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Centro Escolar University

School of Nursing

Name: Ariane M. Cabanban Instructor: Prof. Rosemarie J. Orpilla

Course & Section: BSN-2C Date of Submission: December 1, 2021

Module 2 Lesson 2

Reflection Question: Of these eight qualities which two do you desire most in your life? Why?

First, the Gospel reading from Matthew 5:4, “Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.”

This verse is the first one that I desire most in my life, because it speaks about all the grief, sorrow,
and sadness we feel. Upon reading this verse, I feel comforted since I know that whenever I am feeling
down and tend to mourn about something that hurts me, God is always there for me. I am certain that
He will comfort me in ways that I don’t see. Every one of us has our own stories about sorrow and
mourning. I believe that it is inevitable. We feel these certain emotions because above all else, we are
all humans. We are allowed to mourn and be sad at times, but God is reminding us that He would always
be there no matter what. I realized that all of the sorrow that I have experienced and adversities that I
have faced, I believe it helps me to grow and learn more to become a better person that I am today. God
is giving me a guarantee that I can rest in his infinite wisdom and tender mercy. That everything really
happens for a reason and every pain has its own purpose.

The second quality that I desire in my life among the eight choices are being pure-hearted from the
Gospel reading from Matthew 5:4, “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.”

I believe as a person with kind and soft heart, I tend to be loving, considerate and compassionate
towards other people. Having a pure heart allows me to become selfless, specially to the people I love
the most. I always put their welfare first aside from my own. Having a pure heart, I know I can be able to
extend help to my fellow human being to the utmost way I can. Since I was a child, I have always wanted
to help people, that is why I am pursuing this Nursing profession. To be able to make an influence on
other people’s live by taking care of them.

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