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Kallimulin, Rashid (Fagimovich) Page 1 of 1

Kallimulin, Rashid (Fagimovich)

(b Zelenodol'sk, Tatar Republic, 6 May 1957). Tatar composer. He graduated
from B.N. Trubin's class at the Kazan' State Academy of Music in 1985, and
completed postgraduate composition studies with A.B. Luppov in 1987 when
he also joined the Composers' Union. He returned to the Kazan' Academy in
1988 to teach and was appointed head of the composition department in 1992.
He has received various awards, including first prize at the Weber chamber
music competition in Dresden in 1987 with his Third String Quartet ‘In Memory
of Gabdulla Tukay’, and has served on several juries and committees. He is an
Honoured Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan (1990) and an Honoured Artist of
the RSFSR (1996). He first gained recognition in the mid-1980s with works
such as the Third Quartet which combines the inner world of the national poet
Gabdulla Tukay with a depiction of the epoch of the beginning of the 20th
century. Organic fusion of different styles has become a characteristic principle
of many of Kallimulin's important works; the rock-opera Cry of the Cuckoo
juxtaposes 20th-century dynamism with the ancient roots of the Tatar people in
the Volga Bulgariya epoch of the 10th to the 13th centuries. In this innovatory
work, elements of the Romantic tradition are synthesized with the folk genre
bait and elements of rock and jazz; the national tradition, rather than being
destroyed, is enriched with new colour. In works written in the 1990s he has
attempted to renew the harmonic language of Tatar music and has
experimented with unusual combinations of timbre.
(selective list)

Ww Qt, 1981; About Quiet (poem, N. Arslanov), Bar, pf, 1985; Cl Conc., 1985; Pf
Sonata no.1, 1985; Bulgar, sym. poem, 1986; Sonata, fl, pf, 1986; Sonata, vc,
1986; About Happiness (poem, R. Mingalim), T, fl, 1987; Pf Sonata no.2, 1987;
Quiet and Calm (sym. poem), vv, orch, 1987; Tukay (incid music), 1987; Cry of
the Cuckoo (rock-op., I. Uzeyev), 1989; 3 str qts; songs and solo inst pieces

with M. Samsutdinov: ‘Vozvrashcheniye’ [The return], SovM (1991), no.6,
with others: ‘Muzïka druz' ya: materialï kruglogo stola’ [Music of friends:
materials from a round table], MAk (1995), no.3, pp.79–84
G. Gubaidullina: Rashid Kallimulin (Kazan, 1988)
M. Faizulaeva: ‘You’ll Forget the Past – the Roots Will Dry Up’, SovM (1990)

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