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TASK: To answer the questions, you will need to look for them in the picture.
Name: ___________________

1. How many giraffes are there? ___________________________________________

2. How many lions are there? _____________________________________________
3. How many monkeys are there? __________________________________________
4. How many zebras are there? ____________________________________________
5. How many crocodiles are there? _________________________________________
6. How many birds are there? _____________________________________________
7. Do they have cats? ___________________________________________________
8. How many cheetahs are there? __________________________________________
9. How many hippos are there? ____________________________________________
10. How many elephants are there? __________________________________________
11. Do they have gorillas? _________________________________________________
12. Do they have dogs? ___________________________________________________
13. Do they have pandas? _________________________________________________
14. How many alligators are there? __________________________________________
15. How many rhinos are there? ____________________________________________

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