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1. What are the focus of learning theories mentioned in the video?

Main focus of learning theories is to scientifically study if a behavior of a person is related to

age, family relationships, personality or effected by other various aspects throughout a person’s life. It
seeks to understand and explain behaviors that occurs in human’s life, and by understanding how and
why people change in their growth can help growing takes place positively. Not only that, it also
focuses on the role of unconscious in a human that motivates our behaviors. Theorists also focuses
on things that can be measured (quantified) about how and why a behavior is learned. To be precise,
learning theories moreover focuses on learning through association (Ivan Pavlov’s Classical
Conditioning), focus on effects of reinforcement and punishment (B.F Skinner’s Operant Conditioning)
and on effects of behavior modelling (Albert Bandura’s Social-Learning Theory)

2. What are the three universal principles of growth and development mentioned in the video?

The three universal principles of growth and development mentioned are Cephalocaudal,
Proximodistal and Orthogenetic. In brief, Cephalocaudal principle of growth is arrangement of early
growth occurring from the top of the head gradually to bottom and resulted (in example) differentiation
of height and weight between people. Proximodistal principle of growth is development of motor skills
start at the center of organism and radiate outwards and from there resulted (in example) muscular
control of the trunk and arms relative to the hands and fingers. Orthogenetic principle of growth is
development of all aspects functioning in human (cognition, perception,etc.) proceeds from simple to
the complex which means that development of more difficult tasks begins with the mastery of simple
tasks first.

3. Briefly explain the Factors That Influence the Growth and Development of a Child.

There are 10 major internal and external factors that influence the growth and development of
a child. First is heredity factors in which the transmission of physical characteristics such as height,
weight, intelligence, even diseases and conditions from parents to their children. Second is
environment factors including in it physical, geographical and social environment such as place of
living, family members and peers. Third is gender factors in which different genders have different
ways of growing such as in terms of puberty, and each varies in interest of doing different things.
Fourth is exercise and health factors in which proper exercise helps growing well, healthy and fight off
diseases by strengthening our immune system. Fifth is hormones factors in which the timely
functioning of hormones are critical for normal physical growth and its imbalances can result in growth
defects, behavioral problems and diseases. Sixth is nutrition factors in which malnutrition (lack of
nutrition) can cause deficiency, diseases and lead to other issues like obesity, diabetes & heart
diseases. Seventh is familial influence factors in which family invest time, energy and love for positive
growth of the child, compared if the child being abused or neglected which may resulted in negative
growth of the child and later have poor skills in social interaction. Eight is geographical influence
factors in which the place where a person live will influence how they turned out to be even in terms of
bodily rhythms, allergies and other health characteristics. Ninth is socioeconomic status factors in
which it determines quality of opportunities as child gets. A well of family can afford special aid for
their child compared to family with difficulties. Tenth is learning and reinforcement factors in which
learning builds up a child mentally, emotionally and socially while reinforcement makes a child repeats
an activity with the aim to solidify lessons to them. To conclude, factors that influence the growth and
development of a child are heredity, environment, gender, exercise and health, hormones, nutrition,
familial influence, geographical influence, socioeconomic status, and learning and reinforcement.

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