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Purchasing Pets from Pet Store Supports Unethical Breeding Mills

Although purchasing a pet from the pet store seems like the right thing to do, there is more to what
your local pet store is hiding. There is the reason why there has been an animal welfare movement
that advises people to not shop for pets and only to adopt them instead.

So, what is so terrible about pet stores? The truth is local pet store received their 'animal stocks'
from commercial, illegal animal mills. These local pet stores purchase animals from unethical animal
mills at lower prices to be sold at a higher rate which seems logical as to where else the pet store
would get their pets to be sold, right? But let's get this straight if pets are a part of a family, why
would you pay for them as if they were an object? Would you purchase your adopted child?

The wrong in paying ridiculous money for your pets is that you contribute to the pets store illicit
activity that leads to supporting unethical animal mills. Animal mills or breeding mills are commercial
facilities that mass-produce animals like puppies, kittens, and rabbits with little to no concern for
their welfare, prioritising profit over all else. These breeding mills concentrate on mass production
since it has the lowest expenses, allowing the breeder and merchant to maximise revenues. Unlike a
backyard breeder, which is equally unethical, breeding mills work on a larger scale with little to no
humanity towards the animals. In certain countries, the breeding industry is a multibillion-dollar
industry. It continues to be the primary source for pet stores, backyard breeders, and online vendors

These animals are transported across the country in conditions like those found in mills, including up
to 12 hours without food or water. They are crammed into shipping containers and vehicles, where
diseases can spread quickly, and many of them die.

What is causing all of this? Because there will always be a supply when there is a demand.

Pet stores that supported these illicit activities are just the tip of the iceberg. The worst case is how
the backyard breeder, and the animal mills neglect the animal welfare that causes the animal to
catch fatal diseases. In the breeding mills, the animals are herded into small kennels and cages in
great numbers. Typically, these wire cages are stacked on top of one another with no shelter or
protection from the elements. Because there is not enough food or water to go around, the animals
are badly underfed and hungry. While the female animals were forced to breed with little to no time
to rest between the last trimester until their body gives up, this will lead them to have a lower life
cycle from 4 to 6 years. The animal unable to 'work' or function anymore will then be left in the
street to die, causing the overpopulation of animals strays on the street (Peta, n.d.).

And this is what people who purchase pets from the pet store is promoting indirectly. Supporting
your local pet store is the same as enabling all the corrupted activities that the breeding mills
execute. However, some reputable breeders across the country provide high-end care for the
animals they are breeding, intending to reproduce more rare animal breeds such as British Short
Hair and Persian cats. Although they seem to be right-thinking to purchase pets from this reputable
breeder, choosing pets just like choosing an object is disturbing.

In conclusion, do extensive research before purchasing your pets. Choose a reputable breeder if you
need to choose your pets. Understandably, choosing your pets can be logical when the aim is for
their health as some of the breeds prone to hereditary diseases. However, ethically, adopting rescue
pets is preferable as it not only helps to home the unfortunate strays but also keeps them away from
the danger and disease on the streets.

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