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Privacy of Medical Records

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How Guaranteeing the Privacy of Medical Records Has Proven Difficult

Several years ago, medical information was recorded on a paper repository manually,

which was reviewed and used for administrative research, finance, and clinical recording. The

physicians were mainly in control of the information and documentation and could have been

authorized. Recently, the healthcare system is adopting an electronic approach of medical

information recording that is more interactive (Keshta & Odeh, 2021). However, the electronic

system and the digital recording have proven concerns that hinder the guarantee of privacy to

patients. This text intends to explore how guaranteeing of confidentiality of medical records has

proven to be complicated.

Privacy Concerns

Like any other digital platform format, there exist breach concerns and threats that hinder

the guarantee of privacy for medical records. Electronic systems are exposed to hazards such as

hackers who have power in the design and can get sensitive information and use it maliciously.

For instance, a person can use the information for identity theft that can destroy a patient's

reputation and even finances (Keshta & Odeh, 2021). Further, most patients believe that

electronic systems are ethereal, which means they must be existing somewhere accessible,

making it difficult to guarantee the patients about their privacy. Besides, the adaptation of the

new technology in medical records has been slow as many people don't see the systems as

reliable. Security is paramount when it comes to the storage of sensitive data (Keshta & Odeh,

2021). Still, some physicians take time to understand the system, putting the information at risk

of landing on an unauthorized person.

In essence, the privacy of medical records is essential in preventing malicious acts by

using medical information that is unauthorized. Although this aspect is vital to both the
stakeholders in the medical industry, it has proven to be difficult, especially when it comes to the

new use of electronic systems. Threats and concerns like hackers from the internet, trust from the

patients, and the slowness in adapting to the technology by a physician are the main reasons why

it's challenging to guarantee the privacy of medical records.


Keshta, I., & Odeh, A. (2021). Security and privacy of electronic health records: Concerns and

challenges. Egyptian Informatics Journal, 22(2), 177-183.

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