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Topics: sleep, study skills, health
Language level: Beginner/A1

Listening exercise link: A good night's sleep
EXERCISE. Check your understanding: true or false Circle True or False for these
1. The guest in the studio is a teacher. True False
2. Some people can sleep well with a television on. True False
3. It is bad to think a lot before going to bed. True False
4. It is good to play video games before bed. True False
5. It is good to turn your mobile off when you go to sleep. True False
6. It is bad to play loud music while you sleep. True False


Topics:  school
Language level: Beginner/A1

Listening exercise link: At the library - giving personal information

EXERCISE. Check your understanding: multiple choice. Do this exercise while you listen. Circle the correct
word to complete these sentences.

1. Lucy’s surname is More / Moor / Moore .

2. She’s in class 1C / 1B / 4B .

3. Lucy is 13 / 14 / 15 .

4. The librarian asks for Lucy’s address / photo / passport .

Topics:  pets
Language level:  Beginner/A1

EXERCISE. Check your understanding: true or false. Circle True or False for these sentences.
1. The dog is lost. True False
2. The dog's name is Sherry. True False
3. The dog is a female. True False
4. The dog was lost on Monday morning. True False
5. The dog was lost in Central Park. True False
6. There is a reward for finding the dog. True False

Topics:  study skills, homework, school
Language level:  Elementary/A2

Seven tips for a tidy desk

1. Only keep things you really need on and near your desk.
Use a tray for any papers you have to read. Have a jar for pens and pencils and have a bin near your desk.

2. Don’t keep any drinks on your desk.

Go to the kitchen when you want to have a drink or, if you prefer, keep a drink on a small table near your desk.

3. Reduce the amount of paper that you use.

Try to keep as much information as possible in folders on your computer. Before printing a document, ask yourself, ‘do I
really need to read this on paper?’

4. Scan your notes.

If you have a lot of paper (magazine articles, notes, worksheets, etc.), use a scanner and keep a digital version as a PDF on
your computer.

5. Use your smartphone to take photos of things you need to remember.

For example, take photos of notes to yourself, the name and address of a place you need to visit or diagrams you need to
study for school.

6. Get a noticeboard.
If you really do need to keep small bits of paper, use a noticeboard on the wall. Check it every day and throw old notes in
the bin.

7. Clean your desk at the end of every day.

Choose a time to tidy your desk and do it! If you do it every day, it will only take five minutes and you can start each new
day with a clean and tidy space.

EXERCISE. Check your understanding: true or false Circle True or False for these sentences.
1. You should put everything you will possibly need on your desk. True False
2. You should only have one pen or pencil. True False
3. It's a good idea to have a bin close to your desk. True False
4. It's better to keep information on your computer than on paper if possible. True False
5. If you have written notes on paper you should type them into the computer. True False
6. The camera in your phone can help you remember things. True False
7. A noticeboard is a good way to organize bits of paper. True False
8. You should clean your desk once a week. True False
NOTA: Cuando termine de realizar la práctica revise sus respuestas y califique de la siguiente manera.

 Total de puntos: 24

 Puntos obtenidos: __20______ (anote el número de respuestas correctas)

 Calificación: ___83_________
(multiplique el número de respuestas correctas por 100 y el resultado lo divide entre 24)
Host: At exam time it is important to sleep well. Today we have Doctor Baker with us in the studio and he is going to give us five top
tips for getting a good night’s sleep. Welcome to the show, Doctor Baker. 
Dr Baker: Thank you. It’s great to be here. Let’s start with tip one. Don’t go to bed with the television on. Some people think they
can sleep well with the TV on, but the noise and lights mean you don’t really sleep well, so turn it off!
Tip two: Don’t think too much before bedtime. Do your hardest homework earlier in the evening. Do easier homework later. If your
brain is too busy and full of ideas it takes longer to get to sleep.
Tip three: Don’t play video games for an hour before you go to sleep. They also make your brain too busy and active. 
Tip four: Turn off your cell phone when you go to bed. What is so important that it can’t wait until the morning? If possible, leave
your phone in another room. 
Tip five: Play music if you like. But don’t play it too loud. Turn the sound down low.
Host: Thank you, Doctor. That is very useful advice for our young listeners.


Lucy: Hello.
School librarian: Hello, what’s your name?
Lucy: My name's Lucy.
School librarian: And what's your surname, Lucy?
Lucy: Moore.
School librarian: Can you spell that?
Lucy: M-O-O-R-E.
School librarian: Thank you. What class are you in?
Lucy: Class 1B.
School librarian: Class 1B. And how old are you, Lucy?
Lucy: I'm 13.
School librarian: Have you got a photo?
Lucy: Yes, here you are.
School librarian: Thank you ... OK, thank you, Lucy. Here's your school library card.
Lucy: Thanks. Bye.
School librarian: Goodbye.


1. False 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True 6. True
1. Moore 2. 1B 3. 13 4. photo


1. True 2. True 3. False

4. False 5. True 6. True


1. False 2. False 3. True 4. True

5. False 6. True 7. True 8. False

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