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14 regular major courses

순번 Courses Courses(Eng) Credits Courses Grading Registration Quota

1 조직개발 인재분석론 People Analytics for Organization Development 3 Graduate A-F 30
2 기후위험, 국제식량안보 및 농업 발전의 경제학 Economics of Climate Risk, Global Food Security, and Agricultural Development 3 Undergraduate(3) A-F 50
3 도심항공 모빌리티 다분야 설계 Multi-Disciplinary Design for Urban Air Mobility 3 Graduate A-F 25
4 산업공학특론 Topics in Industrial Engineering 3 Graduate A-F 60
5 회계원리 Principles of Accounting 3 Undergraduate(1) A-F 60
6 주제탐구세미나3 Selected Topics Seminar 3 3 Undergraduate(2) A-F 30
7 국제통상체제에서의 미중 분쟁과 아시아 US-China Trade War and Asia in the World Trading System 3 Graduate S/U 50
8 기능성 영양소와 질병예방 Functional nutrients and disease prevention 3 Undergraduate(3) A-F 50
Topics in Public Administration and Policy
9 특강(정책학특강) (Power, Economic Development, and Foreign 3 Graduate A-F 40
Policy Change in South Korea)
10 신종 유해화학물질과 노출체 Emerging Contaminants and Exposome 3 Graduate A-F 30
11 수학특강 1 (해석학과 응용편미분방정식론) Topics in Mathematics 1 3 Undergraduate(3,4) 50
12 시스템 신경과학 세미나 1 (마음, 뇌, 행동) Seminars in Systems Neuroscience I 3 Graduate S/U 50
13 재생에너지용 세라믹스 기능재료 Functional Ceramics for Renewable Energy 3 Graduate A-F 50
14 Undetermined

11 ISP-exclusive elective courses

순번 Courses Courses(Eng) Credits Courses Grading Registration Quota
1 데이터과학의 통계적 원리 Principles of Data Science from Statistical Point of View 3 Undergraduate A-F 40
2 컴퓨터과학 입문 Introduction to Computer Science 3 Undergraduate A-F 30
Modern History and Contemporary Social Issues
3 동아시아의 근대 역사와 현대 사회문제들 Undergraduate(3) A-F 30
of East Asian societies
4 디지털 시대의 경제학 Economics of the Digital Age 3 Undergraduate(2-4) A-F 30
5 미국 대통령제의 이해 American Democracy at Both Ends of Pennsylvania Avenue 3 Undergraduate(2-4) S/U 30
6 한류와 한국의 미디어문화 Hallyu and Korean Mediaculture 3 Undergraduate(2) A-F 90
7 위상수학적 조합론과 데이터 분석 Topological Combinatorics and Data Analysis 3 Undergraduate(2) A-F 30
8 서양사 속의 법과 식민주의 Law and Colonialism in Western History 3 Undergraduate(3) A-F 30
9 공공정책과 국제협력의 이해 Understanding Global Public Policies and International Cooperation 3 Undergraduate
10 판데믹과 국제보건정책 Pandemic Crisis and Global Health Policy 3 Undergraduate S/U 30
11 동적 사업 관리와 컨트롤 Dynamic Project Management & Control

9 ISP Global Practice and Field Learning(elective) courses

순번 Courses Courses(Eng) Credits Courses Grading Registration Quota
1 나노과학과 나노기술의 이해 Understanding Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 3 Undergraduate(4) S/U 30
2 데이터 기반 혁신과 창업 Data-Driven Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3 Graduate A-F 40
3 국제법 실무의 이해 Understanding International Law Practice 3 Graduate S/U 30
4 한국 기업 경쟁력의 이해 Understanding Global Competitiveness of Korean Companies Undergraduate(3) S/U 30
5 민주주의 실습 Democracy in Action 3 Undergraduate(2-4) S/U 30
6 공유)빅데이터 분석기술 실무 및 신기술 경향의 이해 COSS)Practical Big Data Analysis Technique: Understanding Leading Edge Trend 3 Undergraduate(1) S/U
7 Undetermined
8 플랫폼 비즈니스의 이해 Understanding Platform Businesses 3 Undergraduate(3) A-F 30
9 휴머노이드 인공지능 로봇 프로그래밍 입문 First Steps in Programming a Humanoid AI Robot 3 Undergraduate(2) A-F 30

Korean Art & Korean Language(Advanced) courses

순번 Courses Courses(Eng) Credits Courses Grading Registration Quota
1 한국미술과 동양회화 Korean Art and Asian Painting 2 Undergraduate(all) A-F 20
2 한국미술과 동양회화 Korean Art and Asian Painting 2 Undergraduate(all) A-F 20
3 한국미술과 도예 Korean Art and Ceramics 2
4 한국미술과 도예 Korean Art and Ceramics 2
5 한국 전통 금속공예의 이해 Understanding of Korean Traditional Metalcraft 2
6 Korean Language(Intermediate) 2
7 Korean Language(Upper intermediate) 2
8 Korean Language(Advanced) 2

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