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AIME Solutions

February 9, 2022

AIME Solutions
Bole (February 9, 2022)

1 Problem 1
1.1 Solution 1
Let our 2 quadratics be, P (x) = 2x2 + a1 x + b1 and Q(x) = −2x2 + a2 x + b2 . Plugging
in the points (16, 54) and (20, 53) into P (x) yields

512 + 16a1 + b1 = 54
800 + 20a1 + b1 = 53

Solving for b1 yields 698. Now plug in the points into Q(x). This yields

−512 + 16a1 + b1 = 54
−800 + 20a1 + b1 = 53

Solving for b1 yields −582. Adding these 2 gives 116

1.2 Problem 1 (Solution 2)

Let our 2 quadratics be, P (x) = 2x2 + a1 x + b1 and Q(x) = −2x2 + a2 x + b2 . Then
taking P (16) + Q(16) give 16(a1 + a2 ) + (b1 + b2 ) = 108, and similarly P (20) + Q(20) =
20(a1 +a2 )+(b1 +b2 ) = 106 so solving for a1 +a2 , b1 +b2 gives P (0)+Q(0) = b1 +b2 = 116

2 Problem 2
Given abc10 = bca9 means 100a + 10b + c = 81b + 9c + a. Simplifying yields 99a = 71b + 8c.
Clearly a and b must be very close so WLOG a = b. This means that 28a = 8c. Clearly
digits a = 2, c = 7 satisfy this equation so we can go check if 22710 = 2729 . Clearly,
227 = 2 · 81 + 7 · 9 + 2 so our answer is, 227 .

3 Problem 3
3.1 Solution 1
Let M, N be the midpoints of AD, BC respectively. Note that ∠P AD + ∠P DA =
1 ◦ ◦
2 (∠BAD + ∠CDA) = 90 so ∠AP D = 90 , and similar for ∠BQC. In particular, this
means that the circumcircle of AP D is centered at M , so M P = M A = AD 333
2 = 2 and
similarly N Q = 333
2 . Now note that P is equidistant from lines AB and AD, as well as
AD and CD, so it is halfway between lines AB, CD so it lies on M N , and so does Q.
Thus P Q = M N − M P − N Q = 500+650
2 − 333 333
2 − 2 = 242

3.2 Solution 2
Note that △AED is a right triangle because ∠A + ∠D = 180◦ so the ∠EAD + ∠EDA =
180 180
2 and ∠AED = 180 − 2 . Since it is an isosceles trapezoid it is symmetric and we will
only be looking at the distance from E to the axis of symmetry. Let G be the midpoint
of AB and H be the point on AB such that AB ⊥ EH. Now look q at cos(∠A) This is
650−500 75
just 3332
. Using half angle identity we find that cos(∠EAD) = 2 . Therefore

the length of AH = 333 · cos(∠EAD) · cos(∠EAH) = 333 · 333 = 204. Therefore the
length of length of HG = 2 − 204 = 121 and our length is 121 · 2 = 242

AIME Solutions
Bole (February 9, 2022)

4 Problem 4
√ π
We first convert w = into the form eiθ . We can quickly see that w = ei 6 . We do
√2 2π π
−1+i 3
the same for z = 2 = ei 3 . Note that i = ei 2 so we may rewrite our equation as,
π rπ 2sπ
ei( 2 + 6 ) = ei 3 . The magnitudes of both sides are always equal, so it suffices to ensure
the arguments are equal. The arguments are 90 + 30r and 120s in degrees respectively,
and these need to be congruent mod 360. Note that for 34 values of s, 120s ≡ 120
(mod 360), and there are 9 values of r that make 90 + 30r ≡ 120 (mod 360). Similarly,
there are 33 values of s and 8 values of r that make them both equal to 240, and 33
values of s and 8 values of r that make them both equal to 360. Thus, our answer is
34 · 9 + 33 · 8 + 33 · 8 = 834 .

5 Problem 5
5.1 Solution 1
Look at their individual x and y components. Let their individual components be x1 , y1
and x2 , y2 where the first set refers to the person further north up the shore and these
are the speeds as if the river was not moving. Through Pythagorean theorem we get,

x21 + y12 = 602

x22 + y22 = 802

Since they arrive at the same time as well we know their x and y components must be
equal with the flow of the river so, x1 + 14 = x2 − 14 and y1 = y2 . Subbing these in and
solving we get, x1 = 36, y1 = 48, x2 = 64, y2 = 48. Now the width of the river is 264 so
they spend 264
48 = 5.5 minutes in the water. Therefore they’re total traveled distance in
the x direction is,
5.5 · ((36 + 14) + (64 − 14)) = 550

5.2 Solution 2
Let the acute angles formed between the directions of travel and the banks be θ1 , θ2
respectively. Then assuming they travel for t minutes, we get the equations D 2 =
60t cos θ1 + 14t = 80t cos θ2 − 14t =⇒ 15 cos θ1 = 20 cos θ2 − 7 and 264 = 60t sin θ1 =
80t sin θ2 → 15 sin θ1 = 20 sin θ2 . Squaring both equations and adding them up gives
225 cos2 θ1 + 225 sin2 θ1 = 400 cos2 θ2 + 400 sin2 θ2 − 280 cos θ2 + 49. This reduces to
225 = 400 − 280 cos θ2 + 49, or cos θ2 = 45 =⇒ sin θ2 = 35 . From here we see that
264 = t · 48, so t = 11 D 11 4 11
2 . Then this implies 2 = 80 · 2 · 5 − 14 · 2 , so D = 550 .

6 Problem 6
We will use complementary counting. Note there are a total of 24

2 ways to pick a, b
without the arithmetic sequence restriction. If a = 6, we get 23 choices for b that all
result in the sequence 3, 4, 5, 6. Similarly, if b = 20 or a = 20, we get 23 choices for
the other variable that result in 20, 30, 40, 50, but a = 6, b = 20 is counted twice so
we must subtract one. We also have the possibilities of a = 7, b = 9, a = 12, b = 21
and a = 16, b = 28 (note a = 20, b = 35 fails as b < 30), giving us a final answer of
2 − (23 + 23 − 1) − 3 = 228

AIME Solutions
Bole (February 9, 2022)

7 Problem 7
Since we want to minimize a·b·c−d·e·f g·h·i our fraction should be in the form smol number
big number or
more preferably, big number . Trying to get in the latter form we notice that one of the
products a · b · c or d · e · f must be odd. Therefore a, b, c or d, e, f must also be odd.
WLOG d, e, f are all odd. Through simple trial and error we see that we can get the
fraction 2·3·6−7·5·1
9·8·4 = 2881
. Since the greatest possible denominator is 9 · 8 · 7 we know that
1 2
the numerator must be 1 as 9·8·4 < 9·8·7 . Now we only have to check if the denominator
can be 9 · 8 · 7, 9 · 8 · 6, 9 · 8 · 5, 9 · 7 · 6, 9 · 7 · 5. Using our parity argument earlier we can
quickly test and see that none of these denominators are possible therefore the smallest
possible positive fraction is 288 and our answer is 289 .

8 Problem 8
Let ωA meet AB at X, and let the center be Y . Let the radius be r. Note AXY is
a 30 − 60 − 90 triangle with shorter leg of length r, so AY = 2r. Let ωA be tangent
to (ABC) at Z, and note Y Z = r, so AZ = 3r = 2 · 18 and thus r = 12. Let the
circumcenter of ABC be O, and note Y O = 18 − 12 = 6. Law of cosines on Y OX
2 2 2 ◦
√ = 6 + OX − 2 · 6 · OX cos 120 , so solving the quadratic for OX gives
gives 12
OX = 117 − √3. This
√ is the√circumradius of the smaller equilateral triangle, so the side
length is OX 3 = 351 − 27, giving an answer of 351 + 27 = 378 .

9 Problem 9
Note that one block of each of the colors must go in an odd numbered spot, and one
must go in an even numbered spot, to ensure each pair has an even number of blocks
between them. Thus, we have 6 different colored blocks to put in the 6 odd spots (i.e.
1st, 3rd, 5th, etc.), so there are 6! ways. Similarly there are 6! ways to put the blocks in
the even spots. The total number of ways to arrange the blocks is 12! 26
, so a computation
gives us an answer of 231 , so p + q = 247 .

10 Problem 10
Let the distances from A, B, C to the corresponding centers of the spheres be a, b, c.
Then the congruent circles condition becomes 112 − a2 = 132 − b2 = 192 − c2 . The
AB 2 = 560 condition becomes (11 + 13)2 − (b − a)2 = 560 (this can be seen by taking a
2D cross section perpendicular to the plane), so we get b − a = 4 (it is clearly positive as
b2 − a2 = 132 − 112 = 48. This also gives b + a = 12, so b = 8, a = 4. From here we can
find c = 16, and get AC 2 = (11 + 19)2 − (c − a)2 = 756

11 Problem 11
11.1 Solution 1
Let H be the foot of the altitude from A to line BC. The hypotenuse of this right
triangle is 3 + 9 + 16 = 28. The length of AH can be expressed as 2r where r is the
radius of the circle. Let Z be the tangency point on AD. Since ZY is perpendicular
to both BC and AD, HY√= AZ = 6. Using Pythagorean theorem on △AHC yields
(2r)2 + 262 = 282 , r = 3 3. Now look at △AHB. Since BX = BY = x we get,

AIME Solutions
Bole (February 9, 2022)
√ √
(6 3)2 + (6 − x)2 = (6 + x)2 . Solving for x yields 92 . Therefore our area is 147 3 and
answer is 150 .

11.2 Solution 2
Let the circle be tangent to AB, BC at X, Y respectively. By power of a point on
A, C we get AX =√6, CY = 20. Let BX = BY = x, then note that the height of the
parallelogram is 2 6x. Now use Heron’s on ABC and set that equal to half the area
of the parallelogram, to eventually get the cubic 6x(20 + x)2 = (27 + x)(21)(7)(x − 1).
Tediously simplifying and using RRT along with eyeballing the approximate length √ of x
(high iq strategies) gets us x = 2 , at which point we easily get the area is 147 3, so the
answer is 150 .

12 Problem 12
Consider how many times any given number k is counted in the intersection of A, B, in the
expression for Sn . If A, B each contain r numbers, then it is counted n−1 = n−1
r−1 r−1 n−r
times, summed from r = 1 to r = n. By Vandermonde’s this sum becomes 2n−2 n−1 , so

summing over all values of k, we get Sn = n n−1 . From here, a computation gives that
the answer is 2022·2·4041
, so taking mod 1000, p + q = 245 .

13 Problem 13
Do casework on the denominator. If it is 9999, then there are 6000 possible numerators
(covering all numbers not divisible by 3, 11, 101). If the denominator is 1111, the only new
numerators are multiples of 3 that are not divisible by 11, 101, so we can see there are
334 of them. Similarly, for the denominator of 909 we get 55 numbers (numerators must
be divisible by 11, but not 11 or 101). If the denominator is 101 the only new numbers
are divisible by 3, 11, so there are 3 of them. It is easy to see any other denominators
don’t give new numbers, so the answer is 6000 + 334 + 55 + 3 = 6 392

14 Problem 14
Consider the splitting line through M . Extend D on ray BC such that CD = CA. Then
the splitting line bisects segment BD, so in particular it is the midline of triangle ABD
and thus it is parallel to AD. But since triangle ACD is isosceles, we can easily see AD is
parallel to the angle bisector of C, so the splitting line is also parallel to this bisector, and
similar for the splitting line through N . Some simple angle chasing reveals the condition
is now equivalent to ∠A = 120◦ , so law of cosines gives b2 + bc + c2 = 2192 .This becomes
(2b + c)2 + 3c2 = 4382 , and from here we can follow the proof of finding all Pythagorean
triples to reveal that the general solution of 3x2 + y 2 = z 2 is x = 2kmn, z = k(m2 + 3n2 ),
and y = k(3n2 − m2 ) where m, n are integers, and 2k is an integer. From here, it is easy
to see that k = 12 , n = 17, and m = 1. Then from here we can get x, y = 189, 51 so the
perimeter is 459 .

AIME Solutions
Bole (February 9, 2022)

15 Problem 15
= 1 − x, b = 1 − y, c = 1 − z. Then squaring the original equations and simplifying
Let a p
gives (1 − a2 )(1 − b2 ) − ab = − 21 and analogous equations. From here we can trig
sub a = sin p, b = sin q, c = sin r for acute angles p, q, r. Then our equations become
cos(p+q) = − 12 , cos(q +r) = 0, cos(p+r) = 12 . We can then find p = 45◦ , q = 75◦ , r = 15◦ .
√ √ √ √
√1 , b 2+ 6 6− 2
From here we can find that a = 2
= 4 ,c = 4 . We want to find (abc)2 , and
a computation gives us an answer of 32 , to get 33 .

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