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Databae Management Nystom
Suhee Min, Markai 24
he Mas. Mahi 0
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ONR shevi Vu Aavv
Yearn f Nenáce he is that part of main nmemory
.1he affribute available lor sorage of copies of disk
wkulatet h n DAl
Yean of Nervice is
The attribute . Hultor o, Storage
a .Single valued .ompwite
d. Derive b, C'atalog d. Secondary storage.
bMultivalued 10.A major goal of the database system
is to
an H-R
amomg entities in
2. 1he Relationstiyp minmize the number of block transfers
diagram is depicted by . Dashed lines between the disk and memory.
This is
a. Rectangle achieved by
d. Diamond
b. Oval . Buffer o. Storage.
in an F-R diagram
3. The total aticipation b, C'atalog d. Secondary storage.
is depicted by
of an entity in a relationship
c. Double oval is a speoial type of integrity
a. Dashed line relations &
constraint that relates two
b. Double line d. Cincle relations.
maintains consisteney ncross the
table to include the
4. In an employece a. Integrity Constraints.
attributes whose value always have some
b. Domain Integrity Constraints.
which of the following Constraints.
value c. Referential Integrity
constraint must be used? d. Domain Constraints.
a. Distinct. c. Unique. of the following can be a
d. Null. 12. Which
b. Not null multivalued attribute?
operator takes the results of c. Both a &b
5. The a. Date_of_birth
only rows that d. None
wo queries and retums b. Phone_number
appear in both result sets. reached the desired
c. Interscet 13.Once the head has
a. Difference for the sector
track, the time spent waiting
b. Projection d. Union under the head is
to be accessed to appear
6. For like predicate which of the following
called the
is true a. Rotational latency time.
i. % matches zero of more characters.
b. Access time.
ii.matches exactly onecharacter. c. Seek time.
a. i&ii. c. ii-only. d. Average seek time
b. i-only. d. None of these to as storage
7. A consists ofa sequence of query 14.Tape storage is referred
Random-access c. Sequential-access
and/ or update statements. Direct-access d. All of these
a. Transaction. c.Rollback.
b. most costly
15.The is the fastest and small;
b. Commit, d. Flashback. which is relatively
8. Which of the following makes the form of storage,
the computer system
transaction permanent in the database? its use is managed by
a. Save. c. Commit. hardware. c. Cache
a. Flash memory
b. View. d. Rollback. d. Main memory
b. Disk
statement 31.Which of the
23.Choose the correct
c a n d i d a t e key
Cartesian Products?
is true about 39.A table joined with itself is called
16.Student must opt a subject. This is a. An altemate key is a a. Join c. Outer Join
a. Integrity constraint
is not a primary key key that A Cartesian product is formed when b. Self-Join
a join d. Equi Join
b. Referential constraint
b. An altermate key is a
condition is omitted. 40.The normal form that is not necessarily
b. A
c. Chock coMstraint
is also primary key
a primary
key that Cartesian product is formed when dependency preserving is
Suructural constraint alternate key is
join condition is valid. 2NF c. BCNF
at least
four subjects.
An key c. Some rows in
must opt is not a candidate
key first table are b. 3NF INF
can b
enforced by An altemate key
is a secondary joined to all rows in the second 41.A functional dependency is a
a Cardinality
c. Foreign key table. between or among
Constraint d. Trigger d. All rows in the first table are
b. Not Null
24.Data Independence means

lower levels doesn't joined

to some rows in the second table.
a. Tables c. Relations
a. Changes in b. Rows d. Attributes
18.Address attribute is affect higher levels. 32.Which of the following is not true about a 42.If a transaction acquires a shared lock,
a Atomic c. Depends on need in higher
subquery? then it can perform
d. None of these b. Changes A operation.
b. Composite affect lower levels. a.
subquery is a SELECT statement a. Read c. Both a &b
c. Both A& B. embedded in a clause of another b. Write d. None of these
19.Primary key and
Candidate keys are
d. None of the above. SELECT statement.
n a Always same b. The subquery executes before the
25.Naive Users 43 helps solve concurrency problem
b. Always different data base schema. main query. a. Locking.
a. Can change
c. Depends on
situation base. c. The result of the main query is
b. Can change data in data b. Transaction monitor.
d None of these Data Base returned to the subquery.
Can only view data from c. Transaction serializability.
20.The fee of a course should be above zero. C.
d. None of the above. d. All of the above. d. Two-phase commit
This is: describes how 33.The method in which records are 44.Transaction
a. Integrity constraint 26. Which level of abstraction ensures that the
data is stored in the database?
physically stored in a specified order transaction is being executed successfully.
b. Referential constraint c. Physical Level according to a key field in each record is
a. View Level a Concurrency
c. Check constraint d. All of these a. Hash c. Sequential b. Consistency
b. Logical Level
d. Not Null Constraint. are to be hidden b. Direct d. All of these c. Serializability
27.Employees salary details
is 34.In a relation d. Non serializability
21.The following query on Employee(id, from employees table this technique
a. Ordering of rows is immaterial. 45.In a two-phase locking protocol, a
will called as
name, gender, salary, deptt_name) a. Conceptual level data hiding. b. No two rows are identical. transaction release locks in_ phase
retum departments In which the
b. Physical level data hiding. c. Both A &B are true. a. Shrinking phase
average salary: c. External level data hiding. d. None of the Above. b. Growing phase
SELECT deptt_name FROM Employee c. Both a&b
d. Logical level data hiding. 35. Which of the following operation is used if
we want to retrieve a subset of columns d. None of these
deptt_name HAVING AVG (salary) 28.In a relation schema R(A,B,C,D,E) B is a from a table?
simple key and C is primary key then the a. Projection c. Union 46.Which of the following is true
a. Is above than the average salary in the relation R b. Selection d. Join a. Selection and Projection arr
commutative and associative
organization a. Is always in 2NF. 36. Which of the following is an advantage of are
b. Selection and Projection
b. Of females is more than the average b. Will never be in 2NF. view?
commutative but not associative
salary of all the female employees c. Normal forms can't be decided without a. Data security. are not
c. Selection and Projection
c. Of the females is more than the Functional Dependencies b. Derived columns.
commutative but are associative
average salary of all the employees in d. None of the above c. Hiding of complex queries. are neither
d. Selection and Projection
the same department d. All of the above. commutative nor associative
29.Relational calculus is closest to the
d. Of female employees is more than the 37.Which database level is
average salary in the organization a. Procedural Language. users? are those which:
b. Non Procedural c. Physical level 47.Composite attributes other
language a. Extemal Level further divided into
22."IN" construct in SQL means: a. Can't be
c. Procedural & theoretical b. Conceptual Level d. Internal
a. Subset operation of set d. Non Language
Procedural & theoretical entities atributes
be divided into
the two ways in which
b. Given element in query present in
30.The relation schema Language 38.Which are
in a relationship?
b. Can further

functional dependenciesR(A,B,C,D) with can participate artributes

subquery active. the primary keys of
C. Both a&b
>D,D->C} is
F={ A-> C, B- a. Passive and C. Are essentially
d. All elements in b. Total and partial. relation
query present n a. In INF but not in 2NF above
subquery elements b. In 2NF but not in 3NF c. In 3NF c. Simple and
Complex. d. None of the
d. In INF d. All of the above.
48.What is an Instance of a Database? 54.The join operation can be
a. The logical design of the database a. A
Cartesian product defined
of two

system followed by a selection relations

b. The entire set of attributes of the b. A Cartesian
Database put together in a single
product of two relations.
c. A union of two
relation Cartesian product of the twofollowed by
c. The state of the database system at any d. A union of two relations. relations
given point of time 55.In RDBMS, which type of Join returns all
d. The initial values inserted into the rows that satisfy the join condition?
Database immediately after its creation a. Inner Join.
b. Outer Join.
49.A database management system isS: c. Semi Join.
a. Collection of interrelated data. d. Anti-Join.
b. Collection of programs to access data 56.Which of the following is TRUE?
c. Collection of data relevant to a a. Every relation in 3NF is
also in BCNF
particular organization b. A relation R is in 3NF if
every non-
d. All of the above prime attribute of R is fully
50.Disadvantages of file system to store data actionally dependent on every key of
is R
a. Data redundancy and inconsistency c. Every relation in BCNF is also in 3NF
b. Difficulty in accessing data. d. No relation can be in both BCNF and
C. Data isolation. 3NF
d. All of the above. 57.The set of permitted values against an
51.Metadata is attribute is called
a. Collection of interrelated data. a. Domain c. Cardinality
b. Data which is easy to process. b. Relation d. Schema
C. Data about data. 58.Which of the following clause is an
d. Data dictionary. additional filter that is applied to the
52.Which of the following holds? result?
a. Primary key E super key candidate a. Group-by c. Having
key b. Order by d. Union.
b. Primary key C candidate keyS super 59.The primary key must be
key a. Unique.
c. Super key Scandidate key primary b. Not null.
key c. Both Unique and Not null
d. Super key Sprimary key E candidate d. Either Unique and Not null
key 60.In which of the following, a separate
53.NULL values can be used for all of the schema is created consisting of that
following except? attribute and the primary key of the entity
a. To allow duplicate tuples in the table set.
by filling the primary key column(s) a. A many-to-many relationship set.
with NULL. b. A multivalued attribute of an entity
b. "To avoid confusion with actual C. A one-to-many relationship set
legitimate data values like 0 (zero) for d. None of the mentioned.
integer columns and" (the empty
string) for string columns.
C. To leave columns in a tuple marked aas
"unknown" when the actual value is
d. To fill column in a tuple when that
column does not really "exist" for that
particular tuple.

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