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I. READING SECTION - Read this text and solve the questions below.

Sif, the Goddess with the Golden Hair

Sif is the beautiful goddess of harvest. Her long, golden hair represents the
big bountiful harvest of summer wheat. One day, the god of mischief, Loki,
decided to play a prank on her. He visited her bed chamber and chopped off her hair while she was
sleeping. When Sif woke up, she was horrified to see that her beautiful hair was gone. When Loki cut
off her hair, the season became autumn. Just like the falling leaves of a tree, the cutting off of Sif’s hair
became a sign of autumn. Sif was so upset that she cried and cried. She became pale and thin.

Soon, autumn became winter, and everyone became cold and hungry. Thor went to check up on his
wife to see what had happened. She told her husband that when she woke up, her hair was gone. Thor
immediately suspected that it was Loki, who was known to play all sorts of on the gods. However, this
time it was too much. If Sif was sad, the humans might not see a good harvest for a long, long time.
Thor knew he had to help Sif grow her hair back before the humans experienced endless winter.

Thor immediately found Loki who was hiding to escape Thor’s wrath. Loki admitted that he had cut
her hair. Thor punished Loki by breaking his bones one by one. Since Loki was a god, it didn’t kill
him, but it was tremendously painful. Thor made Loki swear to find a way for Sif to grow back her
lovely hair. Loki was a bit regretful of his actions, so he agreed to help Sif. He had thought it was a
funny prank, but he didn’t think so anymore. Loki went to the dwarves to ask them to make a new
head of golden hair. The dwarves were very proud of their craftsmanship, but they didn’t just do
anything for free. Loki had to persuade them. “I heard you dwarves can make anything out of gold,”
Loki said. The dwarves all said yes with confidence.

“Even a magic ship?” The dwarves nodded.

“Even a magic spear?” The dwarves nodded.

Loki grinned. “Even golden hair?” The dwarves all shouted yes.
“Well I don’t believe you!” Loki said. “I bet my head that you can’t do any of it!”
The dwarves were angry about this and set about making those three magical items immediately. Loki
turned himself into a horsefly and buzzed around the dwarves, pestering them so that they could not
work in comfort. He did not want them to finish the magic items, or else they would have his head!
When the dwarves finished making the magical items, they showed them to the gods, saying that Loki
had promised his head if they succeeded. By this time, Loki had run far away from the heavens. But a
promise was a promise.

The gods searched for Loki and finally found him hiding in the human world. They sent him back to
the dwarves to keep his promise. “I said you could have my head, not my neck!!!” Loki cried before
the dwarves could cut his head off. The dwarves were angry with his logic but agreed that it was true.
They could not chop off his head without chopping off his neck. They decided to just sew his mouth
shut so that he could no longer make empty promises. With that, they were satisfied.
As for Sif, she was given the magical golden hair. When she placed the wig over her head, it
immediately grew out to become her original hair. Sif was happy again. When her hair grew out, the
season changed to spring.
DD 10 (Infers the meaning of unfamiliar words based on the context)
DD. 12(Identifies the relationship between cause and effect.)
DD. 13 (Identifies and comprehend main idea and supporting details in a reading selection.)
DD. 15 (Draws conclusions and generalization after reading a selection.)
Answer the following questions about the article you just read by choosing the best answer.

1. What is the meaning of the Word bountiful in: “Her long, golden hair represents the big bountiful

harvest of summer wheat.” 

a. abundant
b. poor
c. Young

2. What is the meaning of the Word pestering in: “Loki turned himself into a horsefly and buzzed
around the dwarves, pestering them so that they could not work in confort.”
a. disturbing
b. helping
c. encouraging

3. What kind of goddess is Sif?

a. Goddess of beauty
b. Goddess of fertility
c. Goddess of seasons

4. What did Loki feel like after cutting Sif´s hair?

a. affraid and sorry
b. mad and regretful
c. sad and sorry

5. Why did Loki run away from the dwarves?

a. because he was affraid of them.
b. because he was not going to fulfill what he had promissed.
c. because they wanted to dye his hair.

6. What is the story mostly about?

a. about a mischievous god who liked to cut hair.
b. about dwarves who could help people achieve what they wanted.
c. about a goddess who couldn´t bring good harvest because her hair was cut.

7. Do you think Loki deserved to be punished? Why or why not?



DD # 9 (Writes and spells new vocabulary properly and uses it in context.)
Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the Word Bank. There are four distractors.

forged hearth cesspool unearthed ruthless sagas embrace bitterly slays

somber hoisted foul rash unravel
There are plenty of myths and __________ which tell stories of heroes who fought against
____________ enemies and monsters. Normally those stories ____________ the events from the
beginning of times until the moment when our hero ______________ the enemy, normally with a
sword ______________ by gods. At the end of the battle the sword is ___________ in the air, as a
sign of victory. Normally, heroes and beast fight _____________ to win control over the rest of the
people. Archeologists have ______________ a great variety of artifacts near a ___________ with a
____________ odor.

DD # 29 (Identifies details)
DD # 30 (Identifies specific information)

Listen to the following myth and then answer the questions about it.

1. Where did the story take place? 

a. South America
b. North America
c. Central America

2. What did Pachacamac create? 

a. Stars
b. Planets and the moon
c. All previous

3. Who is Pachamama? 
a. The sun
b. The beautiful moon and Pachacamac's wife
c. The earth

4. Who was the first inca? 

a. Pachacamac's daughter
b. Pachacamac's son
c. Pachacamac's wife

5. The first temple of the sun is located in... 

a. Valley of Huanacauri
b. Tawantinsuyu
c. Machu Picchu

6. Were all Inca cities divided into northern and southern halves? 
a. Yes
b. No

7. What does the division among north and south cities represent? 
a. The male and female forces
b. Sun and moon
c. Earth

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