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Madda walabu university

group 8 section B
Name ID
1. LENCHO GONJA________ UGR/5473/11
2. OROMO JIREGNA_______ UGR/5643/11
3. JATANI WARE _______ UGR/5673/11
4. TUJI MUHE _______UGR/5360/11
Chapter one: Introduction

 Deep learning allows computational models to learn by gathering

knowledge from experience. Complex concepts can be learnt by deep
learning approach due to its hierarchical conceptualization. Deep
learning has significantly benefitted for the state-of-the-art in many
recurring domains in the modern world. Deep Learning has an immense
influence on fields such as computer vision, object detection, object
recognition and speech recognition.
 Deep learning is a subset of machine learning in artificial intelligence,
i.e.based upon artificial neural network and representation learning, as
it is capable of implementing a function that is used to mimic the
functionality of the brain by creating patterns and processing data.
What is Deep learning?

 deeper learning is a set of student educational outcomes

including acquisition of robust core academic content, higher-
order thinking skills, and learning dispositions. Deeper learning
is based on the premise that the nature of work, civic, and
everyday life is changing and therefore increasingly requires
that formal education provides young people with mastery of
skills like analytic reasoning, complex problem solving, and
 Deep learning is a form of machine learning that utilizes a
neural network to transform a set of inputs into a set of outputs
via an artificial neural network. Deep learning methods, often
using supervised learning with labeled datasets, have been
shown to solve tasks that involve handling complex, high-
dimensional raw input data such as images, with less manual
feature engineering than prior methods, enabling significant
progress in several fields including computer vision and natural
language processing
the concept of deep leaning

 Deep Learning has become the principle driver of numerous

new applications and it's an ideal opportunity to truly take a
gander at why this is the situation. With such huge numbers of
different choices that we've been utilizing this for such a long
 In artificial intelligence neural system, deep learning concept
consider as a subset, calculations enlivened by the personal
cerebrum, gaining a lot of data. Likewise how individuals gain
as a element of fact, deep learning estimation would work out
an undertaking more than once, every time adjusting it a bit to
increase the more possible result.
Characteristics of Deep Learning

 Given below are the characteristics of Deep Learning:

A. Supervised, Semi-Supervised or Unsupervised

 When the category labels are present while you train the data then tis supervised learning
Algorithms like Linear regression. Logistic regression, decision trees use Supervised Learning.
 When category labels are not known while you train data then it is unsupervised learning.
Algorithms like Cluster Analysis, K means clustering, Anomaly detection uses Unsupervised
Learning. \
 The data set consists of both labeled and unlabeled data then we call it is Semi-Supervised
learning. Graph-based models, Generative models, cluster assumptions, continuity assumptions
use Semi-Supervised learning.

 Huge Amount of Resources

 It needs advanced Graphical Processing Units for processing heavy workloads. A
huge amount of data needs to be processed like big the form of structured or
unstructured data. Sometimes more time is also required to process the data, it
depends on the amount of data fed in.

 Large Amount of Layers in Model

 A huge amount of layers like input, activation, the output will be required,
sometimes the output of one layer can be input to another layer by making few small
findings and then these findings are summed up finally in the softmax layer to find
out a broader classification for final output.

 Optimizing Hyper-parameters
 Hyper parameters like no of epochs, Batch size, No of layers, Learning rate, needs to
be tuned well for successful Model accuracy because it creates a link between layer
predictions to final output prediction. Over-fitting and under-fitting can be well
handled with hyper-parameters.

 Cost Function
It says how well the model performance in prediction and accuracy. For each iteration
in Deep Learning Model, the goal is to minimize the cost when compared to previous
iterations. Mean absolute error, Mean Squared Error, Hinge loss, Cross entropy are
different types according to different algorithms used
Where can Deep Learning be
 Deep learning can be very useful when there is no particular structure to data means
to analyze data from audio, video, image, numbers, document processing, etc. The
following are some deep learning usable area:-
 Healthcare
 From Medical image analysis to curing diseases, Deep Learning played a huge role
especially when GPU-processors are present. It also helps Physicians, Clinicians,
and doctors to help the patients out of danger, and also they can diagnose and treat
the patients with apt medicines.

 Stock Analysis
 Quantitative Equity Analysts are getting more benefits especially to find the trends
for a particular stock whether it will be bullish or bearish and they can use many
more factors like no of transactions made, no of buyers, no of sellers, previous day
closing balance, etc when training the deep learning layers.
 Qualitative Equity Analysts use factors like return on equity, P/E ratio, Return on
Asset, Dividend, Return on Capital Employed, Profit per Employee, Total Cash, etc
when training the deep learning layers.
 Fraud Detection
 These days, hackers especially those based out of the dark- web have found ways to
steal money digitally across the globe using different software. Deep learning will
learn to find these types of fraudulent transactions in the web using a lot of factors
like Router information, IP addresses, etc. Autoencoders also help financial
institutions saving billions of dollars in terms of cost. These types of fraudulent
transactions can also be detected by finding the outliers and investigating the same.

 Image Recognition
Suppose say the city police department has a people database of the city and they
wanted to know in public gatherings like who is involved in the crimes, violence using
public webcam available in streets this deep learning using CNN (Convolution Neural
networks) helps a lot in finding the person who was involved in the act.
 News Analysis
 These days the government takes a lot of effort especially in controlling the spread of
fake news and origin of it. Also during poll surveys like who would win elections in
terms of popularity, which candidate been shared by most people in social media etc
and analysis of tweets made by country people using all these variables we can
predict the outcomes in deep learning, but also there are some limitations to it, we
don’t know the data authenticity whether its genuine or fake.
Deep learning approach

 Deep architectures are often based on neural networks – Constracted by stacking

layers of neurons to achieve more abstract feature representations.
Commonly use unsupervised layer-wise pre-training – Restricted Boltzmann
Machines – Auto encoders.
Advantages of Deep Learning
Seven better advantage of deep learning
 Feature Generation Automation
 Works Well With Unstructured Data. ...
 Better Self-Learning Capabilities. ...
 Supports Parallel and Distributed Algorithms. ...
 Cost Effectiveness. ...
 Advanced Analytics. ...
 Scalability
Dis advantage of deep learning
 It requires very large amount of data in order to perform better than other
 It is extremely expensive to train due to complex data models.
 Moreover deep learning requires expensive GPUs and hundreds of machines. This
increases cost to the users.
The Challenges of Deep Learning
 Learning without Supervision. ...
 Coping with data from outside the training distribution. ...
 Incorporating Logic. ...
 The Need for less data and higher efficiency. ...
 Attention and Transformers. ...
 Unsupervised and self-supervised learning. ...
 Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) ...
 Auto-encoders
Deep learning frameworks
 Building a deep learning solution is a big challenge because of its complexity.
 Frameworks are tools to ease the building of deep learning solutions.
 Frameworks offer a higher level of abstraction and simplify potentially difficult
programming tasks.

Deep learning development flow

 Selection of a framework for development
 Selecting labeled data set of classes to train the network upon
 Designing initial network model
 Training the network
 Saving the parameters and architecture in a binary file and. Inference
Types of learning tasks
A.Supervised learning
 Learn to predict an output when given an input vector:- Each training example
consists of an input vector x and a target output.
 Classification of supervised learning Predict a discrete class label:-The simplest case is a
choice between 1 and 0. – We can also have multiple alternative labels
 Predict continuous valued output: – The price of a stock in 6 month’s time The
temperature at noon tomorrow
A.Un Supervised learning
 Discover a good internal representation of the input.
 For about 40 years, unsupervised learning was largely ignored by the machine learning
community – Some widely used definitions of machine learning actually excluded it. –
Many researchers thought that clustering was the only form of unsupervised learning.
 It is hard to say what the aim of unsupervised learning is. – One major aim is to create
an internal representation of the input that is useful for subsequent supervised learning.
Application of Deep Learning
 The following article provides an outline for Application of Deep
 Mitosis detection/radiology
 Determining cancer detection deep learning model has 6000 factors that could help in
predicting the survival of a patient. For Breast cancer diagnosis deep learning model has
been proven efficient and effective. CNN model of deep learning is now able to detect as
well as classify mitosis inpatient.
 Hallucination or sequence generation
 Creating new footage by observing different video games, learning how they work, and
replicate them using deep learning techniques like recurrent neural networks. Deep
learning hallucinations can generate High-resolution images by using low-resolution
 Image classification/machine vision
 We see Facebook providing a suggestion for auto-tagging different persons in a picture is a perfect
example of machine vision. It uses deep nets and takes pictures at different angles, and then labels the
name to that picture. These deep learning models are now so advanced that we can recognize different
objects in a picture and can predict what could be the occasion in that picture.

 Speech recognition
 Speech is the most common method of communication in human society. As a human recognize speech
understands it and responds accordingly, the same way deep learning model is enhancing the
capabilities of computers so that they can understand how humans do react to different speeches. In day
to day life, we have live examples like Siri of Apple, Alexa from Amazon, google home mini, etc. In
 Text extraction and text recognition
 Text extraction itself has a lot of applications in the real world. For example, automatic
translation from one language to other, sentimental analysis of different reviews. This
widely is known as natural language processing. When writing an email we see auto-
suggestion to complete the sentence is also the application of deep learning.

 Market prediction
 Deep learning models can predict buy and sell calls for traders, depending on the dataset
how the model has been trained, it is useful for both short term trading game as well as
long term investment based on the available features.
 Digital advertising
 Deep learning models categorize users based on their previous purchase and browsing
history and recommend relevant and personalized advertisements in real-time.

 Fraud detection
 A deep learning model uses multiple data sources to flag a decision as a fraud in real-time. With deep
learning models, it is also possible to find out which product and which markets are most susceptible
to fraud and provide or extra care in such cases.
 Earthquake prediction
 Seismologist tries to predict the earthquake, but it is too complex to anticipate it. One wrong
prediction costs a lot to people as well as govt
 It is hard to make decisions days before, but by deep learning techniques we can predict the
outcome of each wave from previous experience may be hours before but it is quick accordingly
we can make adjustments.

Deep Learning Technique

 Deep Learning algorithms run through several layers of the hidden layer(s) or Neural
Networks. So, they learn deeply about the images for accurate prediction. Every layer
learns and detects low-level features like edges and subsequently, the new layer merges
with the features of the earlier layer for better representation.

There are some Deep Learning Networks as follows:

 Unsupervised Pre-trained Network: It is a basic model with 3 layers: input,
hidden and output layer. The network is trained to reconstruct the input and then
hidden layers learn from the inputs to gather information and finally, features are
extracted from the image.
 Conventional Neural Network: As standard Neural Network, it has a convolution
inside for edge detection and accurate recognition of objects.
 Recurrent Neural Network: In this technique, the output from the previous stage is
used as input for the next or current stage. RNN stores the information in context
nodes to learn the input data and produce the output.
 Recursive Neural Networks: It is a hierarchical model where the input is a tree-like
structure. This kind of network is created by applying the same set of weights over the
assembly of inputs.
Learning Phases
A. Training of networks: To train a network of data, we collect a large number of data
and design a model that will learn the features. But the process is slower in case of a
very large number of data.
B. Transfer Learning: Transfer Learning basically tweaks a pre-trained model and a
new task is performed afterwards. In this process, the computation time becomes
C. Feature Extraction: After all the layers are trained about the features of the object,
features are extracted from it and output is predicted with accuracy.

How to Create Deep Learning Models?

 To create a Deep Learning model, the following steps are needed:
 Understanding the problem
 Identify data
 Select the algorithm
 Train the model
 Test the model
Future analysis of this paper

 From the analysis above, we know that deep learning represents a more
intellectual behavior (learning features) compared with the other traditional
machine learning. Architectures and the related learning algorithms are the two
main components of deep learning. From the analysis above, we know that deep
architectures like CNNs and DBNs perform well in many AI tasks.  But is it true
that only deep architectures can implement deep learning?  Is it possible to
implement deep learning without the deep architectures? A recent work from by
Cho and Saul who come from UCSD shows that kernel machines can also be used
for deep learning.

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