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Tuliskan reaksi total respirasi dengan substrat:


sebanyak 10 g kecambah dimasukkan ke dalam
botol dan ditutup rapat, ditempatkan dalam ruang
gelap selama 96 jam.
-berat kecambah menjadi 9 g, layu
-ada embun di dinding botol
-mengapa berat berkurang
-dari mana embun berasal
Carbohydrates made during photosynthesis are of value to a plant when they are
converted to energy.
This energy is used for cell growth and building new tissues.
The chemical process by which sugars and starches are converted to energy is
called oxidation and is similar to the burning of wood or coal to produce heat
(in water, pH neutral, normal temperature, no smoke).
Controlled oxidation in a living cell is called respiration and is shown by this equation:

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 ----> 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + Energy (686 kcal)

This equation is essentially the opposite of photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis is a building process, while respiration is a breaking-down process

Kuosien respirasi (RQ) = CO2 / O2

glukosa = 1,0
as. lemak = 0,71 C18H34O2 + 25,5O2  18CO2 + 17H2O
daun = 1,05
biji kecambah = 1,0
Photosynthesis and Respiration
Photosynthesis Respiration
•produces food •uses food
•stores energy •releases energy
•uses water •produces water
•uses carbon dioxide •produces carbon dioxide
•releases oxygen •uses oxygen
•occurs in sunlight •occurs in the dark as well as light
•chloroplast •mitochondrion

Unlike photosynthesis, respiration does not depend on light,

so it occurs at night as well as during the day.
Respiration occurs in all life forms and in all cells.

degradasi makromolekul

1. Glycolysis - cytoplasm
2. Grooming phase - mitochondrion
3. Krebs (Citric acid cycle) - mitochondrion
4. Electron transport & oxidative phosphorylation
- mitochondrion
Total ATP
1 mol. glukosa
glikolisis : 2 ATP
TCA :-
ETC : 36 ATP
Total : 38 ATP
lokasi reaksi

amiloplas sitoplasma
degradasi makromolekul

amilum (pati)
1. -amilase
2. -amilase glukosa
3. pati fosforilase

Glycolysis is just one of many pathways all going on in a cell


= [glucose and fructose via Calvin cycle (photosynthesis)]

A. Glucose - glucose-6-p - fructose-6-p - fructose

1,6-dp - PGAL (=DHAP) - 1,3-dp-glycerate - 3-p-
glycerate - 2-p-glycerate -
phosphoenolpyruvate - pyruvate
B. Initial step(s) - energy requiring (2 ATP)
C. Subsequent steps
1. Two - substrate-level phosphorylations (4 ATP)
2. One - reduction of NAD to NADH (2 NADH)
D. Yield - 2 ATP & 2 NADH
E. Final product - 2 pyruvates
The Glycolytic Pathway

10 enzymatic steps from glucose to pyruvate

Phosphorylation of glucose and fructose

6-phosphate require input of 2 ATPs
Cleavage of fructose 1,6 bisphosphate
(hexose) yields two trioses, only one of which
is further metabolized in glycolysis but the two
are interconvertible

When bookkeeping, double everything after


Two steps yield ATP (x2=4), one step reduces

Yield - 2 ATP & 2 NADH
Final product - 2 pyruvates
fungsi glikolisis

1.mengubah 1 heksosa  2 asam piruvat

2.produksi ATP
3.pembentukan molekul yang dapat diambil
dari lintasan untuk membentuk beberapa
bahan penyusun tumbuhan

piruvat dioksidasi dalam mitokondria (c-TCA)

menghasilkan ATP >> daripada dalam
Alternatives after glycolysis

A. Lactic acid - 2 ATP (no NADH) ... intense

muscle activity (little O2 available)
B. Ethanol - 2 ATP (no NADH) ... fermentation
C. Krebs Cycle - (2 ATP) and oxidative
phosphorylation (32 ATP)
Coenzyme A

Nature's ester enolate equivalent is Coenzyme A

Krebs Cycle
-mitochondrial matrix-
A. [pyruvate - acetyl CoA] - citrate - isocitrate - alpha-
ketoglutarate - succinyl CoA - succinate - fumarate -
malate - oxaloacetate - w/acetyl CoA - citrate
B. Initial step(s) - pyruvate converted to acetyl CoA
[CO2 emission and NADH production] - acetyl CoA
combines with oxaloacetate (4 carbon) to form
citrate (6 carbon)
C. All steps from pyruvate to CO2
Cycle (two trips) - 2 GTP (2 ATP), 8 NADH, and 2
D. Final product - 6 CO2
Electron transport system
Oxidative phosphorylation
-inner mitochondrial membrane-

A. Convert NADH & FADH2 to ATP

1. NADH (glycolysis) = 2 ATP -> 4 ATP
2. NADH (Krebs) = 3 ATP -> 24 ATP
3. FADH2 (Krebs) = 2 ATP -> 4 ATP
B. How is it done? H+ gradient
1. NADH & FADH2 give up H+ to outer compartment (High
2. H+ is then pumped back in and ATP is produced
C. Net yield of ATP
1. From oxidative phosphorylation - 32 ATP
2. Substrate level phosphorylation - 4 ATP
3. TOTAL............................ 36 ATP
peranan dalam biosintesis

as amino
Biosintesis beberapa metabolit sekunder
Faktor yang berpengaruh pada respirasi

1. Ketersediaan substrat
2. Ketersediaan oksigen
3. Temperatur
4. Jenis dan umur tanaman

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