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My Easter holidays in Paris


Lic. Samuel Isaí Villaseñor Dirzo


Isis Contreras Avilez

27 abril del 2021.

My Easter holidays in Paris

I was waiting for my Easter holidays as it was my dream trip to my favourite
destinatioc ´Paris´. The capital of France and the heart-thob of Europe, is a
beautiful and romantic city situated on the river Seine. It is an important centre for
culture, politics, media fashion ande arts, and possesses several iconic landmarks.
I began my Paris tour with the tower… and may god!! I feel that words are not
enough to describe the ambiance ofi t. I preferred to take the stairs up the tower
rather tan taking the lift just to imbibe the feeling within myself that I was actually in

Wow what an experience. It was amazing! The city from the top looked as if I was
looking on some cardboard models and not the actual buildings.

The whole city is sol lively and cheerful ande the aura increases gradually as it
gets darker and the city starts to twinkle like the stars and appears even more
beautiful at night.

Other places of my interet were Arc de Triomphe which was constructed by

Napoleon, Notre Dame, which is not only a masterpiece of French Gpthic
architecture, but has also been Catholic Paris ceremonial focus for several
centuries. The Louvre Museum housed in Louvre Palace consisto f the very
famous Louvre Pyramids, Egyotian monuments, decorative arts and paintings and
the very famous and beautiful painting of Mona Lisa. This is just not enough to
describe Paris…

All this happened just in my dreams because we could not travel, we are on
pandemic, but I wish that one day my dreams come tru! 😉

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