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Lesson Objectives

– At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:

– determine the interrelatedness of society, environment, and
– create a diagram that would show the relatedness of species in
forming up a diverse and healthy society without compromising
one another; and
– identify everyday tasks and evaluate whether they contribute
to the wellness and health of biodiversity and society or not.

– Decrease in biodiversity is eminent worldwide.

– Vertebrates fell to 60% from the 1970’s due to human causes.
– It is projected that by 2020, wildlife decline will be 67 % of the present number.
– The World Wide Fund for Nature and Zoological Society of London reported an
annual decrease in wildlife by 2 %.
– A major cause is human population which has doubled in number since 1960 to
7.4 billion.
– Humans have industrialized the natural habitat of wildlife as well as marine life.

– Earth might enter the sixth mass extinction event according to experts.
– Mass extinction is described as the disappearance of species at a rate of 1000
faster than usual.
– The disappearance of species in a certain environment causes an imbalance in
the ecosystem, producing more chaotic changes that harm the entire ecosystem
– This is but a pressing statement for people to know more about the importance
of our diverse environment, and how human activities can either contribute to
its growth or destruction.
Biodiversity and Ecosystem

Biodiversity- is defined as the vast variety of life forms in the entire Earth.
- it encompasses all kinds of life forms, from the single-celled organisms to
the largest multi-celled organisms.
- the variability among living organisms from all sources, including
terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of
which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species, and of
- the source of the essential goods and ecological services that constitute
the source of life for all and it has direct consumptive value in food, agriculture,
medicine, and in industry.”
Biodiversity and Ecosystem

- Understanding Biodiversity within the concept of ecosystem needs a

thorough study on the relationship of the biotic and the abiotic.
- Interdisciplinary approach is needed to study the ecosystem.
- Biodiversity plays a major role in this natural dynamics.
- Sustainability of the ecosystem ensures a better survival rate against
any natural disaster.
- Therefore, we, as human inhabitants of the ecosystem, must
preserve and conserve the biodiversity of all creatures.
Threats to Biodiversity

1. Habitat loss and destruction

2. Alterations in ecosystem composition
3. Over-exploitation
4. Pollution and contaminant
5. Global climate change

Make a research on the following topics

1. Consequences of Biodiversity loss
2. Nutritional Impact of Biodiversity
3. Health, Biology, and Biodiversity
4. Environment-Related Illnesses
Group Activity

– Advocacy Writing
– In groups of five, brainstorm and come up with
an advocacy that you think is timely, knowing
that in our emerging needs to endure in this
world, biodiversity collapses and suffers just to
provide our necessities for survival.
–The end!!!

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