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to discover
your values
What things and
services you value?
What thing would you miss the most
if it was taken away from you?
Can you explain why, please?
What is, for you, the most important service you
spend money on? Why do you spend money on that?
To what or to whom do you
donate money? Why?
What do you do?
What do you love to do?
Why do you love to do this?
What did you love to do when you were a
child? Can you explain why, please?
When you don’t work, what do you
spend most of your time on? Why?
What videos do you like to watch? Why?
What have you been most proud of doing
in your life? Can you explain why, please?
In what parts of your life does nobody have to
motivate you to do things?
Why are you very focused when you do this?
What do you regret the most having done
or not having done in your life until now?
Why do you regret this?
When were you at your best? Can you explain,
please, why you were at your best in this situation?
What do you think?
When you wake up in the night and cannot sleep,
what do you mostly worry about?
Why do you worry about this?
What are the 2 most important topics
you want to learn more about?
Whom do you envy?
Why do you envy this person?
What is your favourite movie?
Why do you love this movie?
In your life, what is on hold? Why?
When you speak with other people, what do you
often bring into the conversation?
Why does this topic make you come alive?
If you could try any work for a week,
what would it be? Why?
If you had the opportunity to say something to a large
group of people, what would your question
and/or message be? Why?
Which word says the most about you?
Why does this word say the most about you?
When you don’t live anymore, which 2 words
would people use to describe who you were?
Why do you think so?
What inspires you so much that
it brings you to tears of gratitude?
Which person do you spend most time with?
Can you explain why, please?
What gives you lots of energy?
Why does this give you lots of energy?
Whom do you admire the most? Why?
What part of your personality do you have in
common with your father’s personality?
What part of your personality do you have in
common with your mother’s personality?
How you feel?
On a scale from 0 to 100, how alive
do you feel in your life?
Who is the person you care most about?
Why is this person the person you care most about?
What was your last moment of true happiness?
Why was this for you a moment of true happiness?
What makes you really angry?
Why does this make you really angry?
What are your two
most important values?
Value hierarchy
As you answer some or all of the questions,
please write down the 2 values you mention most frequently.

The # 1 mentioned value:

The # 2 mentioned value:

Be creative Be a part of it

Get it done Do it well

Sources of inspiration p. 218., location 2993. p. 290. p. 37. location 1311.

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