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What the maps
It’s clear that
new houses and a suppermarket, and the trees
suitated in the East- South were replaced by a
On the left of the half map, There
were many houses constructed on the new
In the rest o
school still remained. There was a residential area
demonlished to make way for a new factory in the
South, and a house with a tree under the school was knocked down. The railway was widened in
the West, while the harbour appeared under the Railway station.

What the three maps illustrate are the development at the West Park Secondary School in
60- year periods, from 1950 to 2010.
It is clear that the Houses and Farmland were demolished to make way for Car Park and
Sience block, while the Sports filed was moved to near the Playground.
In 1950, the School was quite small, and it was located under the Main Road. There was a
Farmland in South-West, but it was demonlished to make way for a new Sport field in 1980.
Beside that, the houses next to the school were replaced by a Car Park and a Science block, the
Playground still remained under the Main Building.
After that, in 2010, Car Park was significantly expanded. While the Science block and
Main Building were still, Sport field was recolated to near Playground. It is this movement
making Playground to be narrowed.

* Chú ý:_ Sử dụng đúng thì.

_ Tránh lặp lại cấu trúc.

Process 1
What the first illustrates is the production of
making Cement, while the second one indicates
how to make concrete.
It is clear that there are five main steps in prodution of cement, and two main stages are
required to produce concrete.
In the first of cement production, Limestone and Caly are passed through a machine called
Crusher to become Power. Next, this Power is mixed ,and it is pushed to Roating Heater where it
is heated in a high temparature.. The process continues with crushing materials; then Cement are
produced. Finally, Cement is packed in bag and ready for process of Concrete production.
After Cement production finished, Concrete production begins with combining materials in
turn of 10% of water, 15% of cement, 20% of sand and 50% gravel. Eventually, This mixture is
mixed to make concrete before it is used for aim of building.( sử dụng mệnh đề ING)
Process 2
What the process illustrates is the life cycle of
the honey bee.
It is clear that there are five main steps in the
cycle life, beginning with laying eggs and ending
with making female.
The life cycle takes 34-36 days, and the first
step begins with females lay 1 or 2 eggs every three
days. Next, these eggs which hatch after 9-10 days.
After that Nymph moults, and this production
lengthens to 3 times as it grows.
The process continues with the completement
of the evolution of the nymph, and young adult,
which is developed by nymph, emerges. Finally,
They need 4 days to maturity to be females although
they grew to young adult emerges.
Line 1
What the graph compares is acid rain
emissons meansured in millions of tones
in UK in 17- periods year, from 1990-
It is clear that there was only the
transport and communication producing
amount of acid rain increase, but acid rain
come from other items decreased.
In 1990, there were about 3.3 milion
tones acid come from electtricity, gas and
water. Meanwhile transport and
communication were recorded to produce about 0.7 milions tones acid, and domestic released 0.6
milion tones of acid. Beside that, it is easy to find that more than 2 milions tones of acid rain were
emitted from by other industry.
The emission acid from electricity, gas and water significantly felt to 0.5 milion tones in
2007 and this decrease was estimated nearly 3 milion tones. Similarly, amount of acid rain from
domestic sector and other industries regularly decreased, while transport saw a slightl increasse in
acid production from 1990 to 2005 before it decreased to 0.6 milion tones. Amount of acid from
transport sector peaked at 1 milion tone in 2005.
* Số + milion/ bilion/… ( ko “s”)
Line 2
What the line compares is the
percentage of tourists to England who visited
Brighton attractions in 30 year period from
1980 to 2010.
It is clear that the tourists, visited to art
gallery and pavition, were decrease, while the
number of tourists visited pier and festival
had tends to increase in recent year.
In 1980, There were 10% tourist visiting
to Pier. Meanwhile, The number of people
coming to art gallery accounted 21%, while
the percentage of traveler going to pavation
was recorded 22%. Beside that, 30% tripper
went to Festival, and it was the most attractiive destination.
The number of journeyer going to art garelly significantly felt to 8% in 2010, and this
decrease was estimated about 12%. In contrast, it saw an increase in the number of people coming
to pier, while there was a slight decrease in
tourist to Festival. While the percentage of
people visiting pier and pavition had a
similarity with the number is 15% in 2005,
and rate of people visiting pavition in 1995
peaked at about 48%.

Bar chart
What the first chart compares is the
information about USA marriage and
divorce rates in 30- year period, from
1970 to 2000, while the second one
illustrates how the marrital status of American adults changed in two years, 1970 and
It is clear that there was the highest percentage of marriage and divorce of
Americans in 1980, while the marriage ratio of adult Ameriacans had ranked the
highest percentagein 1970 and 2000.
In the first chart, there were 2.5 milion Americans getting married and 1 milion
divorcees in 1970. The number of marriage stabilized in 1980, but it decreased to 2
milion in 2000. In contrast, the percentage of divorcing attained in 1980, at 1,5 milion
before it felt to 1 milion in the last given period.
As we can see that in the second chart, there were 70% adult of Americans
getting married in 1970, but this percentage lightly decreased to 60% in 2000. At the
same time, the ratio of single people and the divorcers sharply increased about 10%.
In contradistinction to that, it is clear that the ratio of widows in USA lightly
decreased in 2000.

Ielts speaking
1. There are many benefits of having gardens in the city. Firstly, these gardens will bring fresh air
for the city. Secondly, you can celebrate your city by making gardens; by this way, your city will be
greener and more beautiful. Thirdly, the trees from the gardens will create tree shadow in the hot
summer be cool. Lastly, you know we are having a serious air polluted so planing tree and making
gadern is the best way to solve this problem. For example, In each travelling area, thers have a
garden to make their place more beautiful.
2. It is very good for you if you do daily excersise. Firstly, it reduce your risk of a heart attack, so it
will reduce mortality. Secondly, you can stay in shape if you do this activity everday. Thirdly, your
cholesterol in your blood will decrease. Lastly, you will have stronger bones, muscles and joints
and lower risk of developing osteoporosis. For example, I always do excercise to advance my
health .
3. Personally, there are many beneficals to studying online. Firstly, you can have a flexible schedule
and environment. Secondly, it is lower costs so this will safe your money. Thirdly, it will help you
pratise with your self-discipline and responsibility. Lastly, it's very convenient. For example,
Nowaday, we are studying online because it is the best way to limitting the contact in Covid- 19
2. In my opinion, there are many beneficals when the younger and older generation lie with together. Firstly, when the younger generation
lives with older generation, they can teach the older about the new technology with the new knowlegde. Secondly, the older generation can
give the younger their experience. For instance, there are almost families in VietNam having both of the older and younger generation,
because by this way everyone in the family can help others and I improve myself.
1. There are many advantages of having a good memory. Firstly, it is important when you do the tests or examination. Secondly, it helps
you reduce anxiety.. Lastly, it makes your work easier when you don't forget something. For example, it helps me remember the
knowledge to do the test in school.
From my point of view, there are many advatages of reading paper books to electronic books or ebooks. Firsly, reading paper books is
much healthier than reading ebooks from a screen, sometimes too dark and sometimes too shining, it is very bad for our eyes. Secondly,
Owning a book is definitely pride with some people, take up a book, and collecting books is a popular hobbies..Finally, ebooks often
cheaper than paper books, but a paper books bring a more intersting experience when u reading, and u can share, or swap your books
with your friends. For example, I have many books and I display them on book shelves and that my pride, I can borrow the paper books
from libraries or friends and it is much more cheaper than rent an ebook.
personally, cities give many benefits. Firstly, they have many big event, they can catch a concert without the long drives to the city.
secondly, they will meet new people, there are many people in the city which means they meet new faces everyday
personally, cities give many benefits. Firstly, they have many big event, they can catch a concert without the long drives to the city.
secondly, they will meet new people, there are many people in the city which means they meet new faces everyday

There are many advantages of playing computer games but it also causes some bad things. Firstly, playing computer
games helps you relax after hours of studying . Secondly, it helps you make new friends through the game. But there are some
bad things of playing computer games such as : you will be nearsighted and adversely affected to study. For example, playing
computer games entertains me but it also makes my eyes tired.

Personally, I think there are both benefits and problems of online shopping. On the one hand, there are many advantages of
online shopping.Fistly, there are much more items to buy in the online markets than in the sky markets, and there are many
unique iteams that you can't find in a normal market. Secondly, there are many events for you to buy items with a very cheap
cost. On the other hands, there are also many disvantages of shopping onlines. First and for most, you can try the items that you
bought and Do not know if it is suitable or not with you. Secondly, you have to pay a little moneys for shipping process.
6. Personally, there are both of beneficials and drawbacks of playing computer. Firstly, you will feel relaxed when you play
computer game. Secondly, playing computer game can improve your brain and this is very useful. Lastly, the price you have to
pay for these actions is your eyes, they will be destroyed if you play too much. For example, there are many children have to wear
glasses because of playing computer game.
In my opinion, there are many benefits to studying aboard. Firtsly, it helps you gain more insights. Secondly, it helps you gain more
knowledge, more unstanding and it useful in living on your own. Thirdly, it helps you earn something more in your goal to serve your study
when needed. For example: My sister studied aboard and it helps her communicate, learn more about knowledge for her to comeback to
Vietnam to teach in the future.

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