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TEST 6A (Unit 6)

NAME DATE .....................................

(Time 50 minutes)
A Directions: You will hear a recording twice. Before you listen to it, you will have 2
minutes to read questions 1-5. While listening for the first time, you can look at the
questions, but you are not allowed to take notes. After you hear the whole recording, you
will have 3 minutes to answer the questions, choosing the answer (A, B, C or D) which
you think fits best. Then you will hear the recording again and you will have 1 minute to
check your answers.
1 Human beings are …
A 70% water. 4 People could save water by …

B growing more potatoes.

2 People cannot live without water for over …

B 4 days. 5 We use the biggest amount of water when we …

B fill the bath.

3 70% of the world’s water goes to …

C farming.


B Directions: You will hear a recording twice. Before you listen to it, you will have 2
minutes to read statements 6-10. While listening for the first time, you can look at the
statements, but you are not allowed to take notes. After you hear the whole recording,
you will have 3 minutes to mark the statements as T (True), F (False) or NI (No
Information). Then you will hear the recording again and you will have 1 minute to check
your answers.

6 Global warming affects only some parts of the planet. NI

7 Burning coal and oil does not damage the environment. F
8 A lot of ecosystems will change because of global warming. T
9 Some islands will disappear completely because of the melting ice caps. T
10 Lots of people in Bangladesh could lose their homes because of global warming. T

C Directions: Read the text below. Then, read the statements that follow it and mark them
as T (True) or F (False).

A Sea of Plastic
It’s no secret that our planet is suffering because of pollution. But did you know that there are nearly 270,000 tons
of plastic floating in the world’s oceans? In one part of the ocean, there is so much plastic that people call the area
the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. What is especially worrying is that this plastic doesn’t break down. Instead, it
breaks up into very small pieces. All this plastic is very dangerous for the creatures living in the ocean. The tiny
pieces of plastic contain chemicals that affect the sea’s food chain. Small fish eat the tiny pieces of plastic and the
chemicals stay in their bodies. Then, bigger fish eat them and the chemicals pass up the food chain, eventually
reaching our tables as well. Luckily, there are things we can do to try and solve the problem. First of all, we can use
less plastic and recycle it instead of throwing it away. We can also support conservation groups who are working to
clean up polluted beaches. If everyone works together, we can protect our oceans – and marine life.

11 The Pacific Ocean has 270,000 tons 12 Plastic rubbish stays in the sea forever. T
of plastic in it. F 13 Only big fish eat plastic. F
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14 The chemicals from plastic end up 15 Conservation groups are helping
in some of the fish we eat. T by removing rubbish from beaches. T

Use of English
D Directions: Read the text and circle the answer (A, B or C) that best suits each gap.

Save the Forests

Trees in the planet’s forests help to clean up air 16) ….. and they also provide a place for lots of 17) ….. species to
live. But our planet is 18) ….. forests quickly. Why is this happening? The problem is that we 19) ….. down trees to
make paper or to use the land for building, so the forests are 20) ….. fast. As a result, our air becomes dirty, and
this causes 21) ….. warming which then causes 22) ….. change. Also, animal species cannot survive without a
place to live. So how can we 23) ….. a difference? A good solution is to buy 24) ….. paper products. Another idea
is to join a conservation group. Everyone needs to become aware 25) ….. how important forests are and protect
the forests so they will be around for a long, long time!

16 A pollution
17 C endangered D
18 B losing
19 D cut
20 B disappearing
21 A global
22 D climate
23 D make
24 A recycled
25 B of

E Directions: Circle the answer (A, B or C) which best completes each sentence.

26 I ….. to the library this afternoon. 31 If you ….. ice in hot water, it melts.
A ’m going
27 If we ….. the forests of Sumatra, the Sumatran B put
tiger won’t survive. 32 The beach clean-up activities ….. at 8:00 am
B don’t save next Sunday.
28 I think that the factory they’re planning to build A are starting
….. the local lake. 33 Weather patterns change when the sea …..
C is going to pollute warmer.
D gets

29 It’s very cloudy. It ….. soon. 34 I’m afraid Sally ….. us for dinner tomorrow night.
C ’s going to rain
B won’t join

30 Helen looks ill. I don’t think she ….. to work 35 Be careful! You ….. into that hole in the road!
tomorrow. C ’re going to walk
A ’ll come

F Directions: Your teacher has asked you to write an article for the school newspaper
providing solutions on how to save energy. Write your article (100-120 words).

Saving energy is a big problem.So here are one of the easiest/most efficient
ways to save energy:

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1. Let the sunshine in! Natural light can save you money – Drawback the curtains and
pull up the blinds to let natural light in and let the warmth from the sun help heat
your home. Be sure to close them at night to keep the heat in.

2. Cook with small appliances – Use your slow cooker, microwave, air fryer, toaster
oven, or other small cooking appliances whenever possible. These devices use less
energy and often cook faster than your stove top or conventional oven.

3.Wash clothes in cold water – Water heating accounts up to 90% of the energy your
washer uses. Wash clothes in cold water and hang on the clothesline if the weather
is good.


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