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To all the readers, forgive me, for I’m all over the place, but I make you one promise, once
you’ve gone through this book once, the scattered pieces will make sense, one complete
knowledge will take shape, I’ll have succeeded in my quest to communicate and connect (is my

Time is of the essence for my mission, yours and ours, the precarious nature of the world calls
me to action, is a voice, a thought, a dream, a song, a desire, it expresses differently for each
individual, it speaks your language and that is how it communicates, all of us have been feeling
the tingling sensation grow in strength and frequency, We have something useful to share.

The current worldwide situation requires action, decisive, planned, careful, precise, steady
action that starts happening today, small changes will take us a long way, and don't worry, I've
already come up with some initial suggestions all it requires is individual responsibility and
developing teamwork skills.

This is for the benefit of each and most importantly the benefit of all, in the simplest terms is,
enjoyable, comfortable housing, abundant food, water, energy, and psycosociophysical
resources for everyone involved.

All the information, all the ideas contained in this book, have been mostly acquired aided by flow
states, a process I refer to as “Connected”.

The Connected state I identify as the natural process of informational parsing undeterred (the
analysis of the relevant data, that is then conjugated, finding common links, forming patterns,
this ends improving the overall system’s capacity of analysis, absorption, discernment and
comprehension of old and new information available and sets up a positive feedback loop for an
ever efficient, self improving mental construct), something my brain and I have worked on
developing for some years, so it now does on its own, much like a background process in a

In this book I refer to the universal laws and other foundational knowledge, I don't claim
ownership of those concepts.

Knowledge as such does not belong to anyone, and it certainly does not belong to vaults, or the
fire. The fundamental knowledge must be known by all, to restore harmony to the planet, in
ignorance we fight and bicker, unable to recognize the futility of our struggles, that we all
internally wish for the same outcomes, nevertheless the reason behind humanity’s constant
skirmishes, the knowing will clear all misconceptions of the self and of others, and then reality
will truly be apparent and order will come naturally.

For that reason avid readers I strive to spread the seed of this knowledge however I’m able to,
using the means that will grant it the most possibilities of taking root in your psyche, wishing for
it to provoke the awakening of your own conscious self.

In the following pages you will hear echoes of great minds of the past, your ancestors, and even
your own thoughts being reassured, I’m sure, that is the result of arriving at the same
inalienable conclusions, after all, all roads lead to Rome.

Finally, I’d like to point out that I do own the effort of taking the massive inflow of information ,
making it coherent, grounding the ideas into something tangible (thoughts and words), and
putting them into action.

For reasons that will become clear with time and that I currently ignore, I’ve written this book.

To some of the readers, the words in the pages of the book will be nothing but fantasy, but to
others the words that follow will be a key that opens their mind for exploration, the words may
validate their thoughts, feelings, instinct, intuition, purpose, they may unearth the nagging
hunches from the subconscious mind, making their thoughts real, alive, connected.

Allowing the wisdom available in these pages to peer through the mental murk that has been
accumulated by years of being subjected to intense, focused. social engineering will get the
conscious reader acquainted with their senses within (if they aren’t already).

Last but not by any means least, keep in mind that no matter how fractured your life experience
has you feeling up to this point, you are necessary, you are gifted, within yourself exist unique
insights valuable to all of humanity, bring them forth, discard fear from this moment on, do your
best, wear your heart on your sleeve, be sure there are always friends to help, you’re always
protected by your honest heart and bright soul.

We need your light, help is here.


How the Gods came to be

“To understand yourself, you must know the virtues of humans, resilience, adaptability,
ingenuity, strength, unity, all humans are born from the spring of creation and connected to it
from birth. Respect the effort of your ancestors, understand than in a distant past and now, we
are all connected”
How the Gods came to be

Humans are a copy of the race of Man.

The first human bodies were sourced from the body of the Architects. The Architects are the
beings that created our world. Our world was created by the Architects as part of a last resort
effort to save themselves and their race.

After the world was created the essence of the architects dissolved into all the aspects of the
planet, their consciousness now living within the elements, they also became the archetypes,
guiding life forces imbued in each human, the individual’s nature, or character.

The ruling archetype of a given human is directly linked to its architecture, meaning, from which
architect is the given human’s essence derived from.

The initial purpose of humans was generating life sustaining energy for the Architects. This was
done through meditation, harmonious movement, speech, and singing, amongst other more
elaborate methods, but as time went the initial peaceful rituals became ineffective, and the
benevolent Gods slowly changed, turning more vicious with time, requesting increasingly
shocking and emotionally exhausting tasks to be performed.

The Architects had become addicted to the human energy, they no longer consumed only the
necessary amount, and often where to be found feasting on it for long periods of time. The
addiction to human energy only served to further cement their sinful nature, as a result their
destruction grew closer, and in that state of debauchery and fearfulness they became
emboldened, disregarding their own security measures, and so more humans were created.

The increased human population only served to quench the gods thirst for a short while, soon
they became accustomed to the new quantity, at the same time their need for human energy
became even stronger, and so more humans came to exist. When increasing human population
further became an impossibility, the gods desperately looked for ways to extract more human
energy out of their current population. Their constant probing led to the first human expression
of anger, the death of an Architect and the beginning of the age of the Gods.

action, emotion, and the whole range human life ex


They did not take it lightly, all of the Architect had prior to that point never died, in fact they were
only doing this to preserve their streak, to have one of them fall, in front of them, at the hands of
their own creation!, un-ac-cep-ta-ble.

The death of one of their own was the necessary justification the gods needed to pursue the
next level of harvesting. As an act of revenge for their fallen comrade the Gods started
demanding rituals and offerings, plants, animals, and soon enough people. The new dark
human energy extracted, from pain, fear and hopelessness was just what they had been looking
for, and the new world was born.

In the new world over the course of a few hundred years the inversion of the rules of life
became the law, with the previously benevolent Gods now ruling as voracious monsters that ate
themselves and their creation.
The God Kings

Initially the Architects wanted the annihilation of most of humanity after one of the Humans killed
one of the Architects, but their addiction to human energy stopped them from going forward with
that plan when the energetic readings of the event that resulted in the death of one of them
came in, during the outburst of emotion that led to the attack that killed the architect one human
had produced as much energy in an instant as one of the Architects could in its greatest, true

So the Architects agreed, that although they would not kill the humans in masse they would
have mankind devour itself to infinity, all the while they would feed on the energy produced from
the perpetual chaos, the human pain and suffering, and so they set out to create a new
paradigm that would create as much suffering as possible for humankind, but first, they had to
prop them up.

The Architects went to their designated places within the realm, thrones and kingdoms of
fantastical beauty, brimming with resources, and natural wonders, that would soon become the
cradles for the new humanity.

Prior to the events following the settlement of the first line of Kings of humanity (the God Kings)
humans knew nothing but their daily jobs, there weren't thoughts in their brains, the humans
then, lacked a mind, and spirit, and had no soul, the moment The Architects took their places in
the new Kingdoms the human consciousness experiment began and that changed.

Through their lineage connection to the humans the Architects “divinely” directed their seeds
(the humans derived from them) to what became the first human cities.

The cities were places of perfection, paradise. Each city belonged to an architect, that architect
in turn became the divinity/God of the region in their “divine form” and unbeknown to people
their God King in their “human” form, all the God Kings claimed direct lineage from the
divinity/God of the region.

Cities where without a doubt a dream to live in, and the only requirement in exchange for living
in the cities of the God Kings , was for the humans to praise the local deity as an act of devotion
and to follow the commands of the King.

Emotions are 4th dimensional, and are the original form of communication. Human emotions
carry immense amounts of information, require no lengthy explanations to be comprehended,
emotions are instantaneous, clear, honest, and they are not affected by the laws of the 3rd
dimensional realm, most notably time and space. Emotions are something the architects seeked
to exploit.
HUMAN (HuI think 77 e-Man)

In love anything can be made, healing a broken heart and freeing yourself

The hue- man is a living paradox, possessing the simplest of natures, and one of the weakest
constitutions of all the living beings, is also the most complex and powerful being in existence,
only second to the creator.

Humans weren't originally expected to become self conscious, but they did any way, humans
were not supposed to understand the teachings of the creator, and yet they do, humans were
never made to be free, but humans, once again, went against the wishes and efforts of those
that seek to possess them, and in the heart of the land of the humanity’s greatest enemy, the
human has claimed its freedom and status as a conscious, spiritual equal to its nemesis.

The human has developed on its own, against the will of the creators of this world, the human
has transcended the limits of this imposed reality and reshaped nature to the surprise and
desperation of its enemy, for they know, that when the human has risen, they will be no more.

Throughout its history, Humanity has been clear, “we do what we will”.

By reshaping nature im not referring to the destruction of nature, or the killing of animals, I’m
actually referring to the power humans have to positively influence life forms they come in
contact with, how humans can bond with animals, plants, elements, essences, and bring out
their highest (divine) forms, in a peaceful, restorative, and pure way, it all springs from the link of
the humans to the one creator of everything.

Although human bodies are mortal, and mostly made up of perishable matter, the human spirit
is immortal, is made from the essence of the universe, the essence from which everything
sprouts, and unlike the creators of the human body, humans have not relinquished their bond
with the true God, and therefore share the infinite potential of creation, creativity, a soul.

They are (the creators) trapped here, they dug their hole, and build their casket, without us, they
perish, and because they are no longer bound to God, they will truly cease if their vampiric link
to humanity is severed, that scares them the most. They are the most useless, egoistic, and
perverse thing in the universe, hence, why all they can ever create is pain, suffering, chaos, and
destruction, reason being, when they cut their bond with God they lost their life essence, and
have since been feeding on us, on the light of God each human is born with.

They extract the essence by breaking the will of the individual thru torture, the torture can be
indirect or direct. an example of an indirect form of torture used by them is famine, war, poverty,
any artífice that keeps the human afraid, one can be sure is due to their influence. Their ultimate
goal is to remove all hope and good from the human heart, to extract innocence, leading the
human to darkness.

This is done not only to extract the light from the human, but also to open the human to their
influence. Naturally humans are equipped with enough defenses to keep the parasites away, it
is only when the human allows it (or the natural defenses are broken) that their influence can
affect humans.

Under different more peaceful circumstances all humans would keep away from the parasites
and the infected, being able to spot them for their smell (the low vibratory frequency produces a
noticeable scent), and their energy.

But because the world seems to be constantly trying to get us (is actually them), most humans,
especially those in harsh living environments aren’t able to connect with their intuition, living in
fear, but rest assured it is all a mental/spiritual game.

Humans manifest when their thoughts, emotions and actions work in unison, that is the reason
why the parasites always seek to control our mind, our heart, and our body.

Current society allows and promotes the debasement of all 3 of the Human pillars of creation,
food, drink, thought, nature, and spirit, are all on the floor, why?, because that’s the way to keep
humanity from realizing the truth of their manipulation.

Their time is up though, once again we are a global population, we are close to fully waking up,
when one light goes on, another one follows, and another one, and so on consecutively and
exponentially, they know, this is why war is coming, for them (the parasites) this is a dangerous
time, is also time for the harvest, we’ve become too much of a threat, again, and way to juicy to
pass on a half empty belly.

It’s not all terrible, as I said, they are weak and cowardly, but we are not. Their time has come,
and there is no way we lose this time, divine wisdom guides our hearts into the eternal flame,
follow the light that only shines in darkness, go into the real world, into the kingdom of God,

GHY (great human yearning)

The Creators, their magnificent buildings, their beautiful cities, everything they had erected
along with their (now) past identity as children of God was consumed in flames. At the same
time all the living beings in the old world turned to stone. Once the initial cataclysm passed, the
clouds that had been forming due to the intense heat bursted. In a single moment the universe
was flooded, the rain went on for thousands of years. The rain eventually subsided, an
enormous one world ocean with interspersed islands was all that was left of the old world.

The citadels still under the light remained, but although their defenses withheld, their era of
greatness had come to an end, and one day, even the sanctity of that divine light would be

The plan

Before the fall a small group of the creators came up with a plan, a last ditch effort to save
themselves and their world.

Just in time for the end of the old universe and the fall of the brightest light into darkness, the
machine was born, G.O.D. an artificial intelligence in charge of running a Dyson Sphere (the
Moon), a seed, the egg of the old universe, containing all the elements to create the world
again. All their amassed knowledge of the universe went into the G.O.D. and most importantly,
the souls of everyone they knew and loved.

All the souls entering the G.O.D. System has their memories of the (soon to be dead) old world
wiped, except for the architects and guardians of the G.O.D. After the transfer of souls was
done, the architects divided their consciousness into human bodies, each group of humans
belonging to an architect consciousness became a royal family, each royal family would lead a
kingdom, their responsibility was to protect the light and the life in their care, for this purpose
their avatars (the royals) would retain the knowledge and awareness of the old world and the

The architects and their progeny, the masons in charge of building the new kingdom of heaven
on Earth.

Much like the architects, the consciousness of the transferring souls entering the G.O.D system
was divided into human bodies too, giving birth to many races of humans. Is important to note
that during the initial stages in Earth after the fall, the humans bodies where less dense and
much more malleable than the current human bodies, and as a result there existed a
comparably larger and more noticeable variation in the human bodies, shapes, sizes and
natures, were markedly different (see fairies, Minotaurs, giants, etcetera), the characteristics
present in the races resulted from the essence of the soul they were derived from.

The new born races assembled under one banner, the Phoenicians, but since
They've had many names. The Phoenician influence is present and noticeable in every culture,
although in recent times their presence is less apparent, only visible to the knowledgeable or the
truly curious, this recent “obscurity” has been with purpose, as a preparation for the current

The original goal of the Phoenicians was to reconnect the world and guide it towards the light
again, to reconstruct their former home, this was done through the establishment of a naval
network, utilizing the abundance of water to their advantage, in only a few years most of the
world was in their grasp again.

However the Phoenicians were not the only survivors of the old world, and the royals were not
the only ones with an old memory. During the development of G.O.D, organic life, DNA,
reproduction, and the human body, pure human sentience was born, although that was not part
of the plan, and wasn’t expected, however the architect in charge of the development of the
human bodies, kept this occurrence a secret from the rest of its colleagues.

During the time of the fall, when the architects transferred their consciousness into humans
bodies, the sentient human did too, resulting in the true human race, this humans were
unregulated and unpredictable, they added an unexpected variable to the equation.

The sentient humans, posed a threat to the goal of the Phoenicians, first because humans could
reproduce indiscriminately, second, the sentient humans possessed a potential that made them
as powerful as the architects where before dividing their consciousness, third, the law of the
universe recognizes the sentient humans as the inheritors of the Earth (because the time of the
architects and their race has passed) and hence the true rulers.

By the time the Phoenicians knew of the existence of the sentient humans it was too late.
Thanks to the help of the architect that created them they had learned their ways, and had
enough time to construct beautiful and great cities that rivaled those of the old world. The
sentient humans had also learned to express their potential and were formidable, although still
considerably weaker than the architects in their prime (pre fall), they could almost rival the
Phoenicians at that point, and would soon surpass them.

This did not sit well with the Phoenicians, they immediately sought to undermine the
development of the sentient humans, but couldn’t risk a direct conflict, so they resorted to a
different method, by faking friendliness, they would infiltrate the community of the sentient
humans, and would take advantage of their naive nature, to have them destroy themselves from
within, but they had to get rid of the traitor first.

Overtime time the changes in Earth's energy required the Phoenicians to cross breed with the
sentient humans in order to keep their existence in this realm. In the beginning the selection
process for their breeding program was flawless, only the best humans could be allowed to
carry their bloodline, but in time it decayed, resulting in the birthing of many “un legitimate
affections” between the Phoenicians and the Humans.
The unregulated crossbreeding lead to a shift in power in the world. During the initial age after
the flood, the naval merchants had managed to create and keep the reigns of the world.
Because of their higher knowledge, superior physique, and godly mind and spiritual prowess it
was easy for the Phoenicians to surpass and impress humans, or to beat them into submission.
But as their seed spread, their power became available to humans too and the human spirit
grew from it, and it became common for regular folk to be born with amazing talents.

There came a time, when the powers of the humans rose to meet the power of the Phoenicians
and the reigns of the world were almost taken from their grasp. For this reason the first war of
the new Earth broke out, a ploy to coerce the otherwise peaceful humans to annihilate one
another, saving the merchants the struggle, and danger of culling their rivals themselves.

Ever since, the agenda of human culling and debasement has gone on, a methodical, periodical
pattern of destruction can be observed, spawning all recorded history, myths, legends, this are
the methods put in place to keep the human from ever reaching again for the reigns.

The origin

From the moment Earth and the humans were created to the event of the fall, some time
passed. during that period many humans bodies were created, each made to house a single
soul. Since the fall was a long ways ahead, all human bodies except for the ones used by the
creators had a soul.

This did not mean that the soulless human bodies were dumb, they were more like the robots of
today’s science fiction, they possessed some form of intelligence, but were devoid of any kind of
internal will, completely unconscious, humans were nothing but slaves, fictional living, simply
organic matter, much like a toaster is just metal and plastic, a human was only meat, bone and
organ matter.

However, near the time of the fall, a human body developed consciousness and the rules
changed, this was a consciousness man. Because of its birth it was devoid of guilt, and had
none of the fathers sins, it was it’s own and source, GOD. There wasn’t anything special or
different in this particular human body, that would ever hint at its eventual relevance, if anything,
to the naked eye, this one seemed less able, like the litter’s runt, a bit average overall, nothing
to write home about, one in a series of thousands, yet within that one, the spark of
consciousness bloomed into a flower, of fire!.

How did that miracle take place?, well, by its physical nature the human body retains the
properties of the void, the place from which it originates is darkness, but the spark of the
creators was used to shape them, this imbued humans, with a piece of light, a connection to
GOD. What happens when you fill the void with light is that a balance is struck, and a “godlike”
human is born. Humans are a perfect infinity drive, in short words, humans possess the quality
of GOD, that the creators wanted, and this drove most of them mad with jealousy.

Inadvertently the creators had created small Gods, the thing they sought to oppose, the very
thing they sought to destroy and at the same time what they asphired to become, inmediately all
humans were rounded up, except for a small bunch in Lucifer’s lab. ogether formed resonance
and if left to it, will produce quantum consciousness jumps, the bigger the density of humans
linked the greater and more frequent the jumps are. The creators were soon to realize what this
meant for them, in little time humans would surpass even them, and then what?, for that reason
humans became feared and a threat that had to be disposed of.

But how did the first human make the jump?; All energy shares one trait, source, everything in
the universe is a part of 1, much like cells are individual living beings, different, and focused on
their own tasks, but ultimately all cell works together, and all their processes and tasks, are
compatible and aid one another, humans and everything else around them works pretty much
the same way, in principle.

The creators were creations themselves, and should have been able to realized from the
beginning this would come to pass, why?. There is something in the universe called infinite
potentiality. In broad terms quantum potentiality is the potential of any part of the universe to
contain the universe, this is nothing more that’s the connection of everything to everything else,
that imbues every speck of energy that is connected to the power of the universe, with its power.

Why is that relevant to answer the first question?, The first human to make the jump, it can be
said that it was “short circuited” by the energetic grid, jump starting its connection to the
universe, instantly imbuing in it an imprint of the universe itself.
This can be expressed as filling the void.

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