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I. Summation

Very often in statistics an algebraic expression of the form X 1+X2+X3+...+Xn is used in

a formula to compute a statistic. It is very dull to write an expression like this over and over
again, so mathematicians have developed a shorthand notation to represent a sum of
scores, called the summation notation.
Summation or sigma notation is a convenient and simple form of shorthand used to
give a concise expression for a sum of the values of a variable.

Summation notation involves:

1. The summation, denoted by Σ, which is an upper case sigma of the Greek letter. This
Σ instructs us to add the elements of a sequence
2. The variable of summation, i.e. the variable which is being summed, is represented
by an index which is placed beneath the Σ.
3. The index is commonly represented by i. (Other common possibilities for
representation of the index are j and k.) The index appears as the expression i = 1,
which assumes values starting with the first value and ending with the value given
above the Σ.

 Xi This expression is read as "the sum of X sub i where i ranges from 1 to n”.
It means add up all the numbers starting at X1 and ending with Xn.
i =1
Given the set data the table below, let us illustrate some typical examples of summation:

Table 1. Data Set

X1 = 2 Y1 = 4
X2 = 0 Y2 = -2
X3 = -1 Y3 = 0
X4 = 3 Y4 = 1
X5 = 2 Y5 = -3
X6 = 4 Y6 = 2
X7 = -2 Y7 = -1

5 Note the index "i=1" beneath Σ, which tells us to begin the sequence of summation
 Xi
i =1
with the first number in the set of data, i.e. add the values of X, starting from X1
and ending with X5.

i =1
i = X1 + X 2 + X 3 + X 4 + X 5

= 2 + 0 + ( −1) + 3 + 2

 Xi
Since the expression here is written with "i=3", the summation would start with the
third number in the set of data, i.e. add the values of X, starting from X3 and ending
i =3 with X7.

i =3
i = X3 + X4 + X5 + X6 + X7

= ( −1) + 3 + 2 + 4 + ( −2)

 X i2
This expression is read as sum the squared values of X sub i where i ranges
from 1 to n. It means add up all the squared numbers starting at X 1 and ending
i =1
with Xn

i =1
= X 12 + X 22 + X 32 + X 42

= ( 2) 2 + (0) 2 + ( −1) 2 + (3) 2

= 4 + 0 +1+ 9
= 14
Arithmetic operations could also be performed on variables within the summation.
 n  This expression is read as the square of the sum of the values of X sub i
 X i  where i ranges from 1 to n. It means add up all the values of X, starting at X 1
 i =1  and ending with Xn and then square the sum.
 4 
 Xi  = (X1 + X 2 + X 3 + X 4 )

 i =1 
= (2 + 0 + ( −1) + 3)

= (4 )

= 16

n n

 cX i = c X i
Let c be a constant, i.e. an element which does not involve the
variable of summation. This expression means add up all the values
i =1 i =1 of X, starting at X1 and ending with Xn and then multiply by c.

3 3

 5 X i = 5 X i
i =1 i =1

= 5( X 1 + X 2 + X 3 )
= 5(2 + 0 + ( −1) )
= 5(1)
Arithmetic operations may be performed on expressions containing more than one variable
and thus, pay attention to where the parentheses are located.

 Xi Yi
This expression is read as the sum of the product of the values of X sub i and Y
sub i where i ranges from 1 to n. It means multiply the values of X and Y, starting
i =1 at X1 and Y1 and ending with Xn and Yn and then add up all the products.

X Y i i = ( X 1Y1 + X 2Y2 + X 3Y3 + X 4Y4 )

i =1

= 2( 4) + 0(−2) + ( −1)0 + 3(1)

= 11

 c = n (c) Since
i =1
this expression is a summation of c, where c is a constant and the sum
involves n elements, then it is a product of n elements and constant c.



 5 = 10(5) = 50
i =1
In general,  c = (n − m + 1) c
i =m
Example 9) Given that n = 80 and m = 20, we have:

 5 = (80 − 20 + 1)5 = 61(5) = 305

i = 20

If the parentheses are located after the summation sign, then the general rule is: DO THE
n n n

 (aX i  bYi ) = a X i  b Yi
i =1 i −1 1=1
The summation operator Σ is distributed over addition (or subtraction) where a and b are
constant. It means add up all the values of X, starting at X 1 and ending with Xn and then
multiply by a. Also, add up all the values of Y, starting at Y 1 and ending with Yn and then
multiply by b and then the results will be added.
3 3 3

 (6 X
i =1
i − 14Yi ) = 6 X i − 14 Yi
i −1 1=1

= 6( X 1 + X 2 + X 3 ) − 14(Y1 + Y2 + Y3 )
= 6(2 + 0 + (−1) ) − 14(4 + (−2) + 0)
= 6(1) − 14(2)
= 6 − 28
= −22


Another important notation in statistics is factorial notation. It can be used in many

ways, such as in determining how many arrangements can be made for a particular set of
objects. If n is a positive integer, then n factorial, denoted by n! is simply

n! = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x ,…., x (n-2) x (n-1) x (n) = n x (n-1) x (n-2) x , ...,4 x 3 x 2 x 1

Example: 5! = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120.

Note that 0! = 1.

If one wants to determine how many ways can the letters in the word CAR be
arranged in distinct arrangements, then it is just 3! = 1 x 2 x 3 = 6. So there are 6 distinct
arrangements, and these are: CAR, CRA, ARC, RAC, RCA, and ACR. The factorial of a
number can be easily found using the calculator by pressing keys in the following the
sequence: the number → Shift → X! → = .The sequence varies for other calculator models



Name:____________________________ Score:____________

Yr/Crs/Sec:_______________________ Date:_____________

I. Expand the following:

7 2

I.  (i + w)
i =3

2.  4! j
j =1

3. 2  3!
w =80

II. Write each of the following as a single summation:

1. X10 + X11 + … + X123 =

2. 3!(M1 - 5)1 + 3!(M2 - 5)2 + … + 3!(M45 - 5)45 =

(Y1 − 4)3 + (Y2 − 4) 3 + ... + (Y30 − 4)3

3. =

III. Let X1 = 6, X2 = -3, X3 = 5 and X4 = 8 ; Y1 = 1, Y2 = -1, Y3 = 4, and Y4 = -2.

 4 2
1.   X i  =
 i =1 

2.  (x y
i =1
i i + 5!) =

 12 
3. 6! 
  i =

 i =1 

4.  (8!−9!)
i =1


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