoded some of my tasks, finalizing the requirements for semester’s end. At around five o’clock in the
afternoon I mopped the floor, just a light mopping and went back again on typing. It was six in the evening when I took a bath,
just to freshen up the feeling. Once I dressed up, I then prepared the dinner, we ate together and after that a little chit chat and
proceeded on washing the plates. After washing the plates, I then went back on my position and started doing my tasks again, it
was a tiring day but a productive one. I guess that’s all. Bye

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