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- Final Exam -

Name : Meyla Onenda Angesty

Nim : 181010600154 / V. 548

Courses : Drama

Lecturer : Yuli Wahyuni, S.S., M.Hum

The Stronger by August Strindberg

1. Introduction ( Theory )

In the drama titled "The Stronger" by author August Strindberg. Using Feminist theory.
Feminist theory is the extension of feminism into theoretical, or philosophical ground. It
encompasses work done in a broad variety of disciplines, prominently including the approaches
to women's roles. and lives and feminist politics in anthropology and sociology, economics,
women's and gender studies, feminist literary criticism, and philosophy (especially Continental
philosophy) Feminist theory aims to understand the nature of inequality and focuses on gender
politics, power relations and sexuality. generally providing a critique of social relations, much of
feminist theory also focuses on analyzing gender inequality and the promotion of women's rights,
interests, and issues Themes explored in feminism include discrimination, stereotyping,
objectification (especially sexual objectification), oppression, and patriarchy .

2. Finding Theme or Issue

Female psychology is an issue that explains about female psychology including discussion of
gender roles, women's self-esteem, competition for men, female friendship and ego style. With
reference to three different sources about the concept of female psychology, an interesting
analysis of the nature and dynamics of the relationship between two female characters. Different
and interesting interpretations about the nature and dynamics of the relationship of two female

Quotation : "Look here, this is he. [She makes the slippers walk on the table. Ms. Y laughs
loudly.] And when he is peeved, see, he stamps like this with his foot"

Explain: he tried to tease Ms. Y with jokes that her husband's habits do.

Quotation : "How happy you were with your fiancé's parents, how you enjoyed the happiness of
their home, yet longed for the theater."

Explain: Ms. X cornered Ms. Y by bringing up a bad incident to provoke Ms. Y replied to his

Quotation : "Why are you silent? You haven't said a word this whole time, but you have let me go
on talking!"

Explain: Ms. X demanded reciprocity in the conversation she began.

Quotation : "And if you taught me how to dress — tantmieux — that only makes me more
attractive to my husband."

Explain: Ms. X tries to imitate Ms. Y's style so her husband is interested and sees her presence.

Quotation : "You can't make conquests yourself, you can't keep a man's love, but you can steal
away that love from others!"

Explain: This is an expression of Ms. X's emotions about her view of Ms. Y.
3. Conclution

So, the analytical conclusions we are looking for in the story are a woman's problem. A woman's
perspective and thinking about a problem, selfishness in their personality, discrimination against
someone and also fighting for a woman's self-esteem. In the story illustrates that a man is free to
choose whoever he loves, while a woman must try hard to maintain someone who is loved even
though he must hate his own best friend.

4. Reference

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