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1) The Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary is located in Alexandria, Virginia, United States.

2) The apothecary also sells household items such as baby bottles, paper and pens,
paint, and other chemicals.

3) Coca-Cola was used as medicine to cure tiredness and headaches.

1) Yes, I quite want to visit this museum as there are lots of interesting stuff in the
museum such as old medicines. I think that in this museum, I can learn a lot about the
evolution of medicines. And I will know about how one of the oldest apothecaries
worked. I will see how did this apothecary use to cure people.

2) These pieces of information aren’t completely new to me as I already knew the

history of Coca-Cola. These methods are pretty much the same as Chinese medicine.

3) Yes, alternative medicines are very popular in China. Chinese people believe in lots
of weird medicine methods such as saving people with Qi or curing people by touching
their Xuewei. These methods don’t work at all. It appears in some historical fiction
books, but the craziest thing is that some of the doctors today believe in it. The only
“working” alternative medicine method is massage and acupuncture.

4) I think 100 years later, people will not think that our medicine is ridiculous as today’s
medicine is very developed and is useful. We can see it as a majority of illnesses can
be cured by our medicine. Unlike traditional medicines, our technology is already based
on science and not beliefs. So, I don’t think people will make fun of it, they will just think
that our technology is not advanced enough.

5) The most important medical discovery is the vaccines. Because of the vaccines, lots
of dangerous viruses can be stopped. And because of vaccines, a really killing disease
Further discussion
1) I might enjoy visiting this museum as there will be lots of historical medicines. I will
maybe see some kind of medicine that I have never heard of. It will have a lot of cultural

2) I want to visit museums about Hollywood films. I really like Hollywood films and I am
really interested to see how do people act in films without special effects. I am really
interested in special effects and films since I was young. But I definitely don’t want to go
with my parents. They are too slow and I need to wait for them.

3) I want to go back to when my parents are little to see their lives. Because I want to
see if what they tell me is wether correct or not about their childhood. The thing is that
my mom always tells me how she was good at school when she was little. She always
compares me to her and says that I am not as brilliant as her. I also want to see my
dad’s childhood to see all the troubles that he has done.

4) I honestly am not very interested in history. Because when we are learning history, it
is closely linked with politics. And I can’t understand well the events and the problems. It
is really complicated for me. If I need to choose a period, I will choose the second world

5) I don’t really agree. I am each time bored in a museum because my dad is always
very slow and I get tired quickly. I don’t like the fact to stay standing and walking just
watching things.

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