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Based on your investigation and readings, what countries made it to the lists? Is the Philippines on the

list? Why is it so?

__According to my research, China, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, India, France, Brazil, Canada,
Italy, Hong Kong Macao, Switzerland, Singapore, and Finland made the list. The Philippines did not make
the list because it is a poor country plagued by corruption.

Reflect on the lists that identified the highly developed countries and those with longer life expectancy.

Is there a country found on both lists? Why is it so?

__Japan made rapid progress because its people are very industrious and technologically advanced.

Reflect on the list of highly developed countries in the world. Are the happiest people in the world found

on the list? Why is it so?

__According to the World Happiness Report 2021, Finland was ranked the happiest country in the world
based on my research.


How does one identify progress?

__Measuring progress toward your process goals on a daily basis is a great way to see how far you've
come. It makes no difference how much you work; what matters is whether you're getting closer to
completing the process goals for that day. Then, ensure that your process goals are performing as
expected by measuring overall progress toward an end goal.

What indicators are utilized to create and establish a clear and concrete assessment of one’s Progress?

__Indicators are an effective tool for measuring progress and performance. An indicator is a graphical
representation of a trend that tracks the measurable change of a system over time. In most cases, an
indicator focuses on a small, manageable set of data that provides a sense of the big picture. As a result,
there is no need to quantify everything. Furthermore, the indicators employed are critical in determining
whether they provide a sufficient sense of the larger picture.
Are there parameters and standardized values to quantify progress?

__The management of our country, in which there is no corruption in our country.

How is the Standard of Living measured?

__Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita is the material used to calculate population.

Search for Real GDP index and its interpretation.

__Real GDP is the total value of all final goods and services produced by an economy each year, adjusted
for inflation. Real GDP accounts for inflation and deflation. It translates nominal GDP, a monetary metric,
into a quantity-of-total-output index.


Based on Jason Hickel’s article, answer the following questions:

1) What is the main objective of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations? What is its

standard response to eradicating poverty?

__The primary goal is to eradicate poverty by 2030. Beyonce, One Direction, and Malala are among
those who have signed on. It's shaping up to be a historic international celebration. With all the fanfare,
one might think the SDGs are about to unveil a new plan for saving the world, but beneath the surface,
it's business as usual. Growth is the primary strategy for eradicating poverty.

2) What is the threshold of the earth for adequately sustaining life? How many hectares should each of

us consume annually based on the resources available on the planet?

__Right now, our planet only has enough resources for each of us to consume 1.8 "global hectares" (a
standardized unit that measures resource use and waste) per year. This is roughly what the average
Ghanaian or Guatemalan consumes. People in the United States and Canada consume about 8 hectares
per person, whereas Europeans consume 4.7 hectares, which is many times their fair share.

3) What are two indicators of quality of life mentioned in the article?

__Life expectancy and current events

4) What crisis may force us to slow down if we do not do so voluntarily?

- Global warming / Climate change

5) According to Hickel, what must be done to eradicate poverty instead of urging poor countries to catch

up with rich ones? How would different nations react to the idea of de-developing?
__Hickel contends that rather than pushing poorer countries to "catch up" with rich ones, we should
consider ways to get rich countries to "catch down" to more appropriate levels of development. We
should look at societies where people live long and happy lives on relatively low levels of income and
consumption as exemplars of efficient living rather than basket cases that need to be developed towards
Western models. The concept of'redeveloping' rich countries may be a powerful rallying cry in the global
south, but it will be difficult to sell to westerners. It's difficult, but not impossible. According to recent
consumer research, 70% of people in middle and high-income countries believe that overconsumption
endangers our planet and society. A similar majority believes that we should strive to buy and own less,
and that doing so will not jeopardize our happiness. People are aware that there is something wrong
with the dominant model of economic progress, and they are eager for an alternative narrative.



Why must we change our paradigm of growth and consumption to that of de-development?

__We must alter our growth paradigm if we are to see our country become prosperous and prosperous.

Why are the terms de-development, de-growth, and zero growth seemingly unacceptable when framed

with progress? How have we been enflamed by the notion of growth?

__I think the issue is one of definitions. People frequently regard development and growth as positive,
whereas pre-development and zero-growth are viewed as negative or regressive. What? You don't want
to go any further? Do you want to go back in time to the Stone Age? The problem is that if we are
heading in the wrong direction, the best way to proceed is to turn around and head in the opposite
direction. However, because the phrases are all negative, using words like pre-development, degrowth,
and zero-growth to describe this shift in direction would always sound like failure, failure, and reversal of
progress. Find more descriptive words for what you're discussing. De-development and de-growth sound
the same as destroy.

As a student, how can you improve your life and yet reduce consumption?

__As a student, the most significant quality improvement that has reduced consumption is longer and
better lives, which has reduced birthrates and population growth. You don't have to buy as many
clothes/cars/houses/toys if you buy ones that last longer. You don't have to eat as much if you eat better
quality food. Consumption of old products can be reduced by the introduction of new products. Those
who make or sell old products may be offended by this.

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