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Black History Month

February is Black History Month, which began in 1926 when Dr. Carter G. Woodson
established a unique month in February to honor the legacy and accomplishments of African-
Americans in United States of America. February was chosen because it coincided with the
birthdays of two Americans who had a significant impact on African Americans' lives and social
conditions: former President Abraham Lincoln and former slave Frederick Douglass. President
Gerald Ford declared Black History Month in 1976.Since then,every American president has
honored Black History Month and its goal during their presidency. But it wasn't until Congress
enacted "National Black History Month" into law in 1986 that many people in the United States
began to formally honor. Schools and towns across the country were motivated to hold local
celebrations, start history clubs, and stage performances and talks as a result of the event.
Other African Americans, such as Lieutenant Colonel Allen Allensworth, Constance
Baker Motley, James Baldwin, James Beckwourth, Simeon Booker, Clara Brown, Ralph
Bunche, Shirley Chisholm, Frederick Douglass, W. E. B. Du Bois, Ralph Ellison, Medgar Evers,
Alex Haley, Dorothy Height, Lena Horne, Charles Hamilton Houston, Mahalia Jackson, Martin
Luther King, Jr., the Tuskegee Airmen, Thurgood Marshall, Rosa Parks, and many others fought
racism in order to succeed and make substantial contributions to the economic, educational,
political, artistic, athletic, literary, scientific, and other fields. As early as the 17th century, the
first Africans were forcibly transported to America. They were enslaved and then endured
atrocities such as lynch mobs, segregation, and denial of basic and essential civic rights.
However, in the face all those injustices, people of good will from all races in the United States
have distinguished themselves by a commitment to the high values on which the United States of
America was created, and they have fought valiantly for African Americans to maintain their
civil rights and independence. Today, Black History Month is one of America's most celebrated
cultural heritage months. Schools commemorate the day by showcasing notable African
Americans' accomplishments and contributions. National Museum of African American History
in Washington DC, as well as libraries, also offer a host of educational programs


Initially, Black History Month was intended to educate schoolchildren and young people
about the accomplishments of African-Americans and other minorities. Such tales had mostly
been forgotten, yet they were an important part of the national story. It’s now considered as a
celebration of those who, by their activism and achievements, have touched not only the country
but the entire world. The month-long spotlight in February in the United States is a time for
people to engage with Black histories, go beyond discussions of racism and slavery, and
celebrate Black leaders and achievements. The following are the importance of honoring the
Black History Month;
 Celebrating Honours Leaders of the Past
Heroes who battled for the rights of Black America should be honored for the sacrifices and
suffering they underwent for the cause of racial equality. The commemoration of Black History
Month allows Americans to pause and recall their stories and accomplishments. It
commemorates the contributions of all pioneers in the United States who have contributed to the
great nation's legacy

 Celebrating allows us to highlight the best of African-American Culture

Black History Month provides the chance to focus on different aspects of narrative of African
Americans, It encourages us to look for and celebrate the greatest of African American
 Creates Awareness
Black History Month provides persons of all races with the opportunity to learn about a history
and people about whom they may be unaware.1
 Reminds us of America History
It provides chance for all people in the United States to learn from and comprehend the
experiences that have created the country over the last years.. It allows us to pause and remember
American historic leaders and commemorate about their achievement.2 Glenn claims that Black

."Black history month in the USA." StudyMoose, Aug 19, 2019. Accessed October 22, 2021.

History month contributes to the process of democratizing history to make history more

 Recognizes Black Americans

Black History month recognizes the Black Americans and the role they played to ensure America
is great. Thomas1986 states that the improvement in the opportunities for black people was as
result of recognition of Black achievement4
Black History Month is a time to rejoice, celebrate, and thank African-Americans for
providing hope or a valuable life lesson. It's not simply about the awful times in African-
American history. It is about Integrity, leadership, and perseverance. Black History Month
reminds me that;
 America would not be as prosperous and sustainable today if it weren't for the
innovation, hard work, intellect, and courage of Black Americans who came
before us. For me, because of the innumerable number of Black people who
dedicated their lives to change, Black History Month re-affirms that I have no
excuse to have no impact on my community, nation, and, ultimately, the world.
 It's also an opportunity to learn about the challenges that Black people confront
around the world, as well as to celebrate their also reminds me of
the beauty of being Black, as well as the diversity of people and culture.
 Black History Month serves as a timely reminder that our communities still have
a lot of work to do and it is a powerful motivator for me to continue to develop
connections between law enforcement and the community.
 It also reminds me to always appreciate someone who doesn't look like me, we
are all equal.


Glenn E. Singleton (Glenn Eric). Courageous Conversations about Race : a Field Guide
for Achieving Equity in Schools. Thousand Oaks, California :Corwin, A SAGE Company, 2015.
Quaynor, Thomas Addo. 1986. A documented history of Black consciousness. New York:
Vantage Press.

Black History Month is an important time to honor African-Americans. African-American

history is not sufficiently taught. There are numerous approaches to educate society about
African Americans' experiences. This information should be conveyed not only in schools, but
also on television, on social media, and even by parents to their children. We would honor
historic black community leaders and their accomplishments if black history was taught more.


Singleton, Glenn E. (Glenn Eric). Courageous Conversations about Race : a Field Guide for
Achieving Equity in Schools. Thousand Oaks, California :Corwin, A SAGE Company,
Moulin, Emily. “The Significance Of Black History Month.” DOGOnews. February 18, 2021.
Accessed October 18, 2021.

Thomas Addo ,Quaynor. 1986. A documented history of Black consciousness. New York:
Vantage Press.

Woodson CG. The celebration of negro history week, 1927. Journal of Negro History.
1927;12(2):103-109. Accessed January 8, 2018.

"Black history month in the USA." StudyMoose, Aug 19, 2019. Accessed October 22, 2021.

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