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Name: Jill Mary Empic Gr&Sec: 11 H3-VILLEGAS M4 

Try this! 

1. C. 6. B. 

2. D. 7. D. 

3. A. 8. B. 

4. C. 9. A. 

5. D. 10. D. 


1. How does Confucianism exist? 

For millennia, Confucianism coexisted with Buddhism and Taoism as
one of the most significant Chinese faiths. Confucianism is an ancient
Chinese religious system that emphasizes the value of human ethics
and morals. It is debatable if it is only philosophy or includes a
2. Why is it that Confucianism is considered a philosophy and a 
religion at the same time? 
Confucianism, albeit more of a philosophy than a religion, was a way
of life for ancient Chinese people and impacts Chinese culture today.
Despite being grouped in with other major religions, Confucianism is
considered a philosophy rather than a religion. 
3. Make a schematic time-line of the life of Confucius. Specify the 
important time and event 
Timeline for Confucius – His Life and Legacy in Art Exhibition
Related  Resources To fully appreciate historical temporality from a
Confucian  perspective, one should be prepared to engage Chinese
principles of  
recording historical time based on dynastic cycles rather than the
Gregorian  calendar system used universally today and designated by BCE
(Before  Common Era) and CE (Common Era). While not entirely free of
contested  dating, the Chinese historical records were meticulously kept and
carefully  reconstructed throughout history. Archaeological finds continue to
fill out a  more complete understanding of very early times, but starting
from the  Zhou Dynasty, there is extremely reputable scholarship that
provides very  precise historical dating of events before and during
Confucius' lifetime. This  timeline is provided to help contextualize major
periods and specific events  that are significant to Confucius' life.
Before Legendary time of the Three  Sovereigns and the Five
2070 BCE Emperors.

2070-1600 Legendary Xia Dynasty - a proto dynasty that left no written

BCE records, but whose existence is  attested to by early Chinese
thinkers and whose ancestors the  Shang acknowledge in
their later  divinatory bone inscriptions

1600 - Shang Dynasty - a line of 29 kings  (Wang) who rule for

1045 BCE around 500  years over a small but strategically  important
state situated in the  central plains. Important

contributions to the development of  Chinese civilization include a

calendar based on astronomical  observation; a hierarchical
society  codified in a system of rites in  which the king assumes
the role of  intermediary between the living  and the dead, or
between heaven  and earth; development of bronze  technology
geared to
manufacturing ceremonial artifacts;  and the development of a
written  language.
1045 - Western Zhou Dynasty -
771 succeeding the Shang, the Zhou  people adopted and then
BCE modified  Shang practices in ancestor
worship, patrilineal succession,  bone divination, and social
stratification. A people residing in  the Wei River valley (in an
area  around present day Xi'an), the king  takes a reign-name of
("cultured') who begins attacking a  number of small Shang
vassal  states. After King Wen's death

c. 1053 BCE, his son, King Wu  (martial') resumes wars against

the  Shang and engages the Shang  army at the decisive battle at
Muye  outside the Shang Court of Anyang  in 1045 BCE, thus
founding the  Zhou Dynasty.

c. 1043 BCE-Zhou King Wu dies  setting off a concession crisis.

King  Wu's younger brother, Zhou Gong  Dan (aka The Duke of
Zhou), has  his young nephew King Cheng  enthroned and
becomes regent to  the King. The Duke's other brothers  and the
overthrown Shang king's  surviving son) join forces and  attempt
to overthrow the patrilineal  line of succession. They are
defeated in the civil war that  follows and surrounding polities are
drawn into the conflict resulting in  an expansion of territory
under  Zhou authority. Loyal Zhou princes  are rewarded with
state-sized  fiefdoms creating a large federation  of states
pledging loyalty to the  Zhou king; the cohesion of these  feudal-
like states will dissipate over  time.
771 BCE- The Quan Rong (a  northem 'barbarian tribe of
nomadic people) sack the capital of  Zongzhou (in the west near
modern  day Xi'an) and force the Court of  Zhou to be
reconstituted at
Chengzhou (in the east near
modern day Luoyang).

771- Eastern Zhou Dynasty - the Zhou  court is significantly weakened

251 and  China becomes a land of
BCE contending small states run by  hegemons who nominally
pledge  loyalty to the Zhou court but are  guided by self-
interest and
opportunism to increase their  territory. While politically a very
chaotic time, it is also marked by a  cultural and technological
flourishing. China's first canal  systems, its first large-scale walls,
and large-scale irrigation projects  date from this period. It is
also a  period of great intellectual activity  known for the
"Hundred Schools of  Thought' (including, of course,
Confucianism), a name for the  numerous political, social, and
cosmological theories that
proliferated during this period.
722- Spring and Autumn Period, a  further division of the Eastern Zhou
476 period; the name derives from The  Spring and Autumn Annals, a
BCE chronicle of events in the state of  Lu sometimes ascribed to

551 BCE-birth of Confucius at  Mount Ni, located southeast of

Qufu  in Lu state in present-day
Shandong province), traditionally  accepted as being on
September  28.

549 BCE-When Confucius is three  years old, his father dies.

535 BCE-Confucius' mother dies  when he is the age of 16 or 17

(other sources give this date as 527  BCE, when he was 23 or 24
years  old).

533 BCE- At the age of 19,  Confucius marries a woman from

the Qiguan family of the Song  state. Around this time, he
employment as manager of the  state granary.

532 BCE-Birth of Confucius' son  who is named Li (Carp) after

Duke  Zhao of Lu sent a carp as a gift.  Around this time
Confucius was  promoted to state husbandry  manager.
522 BCE - Around this time  Confucius starts a private school
and began to teach

518 BCE-Confucius accepts Meng  Yizi and Nangong Jinshu as

disciples; Jinshu arranges for  Confucius to travel to Luoyang,
the  Zhou capital, where he is attributed  as meeting Laozi.

514 BCE - After conflict breaks out  in Lu state, Confucius is

forced to  relocate briefly to the state of Qi. 516 BCE-Confucius
returns to Lu.

501 BCE-Confucius became the  chief magistrate of Zhongdu,

present-day Wenshang county in  Shandong Province.

500 BCE-Confucius becomes  minister of justice and

distinguishes  himself at the conference between  Lu and Qi at
497 BCE - Confucius leaves the state of Lu and heads east to
Wei  state, beginning his sojourns in  several states to promote
his ideas.

484 BCE-Confucius returned to his  hometown, Qufu, in the

state of Lu  and focused on teaching and  studying the Rites of

479 BCE - Death of Confucius at  the age of 72 or 73.

475 - 221 BCE-Warring States  Period, a further layer of

periodization within the Eastern  Zhou Dynasty marked by
large scale intense warfare made
possible by administrative reforms  designed to maximize
individual  states' ability to raise armies.
221 - Qin Dynasty - the western state of  Qin eventually defeats and
206 occupies  all other states and King Zheng

succeeds in unifying the territory  and proclaims himself

Shihuangdi,  or "First Emperor.' The empire  adopts draconian
administration and is attributed  with burning Confucian texts and
killing Confucian scholars. At the  same time, the Qin Dynasty
unifies  weights and measurements,  promulgates a standard
written  script, as well as a standard  monetary system.
Nevertheless,  the state is very unpopular and is  overthrown by
forces only fifteen  years after its founding.
206 Western Han Dynasty - in 207 BCE,  Liu Bang, a minor official of
BCE-9 peasant  stock (and one-time outlaw)  creates a sizeable following
CE and  joins forces with an anti-Qin army  led by Xiang Yu, an
aristocrat from  the former state of Chu. After  jointly defeating
and killing off the  Qin royal family, the combined  forces split and
a power struggle  ensues. Liu Bang eventually wins  out and is
enthroned as Emperor Gaudi of the Han Dynasty. The  historian
Sima Qian wrote of Liu  Bang, “[he] removed the harsh  corners of
the Qin code and
retreated to an easy roundness,  whittled away the
embellishments  and achieved simplicity.” It is  during the
Western Han Dynasty  that Confucian values are
increasingly promoted by the state,  evidenced by the court-
sponsored  study group to furnish acceptable  versions of the five
prescribed  classics in 136 BCE (The Book of  Documents, The
Book of Songs,  The Book of Changes, The Spring  and Autumn
Annals, and The Book  of Rites).

4. In three sentences, how can you describe Confucius? 

Respectful because Confucius considered honoring elders to be an essential  trait. Dutiful
because He thought that individuals should honor and execute their  responsibilities with zeal.
He had a Moral because he felt that individuals should  behave morally. 
5. Describe briefly the Sacred texts of Confucianism

Book of The Book of Documents is a collection  of 58 chapters that recount the

Documents history  of ancient China. The Book of
Documents recounts the exploits of
the first sage-kings, Yao and Shun.  These narratives have an impact on  the
growth of a sage's understanding.  The history of the Xia, Shang, and  Zhou
dynasties are also included in  the collection.

Book of The Book of Odes has also been  referred to as the Book of Songs or the  Book
Odes of Poetry. The Book of Odes  contains 305 poems about a variety  of topics,
including love and
marriage, agricultural problems, daily  life, and war. The Book of Odes 
contains different categories of  poems, including folk songs and  hymns used in
sacrifice. Kongzi was  said to have chosen the 305 poems in  this book from a
considerably larger  collection.

Book Rites During the Zhou dynasty, the Book of  Rites defined social standards, 
political order, and ceremonial  behavior.
The Book of Rites, which is said to  have been composed by Kongzi, is  the
foundation of many ceremonial  concepts that emerge in later  imperial China.
Proper ceremonial  conduct, according to the Book of  Rites, would sustain
imperial unity  while emphasizing the virtue of piety.

Book of The Book of Changes provides a  divination method based mostly on  the yin
Changes and yang concepts. The Book  of Changes is also known as the I  Ching or the
Classic of Changes. Some divination methods are still in  use today.
Spring and The Spring and Autumn Annals was  long thought to have been written by 
Autumn Confucius, but current historians think  it was really authored by a group of 
Annals chroniclers from the State of Lu. The Spring and Autumn Annals, the  longest of
the Five Classics, is a  historical record of the State of Lu. The  Spring and
Autumn Annals, unlike the  Book of Documents, appear to have  been produced
especially for  annalistic reasons.

1.What are the beliefs and doctrines of Confucianism being depicted in the  movie
entitled, “MULAN”? Mention only five (5) beliefs and doctrines and  describe briefly
the scene of the movie 

1. The movie opens with Mulan  preparing to impress the Honor for family and
matchmaker  to uphold her family’s honor while her  father is ancestors
praying to the ancestors that  she will find a good match.
Mulan’s  meeting with the matchmaker ends

2. Soon after a message from the  emperor arrives declaring Filial Piety
one male  from every family must go to war. Fa  Zhou, Mulan’s
father, honorably takes  his order to serve, because there is no 
son to serve in his place.

3. Mushu is a demoted guardian of  the Fa Family. Mushu had Honesty and
previously  dishonored the family and has since  not been Trustworthiness
allowed to be a guardian.  Mushu comes up with a plan to
bring  honor back to himself by going after  Mulan to guide
her to become a war  hero (Disney‘s Mulan).
4. When Mulan is pretending to be a  boy her duties to Duty to one’s self
herself be to and devotion to
become a great solider and by doing  this she can bring honor order in  society.
to her family.  Mulan must also become a great  solider as a
duty to others. If she is not  a great solider she would let down
her  fellow soldiers who she must serve  with to protect the
emperor. Mulan at  first is a terrible solider but quickly 
becomes better and wins over her  peers in the army(Disney‘s

5. As a girl, Mulan’s only duty to  herself is to find a Righteousness

suitable husband that will take care of  her throughout
her life. Marrying well is also the only  way Mulan can
bring honor to her family as a girl

2. Reformulate the “Golden Rule” into a positive and affirmative form/statement. Give
and your desire will be given. 
3. Comprare the similarities between Confucianism and Christianity/the religion  where
you belong. Mention only three (3) similarities. 

Confucianism is a belief in the truth  and goodness of Family is holy in

Confucius' Christianity, as is the  past,
teachings. and order is respected.

Confucianism values others. The Christian religious system

promotes respect for others.

Confucianism and Christianity are  comparable in that Christianity came forth as a

both established  long-lasting ideas that impacted their  result of  the later Roman
governments, Confucianism with  fundamental principles Empire's unity and a  moral
and an overall  message that may be interpreted in a  need to care for one's fellow 
variety of ways. man.

4.Compare and contrast between the four (4) Rites of Confucianism and the  Rites of
Christianity/religion where you belong.

Coming of Coming of Age Rites are  ceremonies In many Western

Age Rites held to Christian churches, a  young
signify a young person  has reached person
the celebrates his/her
marriageable age and  could join the Coming of Age with the 
different  activities. Sacrament of
20, they undergo Confirmation. In Eastern 
Capping, a male Christianity, the
teenager’s hair in a baptizing priest confirms  infants
bun/coil and wearing of  cap. directly after they  are born.
Chinese receives his  formal hat
ceremonial gown, as  well as his
formal name.  He is also formally
introduced to his
ancestors through a  wine

Mourning There are steps to A Christian funeral

Rites Mourning Rites. Weeping  and the ceremony, like most  religious
donning of funerals, is
white burial robes should  be used to personalized to the
make a individual who has died.  The
public declaration of  mourning. It ceremony is
also serves  as a symbolic offering.  generally held at a
There are steps to church, cremation, or  cemetery
Mourning Rites. Weeping  and the and will
donning of include prayers, a
white burial robes should  be used to sermon, readings,
make a hymns, and occasionally  music or
public declaration of poems (see our  guide to popular

mourning. It also serves  as a songs and renowned  funeral

symbolic offering. poems).
Marriage Marriage is an important  aspect in Christian marriage takes  place in the
Rites Chinese presence of  a priest or minister who 
culture because symbolizes God, leads  the couple in
patience and love are  cultivated to declaring  their commitment to  each
promote  the right value. other via the
taking of vows, and
In Chinese culture, blesses their union.
marriage is decided by  the parents’
couple with  wealth and social status 
as the primary
considerations and
monogamy in nature.

The steps are as follows,  (from

marriage proposal  to wedding
ceremony)  the groom and his family 
meet the bride at her  house, after the
bride  sent the dowry to the  groom’s
house, on the  wedding day rites
include carrying the  bride to the
sedan and  the couple leading the 
festivity at the bridal  chamber, on
wedding night friends  and
relatives are
supposed to banter the  couple, and
on the third  day, the couple would 
go back to the bride’s  parents home
to pay  respect.
Sacrificial Sacrificial Rites are Self-sacrifice and
Rites performed regularly by  the martyrdom are
descendants of the  deceased important concepts in  Christianity.
ancestor. The notion of
connecting one's own  life and
Sacrifices are often sorrows to
given at festivals. Christ's sacrifice on the  cross is
common in
One such festival is the  Qingming Roman Catholicism. As a  result, one
Festival might either  offer up involuntary
celebrated by Chinese  all over the suffering, such as
world to  honor their dead. sickness, or intentionally  embrace
suffering in  acts of penance.
It is observed by visiting  the
ancestor’s grave to  clean and repair
it, and  through offertories, such  as
food, fruit, wine,

incense, and candles  Ong 2016).

5. How did Confucianism try to find solutions to the social problems prevalent  at the time
it was formulated? 

This circle of inheritance and development would go on in every other  dynasty. That’s
why every dynasty sought to develop its own set of  uniform, music, codes and
political traditions without being totally off the  track of the previous one. One is
absolute loyalty regardless of the  circumstances, another uprising is justified when the
‘mandate of the  heaven’ is shifted 
1. Do you think Confucian values can be a solution to the problem of corruption  in the 
Philippines? How? 
Yes, if government officials applied these basic ideals, corruption and other bad  qualities and
practices might be eliminated. However, Confucianism was not  practiced in the Philippines. 
2. What particular Confucian values do you think can be applied to solve 
particular social problem at present? 
Social Confucian values How to apply

Crime Jen - It was about To educate people how  to

human-heartedness,  compassion, implement policies  that attempt
human  dignity, and human to minimize  the likelihood of
qualities. crimes  happening, as well as
their potentially
detrimental impacts on
individuals and society,  such
as crime fear, by  acting to
affect their  various causes.

Corruption Yi - It was about Being righteous literally

righteousness. means to be right,
especially in a moral  way.

In their view, the

righteous person not  only does
the right thing  for other people
but also  follows the laws of their

3.Discuss the “Three Obedience” of women in Confucianism

Obey your father before Obey your husband in Obey your son in
marriage marriage widowhood

If a girl talked back to  her Some clues could be After her husband died,  the
parents or left home  without found in the idiom “举 person they should  obey
the parents 案 齐 眉 (Holding the changed again.
knowing, she would up to the eyebrows)”, In the male-dominated  society,
be  regarded as which is used to after the father  died, the son
being of  poor stock. describe the ideal naturally  became the master of
relations between the family.
husband and wife.

After getting married,

the obedience was
transferred to their

4.What is your opinion/reaction about “Authoritarian” issue on Confucianism,

specifically in the context of “Father-Son” and “Father-daughter” relationships 
Father-son Relationship Father-daughter relationship

A father is loving to his son and the  son A father's affection for his daughter is
demonstrates reverence to his  father... demonstrated. Traditional scriptures
Confucius says that a father  must display love define filial piety as physical care,
and kindness  toward his son, while the son affection, service, respect, and
should  display obedience and reverence obedience.
toward his father. Children should make every effort not
to bring shame on their parents.
Confucian writings such as the Book  of
Rites provide guidance on how to
practice filial piety.

5.How do you find the issue of Confucianism on Environmentalism 

While Confucianism promotes environmental respect, its acceptance of human  dominion over
nature poses a threat to the issue. The Analects stressed the primacy of animals over social
responsibilities. According to Confucian  reasoning, support for social obligations takes
precedence above  environmental conservation (Ong 2016). 
B. Composition/Illustration 1.Make a comparative Analysis on the positive and
negative effects of Confucianism on the society.  

Confucianism's equal order and  security aided in Confucianism also leads to

prevailing law and  order by eliminating crime and misogyny  and patriarchy.
disorder from China. Furthermore, the  Confucians Women are expected  to be
placed a high value on  education, so they constructed a subservient to their husbands to
large number of schools across China  and encouraged an extent.
people to study.
Feminism is almost unheard of

in East Asia.

2. Create a slogan/poster promoting for the equality between men and women Both man
and woman owns life, thus they shall be equal in rights and power. REFLECT! 
I grasp the brief history of Confucianism and selected Confucianism problems. 
I understand the concept and don't see any issues with it; nevertheless, I need
additional understanding regarding Confucianism's core ideas and practices.  
Since this topic is so complex, the more information I could have may lead me  into a
beautiful path. 
1. C 
2. D  
3. B 
4. A  
5. D  
6. A  
7. A  
8. B  
9. D 
10. B

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