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Malang University, Indonesia
Malang University, Indonesia
Malang University, Indonesia

This research is based on how to implement this zoning system policy to
schools in Indonesia so that there are no more favorite schools, with this zoning system,
the government expects all schools to get qualified learners. The formulation of this
research problem is how the implementation of government policies in the process of
accepting new learners (PPDB) through the zoning system and what factors become
obstacles in the implementation of government policies in the process of accepting new
learners (PPDB) through the zoning system at SMA Negeri 1 Tolitoli. This research
uses qualitative approach with observation procedure, interview and documentation.
The subjects of this study were Kasi SMA Dinas Pendidikan Wilayah VI Tolitoli and
Buol, the principal, and two senior teachers certified at SMA Negeri 1 Tolitoli. The
results of this study showed that: Implementation of government policy on the process
of accepting new learners (PPDB) through the zoning system at SMA Negeri 1 Tolitoli
went well, because the understanding of the implementation is a policy imposed by a
group of people to achieve a goal, although of the five indicators one of them is the
affirmation path does not reach the percentage set by the Minister of Education and
Culture of the Republic of Indonesia because the number of students who register and
are netted on the affirmation path is only 33 learners , the inhibition factor in SMA
Negeri 1 Tolitoli is the lack of classrooms that result in the lack of capacity of the
school, but the purpose of the implementation of government policies in the process of
accepting new students (PPDB) through the zoning system at SMA Negeri 1 Tolitoli
was successfully met.
Education is an integral part of development. The education process cannot be
separated from the development process itself. The survival and progress of a nation,
especially for developing countries, is determined by the progress of education or not.
This makes the role of education felt very important for every nation.
The existence of awareness about the important position of education for the survival
of the nation and state makes the government (the state) has an obligation to organize
the education process for its citizens as well as possible. The preamble to the 1945
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia states that one of the goals of the Republic
of Indonesia is "to educate the nation's life" and for that every Indonesian citizen has
the right to obtain quality education according to his interests and talents regardless of
social status, race, ethnicity, religion, and gender. Equitable opportunities and the
achievement of quality education will make Indonesian citizens have life skills so that
they have the ability to recognize and overcome problems of themselves and their
environment, encourage the establishment of civil and modern society imbued with
Pancasila values.
One of the government's real efforts in the context of equal distribution of education,
the government issued new rules for the acceptance of new students through the
Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No.
44 of 2019 concerning New Student Admission (PPDB), which in the Education Law
of Indonesia, regulates the zoning system that schools must implement in accepting
prospective new students.
The zoning system is a new student admission system that is enforced by determining
the zone radius by each local government and schools are required to accept
prospective students who are domiciled in the nearest zone radius with a certain
percentage of the total number of students who will be accepted.
In this study, researchers conducted research at SMA Negeri 1 Tolitoli. The zoning
radius for this school is from Lingadan village to Lonti Bridge which includes SMK 1
Galang, SMK 1 Tolitoli, MAN Tolitoli and SMA 3 Tolitoli. This is one of the reasons
why the researcher took the title of this research and wanted to do research at the school.
Based on the brief description described above, the authors are interested in raising the
title of the research "Implementation of Zonation System Policy In the Admission of
New Students In Senior high school in Indonesia".
Previous Research
Desi Wulandari, a student at the University of Lampung (2018) entitled "The effect of
admitting new students through the zoning system on the learning achievement of class
VII students at SMPN 1 Labuhan Ratu, East Lampung". This study uses a descriptive
method because it will provide an overview of the problem through analysis using a
scientific approach in accordance with the actual situation, namely to find out how the
influence of new student acceptance through the zoning system. The approach used in
this research is a quantitative approach.
Eka Reza Khadowmi, a student at the University of Lampung Bandar Lampung (2019)
entitled "Implementation of the zoning system policy on the process of accepting new
students in Central Lampung Regency". The problem approach in this study uses 2
approaches, namely normative and empirical. In this study, the data were analyzed
descriptively qualitatively by describing or describing the data generated from research
in the field into an explanation in a systematic way so that it has meaning and can be
summarized for discussion in subsequent chapters.
Ayniah Cahyani, a student at the State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga
Yogyakarta (2018) entitled "The relationship between students' perceptions of the
zoning system in accepting new students and interest in learning Islamic religious
education at SMP Negeri 1 Banguntapan Bantul". In this study, researchers used the
product moment correlation in the SPSS 23 for windows application which would link
students' perceptions of the zoning system in the acceptance of new students with
interest in learning Islamic education. There are two variables that become the object
of this research, namely the independent variable (the variable that affects) and the
dependent variable (the variable that is influenced).
Based on the three previous research descriptions that have been described above, the
researcher can draw the conclusion that the similarities between this research and
previous research are that they both take the title of school zoning research, while the
difference lies in the formulation of the problem, research location and research
objectives, namely the implementation of system policies. zoning in the process of
admitting new students at SMA Negeri 1 Tolitoli Indonesia.
The Implementation
According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary "KBBI", Implementation is the
implementation / application. According to Arinda (2018: 19) "Implementation can
simply be interpreted as implementation or application". As in the Indonesian
dictionary, implementation means application. Brown argues that implementation is
"an extension of mutually conforming activities.
According to Sulila Ismet (2015:42) "Implementation seen from another perspective is
a complex phenomenon that may be understood as a process, an output, or as an
outcome". In the context of a policy, one product is implemented and conceptualized
as a process or a series of decisions and actions aimed at making decisions acceptable
to the legislature run, implementation can also be interpreted in the context of outputs,
or the extent to which the planned goals are supported (Sriartha, 2015: Hoerudi, 2019;
Tumbel, 2020). According to Langkai (2016:14) "implementation is the action stage,
where all the plans formulated are operationalized". From the definitions of the experts
above, the researcher concludes that implementation is a policy imposed by a group of
people to achieve a goal.
In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, policy is explained as a series of concepts and
principles that form the outline and basis of plans in carrying out work, leadership, and
ways of acting (about orders, organization, and so on).
According to Sagala Syaiful (2013: 105) "Policy is a mutual agreement by members in
an organization that makes the actions of its members in a series of situations more
predictable by other members". Good policy provides steady and clear direction from
a top management and at the same time allows subordinates to make their own
decisions within clearly defined limits (Anjarwati, 2020; Suherman, 2020; Jaryono,
2020). The source of the policy is the highest management achieved by the discretion
of the policy-making executives. Education policies at the government, provincial and
district/city governments can be applied as a whole or only regarding certain levels or
types of education according to policy targets.
According to Langkai (2016:12) "Policy is a managerial process in the sense of a policy
that has gone through the process of planning, formulation, implementation,
supervision, monitoring and evaluation". When the government intends to solve public
problems, the government needs to formulate policies, where the formulation process
goes through a valid and reliable problem identification process based on objective and
methodological logic so that problems can be solved effectively.
It can be concluded that a policy will always get influences from people who do not
want a policy that has been determined or made by the government.
The Zonation system
The zoning system is an attempt by the government to reduce the sharp gap between
advanced, favorite, luxurious schools and those that are otherwise.” It is hoped that
with the presence of this system, all students are not distinguished from being rich or
poor, achieving or not (Karmini, 2020; Febriliantika, 2020; Syamsiar, 2020). All
students are expected to have equal access to education. Everyone can learn, explore
their abilities, skills and talents. So that we can meet a brighter future with education.
If educational equity has occurred, then all schools will become favorites (Setiyanti,
The objectives of the school zoning system according to (Jatmiko, 2017) are as follows:
1. Equitable quality education
The zoning system is expected to increase access to good education services in various
regions for the community. This can be seen from the elimination of the impression or
image of favorite and non-favorite schools. This system also allows students who are
smart and superior to be spread in other schools. This is very important because smart
children will become partners and mentors for students who are not or less intelligent.
On the other hand, students who are not or less intelligent will be controlled to learn
2. Save on education or school costs
With this zoning system, of course, it can be a good solution so that we can receive
good and quality education, save time and money, but minimize the risks and dangers
of traveling.
3. Improve the skills and innovation of teachers in teaching
The number of students who study in areas in one zone, especially rural areas, will
bring up a variety of different unique abilities. This is reflected in the results of low
National Examination scores and poor or underprivileged students and different
cultural backgrounds. Maybe a small number of teachers will think and ask if having
students who are less academic or non-academic will be a burden or something the
teacher wants to avoid. As long as teacher competence is the hope of increasing
students' academic and non-academic competencies, teachers must be confident and
able to lead students to achieve champions in academic and non-academic fields.
This type of research is qualitative research. This research was conducted to determine
the implementation of the zoning system policy in the process of admitting new
students (PPDB) at SMA Negeri 1 Tolitoli. According to Denzin & Lincoln (Anggito
& Setiawan, 2018) stated that "qualitative research is research that uses a natural setting
with the intention of interpreting phenomena that occur and is carried out by involving
various existing methods".
This research was conducted at the Branch Office of the Secondary Education Office
Region VI, Tolitoli and Buol districts and at SMA Negeri 1 Tolitoli, which is located
in the Baolan sub-district. The time of the study was carried out from September to
October 2020.
The subjects in this study were the Head of the Middle Education Office Branch Office
Region VI Tolitoli and Buol Regencies, the Principal of SMA Negeri 1 Tolitoli, and 2
teachers of SMA Negeri 1 Tolitoli.
Researchers used data collection techniques in the form of interview guidelines,
observation guidelines and documentation taken during research in the field. The data
analysis technique used in this research is triangulation which consists of three stages
of data analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing.
Triangulation data analysis technique researchers used in collecting data in the field to
find out the implementation of the zoning system policy in the process of accepting
new students (PPDB) at SMA Negeri 1 Tolitoli.
Results and Discussion
Based on the results of the research, the researchers found that the implementation of
the zoning system policy in the process of admitting new students (PPDB) at SMA
Negeri 1 Tolitoli had gone well with the opening of PPDB registration which was
carried out through affirmative zoning, transfer of parental/guardian duties, and
achievement. Schools play an active role in implementing this zoning system. Of the
four paths that have been opened, there is one path, namely the affirmation path which
does not reach the target, but for schools it is not an obstacle because schools cannot
force or manipulate new student data to be included in the affirmation path so that the
path can achieve the target issued by the Minister of Education and Culture. .

Based on the discussion of the research results that have been stated above, then the
implementation of government policies in the process of accepting new students
(PPDB) through the zoning system at SMA Negeri 1 Tolitoli is going well, seen from
the opening of four pathways, namely zoning, affirmation, shifting people's duties.
parents/guardians, and achievements. The zoning track netted at SMA Negeri 1 Tolitoli
was 224 students or 77.8% of the school's capacity, the affirmation track netted as many
as 33 students or 11.5% of the school's capacity, the netted parent/guardian transfer
route as many as 12 students or 4.17% of the school's capacity and the achievements
that were captured were 19 students or 6.6% of the school's capacity. If seen from the
data, one of the pathways, namely affirmation, did not reach the target set by the 2019
Permendikbud. This is because this year, only a few students who enter the affirmation
pathway category out of the total registrants. The definition of implementation is a
policy imposed by a group of people to achieve a goal. When viewed from the
definition of implementation, the purpose of implementing government policies in the
process of accepting new students (PPDB) at SMA Negeri 1 Tolitoli has achieved its
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