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A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of


specializing in


On behalf of
the Department of Graduate Studies of
the University of Sedona

This dissertation has been accepted by

Dissertation Advisor, Dept. Head

IMM President, Dean

May 9, 2022

I would like to acknowledge, the University of Metaphysics, the University of Sedona,

the University of Memphis, The AMORC (Rosicrucians) my beautiful mother Luberta Epps, my

lovely wife Vera Epps, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Father of all

Creation, the Lord God Almighty. I would like to also acknowledge all my children, my siblings

and Dr. Jerome Blakemore my professor at the University of Memphis, and Dr. Masters for his

timely vision to create a school of metaphysics at a time like this! Thank you!

Table of Contents

Intoduction ……………………………………………………………………………2

Review of Literture……………………………………………………………………3

Discussion …………………………………………………………………………….13

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………….37

Works Cited ……………………………………………………………………………38


What an incredible time we are living in as a global species because many people are

seeking higher meaning to their lives, because of the saturation of western capitalism, humanism,

religious, political unrest, social injustice, and economic uncertainty people are becoming more

aware of spiritual matters. Eastern culture, practices, ideas, and traditions are seeping a wave

across the western society. People are tired of all the drugs doctors prescribed to them that are

having negative effects on their bodies. Natural remedies for ailments such as veganism,

cannabis, herbalist, energy healers, meditation, yoga, and metaphysics are making major positive

results in my opinion for people who desire the natural forms of healing.

What the World is seeking after? Today, we live in a post-quarantine world where people

are looking for materialism, emotionalism, and humanistic pursuits, but they never seem to find

the happiness that they genuinely want for their lives. The necessity for Metaphysics in a post-

modem world has never been needed more than at a time such as this. This dissertation claims

that true happiness can be obtained by applying metaphysics principles of self-awareness, self-

empowered communication, and connecting to the God-Self within us all by practicing

metaphysics science!

Review of Literature

What All the World is A- Seeking

What All The World is A-Seeking written by Ralph Waldo Trine, is a very

wonderful book discussing what are the real things people are seeking after in our Post-

Quarantine world, is it wealth, prosperity, fame, and fortune? No! The real question is asked by

Trine when he states, “ How can a person make life yield its fullest and best? How can a person

know the true secret of power? How can a person attain to a true and lasting greatness? How can

a person fill their whole of life with happiness, peace, joy, and a satisfaction that is ever rich

and abiding, that ever increases, never diminishes, that imparts to it a sparkle that never loses its

luster, that ever fascinates, never wearies? (Trine, 12) Trine question is relevant today as it was

when he wrote it back in the 1800’s. Trine explains,” This is an expression of one of the greatest

truths, of one of the greatest principles of practical ethics the world has thus far seen. In a single

word, it is service,—not self, but the other self. We shall soon see, however, that our love, our

service, our helpfulness to others, invariably comes back to us, intensified sometimes a hundred

or a thousand or a thousand thousand-fold, and this by a great, immutable law.”(Trine, 17-18)

A Common-Sense View of the Mind Cure

In the book A Common-Sense View of the Mind Cure written by Laura M. Westall

explains principles about the functions of the mind and how we can have access to healing the

problems of the mind. Westall talks about how people view the world and how they can

misinterpret events in their lives, when she explains, “Each one of us is possessed of five

senses--sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell; and if it were not for these, we could acquire no

knowledge. But by their operation we not only become self-conscious beings but come into

conscious relation with the world outside ourselves.” (Westall, 12) Furthermore, Westall

explains the entire body is the mind, and that the brain is the center place where thought

originates, “The brain is commonly spoken of as the organ of mind; in reality, the entire body is

the organ of mind, but it is upon the brain that the mind-force, or ideas in a state of activity,

immediately acts. Just as the wind ruffles the surface of the water, breaking it up into waves, so

the mind-force plays upon the brain and sets up waves in the sensitive tissue. In other words, the

brain reacts upon the mind-force.” (Westall, 20)

In Tune with the Infinite

In the book In Tune with the Infinite written by Ralph Waldo Trine he explains the

universal truth that all deep divers discover, and that it we are all apart of the great Universal

force called God, Universal Consciousness, the Great I Am, or Universal Mind. Why is this so

important? When we understand there is no separation in God because we are the expression of

God in the material realms of human experiences. Trine explains,” There is, then, this Spirit of

Infinite Life and Power back of all which is the source of all. This Infinite Power is creating,

working, ruling through the agency of great immutable laws and forces that run through all the

universe, which surround us on every side. Every act of our every-day lives is governed by these

same great laws and forces.” (Trine, In Tune with the Infinite, pg. 12-13)

Teach us How to Pray

Charles Filmore is one of the great founders of the Unity Church, and he has authored

many books concerning the Christian religion from a metaphysical perspective. In the book

Teach us how to Pray, Filmore describes what prayer really is when he states, “But above all

practice the presence of God in prayer. Divine Mind has given us all potentialities, in prayer we

recognize it as the source of these, and with a right understanding of our relation to it our soul

grows great with infinite capacity, all potentiality. ‘With God all things are possible.’ "All things

whatsoever the Father hath are mine." (Filmore, 20)

Atom Smashing Power of Mind

Atom Smashing Power of Mind is another book written by Charles Filmore, that dives-

deep into the understanding the power of the human mind. Filmore researches the power of the

mind, and how much power the brain can harnessed when focused and released. Filmore says,

“"But Jesus said, 'God is Spirit'; He also said, 'The kingdom of God is within you.' Science tells

us that there is a universal life that animates and sustains all the forms and shapes of the

universe. Science has broken into the atom and revealed it to be charged with tremendous energy

that may be released and be made to give the inhabitants of the earth powers beyond expression,

when its law of expression is discover.” (Filmore, Atom Smashing Power of the Mind, pg. 10)

Your Forces and How to Use Them

In the book Your Forces and how to use them written in 1912, by Christian Larson is a

groundbreaking book on developing the power of our minds, and how to use techniques on

harnessing these untapped units of mental powers. Larson explains, “That the subconscious can

increase your ability and your capacity is a fact that is readily demonstrated. Whenever the

subconscious mind is aroused, mental power and working capacity are invariably increased,

sometimes to such an extent that the individual seems to be possessed with a superhuman

power.” (Larson, pg. 77) The mind is one of the greatest sources of power that has ever existed,

yet generally most people do not know how to develop and harness this powerful tool? In the

book Your Forces and how to use them Larson explains true mental power comes from the

subconscious mind, or the subjective mind. Larson explains, “Subjective thinking being in the

heart of the mind is therefore necessarily the product of the deepest mental life, and for this

reason every subjective thought is a force. It will either work for you or against you and has the

power to produce direct effects upon mind or body, corresponding exactly with its own nature.

But all thinking is liable to become subjective at times.” (Larson, pg. 88)

Creative Mind and Success

The author Ernest Shurtleff Holmes was a great teacher on new Thought Metaphysics

and the power of the mind. Holmes authored the book Creative Mind and Success and provides

teaching on how to develop the power of the creative mind. Holmes wrote,” THE way to give a

treatment is first to absolutely believe that you can; believe that your word goes forth into a

creative power, which at once takes it up, and begins to operate upon it; feel that to this power all

things are possible. It knows nothing but its own power to do that which it wishes to do. It

receives the impress of your thought and acts upon it.” ( Holmes, pg. 64) Holmes believed when

a person learns to tap into the infinite mind, by looking within, that they could perform miracles

and have a wonderful successful life. Holmes says, “THE inner man is always in immediate

connection with the Infinite of understanding. We are immersed in a living intelligence; we are

surrounded by a Power that knows, for "In Him we live and move and have our being." If our

outer thought were never confused, we should always draw from this Infinite source of

knowledge; we should be guided by It and never make mistakes; our minds would be like the

smooth surface of a lake, unruffled by wind and storm.” ( Holmes, pg. 6)

The Quimbly Manuscripts

Phineas Parkhurst Quimbly is one of the fathers of New Age Thought. The Quimbly

Manuscripts are writings teaching on the techniques, theories, and systems of mind power, and

how to harness those powers. In one statement explains Quimbly experiments of mental power,

“Turning again to the period of his lectures, we find Quimby also stating his conviction that

Lucius took his clue directly from the minds of others, by thought reading followed by

clairvoyance, and never from his own fancies. For Quimby found that the results attained

through Lucius varied with his own progress. Thus, the fears and notions which Quimby

entertained if he believed in magnetism passed with his change of view. Instead of working

himself up to the point of transferring fancied electricity to Lucius, he put all his efforts into

creating a mental picture for Lucius to see in his mind.” (Quimbly, pg. 56)

The Law and the Word

The author Thomas Troward is another father of New Age thought, and he believed that

when we focus on the eternal things of life, we would have much more peace of mind. In the

book The Law and the Word, Troward explains, “What, then, is the "Motif" of Life? Surely it

must be, to express its own Livingness. Then in the True Order all modes of life and energy must

converge towards this end, and it is only our short-sightedness that prevents us from seeing

this,--from seeing that the greater the harmony of the whole Life, the greater will be the inflow of

that Life in each of the parts that are giving it expression. This is what we want to learn regarding

ourselves, whether as individuals, classes, or nations.” (Troward, pg. 77)

Your Word is your Wand

Florence Scovel Shinn is one of the Mothers of the New Age movement, and she

approached the studies of Metaphysics from a Christian perspective. Shinn often used Biblical

scriptures to support her theories on metaphysics and the power of affirmations, faith, and vision.

Shin explains, “Man's word is his wand filled with magic and power! Jesus Christ emphasized

the power of the word; "By thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be

condemned," and "death and life are in power of the tongue. “So, man has power to change an

unhappy condition by waving over it the wand of his word. In the place of sorrow appears joy, in

the place of sickness appears health, in the place of lack appears plenty.”( Shinn, pg.2)

The Secret of the Ages

In the book The Secret of the Ages, the Author Robert Collier explains the power of our

thoughts and how they can control our lives. Collier explains, “Ninety per cent of your mental

life is subconscious, so when you make active use of only the conscious part of your mind you

are using but a fraction of your real ability; you are running on low gear. And the reason more

people do not achieve success in life is because so many of them are content to run on low gear

all their lives—on SURFACE ENERGY. If these same people would only throw into the fight

the resistless force of their subconscious minds they would be, amazed at their undreamed-of

capacity for winning success.” (Collier, pg.36) Collier goes on to explain the functions and

capabilities of the conscious mind when he says, “When you say, "I see—I hear—I smell—I

touch," it is your conscious mind that is saying this, for it is the force governing the five physical

senses. It is the phase of mind with which you feel and reason—the phase of mind with which

everyone is familiar. It is the mind with which you do business. It controls, to a great extent, all

your voluntary muscles. It discriminates between right and wrong, wise, and foolish. It is the

generalissimo, in charge of all your mental forces. It can plan—and get things done as it plans.

Or it can drift along haphazardly, a creature of impulse, at the mercy of events—a mere bit of

flotsam in the current of life.” (Collier, pg.7)

The Secret of the Universe, “God, man, and matter.

In the book The Secret of the Universe, “God, man, and matter.” Written by Nathan

Wood describes the questions about God, the Universe, and man and how they are all inter-

related. Wood says, “Naturally, in view of all that has shown itself to us in the physical universe,

one may ask, "Is the reason for this threefold structure of human existence to be found in the

universal triunity of Space, and of Matter, and of Time, and in the threefold being of God as

presented in the Bible? Is man included in a vast triunity of all things? Is this the explanation of

the threefold being of Man, that it reflects God?" (Wood, pg. 57)

The Interior Castle

The Interior Castle written by St. Teresa of Avila is a deeply powerful spiritual book on

deep meditation and mystical ecstasy. St. Teresa explains the importance of suppressing the

desires and cares of the ego and looking deeper inside the mind for a connection with the Infinite

God. St. Teresa explains, “Now that I commence writing about the fourth mansions, it is

requisite, as I said, 1 to commend myself to the Holy Ghost and to beg Him henceforth to speak

for me, that I may be enabled to treat these matters intelligibly. Henceforth they begin to be

supernatural, and it will be most difficult to speak clearly about them, 2 unless His Majesty

undertakes it for me, as He did when I explained the subject (as far as I understood it) somewhat

about fourteen years ago. 3 I now possess more light about the favors God grants some souls, but

that is different from being able to elucidate them. 4 May His Majesty enable me to do so if it

would be useful, but not otherwise.” (Avila, pg. 89-90)

Think and Grow Rich

One of the most iconic books on metaphysics, new thought and the power of the

subconscious mind is Think and Grow Rich written by Napoleon Hill, this book has been read by

millions and even in these days many do not realize Think and Grow Rich is a metaphysical

book. Hill states, “ THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND consists of a field of consciousness, in which

every impulse of thought that reaches the objective mind through any of the five senses, is

classified and recorded, and from which thoughts may be recalled or withdrawn as letters may be

taken from a filing cabinet. It receives, and files, sense impressions or thoughts, regardless of

their nature. You may VOLUNTARILY plant in your subconscious mind any plan, thought, or

purpose which you desire to translate into its physical or monetary equivalent. The subconscious

acts first on the dominating desires which have been mixed with emotional feeling, such as

faith.” (Hill, pg. 292)

The Revealing Word

Charles Filmore a pioneer of the metaphysical movement and co-founder of the Unity

church believed the Holy Bible is a book of metaphysical principles, ides, and traditions that digs

deeper into the meaning of Holy Scripture. In the book The Revealing Word Filmore explains,

“Abba--A word of endearment signifying father. It is only as we come to know our sonship, our

true relation to God, that we enter the consciousness of love and tender affiliation with Spirit,

signified by the word Abba.” (see Mark 14:36) (Filmore, The Revealing Word, pg. 8)

The Cloud of Unknowing

The Mystic Evelyn Underhill authored the beautiful book called The Cloud Of

Unknowing, and in that book, Underhill talks about the brokenness, and servant heart of a true

believer. She speaks against the world of materialism, emotionalism, and humanism that calls

itself Christianity. Underhill explains, This healthy and manly view of the mystical life, as a

growth towards God, a right employment of the will, rather than a short cut to hidden knowledge

or supersensual experience, is one of the strongest characteristics of the writer of the Cloud; and

constitutes perhaps his greatest claim on our respect. “Mean only God,” he says repeatedly;

“Press upon Him with longing love;” “A good will is the substance of all perfection.” To those

who have this good will, he offers his teaching: pointing out the dangers in their way, the errors

of mood and of conduct into which they may fall.” ( Underhill, pg. 25)


In the book Self-Suggestion written by Max Freedom Long teaches on the power of the

mind, as pertaining to hypnosis, self-suggestion and thought transference. Long explains, “This

information concerning those parts of psychology which we have come to call hypnosis,

mesmerism and suggestion, is being presented as an addition to the scant literature on the ancient

psycho-religious system of the Polynesians called "Huna" or the "Secret.” (Long, pg. 2)

The Science of Getting Rich

In the book The Science of Getting Rich written by Wallace Delois Wattles explains the

process of getting rich and living a prosperous life. Wattles explains, “The man who owns all he

wants for the living of all the life he is capable of living is rich; and no man who has not plenty

of money can have all he wants. Life has advanced so far, and become so complex, that even the

most ordinary man or woman requires a great amount of wealth to live in a manner that even

approaches completeness. Every person naturally wants to become all that they can become; this

desire to realize innate possibilities is inherent in human nature; we cannot help wanting to be all

that we can be. Success in life is becoming what you want to be; you can become what you want

to be only by making use of things, and you can have the free use of things only as you become

rich enough to buy them. To understand the science of getting rich is therefore the most essential

of all knowledge.” (Wattles, Ch. 1)

The Edinburg Lectures on Mental Science

The author Thomas Troward wrote in his book The Edinburg Lectures on Mental Science

about the powers of the mind and how to develop these powers to improve our overall life and

mental well-being. Towards says, “We are accustomed to judge only by external appearances

and by certain limited significances which we attach to words; but when we begin to enquire into

the real meaning of our words and to analyze the causes which give rise to the appearances, we

find our old notions gradually falling off from us, until at last we wake up to the fact that we are

living in an entirely different world to that we formerly recognized. The old, limited mode of

thought has imperceptibly slipped away, and we discover that we have stepped out into a new

order of things where all is liberty and life. This is the work of an enlightened intelligence

resulting from persistent determination to discover what truth really is irrespective of any

preconceived notions from whatever source derived, the determination to think honestly for

ourselves instead of endeavoring to get our thinking done for us. “ (Troward, The Edinburg

Lectures, on Mental Science, pg.3)


What the World is seeking After? What the world is seeking after is a profound question

of epic proportions! This question can be a philosophical question, or materialistic , but the

reality this question is a metaphysical question, and can be only answered by metaphysical

answers? The question What the world is seeking after is really Self-Awareness, Self-

Empowered Communication to their God-Self! This writer has witnessed so many clients

suffering with many mental and emotional disorders based on past emotional traumas, and

various abuses, such as mental, emotional, and physical abuses. Many health professionals use

diverse types of theory techniques along with medicines to help the client s to mask, or suppress

their feelings of depression, regression, and high anxieties. The clinical perspective of theory is

to help the client to focus on things outside of them and prescribing different medicines, but the

metaphysician uses modalities, techniques, and practices such as meditations, affirmations, and

teaching the client to power of forgiveness to help the client to look within for the answers that

will be long-lasting. The practice of metaphysics helps the clients to understand self-awareness,

self-empowerment and how to connect with their God-Selves. Self-Awareness is understanding

our true divine nature. Dr. Leon Master’s explains what mysticism is.

The Qualities of Mysticism, properly defined and explained, are stated below:

1) Discovering one’s ultimate Self-Reality, i.e., the relationship of man, woman, mind

and the Universe.

2) Discovering if there is a Supreme Universal Intelligence, or God, which resides in

the deeper levels of the human mind.

3) Making direct contact with this Supreme Universal Mind, or God.

4) Experiencing this Presence, i.e., knowing that Universal Mind, or God, exists and

can be contacted.

5) Bringing forth into the conscious mind and surface daily life, the creativity,


and power of the Universal Mind, for the purpose of improving life through the

application of Practical Mysticism.

6) Being guided from within in all one does in daily life through intuitive ESP.

7) Synthesizing the functional mind with the Creative Intelligence of the Universe and,

therefore, being able to create the life one desires. (Bachelor’s degree Curriculum 1:2)

Dr. Master’s explains the definition of metaphysics perfectly when he states, “Mystical

Power is the Universal Presence of Cosmic Intelligence, or God, which has its Presence at the

center of the human mind. The power that created you is within you and can be reached in

numerous ways, the most fundamental of which is through a CONSCIOUS MENTAL

ATTITUDE that can call it forth.” (Bachelor\s Degree Curriculum 1:17)

What the World is Seeking, is the discovery of Self-Awareness at the spiritual

level. Self-Awareness is knowing that you have always been connected to the God-Source, the

Infinite-Mind, the God-Consciousness! When we become self-aware of our divine nature, we

lose sight of our personal ambitions, and we use our gifts, resources, and time to help others.

Trine says in his book What All the World A-Seeking, “Very truly has it been said that "the

greatest thing a man can do for God is to be kind to some of His other children." All children of

the same Father, therefore all brothers, sisters. Man is next to God. Man is God incarnate.

Humanity, therefore, cannot be far from being next to godliness.” (Trine, What All the World’s

A-Seeking, pg. 123)

The Holy Bible declares, “

35 For I was a hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I

was a stranger, and ye took me in:

36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came

unto me.

37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee a hungered,

and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye

have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

( Matthew 25:35-40 (King James Version)

Self-Awareness means that every person has a divine plan or Divine purpose, and that

Divine plan is to serve one another and help to reduce the suffering in this world of our brothers

and sisters on this planet. Another benefit of becoming self-aware is the unspeakable joy of

connecting with the infinite that dwells within all of us. Trine explains, “To be at one with God is

to be at peace. The child simplicity is the greatest agency in bringing this full and complete

realization, the child simplicity that recognizes its true relations with the Father's life. There are

people I know who have come into such a conscious realization of their oneness with this Infinite

Life, this Spirit of Infinite Peace, that their lives are fairly bubbling over with joy.” (Trine, In

Tune with the Infinite, pg. 137) Becoming more self-aware is an arduous process because it takes

time, effort and desire to suppress the forces of the ego, and connect to the internal Eternal God-

Self, because the reality is that all humans are the incarnate manifestation of the Universal- God

in material form. One of the methods use to connect with our divine nature is through

meditation. Dr. Masters teaches excellent forms of meditation that helps the student to develop

their deeper spiritual knowing. Dr .Masters explains, “ONE IS THE TEMPORARY SELF – It

has been created by the conditioning of society, and usually has a limited appreciation of itself or

its possibilities. THE OTHER IS THE REAL SELF – It is that spark of life that causes you to

have existence. That spark is part of One Infinite Reality that exists in all things and is the

Ultimate or True Self of your Selfhood.” (Bachelor’s Degree Curriculum 1:23) The best way to

connect with the God-Self is through meditation. Dr. Masters teaches that developing a Positive

Transcendent Attitude will constantly keep the believer in a state of positive attitude and develop

a higher faith to trust the power of the God-Self. Masters explains the reason to develop a

Positive Transcendent Attitude is understanding.

A POSITIVE TRANSCENDENT ATTITUDE knows there are certain spiritual

laws constantly at work to clear up any negative condition. These laws are

automatically set into motion by the maintenance of a positive transcendent


* A POSITIVE TRANSCENDENT ATTITUDE can be enforced through the daily act of

meditation. Meditation brings about an inner peace that clears the way for intuition

to direct and guide us out of any negative situation. Creative ideas flow forth into the

conscious mind to elevate us above the problem level of the mind.

* A POSITIVE TRANSCENDENT ATTITUDE knows that its identity and purpose in

life has meaning because it is being directed by the transcendent God‐Mind within to

fulfill the purpose of one's soul in this lifetime.

* A POSITIVE TRANSCENDENT ATTITUDE knows that in the case of ill health, the

spiritual God‐Mind energy has power over any malfunctioning energies in the body,

to heal them and restore them to good health.

* A POSITIVE TRANSCENDENT ATTITUDE knows that if there is temporary

financial lack, the spiritual God‐Mind, unlimited in its resources, will direct the personal

mind to those resources in physical reality.

* A POSITIVE TRANSCENDENT ATTITUDE knows that if love is lacking in one’s

life, the personal mind will be intuitively directed to find love.

* A POSITIVE TRANSCENDENT ATTITUDE may have a momentary reaction to a

negative condition or experience, but almost immediately begins to retreat by aligning the

mind with the Power and Presence of the Universal Mind of God within.

* A POSITIVE TRANSCENDENT ATTITUDE does not spend endless time blaming

others for negativity, but instead tunes into the Source of All‐Wisdom within for

guidance in correcting any negative situation involving others.

* A POSITIVE TRANSCENDENT ATTITUDE knows that life is not what we make it

(personal mind), but what our God‐Mind, working through us, can create for us.

(Bachelor’s Degree Curriculum pg. 37)

One of the keys to finding out What the world is seeking after, is to look inside of

yourself, and discover what do you desire from life? Is it material, relationships, or good health,

whatever we desire it is already manifested? The Holy Bible declares how God feels about us,

and what is his Divine intention in the book of Jerimiah, when the word of God declares:

11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace,

and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

12 Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken

unto you.

13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

14 And I will be found of you, saith the LORD: and I will turn away your captivity, and I

will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you,

saith the LORD; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be

carried away captive.” ( Jeremiah 29:11-14 (KJV)

When we truly understand how much God loves us, then self-Awareness becomes one

of the keys to living the life we desire, but only when are focusing our intention on our God-

Self, and inner knowing when we connect with the Super-Consciousness Mind of God. The

Super consciousness of God has all the keys to discovering our self-awareness. Filmore explains

in his book Teach us how to Pray,” We should bear in mind that God is our silent partner and

that His wisdom and strength, His energy and skill are ours to use. We should realize that in

every soul there is undoubtedly present (because of former effort) a great reservoir of radiant

Spirit substance, which is ready and eager to be tapped and freed so that it can supply our every

need.” (Filmore, Teach Us How to Pray, pg. 41)

The Mystic Saint name St. Teresa of Avila became enlighten and she describe the beauty

of the human soul is like a mansion. St. Teresa explains, “If we reflect, sisters, we shall see that

the soul of the just man is but a paradise, in which, God tells us, He takes His delight. 4 What, do

you imagine, must that dwelling be in which a King so mighty, so wise, and so pure, containing

in Himself all good, can delight to rest? Nothing can be compared to the great beauty and

capabilities of a soul; however keen our intellects may be, they are as unable to comprehend

them as to comprehend God, for, as He has told us, He created us in His own image and

likeness.” (Avila, pg. 40)

Metaphysics is the science of discovering the answers to all of life problems, which

gives the Practioner the true access to the path to inner knowing. There is nothing impossible for

a person that is connected to their God-Self. It is the opinion of this writer from years of

counseling sessions, that people negative thought processes are the main source of their own

problems? People focused on past problems, failures, disappointments, or regrets subject

themselves to self-induced emotional, physical, and mental disorders, and they often create very

limiting ideas, about themselves, and about others. Larson explains the process as, “In the

present age, it is the power of mind that rules the world, and therefore it is evident that he who

has acquired the best use of the power of mind, will realize the greatest success, and reach the

highest places that attainment and achievement hold in store. The man who wins is the man who

can apply in practical life every part of his mental ability, and who can make every action of his

mind tell.”( Larson, pg. 38) The power of Self-Awareness, and Self-Empowerment flows from

the eternal God-Self, or the Universal Mind! Nothing is impossible, no situation can be

overcome with the power of the Creative God Mind!

When we become self-aware, then we are connected to the “I Am” of Universal

Intelligence, and this powerful source of the “I Am” presence will give us all that we need, and

we will experience profound peace, profound joy, and profound freedom from self-induced fear.

Self-Awareness will open the doors of powerful Self-Empowered Communication, to the God-

Self! The most difficult problem people face is being inundated every single day with thousands

of negative words, thoughts, deeds, and self-talk throughout their lives. Throughout our lives we

are bombarded by negative media platforms, negative energy from other people, negative energy

from our own negative self-talk, and therefore we simply live in a negative toxic environment

looking for positive change?

We are taught in religious practices to pray to a God that is in heaven (outside of

ourselves hoping he has heard our prayers?). We try to motivate ourselves with positive music

and positive messages, yet the negative feelings of anxiety, fear, oppression, depression, and

suppression of positive thoughts are always there. How do we eradicate all the outside noise of

the world systems, and our own inner negative self-talk? Self-Empowered Communication is the

only true path to connecting with our inner knowing, or the Great I Presence, Universal Mind, or

the Great God-Self!

Self-Empowered communication takes an enormous amount of time, energy, discipline,

and focus. It is this writer experience that people who are incredibly happy, positive, and use

positive communication live lives of abundance, joy, and peace. Dr. Masters teaches about

positive self-empowered communication or positive self-hypnosis when he teaches,

“Say the following affirmations to yourself while in a light state of auto-suggestive

meditation or self-hypnosis.

► Then, write them down on an index card and carry them with you.

► Give them to yourself during breaks in your daily schedule.

 “The God‐Power within me is greater than any obstacle before me."

 "Failure is outdated, while winning is the reality of the present and

future, and by God’s Presence in my mind, it is so."

 “I think only positive thoughts, and I am One with the Absolute Positive

Thinking of the Mind of God within me.”

 "The winning purpose of my soul vibrates through my thoughts each and

every day.”

 “Universal activity, perfect in ‘Its’ nature, individualizes ‘Itself’ in guiding me

activities every day."

 “As God’s Power within me created me, so God’s Power within me can create

winning conditions in my life."

 “I contain the Universal Perfection to be a winner.” ( Bachelor’s Degree Curriculum


Self-Empowered communication can also be obtained by understanding how to really

pray? Filmore explains why correct praying is so powerful when he says, “Omnipresence is that

spiritual realm which can be penetrated only through the most highly accelerated mind action, as

in prayer. Thus, in unfolding this inner kingdom we are dealing with a reality beyond the

ordinary comprehension of man. To the superbly tuned mind and brain of Jesus Divine Mind was

a soil eager with vibrant life and light and substance, which He used to produce the finest of

materials for both character and body building. Spiritual character building is from within

outward.” (Filmore, Teach Us How to Pray, pg.12)

The Mystic Evelyn Underhill wrote, “And if he asks thee, “What is that God?” say thou,

that it is God that made thee and bought thee, and that graciously hath called thee to thy degree.

“And in Him,” say, “thou hast no skill.” And therefore say, “Go thou down again,” and tread him

fast down with a stirring of love, although he seems to thee right holy, and seem to thee as he

would help thee to seek Him. For peradventure he will bring to thy mind diverse full fair and

wonderful points of His kindness, and say that He is full sweet, and full loving, full gracious, and

full merciful. And if thou wilt here him, he coveted no better; for at the last he will thus jangle

ever more till he brings thee lower, to the mind of His Passion.” (Underhill, pg. 92)

Amazing, how many of people problems can be solved when they focus on the inward

work, and not outward circumstances? Holmes explains the power of our thoughts can create an

atmosphere with unlimited potential when he explains, “TO the student who has realized that all

is mind and that everything is governed by law, there comes another thought: it is that he can

create, or have created for him, from his own thinking. He can create such a strong mental

atmosphere of success that its power of attraction will be irresistible. He can send his thought

throughout the world, and have it brought back to him whatever he wants. He can so fill his place

of business with the power of success that it will draw from far and near. Thought will always

bring back to us what we send out. First, we must clear our thought of all unbelief.” (Holmes, pg.

26) The power of self-talk, self-awareness, mixed with powerful self-communication can create a

world for the student beyond there imagination, as the famous saying goes, “As a man thinketh

so is he/she?” When we think we must have faith, and when we pray, we must have faith to

believe we received it already. Masters teaches the authentic way to pray when he says, “

The Bible we read, “Your Father knoweth you have need of these things before you

ask.” This is a great truth that underlies the ATTITUDE with which Spiritual Science

approaches prayer.

 Attitude makes a critical difference in everything we do, and that is especially

applicable in the practice of prayer.

 Thus, in Spiritual Science, the student recognizes that the All‐Knowing God‐Mind

already KNOWS what the student is going to ask even before he does.

 One might therefore inquire that if this is so, why should one bother to pray, if

God already knows the prayer. The reason is that the mind is a field of energy,

translated into attitude on a psychological level.

 The ATTITUDE opens the psychic energy factors on all levels of your mind to give

the God‐Mind ACCESS to REACH YOU through answered prayer. Thus, when you

pray, you are in truth working to ATTUNE YOUR MIND to the Mind of God.

 What you are really doing when you pray is to open your mind d so that God may

work through it, directing you and intuitively positioning you so that you may

receive that for which you pray.

 The Bible says, “It is your Father’s pleasure to give you these things.”

 Prayer then, should be made more in the spirit of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT that


(Bachelor’s Degree Curriculum 4:59)

What is the writer saying with all this evidence? The truth of the matter is that we are in

fact living in a material world we created in our own minds. Yes, circumstances, environments,

and adverse situations may occur in our lives, but it is up the metaphysical practitioner, spiritual

student of mystic scientist to determine that they will believe in their inner knowing and recreate

out of the materials available a better life full of all unlimited possibilities! Hill wrote in his

famous book Think and Grow Rich about developing the sixth sense, “The sixth sense defies

description! It cannot be described to a person who has not mastered the other principles of this

philosophy, because such a person has no knowledge, and no experience with which the sixth

sense may be compared. Understanding of the sixth sense comes only by meditation through

mind development from within. The sixth sense probably is the medium of contact between the

finite mind of man and Infinite Intelligence, and for this reason, it is a mixture of both the mental

and the spiritual. It is believed to be the point at which the mind of man contacts the Universal

Mind.” ( Hill, pg. 113) What the World is a Seeking can be attained by developing personal self-

awareness and cultivating positive self-communication to communicate with the God-Self, God-

Mind, God-Force or Universal-Mind. Self-Empowered communication is the key to seeing the

power of miracles manifested on every area of our lives. The Holy Bible declares we are the

children of God in the book of Romans which declares it boldly, “

13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the

deeds of the body, ye shall live.

14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the

Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.

16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ; if so be that we

suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared

with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waited for the manifestation of the sons of


20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who

hath subjected the same in hope,

21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption

into the glorious liberty of the children of God. ( Romans 8:13-21 (KJV)

So why do so many religious people suffer with fear, doubt, concerns, and worry about

things that do not even exist or have yet manifested? Religion teaches that if we make mistakes

God will separate from us, and we will be separate from God? Being separate from God is not

possible because all that is, and that is create is God! The Holy Bible even declared nothing can

separate us from the love of God, because the Word of God declares,”

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or

persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written, For thy

sake we are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. 37 Nay, in

all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. 38 For I am

persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor

things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature,

shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. ”

(Romans 8:35-39 (KJV)

By applying Self-Empowered communication techniques, we can experience that

beautiful connection with the Divine. The author Max Freedom Long wrote in his book Self-

Suggestions about the dynamics power of the brain, and how the brain is a powerful tool of

supernatural proportion of energy. Long explains, “

In modern psychological circles it is postulated that thoughts arc chemical actions

coupled with electrical charges in some way. The brain can be stimulated by a probe

which has been mildly electrified, and the patient will then recall something that had

happened earlier in his life, a scene, a sound, or a series of thoughts. These memories

tend to take on all the semblance of reality of a dream. The electrical ingredient in the

thought process is now measured by an overly sensitive instrument, the

electroencephalograph, which charts the electrical activities caused in the brain by

thinking or even by dreaming. But still, no one has decided what a thought maybe unless

it something which leaves a small imprint on certain tissues of the brain.” (Long, pg. 20)

The human brain is far more vast and powerful than any computer created. The human

brain, thought and focus helps us to communicate with the ultimate of all Power, and that

is the All-Knowing God-Self.

Finally, connecting to the God-Self is the goal for all deep divers of spiritual truths. Cady

explains it wonderfully saying, “9. Each man must eventually learn to stand alone with his God;

nothing else avails. Nothing else will ever make you master of your own destiny. There is in

your own indwelling Lord all the life and health, all the strength, peace, and joy, all the wisdom

and support that you can ever need or desire. No one can give to you as can this indwelling

Father. He is the spring of all joy, comfort, and power.” (Cady, pg. 9)

Masters teaches how to channel the power of the God-Self when he explains.

 "My mind is an Open Channel for the Power of God.”

 "My body is an Open Vehicle for the Power of God.”

 "My life, each day, is governed by the Life of God."

 "My life and the Life of God are One each day."

 "My every thought, each day, is guided by the Mind of God.”

* ”The Power of God flowing through me Prospers me."

* “The Power of God radiating in me Heals me.”

* “The Eternal Peace of God throughout my being Calms me.”

* “The Essence of Love as the Presence of God Vibrates Love through me each day.”

 “God Moves my lips and Guides my communications each day.”

 “God Directs my footsteps and Direction each day.”

 “Wherever I am and whatever I may be doing it is God who is there and God who is

the one doing?”

“Give not thought what you shall say before you are brought

before the judges, for verily I say unto you, at that very moment,

the words shall be on your lips.”… Jesus Christ” (Bachelor’s Degree Curriculum 1:60)

Filmore explains only true spiritual people can grasp the mystical truths, “
It is not necessary that the spiritual part of man's nature be active at the beginning

of his study of this science. The primal object of the lessons is to quicken the spiritual

realm of consciousness and to bring about the "breath of the Almighty" that gives

understanding. So let it be understood that we are teaching the science of Spirit, and that

those who are receptive to the teaching will be inspired to spiritual consciousness. It is

not difficult to accomplish, this receiving the "breath" or inspiration of Spirit.” (Filmore,

Christian Healing the Science of Being pg.8-9)

When a person is direct connection with their God-Self, they will produce fruits of the

Spirit, through this divine connection as the Holy Bible states in, “(John 15:16 (KJV) “16 Ye

have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth

fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he

may give it you. “what are these wonderful spiritual fruits? Well, the answers can be found in “

(Galatians 5:22-23 (KJV) 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,

gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” The

benefits are unlimited when a person spends the quality time, meditating, studying, mindfulness,

and doing inner engineering. Spiritual seekers are not just vain people seeking higher knowledge

and higher wisdom, for their personal goals, and selfish ambitions.

No! Students of metaphysics seek deeper inner truths so they can be a positive influence

on everyone around them, and help bring lighter, love, and truths to the entire world! The fruits

of the Spirit are just extra benefits form the God-Self! As the student become attuned with their

God-Selves, they must practice techniques to utilize this power in their everyday lives. Masters

teaches how to be synthesizing this God-Power.

Be ye perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect."

 “I am One Mind with the Mind of God within me.”

 “I am One with the Presence of God within me.”

 “I am One in Spirit with the Spirit of God within me.”

 “I am One in Power with the Power of God within me.”

 “I am One with the Creative Presence of God within me.”

 “I am One with the Healing Power of God within me.”

 “I am One with the Love of God within me.”

 “I am One with the Potential of God within me.”

 “I am One with the Unlimited Freedom of God within me.”

 “I am One with the Peace of God within me.”

 “I am One with the Life of God within me.”

 “I am One with the Divine Harmony of God within me.”

 “I am One with the Unlimited Supply of God within me.”

 “I am One with the Prospering Power of God within me.”

 ”I am One with the Accomplishment of God within me.”

 ”I am One in body with the Perfection of God within me.”

 “I am One in the Manifestation of God within me.”

 “I am One with the Ultimate Reality of God within me.”

 “I am One with the Renewing Power of God within me.”

 “I am One with the Transforming Power of God within me.”

 ”I am One with the Totality of God within me.”

 “I am One with the Divine Light of God’s Being within me.”

 “I am One in Identity with God within me.”

 “I am perfect, even as God within me is perfect. (Bachelor’s Degree Curriculum


Masters’ metaphysical education system will help any student to understand metaphysical

science for their personal inner-engineering. Self-Awareness of the God-Self is the goal for every

spiritual Practioner. What are the forces necessary to connect to the inner power of the God-Self?

Faith! Faith is the key to success in life.

The problem with many spiritual practitioners is learning out how to deal with all the

negative words, thoughts, and energies we encounter every day? Dr. Master’s teaches effective

affirmations to help counter the negative conditions when he teaches that we must maintain a

state of positive energy and project that positive energy and we fail to use our techniques of

meditation, affirmations and connecting with the God-Self we will produce negative forces that

will counteract all our challenging work such as:

 Retardation or regression of spiritual and evolutionary growth and development.

 Blockage of Higher Meditational Experience through unrest within the mind

 Restraining of Higher Intuitive Guidance from one’s God‐Mind (on an outer


 Health Disturbances: Tension, unrest, anxiety, insomnia, escapisms, withdrawal,


 Attracting more of the same negative conditions to oneself, psychically.

 Attracting negative people.

 Invoking the corresponding negative side of others.

 Confusion about one’s life through emotional unrest.

 Living in the past, rather than moving positively into the future.

 Self‐destruction and false martyrdom

Accessing our inner God-Self connections and practicing the positive affirmation taught

by Dr. Masters will help us not only to eliminate negative self-talk, and lower vibrations, but

train our minds to elevate to higher vibrations and frequencies of love, joy, prosperity, and peace

of mind. The human brain is fa more than an organ of the body, it is the controlling mechanism

of the body and of the inner self. Westall explains the importance of the brain when she says,

“WE are accustomed to speaking of the brain as the organ of mind, but it is more than that; it is

the engine which runs the body--a sort of powerhouse, so to speak. The varied stock of ideas

which beat upon it furnishes the fuel. If those ideas are vigorous and numerous, the engine, under

normal conditions, works quickly and powerfully; but if they are weak and slow, the fire burns

low--the body is sluggish.” (Westall, pg. 25)

Connecting to the God-Self is only successful when we can develop a creative mind-set,

as Wattles explains,” It is not enough that you should have a wish to travel, see things, live more,

etc. Everybody has those desires also. If you were going to send a wireless message to a friend,

you would not send the letters of the alphabet in their order and let him construct the message for

himself; nor would you take words at random from the dictionary. You would send a coherent

sentence; one which meant something. When you try to impress your wants upon Substance,

remember that it must be done by a coherent statement; you must know what you want, and be
definite. You can never get rich, or start the creative power into action, by sending out unformed

longings and vague desires.” (Wattles, Ch. 8)

The keys to living a successful life of prosperity, joy, and peace is changing the way we

think. When we come to the realization our lives are a product of our inner thought life, then and

only then we can act steps to replace old self-imposed negative self-talk with positive thoughts,

positive words, and positive actions. Hamblin explains in his book Dynamic Thought,” The path

of victory is always thorny; but when the thorns hurt the feet most, we can console ourselves

with the thought that the path really does lead somewhere, and we know that it leads to Success,

Achievement, Happiness, and Satisfaction. Difficulties there will be, disappointments, failures,

and setbacks, but to him who sets his face towards the light, and will keep steadily onward, there

must come success, accomplishment, and victory, above all expectation.” (Hamblin, pg. 9) The

truth of the matter we are co—creators with the Universal God-Force, God-Self, God-Mind, and

we have the power to overcome all the apparent obstacles of life, by using our brain power, our

will, our intentions, and our powerful words. Shinn explains in her book Your Word is your

Wand. Shins says,

“In that wonderful moving picture, "The Thief of Bagdad," we were told in letters of light

that happiness must be earned! It is earned through perfect control of the emotional

nature. There can be no happiness where there is fear, apprehension, or dread. With

perfect faith in God comes a feeling of security and happiness. When man knows that

there is an invincible power that protects him and all that he loves and brings to him

every righteous desire of the heart, he relaxes all nervous tension and is happy and

satisfied. He is undisturbed by adverse appearances, knowing that Infinite Intelligence is

protecting his interests and utilizing every situation to bring his good to pass. “I will

make a way in the wilderness and rivers in a desert." (Shinn, Ch. 3)

Troward talks about the power of Mental Science in his book The Edinburgh Lectures on

Mental Science. Troward states, “

We see, therefore, that there is a marked distinction between the cosmic intelligence and

the individual intelligence, and that the factor which differentiates the latter from the

former is the presence of individual volition. Now the business of Mental Science is to

ascertain the relation of this individual power of volition to the great cosmic law which

provides for the maintenance and advancement of the race; and the point to be carefully

noted is that the power of individual volition is itself the outcome of the cosmic

evolutionary principle at the point where it reaches its highest level. The effort of Nature

has always been upwards from the time when only the lowest forms of life peopled the

globe, and it has now culminated in the production of a being with a mind capable of

abstract reasoning and a brain fitted to be the physical instrument of such a mind.”

( Troward, The Edinburg Lectures on Mental Science, pg. 11-12)

So, why is it so important for people to learn who they really are, and what are their

divine purpose for existence during this present incarnation? We are in fact living temples and

the power of the Universal God resides in us all. Schure explains, "

IN three days, I will destroy the temple, and in three days I will build it up again." This

was said to his disciples by the Son of Mary, the Essene consecrated as Son of Man, i. e., the

spiritual inheritor of the Word of Moses, of Hermes, and of all the former sons of God. Has this

bold promise, the word of the initiator and initiate, been realized? Yes, if consideration be taken

of the consequences which the teaching of the Christ, confirmed by his death and spiritual

resurrection, have had for humanity, and all the consequences his promise hold over a limitless

future. His word and sacrifice have la, the foundations of an invisible temple, but it is only

continued and brought to completion in proportion as everyone, throughout all time, contributes

to the work.” (Schure, pg. 122)

We are the manifest sons and daughters of God! Therefore, there is nothing impossible

for us to accomplish during this present incarnation. We have the indwelling God-Spirit residing

in us, therefore when we apply metaphysical practices, techniques, and ideas we can access

anything through our dynamic though process and creative powers. The Holy Bible declares“

10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because

of righteousness.

11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised

up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

12 Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh.

13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the

deeds of the body, ye shall live.

14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the

Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.

16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

(Romans 8:10-16 (KJV)

What a wonderful revelation! We are the children of God, and when we ask anything in the name

of Jesus, we may have it. The Holy Bible says, “

16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and

bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in

my name, he may give it you. 17 These things I command you, that ye love one another. “) (John

15:16-17 (KJV)

We were chosen to be the sons and daughters of God, and we were created for greatness!

Again, the Holy Scriptures says, “ 4 Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,

5 Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I

sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:4-5 (KJV) What is

the keys to overcoming the obstacles of life? We overcome the problems of life through Self-

Awareness, Self-Empowered Communication and finally becoming connected to our God-Self,

because once we become connected to the God-Self the world will change around us, people will

become more positive, and loving to each other, because God is Love! God is Love! Love is the

ultimate key to all of life problems. The Holy Bible teaches the secret to life problems is love.

The Bible Explains, “

1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am

become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all

knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity,

I am nothing.

3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be

burned, and have not charity, it profited me nothing.

4 Charity suffered long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunted not itself, is not

puffed up,

5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh

no evil.

6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but Rejoiceth in the truth.

7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there

be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.

10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child:

but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part;

but then shall I know even as also I am known.

13 And now abided faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity. 1

(Corinthians 13:1-13 (KJV)


In conclusion, the journey of this dissertation is to discover What the World is

Seeking is written to help the reader understand the importance of learning the science of

metaphysics. Metaphysics is a science of self-discovery of the real powers that empowers

everything. Humans are not just like the animals that live by instincts and survival that has been

a part of their evolution process. Humans are highly evolved species that are capable of amazing

things. This dissertation is not written to denounce religious, spiritual and science practices and

beliefs. On the contrary this dissertation reinforces and supports all practices of all traditions,

beliefs, and systems. Metaphysics is the bridge that connects spirituality with science.

Metaphysics is not designed to separate, divide, and conquer people beliefs

systems. Metaphysics approach everything from a universal perspective because the true science

fact is everything that exists is vibrations, frequencies, and energy. When the metaphysics

students and practitioners develop their self-awareness of their true divine nature, through self-

empowered communication they will clearly connect with their I Am Presence, their Higher-

Selves, their God-Selves, and thereby awaken their awareness of the love of that God-Self and

release the force of Agape-Love upon the Universe because we are all interconnected at the

spiritual level. Highly evolved people are loving people, serving people and they are givers

because they are allowing the God-Self to use them for the Higher good of all! Yes, The forces f

self-awareness, self-empowered communication will eventually connect the seeker to the

ultimate prize and that is to connect with God!

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