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Behavioural Brain Research 187 (2008) 284–288

Research report

Environmental prenatal stress alters sexual dimorphism

of maternal behavior in rats
Carmen Pérez-Laso a , Santiago Segovia a , José Luis R. Martı́n a ,
Esperanza Ortega b , Francisco Gómez c , M. Cruz R. Del Cerro a,∗
a Departamento de Psicobiologı́a, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, c/Juan del Rosal, 10, 28040 Madrid, Spain
bDepartamento de Bioquı́mica y Biologı́a Molecular, Universidad de Granada, Avda. de Madrid, s/n, 18012 Granada, Spain
c Centro de Salud Joaquı́n Rodrigo, Área 11, IMSALUD, Madrid, Spain

Received 12 January 2007; received in revised form 6 July 2007; accepted 18 September 2007
Available online 29 September 2007

The prenatal external environment can affect fetuses, altering the maternal behavior that they express when mature. In the present study,
environmental prenatal stress (EPS) was applied to pregnant rats in their final week of gestation, and when their female offspring reached maturity,
the long latency effect of the stress on those offspring was ascertained on their induced maternal behavior (MB), accessory olfactory bulb (AOB)
morphology and plasma levels of ACTH and corticosterone (Cpd B). EPS reduced: the percentage of these virgins that showed induced MB,
their retrieval of foster pups, the time spent crouching, and the quality of nest building; it also increased the incidence of their cannibalism of
foster pups. The EPS-treated females presented a male-like pattern of induced MB. They showed increased plasma levels of ACTH and Cpd B
and increased numbers of mitral cells in the AOB. These findings provide evidence that stress applied to the pregnant rat produces long-lasting
behavioral, neuroanatomical and hormonal alterations in the female offspring that can be observed when they reach maturity.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Prenatal stress; Maternal behavior; Brain development; Corticosterone; Accessory olfactory bulb

1. Introduction The effects of prenatal stress are mediated by maternal stress

hormones that reach the fetal brain and impair the development
It is well known that exposure to stress during pregnancy of the response of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA)
(EPS) produces physiological and behavioral alterations in the axis to stress at maturity [1]. Furthermore, acute EPS during the
offspring [28], including reproduction and maternal behavior. late gestational period affects the fetal HPA axis, significantly
Fertility and fecundity of female offspring rats was reduced increasing fetal plasma ACTH [14]. These findings provide evi-
after EPS [12]. After EPS, when they reached maturity, virgin dence that the fetal HPA axis is able to respond to EPS and
females manifested a longer, male-like, latency to show induced that it may play a role in mediating the behavioral and neural
MB [14]. Moreover, EPS significantly reduced the percentage of alterations observed in the offspring.
female rats that became maternal. EPS decreased c-fos activity The aim of the present study was to ascertain whether the
in the mitral cells of the matured female AOB [17]. The AOB effects of EPS on the induced MB of female offspring when
is an olfactory structure of the sexually dimorphic vomeronasal they reach maturity are correlated with HPA axis dysfunction
pathway [10,22,24] and is involved in the neural control of MB and morphological alterations in the AOB.
2. Materials and methods
Abbreviations: ACTH, adrenocorticotrope hormone; AOB, accessory olfac-
tory bulb; Cpd B, corticosterone; E2 , estradiol; EPS, environmental prenatal 2.1. Animals
stress; HPA, hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis; MB, maternal behavior;
MBR, maternal behavior register; RIA, radio immunoassay; T, testosterone. Forty-four rats of the Wistar Strain (Iffacredo, Barcelona, Spain), born from
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 91 3986291; fax: +34 913986287. two groups of mothers (control and stressed during gestation), were assigned to
E-mail address: (M.C.R. Del Cerro). one of three groups: control females (C-F, n = 16), control males (C-M, n = 14)

0166-4328/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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C. Pérez-Laso et al. / Behavioural Brain Research 187 (2008) 284–288 285

and environmental prenatally stressed females (EPS-F, n = 14). Subjects of the particles (in this case, mitral cells). Every second section was used. The final
EPS group were randomly selected between the pups of a group of pregnant thickness of sections, once stained and dried, using the microcator (depth mea-
rats that were exposed to three daily stress sessions of 45 min each during the surement device) was approximately 25 ␮ for the three groups. Beginning at a
last week of gestation. We used the paradigm of Ward [25], which involves random starting position, visual fields were sampled by step-wise movements of
exposure of the pregnant rat to restraint, light (2500 lux) and heat (31 ± 1 ◦ C). 80 ␮ in the X-axis and 120 ␮ in the Y-axis. Neurons were counted in every frame
Subjects of the control group were selected from the pups of mothers that were when their nucleus came into focus, using the optical dissector with a height of
left undisturbed throughout their entire pregnancy. 12 ␮, which means that counting started at a depth of 6 ␮ and ended at 18 ␮.
On the day of birth, pups were counted and sexed. Sex ratio was 4–5 males We, thus, counted neurons, exclusively, in the middle zone of the sections, thus
vs. 5–7 females. Group size was adjusted to five males and five females per avoiding over-counting.
dam. EPS females were assigned to stressed mothers and control pups to control
mothers. Birth weight did not differ among groups and was measured every
2.5. Statistical analysis
fourth day until weaning. EPS female pups showed a significant lower weight
in comparison with control females (p < .0008) on the fourth day after birth, but
Since morphological data showed homogeneity of variance, one-tailed
was recovered on the next day of weight measure and no weight differences
ANOVA and post hoc t-test were applied. However, the data from behavioral
among the three groups were found until weaning. Rats were also weighed on
and hormonal tests did not show homogeneity of variance, and consequently for
the day of sacrifice (103–109 days of age) at which time normal sex differences
those data, non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney U-tests were
were found (p < .0001).

2.2. Maternal behavior induction test

3. Results
At 97 days of age, the above mentioned groups C-F (n = 16), C-M (n = 14)
and EPS-F (n = 14) were tested for induction of maternal behavior, which was Environmental prenatal stress altered the expression of MB
carried out under dim red light. Testing commenced each day at 10 a.m. Every in the female offspring. Results of the maternal behavior induc-
day at that time and during 12 consecutive days, a fresh litter of four nourished
pups (3–6 days of age) was placed opposite the test rat in its home cage. MB
tion test are shown in Fig. 1. In the C-F group, the percentage
patterns (nest-building quality, pup retrieving, licking of the pups’ anogenital of female offspring becoming maternal (reaching sensitization),
area and infanticide rate) were recorded during the next 10 min. The quality of the when adult, was 42.9% vs. 7.1% found in the EPS-F group
nest was rated according to the scale developed in this laboratory [6]. An animal (p < .0001) and 0% observed in the C-M group (p < .0001)
was considered to have reached “sensitization” criterion (i.e., became maternal) (Fig. 1A). This difference is also expressed as the cumula-
when it performed retrieval of the entire litter during the 10-min observation
period on 2 consecutive days.
tive percentage of females showing retrieval of any pup, but
Pups were left with the virgin females and naive males during a 24 h period, not the complete litter: 50% in the C-F vs. 21.42 and 6.25%
after which they were removed and returned to their biological dams. Each day, in the EPS-F and C-M groups, respectively (Fig. 1B). Prena-
four new recently fed pups were presented to each subject and MB observa- tally stressed females showed significantly more infanticidal
tions again commenced. These pups, either male or female, from donor dams, behavior than controls: 35.70% vs. 13.30% in the C-M group
were used as stimuli only three times during the experiment. Behavioral obser-
vation data were recorded using the “MBR” computer program designed in our
(p < .0001) and none in the C-F group (p < .0001) (Fig. 1C).
laboratory [5]. As can be seen in Table 1, nest quality and crouching behavior
were also affected by EPS treatment. EPS-F and C-M groups
2.3. Hormone measurement showed lower nest-building scores than the C-F group (p < .001
and p < .0001, respectively), while EPS-F did not differ from C-
Animals were sacrificed as soon as they reached sensitization criterion or at M (p > .05). EPS-F and C-M showed less crouching time than
the end of the experiment on day 12. Blood samples, for hormone determina- F-C (p < .002 and p < .005, respectively), but there was no signifi-
tion, were collected, exclusively, between 16:00 and 17:00 h, to avoid HPA axis
activity fluctuations [15].
cant difference between EPS-F and C-M (p > .05). No significant
Trunk blood from each group (n = 14 for the three groups) was obtained differences were observed in licking behavior.
from the left ventricle after anesthesia and stored in pre-cooled heparinized Table 2 shows the plasma levels of ACTH and Cpd B observed
vials. The samples were centrifuged at 2000 rpm for 10 min at 2 ◦ C and the in the control groups and EPS females. There were no significant
plasma was collected and placed in marked, pre-cooled sample tubes that were differences in levels of these two hormones between C-F and C-
kept at −20 ◦ C until assays were performed. Plasma Cpd B was measured with
RIA kit (ICN Biomedical Inc. Costa Mesa, California, USA) and plasma ACTH
M. However, there was a significant increase of ACTH in EPS-F
was measured with an immunoradiometric kit (CIS Biointernational, Gif-Sur- in comparison with the levels found in C-F (p < .03), although
Yvette Cedex, France). All the samples were assayed in duplicate concurrently.
The intraassay coefficients of variations were 4.4 and 3.4%, respectively.
Table 1
Sex differences between control groups and the effect of EPS on nest-building
2.4. Estimation of AOB mitral cell number by stereology quality and time spent crouching over the pups

Between days 103 and 109 of age, animals were sacrificed using deep anes- Groups Nest score (scale 0–4) Crouching time (s/session)
thesia (tribromoethanol, 250 mg/kg i.p.), followed by 4% paraformaldehyde via median + s.i.r. median + s.i.r.
transcardiac perfusion. Brains were then removed and stored in paraformalde- C-F 2.41 + 0.35 0.79 + 9.89
hyde for 2 days, after which they were placed in a 30% sucrose solution for 3–5 EPS-F 1.58 + 0.31a 0.00 + 0.00b
days. The olfactory bulbs were frozen and sectioned in the sagittal plane at 40 ␮. C-M 1.37 + 0.44b 0.00 + 0.00b
All sections were stained with a 0.1% solution of Cresyl violet (Sigma, Madrid,
Spain) titrated with glacial acetic acid to pH 4. Data show median and upper interquartile range. Differences compared with
In each group, six animals were randomly selected in which the total num- C-F.
a p < .001.
ber of mitral cells of the AOB was estimated using the optical fractionator [11].
b p < .0001.
This method combines a (multistage) sampling procedure as a tool for counting
Author's personal copy

286 C. Pérez-Laso et al. / Behavioural Brain Research 187 (2008) 284–288

Fig. 1. Effect of EPS on the induced maternal behavior (median and upper interquartile range) and on the AOB mitral cell number (means ± S.E.M.). (A) Percentage
of animals expressing sensitization; (B) cumulative percentage of animals showing retrieval; (C) percentage of animals that cannibalized; (D) AOB mitral cells.
Differences compared with C-F * p < .0001; compared with EPS-F + p < .0001.

Table 2 AOB, one of the sexually dimorphic brain nuclei involved in the
Effects of EPS on plasma hormone levels control of MB [7,8], and the HPA endocrine axis [19].
Groups ACTH (pg/ml) % Cpd. B (pg/ml) % Prenatal stress was reported to increase the latency to express
C-F 51.23 ± 7.04 387.27 ± 80.80
full MB in virgin female Sprague–Dawley rats when adult [14]
EPS-F 82.26 ± 10.81 ↑60.56a 730.67 ± 36.11b ↑88.67 and to reduce the percentage of virgin female rats that became
C-M 62.69 ± 15.00 400.89 ± 51.42 maternal [17]. The present findings confirmed that the expres-
Number of determinations: 14 per group and % column indicate the difference in
sion of MB was also markedly altered by EPS in virgin female
percentage compared with the control female group. Data show mean ± S.E.M. rats of the Wistar strain. This treatment significantly reduced
Differences compared with C-M. the number of females that became fully maternal, the time
a p < .03.
spent crouching over pups and the quality of their nest build-
b p < .0001.
ing, while it increased their infanticide behavior. An additional
differences between the groups was that the percentage of the
not with C-M levels. There was a significant increase of Cpd B control females showing pup retrieval increased progressively
in EPS-F vs. C-F (p < .0001) and C-M (p < .0001), but no sex from day 8 until day 12 (the last test day), whereas the percent-
differences were found. age of EPS females showing this response remained unchanged
ANOVA of the number of AOB mitral cells indi- over the same period. With the exception of cannibalism, in
cated that there was a significant difference among groups which EPS-F exceeded C-M, EPS-F and C-M groups did not
(F(2,15) = 26.51; p < .0001). As seen in Fig. 1D, C-M showed differ significantly from each other in the rest of behavioral
significantly more AOB mitral cells than C-F (p < .0001). More- patterns recorded. Based upon the present findings, we con-
over, this sex differences was abolished by EPS, EPS-F showing clude that female rats, exposed to EPS as fetuses, display a
significantly more AOB mitral cells than C-F (p < .0001), but did male-like (i.e., attenuated) pattern of induced MB when they
not differ significantly from the C-M group. are mature.
Based upon the present findings EPS seems to have affected
4. Discussion the HPA endocrine axis function increasing ACTH and Cpd B
levels in adult EPS females. These results are consistent with
The present study provides evidence that EPS during the last the hypercorticism reported by Koehl et al. [15]. However, we
week of pregnancy exerts long-lasting effects on the expression did not find sex differences between C-F and C-M groups in
of induced maternal behavior in the female offspring when they Cpd B levels. This may be due to our procedure of collecting
are adult. Moreover, the changes observed in the induced mater- blood samples at 16:00 while light offset was at 20:00. Results
nal behavior are related to alterations in the development of the supported by findings of Koehl et al. [15], showing no sex dif-
Author's personal copy

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ferences between control animals in the same time period. As Acknowledgements

mentioned above, the effects of EPS are mediated by the HPA
axis [1,19]. These endocrine conditions observed in EPS female We thank L. Carrillo, L. Troca, G. Moreno for the technical
rats resemble those reported in women diagnosed with congen- assistance and A. Marcos for his editorial help. This work was
ital adrenal hyperplasia. Those women were reported to show funded by DGICYTs grants PB-96-00107/C03-02 and DGESIC
less interest in infants than their sisters unaffected by the pathol- BSO 2000-019 (M.C.R.C).
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