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Name : Nabilah Aulia Puspita

Class : 12 Social 1
“Review Don’t Look Up”
Don't Look Up is a 2021 American apocalyptic black comedy film written, produced, and
directed by Adam McKay, and starring an ensemble cast consisting of Leonardo
DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Rob Morgan, Jonah Hill, Mark Rylance, Tyler Perry,
Timothée Chalamet, Ron Perlman, Ariana Grande, Scott Mescudi, with Cate Blanchett,
and Meryl Streep. It tells the story of two astronomers attempting to warn humanity
about an approaching comet that will destroy human civilization. The impact event is an
allegory for climate change, and the film is a satire of government, political, and media
indifference to the climate crisis.


Don't Look Up tells the story of two astronomers from Michigan State University, Dr.
Randall Mindy (Leonardo DiCaprio) and talented young scientist Kate Dibiasky (Jennifer
Lawrence). The conflict began when Dibiasky accidentally discovered a giant comet
while making observations. Initially excited, great pressure began to come on them as
they passed the calculations. It was known that in less than six months, the comet would
hit Earth, and its collision would cause the extinction rate. Mindy and Dibiasky carefully
checked their calculations before trying to contact NASA and break the news.

Unfortunately, only Dr. Clayton "Teddy" Oglethorpe (Rob Morgan), the head of the
obscure NASA branch, takes it seriously and schedules a meeting with President Janie
Orlean (Meryl Streep). Although their data is plausible, peer-reviewed, and
enthusiastically confirmed, the President and his son/chief of staff, Jason Orlean (Jonah
Hill), don't take it seriously and decide to keep the news until after the election. This
causes Teddy, Mindy, and Dibiasky to desperately find another way to open up the day
that is about to happen with all the possibilities that befall them. Did they manage to
save humanity from this threat of extinction? Yes, that’s the question.

As said earlier, all the elements present in "Don't Look Up" are portraits of the ways in
which the governments of various countries ward off disasters. The crazy thing is, the
portraits provided are quite accurate and possible, even with all the absurdities added
by Adam McKay. Unfortunately for America, they're back in the show, although it's
undeniable that a lot of crazy things have happened there in the last few years.

From that scene, we can relate to the real world. The government often ignores the
voice of the people, and in the film, the government or president ignores the predictions
of astronomers. The actors' acting looks so natural that they can clearly express how
frustrated they are about having to tell people what's going on. We can clearly see Dr.
Mindy's frustration when she dared to speak through the live broadcast with
overflowing emotions. And In the last scene before ending, you can see how humans
surrender while being surrounded by the warmth of a family.

However, having a star-studded cast does not make the film look special. Unfortunately,
many of these celebrities do not properly utilize their presence and abilities. Most of
them just appeared with a role that is not so significant. The ending also looks very
hanging and too fast.


From beginning to end, at least "Don't Look Up" has a chronological plot that is easy to
follow. This type of premise also tends to keep the audience interested until the end
because they want to know whether or not the planet Earth will be destroyed in this

Our interest is supported by the appearance of talented and popular actors, who color
every scene throughout the film, coupled with a reasonable storyline. If this is true, a
comet will collide with Earth.

In the end, "Don't Look Up" isn't the best movie on Netflix right now, but it's
entertaining and fun to watch on a weekend with family.

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