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SLOGAN: Brighter smile - Brighter future ( Nụ cười tươi - tương lai sáng)


MNH NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION has discovered the challenges and sorrow of

children who have lost loved ones during the COVID-19 epidemic via our survey,
particularly in the rural parts of Dak Lak province, where there has not been received
much help. As a result, our organization has chosen to fund educational scholarships in
order to give these youngsters a better future. In addition, as a non-profit organization,
our members want to bring joy and consolation to children who have lost parent, as well
as the hope that the government and other charity would pay more attention to them.


Bringing youngsters meaningful and practical presents, which might help them cope with
the loss of love one while also easing their financial burden in the future.

Creating opportunities for Club Volunteers to participate in meaningful volunteer projects

while also fostering the spirit of community work.

Simultaneously, this is an opportunity for you to express your willingness to devote your
youth to the community and society.

Spreading the spirit of solidarity, sharing hardships, and being concerned about the social
community and drawing the attention of benefactors, sponsors, organizations, enterprises,
and sponsors.
3. GOAL: Provide 300 children with 200 milion VNĐ educational scholarship. 
4. LOCATION: EaSar village, EaKar town, Daklak province
5. TIME: 10/1/2022 - 15/2/2022 (2 days 1 night)


BRIGHTER FUTUTRE is organized by 20 members of MNH NON-PROFIT

ORGANIZATION, and 30 expected volunteers in which come from HCM Communist
Youth Union, ĐN University’s student and sponsors. We also honored to welcome the
present of local authorities in DakLak province (EaSar village, EaKar town) such as:
Vice Chairwoman of EaSar Commune People’s Committee: Ms. Nguyen Phuong Hang
Chief of HCM Communist Youth Union in EaKar town: Mr. Bui Quang Thanh
Leaders of this project are: Ms. Hoang Ha Nhi, Ms. Vuu Hue Man and Mr. Nguyen
Quang Huy. There will be 3 groups with 20 members of the organization:

1. Group 1 (7 members):
Leader: Ms. Hoàng Hà Nhi

 Planning and developing the details of BF project.

 Contacting local authorities to obtain information of children who have lost a
parent due to covid and selecting 300 cases for scholarship consideration.
 Directing and monitoring the program progress.
 Keeping track of program expenses and creating a precise cost table after the
program is finished.

2. Group 2 (7 members):
Leader: Ms. Hoàng Hà Nhi

 Contacting sponsors, individuals and benefactors to ask for fund support.

 Designing banners, T-shirts, membership cards.
 Prepare online evaluation form after the program.
 Setting up the stage and preparing cameras to record the ceremony in DakLak.

3. Group 3( 6 members):
Leader: Mr. Nguyễn Quang Huy

 Compiling a list of all of the volunteers who took part in the project.
 Conducting pre- and post-Brighter Future Project communication, marketing, and
information in order to draw financial support via socials media ( Facebook,
Instagram and organization website: https:///
 Using diverse and effective methods of communication, information, integration
and coordination.

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