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Opción Justificación Mi Justificación Nivel

As part of a teacher's
Identifying specific students' learning
competency of evaluating,
styles is really important due to each because she must know
they must identify specific
student having varied approaches for students' prior knowledge
students' learning styles to
learning and understanding new in order to teach them in
make decisions about new
information. As a result, an effective an adequate and dynamic 1
strategies and material for
teaching technique is building knowledge way what they already
teenagers and adults of basic
socially with appealing information. know without prior
secondary education,
Expand your knowledge by checking knowledge.
applying a constructivist
(Resource No. 20).
teaching model.
Absolutely, varied activities allow
teachers to identify students' learning
She must identify specific
styles and also make more dynamic because she so will could
students' learning styles by
classes that promote participation and help to the students to
assigning diverse activities
effective development of English acquire a better
where students of varied
communicative skills. Since each student knowledge for the
learning styles can develop
learns in different ways, when the teacher development of 2
their English communicative
has accurately selected a teaching communication skills and
skills. She must considering
technique, students are going to learn thus she can develop
cognitive, sensory,
more effectively. Complement the didactic material with
personality styles, etc. as
information related to the problem- dynamic strategies.
author Joy M
solving situation by reading (Resource
She must promote
autonomous learning and This option is great since autonomous
provide students with learning allows students to recognize because she must
examples of students who relevant information that can connect and motivate their students to
have worked hard and build upon prior knowledge, be applied learn a second language
succeeded in their lives by to issues in class, allow the students to be so that they can recognize 3
learning English as a foreign active, take risks, and reflect upon their the importance of
language. Her influence may learning of English as a foreign language. learning the English
also foster responsibility, If you require more information, see language.
commitment in her students, (Resource No.19).
Ruta del estudiante EDITH MILENA DIAZ VESGA

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