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Dec 2 Wednesday, like most of the days, its barbeque

December 2 Wednesday, I had to wake up early on, like the usual day, for the barbecue spices. And
my usual alarm clock, my pet, fecia. It was six o'clock in the morning when she began to bark. I
stood up and cuddled her. Then I went to the sink and washed my face with soap, then cleansed it
with cold water. It was a routine for me. I drank water, then proceeded to make the spices. First of
all, I washed to loosen the goo or its flesh, the garlic and press the garlic, then I began chopping it
off. The same goes for the other spices, for barbecue seasoning. When I finished it, after about an
hour of planning, I washed my hand and proceeded to clean the chicken, chicken sliced to be precise.
The barbeque menu includes these chickens and is marinated by mom. The chicken must be washed
in order to avoid infection it took me for another hour. It was about nine o'clock before I completed
the entire thing, and then I had my late breakfast. I made fried eggs and paired my milk with bread.
Every time I finish doing everything i just feel like sleeping, I wanted to sleep but the house was just
noisy and even mom. So I have no choice but stand the sleepiness. Today mom prepared lunch, it
was vegetable with pork, a very great meal for me who is a vegetarian. We had lunch at twelve
o’clock, finished eating and I washed the dishes. Today I will be studying for an upcoming quiz on a
major subject, so I will do some reading and reviewing. However, I was tired and fell asleep, woke
up at three o’clock in the afternoon. I took some snacks and proceeded with my studying, time passed
by and I did not notice that it was already six o’clock in the evening. I’m already tired with
everything that is going on but thank goodness I am productive today. I ended my night stuffed and
tired, there is not much but lying on bed. So fast forward I took a bath and then slept.

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