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Komunitas K-Pop di Sidoarjo Tahun 2013-2018

Dewi Aisyah, Nasution

Pendidikan Sejarah, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Hukum, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

email: Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Pendidikan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Hukum, Universitas Negeri Surabaya



Abstract ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia, berisikan isu-isu pokok,
tujuan penelitian, metode/pendekatan, hasil, dan simpulan/implikasi penelitian. Abstract
ditulis dalam satu alenia, tidak lebih dari 200 kata. (TNR 11, italic, justify text).


Keywords: Maksimum 5 kata kunci dipisahkan dengan tanda koma [TNR 11 italic, left

PENDAHULUAN that legitimizes men's dominant position

in society and justifies the subordination
[Panjang naskah sekitar 10-14 of women, and other marginalized ways
halaman A4,TNR 11 reguler, 1 spasi, of being a man. (Connell &
justify text, format paragraph first line Messerschmidt, 2005). Hegemonic is a
0.8 cm]. In this thesis, the writer wants form of masculinity in the current world
to emphasize some events that are gender order is the masculinity linked
related to the hegemonic masculinity with those who control its dominant
ideology and concept, in the novel that organizations: those business executives
is being used, Thirteen Reasons Why who operate on world markets, and
using the Hegemonic Masculinity theory those political managers who interact
by R. W. Connell. The reasons why the with them (and combine with them in
lead male characters Bryce Walker and many circumstances). (1998: 16),
Clay Jensen in this book are worth to be (Jefferson, 2002).
analyzed is because gender is a
determiner, a distinctive between kinds In Jay Asher’s Thirteen Reasons
of creature which is nowadays Why so much bullying happened even
mentioned as male and female, men and before and after the main character,
women, girls and boys. In gender studies Hannah Baker, died. The bullying
we can learn so many things about happened mostly because of the male
genders, what the writer is going to use characters’ masculinity, in the novel
in this thesis is one of the theories of the Bryce Walker who has a really high
gender order, it is Hegemonic hegemonic masculinity seems took
Masculinity by R. W. Connell. advantages from his popularity, wealth,
Hegemonic Masculinity is a practice power and tricky brain. Hannah Baker
herself had left some tapes to “listen” to
by her friends whom she feels should be
responsible as her death. After reading
the novel some readers might be
triggered to be hating on some
characters inside the novel, especially
Clay Jensen and Bryce Walker. They are
the lead male characters in the novel that
might be supposed as the cause of
Hannah Baker’s death. Through this
thesis, the writer is going to analyze
what kind of personalities do the
characters mentioned above possessed,
and how do their actions affected to
Hannah Baker’s death. In this thesis, the
writer is going to use the theory of
gender studies, especially masculinity.
To dig in deeper about who are the lead
male characters above and what kind of
characters and personalities do they
have that caused Hannah Baker dead.



[TNR 11 reguler, 1 spasi, justify

text, format paragraph first line 0.8 cm].
Penulis wajib untuk memaparkan secara
detail cara pelaksanaan penelitian yang
telah dilakukan. Komponen pada bagian
metode meliputi rancangan penelitian,
ruang lingkup atau objek penelitian,
definisi operasional variabel penelitian,
sasaran penelitian, bahan dan alat utama,
teknik pengumpulan, dan

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