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UNIT 5: CULTURE IDENTITY SECTION 4: READING Read the passage and decide whether the statements are true or false. ETIQUETTE The origins of etiquette ‘the conventional rules of behaviour and ceremonies observed in polte society’ are complex. One of them is respect for authority. From the most primitive times, subjects showed respect for their ruler by bowing, prostrating themselves on the ground, not speaking untl spoken to, and never turning their backs to the throne. Some monarchs developed rules to stress even further the respect due to them, The emperors of Byzantium expected their subjects to kiss their feet. When an ambassador from abroad was introduced, he had to touch the «ground before the throne with his forehead. Meanwhile the throne itself was raised in the air so thal, on looking up, ‘the ambassador saw the ruler far above him, haughty and remote Absolute rulers have, as a rule, made etiquette more complicated rather than simpler. The purpose is not only to make the ruler seem almost god-ike, but also to protect him from familiarity, for without some such protection his lif, lived inevitably in the public eye, would be intolerable. The court of Louis XIV of France provided an excellent example ofa very highly developed system of etiquette. Because the king and his family were considered to belong ‘0 France, they were almost continually on show among their courtiers. They woke, prayed, washed and dressed before crowds of courtiers, Even larger crowds watched them eat their meals, and access to their palaces was free ‘o all their subjects. Yet this public life was organized so minutely, with such a refinement of ceremonial, thatthe authority of ‘the King and the respect in which he was held grew steadily throughout his ietime. A crowd watched him dress, but only the Duke who was his fist valet de chembre was allowed fo hold out the right sleeve of his shir, only the Prince who was his Grand Chamberlain could relieve him of his dressing gown, and only the Master ofthe Wardrobe right help him pull up his breeches. These were not famiiarties, nor merely duties, but highly coveted privileges. [Napoleon recognized the value of ceremony to a ruler. When he became Emperor, he discarded the Revolutionary custom of calling everyone ‘citizen’, restored much ofthe Court ceremonial that the Revolution had destroyed, and recalled members of the nobilly o instruct his new cout in the old formal manners. Rules of etiquette may prevent embarrassment and even serious cisputes. The general rule of social precedence is that people of greater importance precede those of lesser importance. Before the rules of diplomatic precedence were worked out in the early siteenth century, rival ambassadors often fought for the most honourable seating positon at a function. Before the principle was established that ambassadors of various countries should sign treaties in order of seniority, disputes arose as to who should sign first. The establishment of rules for such matters prevented uncertainty and disagreement, as do rules for less important occasions. For example, at an ENGLISH 12~ FLSS— ULIS- VNU 1 English wedding, the mother of the bridegroom should st in the fst pew or bench on the right-hand side of the church. The result is dignity and order. Outside palace circles, the main concem of etiquette has been to meke hetmonious the behaviour of equals, but sometimes social classes have used etiquette as a weapon against intruders, refining their manners in order fo mark themselves off from the lower class. Statements: —____T The origins of efquetie are based simply on respect for authority. 2. The emperors of Byzantium went to considerable lengths to stress the respect due to them. 3, Absolute rulers have, as a rule, found life in the public eye intolerable. 4 Itwas diffcuit for ordinary people fo catch a glimpse of Louis XIV of France. 5. A large crowd of people used to gather round Louis XIV when he dressed, struggling for the honour of assisting him wit his various pieces of clothing ___ 6 Napoleon discarded aristocratic privileges when he became Emperor of France, 7. Embarrassment and even serious disputes may be caused by want of etiquette, _____ 8 Before the sixteenth century, fights between ambassadors over precedence were not uncommon, 9. At an English wedding, the bride's mother has to sit in the first pew or bench on the right-hand side of the church, 10. Etiquette is not always used to make ife easier for peopl. ENGLISH 12 FLSS- ULIS- VNU 2 SECTION 2: VOCABULARY 2.4. TOPIC VOCABULARY: LIFESTYLES, SOCIAL & NATIONAL CUSTOMS I. Choose the correct answer to each question. 1. Regarding whet food to avoid before taking an important examination, homophones and the shape of your food comes into A. action B.fact C. realty D. play 2. When you first ative in a foreign culture, often your fist reaction is positive. Everything seems exciting, different and fascinating A. extremely B. completely C. tremendously D. dramatically 3. twas the thatthe fathers made the decision on whom their children were going to marry. A. teligion B. superstition C. custom D. fate 4. We are all oo of traditions in our modern world, but they can have @ very strong impact on us, A. dismissing 8. dismissal C. dismissed D. dismissive 5. Activities will be going down all day, and there will be plenty of opportunities to chow down on wild boar sausage, haggis, Irish stew and many other Celtic fun foods. A, make or break B. rain or shine C. heaven and earth D. alive and kicking 6. Most young people nowadays believe in marriage — first comes love, then comes marriage. A. romantic B. unique C. contractual D. arranged 7. Changes in attitudes, family values, generational status can occur in both the majority and minority cultures as the two interact; however, ‘one culture dominates, A. rarely B. typically C. specially D. uncommonly 8. Itis important to understand the culture religion of the country that you are travelling to and a litle research before you leave will help A. tremendously B. dramatically C. comparatively D. violently like ao dei, kimono, hanbok help preserve a country's heritage and educate people about ther history. A. National costumes _B, Tradition food C. Traditions and customs _D. Folktales. 410. Culture is the underlying ___of traditions and beliefs that help a person relate to the world around them. A. institution B. foundation C. organization D. principle 9. IL. Choose the word! phrase CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word! phrase. 1. Steve Kootenay-Jobin, aboriginal housing coordinator at Mount Royal University, notes that many indigenous students who move to the city for education, encounter culture shock. A. get rid of B. face up to C. getover D. wipe out 2. According to tradition, a child puts a lost tooth under his or her pillow before going to bed. In the while the child is sleeping, the Tooth Faity takes the tooth and leaves something else under the pillow. A early inthe evening B. soon after midnight —_C. late in the morning _D. long before bedtime 3. Cultural diversity is the term used to describe many different cultures co-existing within one larger culture. A variety B. variability C. verification D. variation hou Ill Choose the word! phrase OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word! phrase. 1. Ifa Brazilian is late for an appointment with @ North America, the American may misinterpret the reason for the lateness and become angry. A mismanage B. understand C. misunderstand. misreport 2. Integration and assimilation can help reduce feelings of loss and grief as the migrant starts to incorporate aspects of the majority culture. A sadness B. disapproval C. discrimination D. happiness ENGLISH 12 - FLSS— ULIS~ VNU 3 IV. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals. 1. We live in the days of _ when all eths and religions are of equal worth. PLURAL 2. The labor force has always been divided on the basis of race, and ETHNIC gender. 3. Joannes Patursson is a mild-mannered man who speaks about the KNOW history of his people and their traditions 4, Many ofthe different ‘groups in North America speak their own unique ~ABORIGIN language. 5. They missed out on education before they even came here and its extremely difficult for ASSIMILATION them to be into mainstream society. 6. The orchid family of flowers is the largest is the largest, most plant. DIVERSITY family found in nature. 7.Vielnamese cof weddings, funerals, holidays and rituals all are attached CUSTOMARY to village community 8. The bridge unites the countries economically and and connects southem CULTURE Scandinavia to central Europe. 9. The Paris Opera Ballet always had fine dancers but they lacked anda HOMOGENEOUS good rep. 10, tis unfair and to charge disabled people more to travel. DISCRIMINATE V. Choose the answer best fits each space. SHOP TILL YOU DROPI Attitudes towards shopping have changed dramatically over the last decade or so. There was a time when shopping was @ means to an end, not an occupation in its own right. Some people argue that we have become a society of bigtime (1) , and that nothing but spending money makes us happy. On the other (2) . anyone who has worked hard to (3) money surely has the right to spend it (4) whatever they wish. Provided that we are prepared to (5) enough of our money for a rainy day, there seems litle wrong with using the rest to (6) for things that give us pleasure. For some people, however, spending money has become a serious business. It will take more than a few home (7) to persuade them that they should not do this. The delights of shopping are all too obvious. Attractive displays of food on supermarket (8) and clothes which look fantastic on shop window models, tempt (9) to part with their money, even ifthey do not actually need the (10) they are buying. The real question is: would we alle happierifwe were (11)___? The answer is probably that we can be just as happy with money as we can without it. However, now that many companies are branching out (12) the teenage market, and selling to teenagers has (13) into a huge industry, we need to be aware of the kind of pressures being (14) on parents and children alike. Pethapss what we should do is meke en effort to return tothe things that really matter in life and (15) what wwe have worked so hard fo obtain with others less fortunate than ourselves. 1.A. consumers B. producers C. suppliers D. manufacturers 2.A face B. side Chand D. view 3.A beat B. gain D. earn 4. for B.on C.with Dat 5.A put through B. put of C. putout D. putby 6.A. buy B. spend C. pay D. purchase 7.A truths B suggestions C. wamings D. recommendations 8. A. beams B, shelves C. stores D. foundations ENGLISH 12—FLSS—ULIS- VNU 4 9. A. audiences 10.A sales 11.4. worthless 12.A.inlo 13. A, become 14.4 put 15.4 part ENGLISH 12— FLSS - ULIS— VNU B. spectators B. goods B. useless B. round B. grown B, done B. receive C. customers C. resources: C. pointless C. about C. raised C. sent C. hand D, consultants D. incomes, D. penniless D. through D. lited D. made D. share 2.2. PHRASAL VERBS AND EXPRESSIONS: GIVE & TAKE |. Choose the best answer to each question. 1. You have to take these curtains. They look very dirty. A. care B. back C.down D.up 2. She unintentionally gave the secret of the surprise party A.on B away C.up Din 3. Mary her father in being strong-willed A. takes after B. takes off C. takes over D. takes up 4. The chemicals give toxic fumes, so be extremely careful when using them. Aof B. off Con D. out 5. 'm not surprised Margarets il. With al the voluntary work she’s she's really been doing too much. A. taken off B. taken on C. taken in D. taken to 6. On the news last night it was given ‘that the Prime Minister had resigned, A.on Bin C.out Diof 7. We were so taken by his decision to resign that we didn’t know what to say. A.away B. aback C. against D. after 8. The teacher reluctantly gave to the students’ request to change the date of the exem. Ain B.on D.of 9. She is always being laken Elizabeth Taylor, even though she doesn't look that much lke her. A. for B of Cup D. away 10. The man was forced to give himself to the police Ain Bon Cof D.up Il. Use the correct form of expressions given in the box to complete the following sentences. take a tumble give or take take forever gveityourall lake a rain check give @hoot lake me for give ita go lake a shine give as good as you get 1. Itllbe ready at 6 pm, 2 few minutes 2. There's a lot of teasing and fighting among the crew, and you have to be able to 3. Many of my friends don't about college basketball. 4, We must be finished by tonight, so | want you to 5. Only a few people are successful as professional athletes, but i's worth 6.1 am not going to forge his signature for you! What do you 2 7. Inush-hour traffic, it 40 get home. 8. Company profits last year. 9. | think Selena has to my friend David, so im going to try to set them up on a date! 10. Ihave to work late tonight, Do you mind if on that drink? ENGLISH 12~ FLSS— ULIS~ VNU SECTION 3: SPEAKING PHONETICS |. Choose the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each question. 1.A costumes B celebrates C. believes D. examples 2.A. individual B. ethnicity C. inherit D. identity 3.A etiquette B. conqueror C. statuesque D. bequest 4.A inevitably B religion C. ceremony D. regard 5.A exhilarate B. pharaoh C. diarrhoea D. carbohydrate Il. Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each question. 1.A. asymmetric B. preoccupied C. recollection D. omamental 2.A literate 8. traumatic C. implement D. density 3. A. bewildered B. remorseful C. reminisce D. revulsion 4.A significance B. majority C. unhygienic D. depravity 5. A, pampered B. crucially C. counterpart D. conversely EVERYDAY ENGLISH: Giving thanks Choose the best answer to each question. 41. Alex: “Thank you for taking the time to come here in person.” Amy: A Its my pleasure. B.I don't know what time that person comes. C. lid love to come. What time? D. Do you have time for some gossip? “Thanks forthe nice gift you bought to us!” Peter:"___* A. Allright. Do you know how much it costs? B. Not at all, don't mention it. C. Actually speaking, l myself don't ike it D. Welcome! is very nice of you 3, Jenny: “You are so patient with us.” Mrs, Green: * A Im fine, thanks B, Thanks, that's nice of you to say so. C. Thanks. Have a nice trip. D. I know. | have trouble controlling my temper. 4. Helen: “It was very kind of you to help me out, Paul?” Paul: * ” A im glad you like it. B. Thanks a milion. C. That was the least | could do. D. You can say that again. 5. Jane: "Don fal to send your parents my regards." Bent" ‘A Youare welcome. —_B, Goodidea, thanks. _C. Thanks, | wil. D. It's my pleasure. ENGLISH 12 FLSS - ULIS— VNU 7 SECTION 4: GRAMMAR Choose the best answer to each question. 4. After the operation, the doctors wouldn't let him out of bed for three days. B.toget C. getting D. gets 2. She always pus off the dinner dishes until the next morning ‘A towash B. washing C. wash D. and washes 3, John volunteered the food supply tothe victims in the flood area, A take take C. taking D. tobe taken 4, The spokesman began by them where the mountain was, and went on about its history. A teling- talking B.tell-talk C.told - talked tell -to talk 5, Phosphates to most land in our country. ‘A.need added B. need to add C.need tobe added —_D. need to adding 6. "You are lucky. You haven't gota child___.", said the woman, A forlooking after ——_—B. looking after C. tolook after D. look after T. The other motorist drove right in front of me. | couldn't avoid his car. A.tobit B. hitting Chit D. from hiting 8, There are people who can't help when they see someone ona banana skin AA laugh - slip laugh - sip . laughing - slipping» D. laughing - sip 9, Ann was very surprised fo find the door unlocked. She remembered itbefore she left A tolock Blocking C. lock D. she locks 410. Lwould advise you that young man in spite of his charming manner. A tonot trust B. to never trust C.never totrust D. never trust 411. His parents insisted medical training course. ‘A.on him taking B. ontaking him C.him to take D. on him to take 42. The doctor advised him and to take up some sport ‘A to stop smoke B. stop smoking . to stop smoking D. to stop to smoke 13, The teachers have had some problems retum the papers to the students ‘A todecide when to B. deciding when to —_C. deciding D. deciding when 14, ESL students from Asia often have great diffculty some English sounds. A to pronounce pronouncing . pronouncing D.Band C are comrect 15, We watched the litle gi across the street, A towalk B. walk walking D. walked 16, Suddenly she burst out with the words, “Im sick and tired ‘soups and poridges for him. | can't goon my best year ‘A. crying - of making - wasting B. to cry - to make - to waste C. to cry - of making - wasting D. crying - to make - wasting 17, When Paul wes questioned by the police, he admitted knowing about the embezzlement of funds from his ‘company, but denied in any way. A tobe involved B. involving C.having involved —_D. being involved 18. Mr. Davis was upset by him the truth A ournothaving told. us to tell C.we didn't tell D. notto tell 419. Jim should have asked for help instead todo ithimselt A of trying B.toty C.ty D. from trying 20.1 don't object lending you my pen, but wouldn't it be better if you had a pen your own? A for of D. of -of ENGLISH 12 FLSS— ULIS- VNU

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