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Balasi, Jamille Nympha C.


Title: Test for Vitamin C


At the end of the lesson the student will be able to

 Test weather the fruit of vegetable has a vitamin

 Make the experiment done correctly
 Understand the used of iodine in the activity


 Paper
 Aqueous iodine
 Potassium iodine
 Bell pepper
 Kiwi
 Orange
 Knife



Apply an aqueous solution iodine in potassium iodide to a piece of paper.

Slice a bell a paper, a kiwi, and an orange.

Arramge them on the paper, fresh cuts facing downwards, and press them down slightly.

Leave it for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes remove them on the paper. The paper will turn white.


1. What happened to the paper after 15 minutes?

The friut and vegetable sample leave a white mark on the paper after 15 minutes.

2. Why does the paper became white?

The paper become white because of the acid the fruit and vegetable have.

3. Does fruit and vegetable contains vitamin C?

Yes as we see in the experiment we did.

4. What are the materials used in the activity?

We used of paper, aqueous iodine, pottasium iodine, kiwi, orange, bell paper and knife as a

5. Which fruit has the most vitamin among the three samples?

All of them has the same number of vitamins.


I therefore conclude that iodine can be used to test vegetables and fruits for ascorbic acid
content. Iodine is an oxidizer, so when it reacts with ascorbic acid, it is reduced to color less iodide ions. I
also conclude that fruits and vegetables contains ascorbic acid or also known as vitamin C.

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