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Addis Ababa University

Department of Law
Psychology Individual Assignment 1

Prepared by: Fasika Zewde

ID.No. LGE/4040/13
1. A friend of yours asks, "Hey, did you learn anything in that Psychology course you took?" What
would be one significant lesson that you have learned about behavior from this course you can tell
your friend about? Use at least three course concepts from at least two different chapters to support
your point (“Nothing” doesn’t count as an answer).
I learned:-
 Understanding how people are feeling, and why they do the things they do, is actually really
difficult. This has implications on the field of psychology, but more broadly, on the way we treat
each other every day. Cognitive bias towards believing that the majority of others behave the same
way that they do.
 Understanding of human as well as the skill to understand and interpret human behavior from the
course that Cognitive Behavior , developmental behavior---------
 I have no idea before this class about conscious and unconscious mind about sigmud freuad. Freud
believed that the nature of the conflicts among the id, ego, and superego change over time as a
person grows from child to adult. Specifically, he maintained that these conflicts progress through
a series of five basic stages, each with a different focus: oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital.

2. Describe a situation you have misperceived. What influenced your perceptions?

 She is my younger sister. She had many best friends. Giyon is one of them .She have stories from
first, sixth, eighth grades, and now high school to share, usually okay but it’s not due to their
genders. And I get upset when people ask about her and her best friend, and she told me that, as he
is in a relationship with another female and it could create issues. And always she tells me that, I’m
sure you’ve heard a few adults share that the best marriages and relationships stem from being best
friends first. While that may pertain true to some people, is it fair to generalize and apply it to all
best friends? In every situation, things are one way they shouldn’t be. And he is my best
friend .Best friend is always best friend!!!

3. What are your views on attempting to modify other people’s behavior and on other people
attempting to modify your behavior?

 Before someone can make lasting change to a specific behavior or trait, they need to want to make
those changes. You can certainly offer encouragement and support or set an example of positive
change, but you can't control anyone else's actions. Behavior plays an important role in people's
health (for example, smoking, poor diet, lack of exercise and sexual risk-taking can cause a large
number of diseases). In addition, the evidence shows that different patterns of behavior are deeply
embedded in people's social and material circumstances, and their cultural context.

4. From your point of view, what would be ideal way to be paid at a job? Should pay be weekly,
hourly, daily? Why?

I agree with pay hourly

 As an hourly employee, you are paid for all of the hours you work. If an employer wants more of
your time, they have to pay you more. Legal overtime is time and a half; some employers may pay
double time for holidays. There’s also a lifestyle aspect. In general, hourly employees will find it
easier to separate home and work. Once work is over for the day, they can concentrate on family,
hobbies, or a second job. Hourly employees enjoy more autonomy and may be able to set their
own hours.

5. If scientists perfect a drug that improves memory, do you think it should be widely available?
Would you want to try it? If a drug were perfected that could cause selective forgetting of
memories, would you support its use for victims of rape, assault, disaster, or a horrifying

 May be it was not available widely. But I want to try it. I know the person that lives with the past
pine of something. when he begin remembering a past existence it’s because some lesson in this
life has been put into play or someone has entered his life from that previous existence and is
triggering his memories. Many people try to help him but it doesn't work. I usually suggest
meditating with the persons try this may be he will fine. People can forget that pain but ones a day
they remember that something is happen in their past life. So I don't want to live with pine and I
want that completely destroyed or change that by any means.

6. If you had a guaranteed income, would you "work"? What do you think you would spend your
time doing? For how long? What, if anything, does this reveal about sources of intrinsic

 I spend all time with my family. Doing something is fun more with my mom. And that is my
intrinsic motivation.

7. What would be the advantage and disadvantage of being emotionless?

 An emotionless person is always very calm and relaxed.
 If someone insults or bullies you, you know how (not) to react.
 You don’t fall in love

 That inside you would be hurt so much and if someone hits you hard you would want to cry

8. Can you describe an action you performed recently that seems to represent operation of id, ego, or
superego? How would a behaviorist or a humanist interpret the same event?

 I have two fathers. I don't love my real father. When I meet him always my id say “He is bad
person for you’ and my super ego “say that the problem is not your father so don’t hate him and try
to create father and child bond with him”. Then my ego diced that talk him normally and don't give
him bad words.

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