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"Every great movement of God can be traced to a kneeling figure" - D. L.


Good evening LBC Family! Tonight, is the start of our Round-The-Clock Prayer. Every hour
that passes on the face of the clock is really important and should be given with utmost attention.
As we face a big and momentous event for the Lakeview Baptist Church, we enjoin you to
participate and be part of this activity where we can connect with the Lord - PRAYER. The 41 st
Year Church Anniversary is nearing, let us continue to pray without ceasing!

Here is some guidance for our activity:

1. Be part of this and be committed – as we commit ourselves to prayer, let us not forget to
really focus on praying and not on other activities.

2. Enjoy our quiet time with the Lord – as we go into praying, take time to heartfully speak
to the Lord. Converse with Him every part of the prayer list, go into devotion, sing
psalms and praises, and savor every hour, minute, and second of it.

3. Do not rush! – Rushing only puts as to nothing! Feel the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Pause as
necessary. Let God lead you to the right words in your hearts and then to your lips.

For our Monday Schedule, here are the priorities that we need to pray for. But remember, do not
rush anything. Take time to pray. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. God bless us all.

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