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Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 845}858

Monitoring of PM10 and PM2.5 around primary particulate

anthropogenic emission sources
Xavier Querol *, AndreH s Alastuey , Sergio Rodriguez , Felicià Plana ,
Enrique Mantilla, Carmen R. Ruiz
Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra **Jaume Almera++, CSIC, C/Lluis Sole& Sabarn& s, s/n, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterra& neo, CEAM. Parque tecnolo& gico, C-4, sector oeste, 46980 Paterna (Valencia), Spain
Instituto de Carboqun& mica, CSIC, C/Marn& a de Luna 12, 50015 Zaragoza, Spain
Received 29 February 2000; accepted 18 July 2000


Investigations on the monitoring of ambient air levels of atmospheric particulates were developed around a large
source of primary anthropogenic particulate emissions: the industrial ceramic area in the province of CastelloH (Eastern
Spain). Although these primary particulate emissions have a coarse grain-size distribution, the atmospheric transport
dominated by the breeze circulation accounts for a grain-size segregation, which results in ambient air particles occurring
mainly in the 2.5}10 lm range. The chemical composition of the ceramic particulate emissions is very similar to the
crustal end-member but the use of high Al, Ti and Fe as tracer elements as well as a peculiar grain-size distribution in the
insoluble major phases allow us to identify the ceramic input in the bulk particulate matter. PM2.5 instead of PM10
monitoring may avoid the interference of crustal particles without a major reduction in the secondary anthropogenic
load, with the exception of nitrate. However, a methodology based in PM2.5 measurement alone is not adequate for
monitoring the impact of primary particulate emissions (such as ceramic emissions) on air quality, since the major
ambient air particles derived from these emissions are mainly in the range of 2.5}10 lm. Consequently, in areas
characterised by major secondary particulate emissions, PM2.5 monitoring should detect anthropogenic particulate
pollutants without crustal particulate interference, whereas PM10 measurements should be used in areas with major
primary anthropogenic particulate emissions.  2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Atmospheric particles; PM10; PM2.5; Ceramic emissions; Ambient air quality monitoring; Primary particles; Mediterranean

1. Introduction (TSP). Since an important mass fraction of TSP is made

of non-inhalable particles with a lower impact on respir-
Atmospheric particulates, especially secondary an- atory and cardiovascular diseases, the relationship be-
thropogenic "ne particles, have been proven to have tween health e!ects and TSP levels was found to be much
a major impact on human health (Dockery and Pope, lower than the levels of atmospheric particulates "ner
1996). For many years, the atmospheric particulate stan- than 10, 2.5 or 1 lm (PM10, PM2.5 and PM1, respec-
dards of many countries were based on the mass concen- tively), on comparison. This was the reason for the ap-
tration measurement of the total suspended particles plication of PM10 and PM2.5 measurements to the US
ambient air quality standards (US-EPA, 1987 for PM10;
US-EPA, 1996 for PM2.5). Although a decade later,
the European Union (EU) countries have followed the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: #34-93-4095410; fax: #34- same trend of replacing ambient air standards based
93-4110012. on TSP by PM10 standards. Currently, the incorpora-
E-mail address: (X. Querol). tion of ambient air standards based on PM2.5 is also

1352-2310/01/$ - see front matter  2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 3 5 2 - 2 3 1 0 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 3 8 7 - 3

846 X. Querol et al. / Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 845}858

being considered in the EU (EU Directive 1999/30/EC, di!erent sources and simultaneous PM2.5 and PM10
1999) sampling and analysis were carried out to de"ne the best
Another important pattern of atmospheric partic- parameter for monitoring the impact of ceramic indus-
ulates, which is still not considered in ambient air stan- trial emissions on ambient air quality.
dards, is the chemical composition of TSP, PM10, PM2.5
and PM1. Major secondary acidic aerosols and hazard-
ous organic particulates are "ne-grained. Generally, in- 2. The study area
organic secondary aerosols are in the (0.5 lm (sulphate
and nitrate) and 0.5}5.0 lm (a fraction of nitrate) size The ceramic industrial areas of L'Alcora, Onda and
range (Mildford and Davidson, 1987), marine aerosol Vilareal spread along the Millars river basin from the
salts have a major fraction in the range of 1.0}5.0 lm, coast to the interior of the CastelloH Province in Eastern
whereas, primary natural particles, mainly made of Al}Si Spain (Fig. 1). The CastelloH industrial area is the second
minerals (clay minerals, quartz, feldspars) and calcium largest ceramic-producing zone in the world, accounting
and magnesium carbonates, have a major proportion in for 17% of the world's basic ceramic production
the 5}25 lm range. The carbon contents of atmospheric (600;10 m yr\). The supply of clays for the industry
particulates have a bimodal grain-size distribution with a comes mainly from an open-pit mine at a Triassic red
mode in the (2.5 lm (corresponding to anthropogenic kaolinite-rich clay deposit in Sant Joan de MoroH (east of
organic particles) and '10 lm (corresponding to mineral the city of L'Alcora, Fig. 1) and from the Cretaceous
carbonates). Primary anthropogenic particulate emissions kaolinite-rich deposits in the province of Teruel. In a mi-
are also usually in the '2.5 lm range. nor proportion, a large variety of other natural and
At a global scale, the anthropogenic emissions do synthetic products, such as feldspars, melting phases and
not exceed the 10% of the global particulate emissions,
whereas the natural primary emissions reach the 84%
(2.9;10 t yr\, after Kiehl and Rhode, 1995; IPCC,
1996). Concerning the global anthropogenic particulate
emissions, the secondary aerosols exceed the primary
particulate emissions (0.26;10 and 0.11;10 t yr\).
Consequently, the global emissions of natural partic-
ulates are mainly primary, whereas, the anthropogenic
emissions are predominantly secondary.
Future trends for particulate monitoring strategies
tend to monitor PM2.5 rather than PM10 because of its
more direct relationship with health e!ects and to avoid
natural particulate interference. However, industrial ac-
tivities with high primary particulate emissions, such as
cement, concrete, ceramics or the mining sectors, may
have a great impact on the ambient air quality due to
their intensive particulate emissions in the 2.5}10 lm
range. Moreover, these emissions usually have a chemical
composition similar to that of natural crustal emissions
(high Ca, Al, Si, Fe, K proportions), which impedes the
appropriate monitoring of ambient air particulate levels.
This paper introduces the results obtained from a re-
search project supported by the Spanish Ministry of the
Environment and the CICYT (ComisioH n Interministerial
de Ciencia y TecnologmH a) to develop source apportion-
ment analyses of PM10 and PM2.5 focussed on the
speci"c atmospheric and geographical characteristics of
Spain. The present study focuses on the evaluation of the
physico-chemical patterns of ambient air particulate
matter in ceramic industrial zones. In these areas, al-
though high levels of secondary particulates may be
emitted, the largest source contribution in high partic-
ulate events is due to primary emissions of mineral mat-
ter from atomiser plants and fugitive emissions from Fig. 1. Location of major ceramic production areas and "xed
piling stock. Continuous grain-size analysis of TSP from sampling stations for PM10/PM2.5 measurements.

X. Querol et al. / Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 845}858 847

colourants, are also broadly consumed. The kaolinite- along the bottom of the valleys up to 60}80 km inland,
rich material is "nely ground in the atomisers, which whereas at the top of the mountains and valley slopes
produces a homogeneous "ne powder ((63 lm). This a combination of sea breeze and up-slope winds gives rise
process coupled with the large clay consumption to a chimney e!ect, injecting air from low levels to alti-
(20;10 t in 1998) and the large fugitive emissions from tudes ranging from a few hundred meters up to 2}3 km.
the storage, handling and transport of the clay, probably The anticyclonic subsidence and the dynamics formation
accounts for the largest fraction of the local anthropo- of the sea breeze cells favour the formation of reservoir
genic particulate emissions. layers of secondary pollutants (thermally separated be-
Secondary particulate emissions from the manufactur- tween themselves by inversions) in the return #ow mov-
ing of glass and enamel may account more for the emis- ing toward the Mediterranean Sea. A compensatory
sion of hazardous atmospheric trace pollutants than for sinking over the sea, due to thermal buoyancy over the
their signi"cant contribution to the bulk particulate warmed terrain and anticyclonic subsidence, reinforces
emissions. Other particulate emission sources such as the sea-breeze circulation and prepares the reservoir
intensive road transport, frequent biomass combustion layers over the sea for re-entrance a few days later.
from intensive orange tree cropping, and marine aero- During the evening and night, the solar-activated circula-
sols, must also be considered. tions cease, and a reversal in the breeze takes place.
This puzzling particulate-emission setting is placed in Thus, the sea-breeze circulation in summer favours
a complex Mediterranean atmospheric environment. The good ventilation conditions in the valleys but scarce
intensive convective dynamics, the breeze circulation, air-mass renovation, due to the above-described re-circu-
the low rainfall rate, the highly mineralised soils and the lations of the air masses (MillaH n et al., 1997), resulting
frequent occurrence of high particulate Sahara air-mass in a potential atmospheric reservoir e!ect for secondary
intrusions further complicate the monitoring of the an- air pollutants in the Western Mediterranean.
thropogenic particulate emissions impact on ambient air
quality. The study was made in July because of the large
impact of some of the previously mentioned atmospheric 3. Methodology
environmental factors on the particulate levels.
In summer, the North Atlantic anticyclone becomes 3.1. Sampling sites
reinforced over the northern latitudes. Weak-gradient
conditions on the Iberian Peninsula and strong ground The following sampling and measurement sites (Fig.
heating give rise to the development of the Iberian ther- 1 and Table 1) were selected based on the distribution of
mal low (ITL), due to thermally induced local and meso- the major emission sources (marine, rural, urban and
scale circulations, such as sea breeze, up-slope winds and industrial sites) and on the atmospheric-circulation pecu-
convective cells (MillaH n et al., 1991). liarities of the study area:
The study area (Fig. 1) includes the CastelloH alluvial The Grau station is located in a rural or semi-urban
plain (La Plana) which is limited on the north by the area, which is sporadically in#uenced by the industrial
Palmes mountain chain (6}7 km from the coast) and and urban plumes, especially the plume from CastelloH in
includes Mt. Bartolo as its highest peak (780 m.a.s.l.). The night-breeze conditions.
Millars basin, with an approximate E}W direction, con- The station of the Villareal city is an urban site in the
verges with the "rst range of mountains at 20 km from lower watercourse of the Millars, situated 10 km from the
the coast. coastline, in the centre of a zone of a large ceramic-
The movement of the air masses over the eastern Coast industrial activity. This station is under the in#uence of
of the Iberian Peninsula as well as the evolution of the both urban (mainly tra$c) and industrial emissions. Dur-
boundary layer are strongly linked to its complex top- ing the daytime period this location is situated leeward of
ography. During the daytime the sea breeze is channelled the city and the ceramic emissions with respect to the

Table 1
Location of the "xed monitoring and sampling stations

Sampling site Location Latitude Longitude

Mt. Bartolo Telecom antenna peak 4030509N 0030153W

Onda Monitoring station (urban background station) 3935743N 0031543W
Vilareal Post o$ce (urban background station) 3935634N 0030625W
Grau Monitoring station (urban background station) 3935859N 0030031W
L'Alcora Council house (urban background station) 4030509N 0030153W

848 X. Querol et al. / Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 845}858

characteristic breeze #ow. For this reason, the contribu-

tions due to tra$c emissions should be equal or more
important than the industrial emissions. On the other
hand, the in#uence of the ceramic emissions are expected
to predominate during the nocturnal breeze period.
The Onda station is a suburban background station
near the city of Onda, situated in an open area, 20 km
from the coastline, without direct in#uence from urban
or road tra$c activities. It is situated on the leeward
of the nearby ceramic industries, and in sea-breeze
conditions it is also in#uenced by the coastal industrial
The L+Alcora station is located in an urban background
site in the municipality of L'Alcora, in the most produc-
tive ceramic zone of CastelloH . In the daytime the breeze
drags the atmospheric emissions with a northwestern
transport, whereas in the nocturnal breeze phase the
previously emitted particulates travel seawards towards
Finally, the Mt. Bartolo station is located at the top of
the Mt. Bartolo peak. Possible anthropogenic emissions
could come from a nearby residential area and from
various roadways concentrated on the coastal fringe. The
objective of using this emplacement was to provide a ver-
tical gradient for discriminating possible high-altitude
Fig. 2. Correlation of PM10 and PM2.5 measurements between
contributions not present at lower levels. the GRIMM laser spectrometer and the high-volume sampler.
Lastly, meteorological data from the air quality net- Solid lines indicate 1:1, dashed line is the correlation line. In
work cabins of Ermita and Penyeta and the meteorologi- PM10, correlation was performed at the following sites: (1) Solid
cal towers of Cirat, Rambla of the Viuda and Borriana circles, suburban Onda station; (2) Solid triangles, rural Mona-
were also used to carry out the interpretations. grega station; (3) Triangles, urban Barcelona station; (4) Squares,
urban L'Hospitalet station. PM2.5 correlation was performed at
3.2. Sampling and measurements Onda (2 samples) and L'Hospitalet.

The sampling of atmospheric particulate matter was

carried out by means of high-volume samplers (DH-80
and MCV-CAF, 30 m h\) equipped with PM10 and The solutions obtained were analysed by: (a) induc-
PM2.5 DIGITEL and MCV cut-o! inlets and quartz tively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry
glass "lters (QF20 Schleicher and Schuell). Daily samp- (ICP-AES) for major elements, (b) capillary electrophor-
ling was made from 12 to 23 July 1999 at the "ve "xed esis (CEF) for anions, and (c) colorimetry-#ow injection
monitoring stations (Table 1). Furthermore, sampling of analysis (FIA) for NH>. The digestion of blank "lters

TSP grain-size fractions (seven stages from 0.3 to with 2}3 mg of NBS-1633a reference material was used to
'20 lm) was performed for 4 days (from 11 to 23 July ensure analysis quality for the same levels of the sample
1999) at the Onda station by means of a Retsch PI-1 digestion concentrations. Relative analytical errors were
cascade impactor. between 3 and 10% for the elements studied.
Once the levels of bulk particulates were obtained by Automatic measurements of atmospheric particulate
weighting the "lters using standard procedures, one-half levels and grain-size distribution were performed with
of each of them (PM10 and PM2.5) plus the insoluble the laser spectrometer dust monitor GRIMM 1108
fractions of the di!erent stages of the cascade impactor (Labortechnik GmbH & Co. KG) at the "xed and mobile
(previously "ltered with MQ cellulose membrane "lters) stations. This dust monitor permits the determination
and blank "lters were digested following the method of of particulate levels in 15 di!erent grain-size channels
Querol et al. (1998). The soluble fraction of 1/4 of from 0.3 to '20 lm. The accuracy of the GRIMM-1108
each "lter and the di!erent grain-size stages obtained measurements was checked, before, during and after the
with the cascade impactor were extracted with distilled "eld campaigns, by comparing the levels of simultaneous
water at 803C. The last 1/4 of each "lter was used daily PM10 and PM2.5 measurements obtained with the
to directly determine the total C content by LECO standard gravimetric methodology. Fig. 2 shows good
methodology. agreement between the PM10 measurements obtained

X. Querol et al. / Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 845}858 849

Table 2
Location of mobile station for grain-size analysis of TSP with the GRIMM laser spectrometer around the major emission sources (E)
and ambient air measurements (A)

No. Measurement description Longitude Latitude

E-1 Fugitive emissions from a clay mine 00 06 31 W 40 04 39 N

E-2 Fugitive emissions from clay transport at L'Alcora 00 10 08 W 40 03 00 N
E-3 Atomiser, Onda 00 14 35 W 39 58 18 N
E-4 Atomiser L'Alcora 00 10 29 W 40 03 29 N
E-4b Atomiser L'Alcora second measurement 00 10 29 W 40 03 29 N
E-5 Around stack emissions PA factory 00 04 50 W 39 57 38 N
E-6 Around stack emissions SA factory 00 09 11 W 40 02 36 N
E-7 Around stack emissions VE factory 00 14 49 W 39 58 11 N
E-8 Around stack emissions JM factory 00 04 21 W 39 57 51 N
E-9 Around stack emissions JM factory second measure 00 04 20 W 39 57 56 N
E-10 Around stack emissions EG factory 00 09 35 W 39 56 41 N
E-11 Around stack emissions NA factory 00 13 07 W 39 57 41 N
E-12 Around stack emissions POR factory 00 05 38 W 40 01 21 N
E-12b Emission plume measurement POR factory 00 05 38 W 40 01 21 N
E-13 Emission plume measurement PA factory 00 04 41 W 39 57 22 N
E-14 Dense tra$c crossroad at CastelloH 00 02 14 W 39 59 22 N
E-15 Dense tra$c crossroad at CastelloH 00 03 19 W 39 58 19 N
E-16 Emission plume from petrochemical plant 00 01 06 W 39 57 06 N
E-17 Biomass "ring around orange tree plantations 00 01 03 W 39 59 36 N
E-18 Marine aerosols Borriana harbour (Morro) 00 04 13 W 39 51 32 N
E-19 Marine aerosols Millars delta 00 00 49 W 39 54 22 N
E-20 Marine aerosols Ben Afali beach 00 00 15 W 39 55 20 N
E-20b Marine aerosols Ben Afali beach on the shoreline 00 00 15 W 39 55 20 N
A-1 Northern background levels around the ceramic zone 00 16 10 W 39 59 10 N
A-2 Middle background levels in orange plantations 00 09 44 W 39 59 09 N
A-3 Coastal background levels leeward of ceramic emissions 00 04 03 W 39 54 45 N
A-4 Urban background levels L'Alcora 00 11 20 W 40 04 02 N
A-5 Semi-urban background levels L'Alcora (St. Salvador) 00 11 49 W 40 05 11 N
A-6 Urban background levels L'Alcora 00 12 30 W 40 04 10 N
A-7 Semi-urban background levels L'Alcora}Onda 00 10 46 W 39 59 29 N
A-8 Semi-urban background levels Millars bridge 00 07 11 W 39 57 54 N
A-9 Rural-remote background levels Mt. Bartolo 00 01 53 W 40 05 09 N

with the high-volume sampler and the GRIMM-1108 and a crossroad where high emissions from the short
laser spectrometer. Although good agreement was also road transport between the clay-mining area and the
obtained in the two simultaneous PM2.5 measurements tiling and atomising centres were evident.
during the "eld campaign, a longer inter-comparison 2. The tra$c emissions in the vicinity of a crossroad with
demonstrated that the GRIMM 1108 measurements high tra$c density (mainly cars) at two di!erent sites
were 15% lower than those obtained by the gravimetric inside the city of CastelloH .
method (Fig. 2). 3. The marine aerosol at three di!erent coastal sites (a
The measurements of particulate-matter levels and few metres from the shoreline) in the in-land breeze
grain-size distribution with the laser spectrometer were circulation stage.
carried out in the vicinities of the following emission 4. The biomass combustion emissions were measured at
sources (Table 2 and Fig. 3): di!erent distances from the "res in extensive orange-
tree plantations located upwind from the ceramic
1. Di!erent types of ceramic emission plumes including emissions in the Grau area.
those from enamel (white to yellow plumes) and tile 5. The emission plume from the petrochemical plant was
(reddish plumes) factories and atomiser centres. Fugi- detected with the help of the SO analysers in a COS-

tive emissions were measured at a certain distance of PEC unit and, subsequently, grain-size measurements
a number of sources including the stockpiles in the were obtained without interference of the ceramic
atomiser centres, the largest open-pit mine in the area, emissions in the in-land breeze stage.

850 X. Querol et al. / Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 845}858

4.1. PM10 and PM2.5 levels

As expected, the lowest PM10 mean values were ob-

tained at the Mt. Bartolo background station
(18 lg m\). The highest PM10 values were registered at
the L'Alcora and Vilareal stations (56 and 44 lg m\,
respectively) which are located in the most productive
ceramic areas. The Grau and Onda stations, located in
rural or suburban areas, which are temporarily in-
#uenced by the emission plumes, have intermediate
PM10 values of approx. 30 lg m\. The mean PM2.5
fraction of PM10 in the study area was approx. 50%wt,
whereas the mean PM10 fraction of total suspended
particles (TSP) was found to be approx. 65%, with ex-
treme mean daily values from 50 to 80 wt%.
The levels of marine aerosols were homogeneously
distributed in the study area as deduced from the narrow
variations in the concentrations of Na>, Cl\ and Mg>
observed among the di!erent sampling sites (Table 3).
A similar homogeneous pattern was observed for levels
of sulphate and ammonium (Table 3). The background,
the suburban and the industrial stations showed mean
Fig. 3. Location of mobile measurement stations for grain-size levels ranging only from 7 to 9 lg m\ for anthropogenic
analysis of TSP with the GRIMM laser spectrometer around the sulphate and 2.1}2.8 lg m\ for ammonium. The ionic
major emission sources (E) and ambient air measurements (A). balance between ammonium and sulphate demonstrates
See detailed data of location in Table 2. that around 80% of the anthropogenic sulphate is pres-
ent as ammonium sulphate. The occurrence of am-
monium sulphate, sodium chloride and magnesium
In addition to the emission measurements, short probably in discrete background aerosols probably ac-
(1}2 h) measurements were performed in background counts for the homogeneous levels of these phases in
areas up- and down-wind of the emission plumes from PM10 across the study area.
the ceramic zones (Table 2 and Fig. 3). The measure- Conversely, the nitrate levels were considerably higher
ments were performed in the in-land breeze stage follow- at the Vilareal site (with the highest tra$c density) and
ing a cross-section from the shoreline (backwards to the lower, by a factor of 4}5, at the rural background site of
petrochemical and ceramic emissions), downwind of Mt. Bartolo (Table 3). A similar pattern was also ob-
the petrochemical emission and "nally downwind of the served for the distribution of levels of organic carbon
ceramic emission plumes. Short measurements were also and phosphor. The other stations registered intermediate
carried out at di!erent background sites in#uenced by values for nitrate and organic carbon with the excep-
di!erent ceramic emission sources. tion of the suburban Grau station. The frequent uncon-
Longer measurements (24 h) were carried out at the trolled biomass combustion from intensive orange tree
Grau, L'Alcora and Onda stations to study the grain size cropping around this station probably accounted for the
range of atmospheric particulates in#uenced by the ce- high levels of organic carbon, phosphor and nitrate,
ramic emissions transported by the breeze circulation. similar to those recorded at the heavily polluted Vilareal
The levels of the major elements emitted by the ce-
4. Results and discussions ramic industry (clay-related elements such as Si, Al, Fe,
K and Ti) were one order-of-magnitude higher at the
During the measurement campaign typical summer L'Alcora and Vilareal stations than at the Bartolo site,
meteorological conditions predominated with a local- with the Onda and Grau stations having intermediate
circulation dominance in the measuring zone, in spite of levels (Table 3). Levels of Ca and Mg, mainly from soil
the fact that a smooth perturbation aloft took place at emissions with a low proportion from the ceramic indus-
the end of the "rst week. Thus, the scenario consisting try, also increased in the ceramic zone with respect to the
of a daytime inland and a nocturnal seaward #ow was background site but in a lower rate than the ceramic-
repeated daily in the Millars Valley during the measure- related elements.
ment campaign. The typical summer thermal vertical On an average, the addition of all the constituents
structure with subsidence inversions was also observed. determined reached 90% of the bulk PM10 or PM2.5

X. Querol et al. / Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 845}858 851

Table 3
Mean daily major elements, carbonates, ammonium, organic#elemental carbon and bulk PM10 levels obtained at Mt. Bartolo, Grau,
Onda, Vilareal and L'Alcora sampling sites

Location Bartolo Grau Onda Vilareal L'Alcora

N 5 9 11 9 2
CO\(lg m\) 0.7 2.0 1.6 3.5 4.3

Org#Elem C (lg m\) 2.9 6.1 3.9 6.8 5.5
SiO (lg m\) 1.1 2.7 3.6 6.0 12.0

Al O (lg m\) 0.4 1.1 1.4 2.4 4.8
Ca (lg m\) 0.5 1.3 1.0 2.3 2.9
K (lg m\) 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.8 1.5
Mg (lg m\) 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.4
Fe (lg m\) 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.7 1.2
NO\ (lg m\) 0.9 2.9 1.8 3.5 1.8

NH> (lg m\) 1.9 2.5 2.3 2.1 1.9

SO\ no marine (lg m\) 7.0 8.4 8.7 9.0 8.4

SO\ marine (lg m\) 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.2

Na (lg m\) 0.8 1.2 1.0 1.4 0.9
Cl\ (lg m\) 0.2 0.8 0.4 0.9 0.5
R major elements (lg m\) 17 31 27 41 48
PM10 gravimetry (lg m\) 19 36 32 44 56
Determined (%) 91 85 85 94 86
Crustal (%) 19 27 33 40 58
Secondary (%) 57 45 47 37 27
Org#Elem C (%) 17 20 14 17 12
Marine A (%) 7 8 6 7 4

N, number of daily samples. The results of the source apportionment analysis including crustal sources, secondary particulates
(ammonium sulphate and nitrate), organic#elemental carbon, and marine aerosols are also reported as the percentage of contribution
of each source with respect to the bulk PM10 levels.

levels obtained by the gravimetric method. The results reduced in the ceramic zone, where local input pre-
indicate that the mean marine aerosol input represents dominates.
between 4 (L'Alcora) and 8 (Grau) wt% of the bulk Levels of Pb and Zn also reached high values in the
PM10 levels (Table 3). The proportion of organic and ceramic zone (around 0.4 lg m\) but very low levels at
elemental carbon, mainly proceeding from combustion the rural background site (0.05 lg m\, Table 4). Al-
processes, is relatively homogeneously distributed across though the levels of the other elements were relatively
the study area with values from 12 to 20% wt of bulk low, with the exception of As (up to 25 ng m\) and Cr
PM10, with the highest values being recorded for the (up to 7 ng m\) at L'Alcora and Vilareal, the spatial
Grau and Vilareal sites (Table 3). The PM10 proportion variation of levels of As, Cr, Cs, Pb, Rb, Sr, Ti, V, Zn and
from the crustal input (both soil and ceramic emissions) Zr suggests a chie#y ceramic origin for these elements
ranged from 18% of bulk PM10 at the Bartolo site, up to (Table 4). However, Ba, Cd, Co, Cu, Ga, Hf, Mn, Mo, Nb,
40}55 wt% in the ceramic productive area. The Onda Ni, Sb, Sc, Sn, Th, U and Y do not show any relationship
and Grau sites have intermediate proportions (around with ceramic emissions (Table 4). The last conclusion
30 wt%). Finally, the proportion of secondary inorganic demonstrates that the well-known relationship between
aerosols (ammonium, sulphate and nitrate) is very high at some ceramic activities and the high levels of Hf, U and
the background site (near by 60% of bulk PM10 levels) Th in atmospheric particles has a very local incidence.
and the Onda and Grau sites (45}50 wt%), whereas in the Analysis of simultaneous samples of PM10 and PM2.5
ceramic zone (Vilareal and L'Alcora) it is much lower has evidenced that the crustal and marine loads are
(approx. 30 wt%), the background origin of ammonium strongly reduced in the PM2.5 with respect to the PM10
sulphate in the study area. Thus, in the rural background (Table 5) measurements. In contrast, most of the second-
site, these external phases account for most of the par- ary anthropogenic phases are trapped by the PM2.5
ticulate fraction, whereas this proportion is drastically sampling, with the exception of nitrate which registers

852 X. Querol et al. / Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 845}858

Table 4 Table 5
Mean daily trace element levels in PM10 obtained at Mt. Bar- Comparison between levels of major and trace elements, carbon-
tolo, Grau, Onda, Vilareal and L'Alcora sampling sites (N, ates, ammonium, organic#elemental carbon in PM10 and
number of daily samples) PM2.5, simultaneously sampled at Onda

Location Bartolo Grau Onda Vilareal L'Alcora Onda 21}22/07/1999 22}23/07/1999

PM10 PM2.5 PM10 PM2.5

N 5 9 11 9 2
CO\ (lg m\) 4.6 4.4 5.7 4.6
As (ng m\) 1 5 8 11 25 
Org#Elem C (lg m\) 2.1 1.2 2.2 0.4
Ba (ng m\) 1 11 6 16 21 SiO (lg m\) 5.1 2.3 4.9 0.7
Cd (ng m\) 0.1 0.7 0.4 0.6 0.9 
Al O (lg m\) 2.0 1.2 2.1 0.5
Co (ng m\) 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.6 1.1  
Ca (lg m\) 1.4 0.8 1.4 0.2
Cr (ng m\) 0.6 1.7 2.2 3.6 6.9 K (lg m\) 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.4
Cs (ng m\) 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.5 1.2 Mg (lg m\) 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.1
Cu (ng m\) 77 36 6 39 88 Fe (lg m\) 0.5 0.3 0.6 0.2
Ga (ng m\) 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.5 NO\ (lg m\) 1.3 0.5 1.4 0.4
Hf (ng m\) 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 
NH> (lg m\) 1.9 1.8 2.1 2.0
Mn (ng m\) 5 7 7 11 13 
SO\ no marine (lg m\) 6.8 6.1 7.1 6.7
Mo (ng m\) 0.6 0.6 0.8 2.9 2.2 
SO\ marine (lg m\) 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1
Nb (ng m\) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 
Na (lg m\) 0.8 0.3 0.8 0.2
Ni (ng m\) 5 3 4 7 9 Cl\ (lg m\) 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.2
P (ng m\) 15 50 32 52 42
Pb (ng m\) 45 199 285 346 341 R major elements (lg m\) 28 20 31 17
Rb (ng m\) 1 1 2 3 6 PM10/2.5 gravimetry (lg m\) 33 23 37 17
Sb (ng m\) 1 2 1 2 2 Determined (%) 87 90 84 100
Sc (ng m\) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3
Crustal (%) 43 33 41 16
Sn (ng m\) 1 2 1 2 2
Secondary (%) 36 42 35 54
Sr (ng m\) 2 4 4 6 10
Org C (%) 16 22 19 27
Th (ng m\) 0.7 0.6 0.2 0.9 0.2
Marine A (%) 5 3 5 3
Ti (ng m\) 12 29 34 65 111
U (ng m\) (0.1 0.2 0.6 (0.1 (0.1 As (ng m) 10 10 10 7
V (ng m\) 8 7 7 10 14 Ba (ng m) 8 3 9 2
Y (ng m\) 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.4 Cd (ng m) 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.4
Zn (ng m\) 54 132 178 264 699 Co (ng m) 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.1
Zr (ng m\) 3 8 11 12 21 Cr (ng m) 2.0 1.5 2.1 1.0
La (ng m\) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 1.1 Cs (ng m) 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.3
Ce (ng m\) 0.2 0.7 0.9 1.3 2.2 Cu (ng m) 10 9 10 10
Tb (ng m\) 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 Hf (ng m) 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.3
Tm (ng m\) 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 Mn (ng m) 7 5 8 3
Yb (ng m\) 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.06 Mo (ng m) 0.3 0.2 (0.1 (0.1
Nb (ng m) 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1
Ni (ng m) 3 3 3 3
P (ng m) 33 22 32 12
only 40% of the PM10 nitrate levels. As it will be demon- Pb (ng m) 354 330 368 245
strated later, the occurrence of calcium and sodium ni- Rb (ng m) 3 2 3 1
trate in the 2.5}5.0 lm range probably accounts for the Sb (ng m) 1 1 1 1
lower nitrate measurements in the PM2.5 "lters. Sn (ng m) 1 1 1 1
Sr (ng m) 5 2 6 1
Th (ng m) (0.1 (0.1 0.5 (0.1
4.2. Cascade impactor Ti (ng m) 48 28 51 14
U (ng m) (0.1 (0.1 (0.1 (0.1
Ammonium and ammonium}calcium sulphates are V (ng m) 6 5 7 7
Zn (ng m) 197 186 204 170
mainly concentrated in the "nest fractions (0.3}0.7
Zr (ng m) 8 4 8 5
and 0.7}1.0 lm, respectively). These two "ne fractions
account for 80% of the bulk anthropogenic sulphate The results of the source apportionment analysis including crustal
(Fig. 4). The coarser sulphate is mostly present as calcium sources, secondary particulates (ammonium sulphate and nitrate), or-
ganic#elemental carbon, and marine aerosols are also reported as the
and sodium sulphates. percentage of contribution of each source with respect to the bulk
The marine aerosol phases are mainly concentrated in PM10/2.5 levels.
the 3}10 lm fraction as inferred from the Na> distribu-
tion (Fig. 4). However, there is a clear grain-size segrega-
tion between the occurrence of NaCl (6}10 and '10 lm nitrate (originally present in the (6 lm fraction) re-
fractions) and the NaNO ((6 lm fraction). This is due acts with sodium chloride to give rise to ammonium

to the well-known Na>}NO\}Cl\}NH> interaction chloride (gas) and sodium nitrate. The ionic balance also
(Harrison and Pio, 1983; Wall et al., 1988). Ammonium indicates the occurrence of Ca(NO ) in the '6 lm


X. Querol et al. / Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 845}858 853

Fig. 5. Comparison of the grain-size distributions of weekly

Fig. 4. Grain-size distribution of weekly levels of the soluble
levels of the insoluble fraction of major elements and selected
fraction of major species (neq m\) and selected trace metals
trace metals in total suspended particles obtained at Onda in
(ng m\) in total suspended particles obtained at Onda from 12
this study with that of a typical urban distribution obtained in
to 23 July 1999.
Barcelona. Levels in ng m\.

Unusually high proportions of insoluble levels of Al,

fraction probably due to nitri"cation of soil particles Ca, Na, Sr, S, P and Fe were found in the "ne grain-size
(Harrison and Kito, 1990) and NH NO in the (1.5 lm modes ((1.5 lm) when compared with a normal urban
fraction (Fig. 4). or industrial grain-size distribution (Fig. 5). This atypical
As expected, SO\, NO\, Cl\, NH>, Ca, Mg, Mn, Pb,
   occurrence of "ne grain sizes for these elements and the
V and Zn have a major soluble fraction (Fig. 4), and Al, unusually high proportion of insoluble Na levels (up to
K, Sr, Ba, Cr, Cu, Ni, Ti and Fe are mainly present in 30% of bulk Na) are probably the result of the condensa-
insoluble phases (Fig. 5). Insoluble soil and ceramic par- tion of volatile emissions from high temperature pro-
ticulates such as clay minerals, calcium carbonate and cesses developed in the enamel manufacture. These pecu-
feldspars (crustal phases) showed a bi-modal grain-size liar patterns may be a good tool for tracing the input of
distribution with modes occurring in the 1.5}6.0 and ceramic emissions on bulk PM10 levels, since the bulk
'25 lm fractions as deduced from the grain-size distri- chemical patterns, characterised by high Al, Si, Fe and
bution of insoluble levels of Ca, Al, K and Fe (Fig. 5). Ca levels, are similar to the soil end-member.
Soluble fractions of Mn, Fe, V and Cr, probably occur-
ring in di!erent oxide phases with an anthropogenic 4.3. Grain-size distribution of atmospheric particulates
origin, are mostly in the 6}10 lm range (Figs. 4 and 5). around the emission sources
However, Pb and Zn mainly occur in the soluble very
"ne grain-size fraction, '85% of bulk Pb levels occur- The fugitive emissions from the largest open-pit clay
ring in the PM2.5 fraction (Fig. 4). mine in the area induced very high ambient air PM10

854 X. Querol et al. / Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 845}858

Table 6
Mean daily major elements, carbonates, ammonium, organic#elemental carbon and bulk PM10 levels obtained at Mt. Bartolo, Grau,
Onda, Vilareal and L'Alcora sampling sites. N, number of daily samples . Levels in lg m\

TSP PM10 PM7.5 PM5 PM2.5 PM1.0 PM0.8

Ceramic emissions
Fugitive emissions
Clay mine E-1 823 337 266 163 61 9 7
Transport E-2 1770 704 560 340 185 21 15
Atomiser-ATESA E-3 387 113 97 75 43 11 9
Atomiser-L'A E-4 420 128 108 78 40 10 8
Atomiser-L'A2 E-4b 532 214 187 137 74 16 12
Around stack emissions
PA E-5 349 251 223 159 83 21 16
SA E-6 127 56 49 38 22 6 5
VE E-7 353 170 158 157 150 126 120
JM E-8 78 38 35 30 24 12 11
JM-2 E-9 83 44 40 38 35 24 23
EG E-10 135 64 59 49 33 12 10
NA E-11 267 84 75 68 57 22 17
POR E-12 483 218 188 142 84 21 16
Direct measurements of plume emissions
POR E-12b 855 385 330 247 144 33 25
PA E-13 2485 1018 867 610 289 47 34
Tra$c emissions
CastelloH -1 E-14 62 42 35 26 17 8 7
CastelloH -2 E-15 47 27 26 23 19 9 8

Combustion emissions
Petrochemical E-16 25 22 21 19 15 7 6
Biomass E-17 149 73 58 43 28 13 12
Marine aerosols
Borriana E-18 36 31 29 24 17 7 6
Millars E-19 53 44 42 33 20 7 6
Ben Afeli-1 E-20 86 49 43 35 24 8 7
Ben Afeli-2 E-20b 31 28 27 25 19 7 6
Ambient air measurements at background sites
North-ceramic A-1 55 35 32 28 22 12 12
Middle A-2 39 24 23 22 21 11 10
Coastal A-3 28 24 23 21 17 9 8
L'Alcora-1 A-4 91 46 42 33 22 8 8
L'Alcora-2 A-5 62 41 36 29 20 9 8
L'Alcora-3 A-6 66 43 37 27 16 7 6
L'Alcora}Onda A-7 33 24 22 18 15 8 7
Millars bridge A-8 62 43 40 34 27 14 13
Mt. Bartolo A-9 32 25 24 21 16 8 7

The results of the source apportionment analysis including crustal sources, secondary particulates (ammonium sulphate and nitrate),
anthropogenic organic#elemental carbon, and marine aerosols are also reported as the percentage of contribution of each source with
respect to the bulk PM10 levels.

levels around the mining area (approx. 300 lg m\ were (40 wt%). As expected, this coarse grain-size distribution
recorded on an hourly basis, Table 6 and Fig. 6), but the (high and low modes of '20 and 4}15 lm, respectively)
PM2.5 fraction was relatively low (22 wt% of the PM10). was similar to that previously described for the clay-
The PM10 fraction also represented a low TSP fraction related elements (Al, K, Fe) obtained from the cascade

X. Querol et al. / Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 845}858 855

Fig. 6. Selected cases of grain-size distribution of hourly levels of total suspended particles measured in the vicinities of the major
ceramic emission sources. Levels in lg m\. See codes in Table 6 and Fig. 3 for location of measurement sites.

impactor measurements. The grain-size distribution of the city of CastelloH . Under typical summer conditions,
ambient air particulates around di!erent clay atomisers direct tra$c emissions did not give rise to high PM10
and from several crossroads with high densities of clay ambient air levels. PM10 levels of 30}40 lg m\ on an
road-based transport was also very similar (Fig. 6 hourly basis were obtained around major crossroads
and Table 6), with a major proportion in the '20 lm inside the city of CastelloH (Table 6). The percentage of
and two secondary modes occurring in the 4}7.5 and PM10 over TSP ranged between 60 and 65 wt%, whereas
10}15 lm fractions. The PM10 levels around these sites the PM2.5 fraction over PM10 ranged from 45 to 70 wt%
also reached very high levels (from 120 to 700 lg m\ on (Fig. 7).
an hourly basis). The percentages of PM10 over TSP and Intermediate PM10 ambient air levels (around
PM2.5 over PM10 were constantly low (from 30 to 70 lg m\ of PM10 for a 1/2 h basis) were obtained in
45 wt% and from 40 to 45 wt%, respectively) around the areas with intensive biomass combustion activities
four atomisers. Although the TSP grain size pattern was around large orange-tree plantations. However, the high
slightly "ner around the atomisers when compared with density of biomass "res could make this emission type
the fugitive emissions from clay mining and transport, a very important source for PM10 in the study area. In
the similarity of these grain-size distributions suggests the vicinity of the "res the percentage of PM10 over TSP
that the major emission source from these activities is the was approx. 50 wt%, whereas the PM2.5 fraction over
fugitive emissions from the large clay stockpiles and PM10 reached only 40 wt% (Table 6 and Fig. 7).
transport. Measurements of the marine aerosols obtained at dif-
PM10 levels around 10 ceramic factories including ferent sites of the shoreline in periods with a dominant
tiling and enamel factories were signi"cantly lower than daytime in-land breeze #ow, showed PM10 levels from
around the mining, atomiser and clay-transport sources 25 to 50 lg m\ of PM10 (on an hourly basis). The
(Table 6 and Fig. 6). Levels ranging from 40 to percentage of PM10 over TSP was constantly around
250 lg m\ of PM10 on an hourly basis were obtained 85 wt% and the PM2.5 fraction over PM10 ranged from
around these ceramic factories which emit particulate mat- 45 to 75 wt%. Constant levels of 5}8 lg m\ were mea-
ter mainly through small-stacks. The percentage of PM10 sured for fractions (0.8 lm (Table 6 and Fig. 7) which
over TSP and PM2.5 over PM10 increased considerably coincide with the levels and the grain size distribution
with respect to the previous emission sources. Although obtained for ammonium sulphate phases with the cas-
a similar percentages of PM10 over TSP was determined cade impactor.
for both tiling and enamel factories (from 50 to 65 wt%), Measurements were also made in the plume of the
the enamel sources were characterised by a higher propor- petrochemical plant located on a coastal site at the south
tion of "ne particles (from 80 to 95 wt% of PM10 were in of the city of CastelloH . PM10 levels were relatively low
the PM2.5 range) with respect to the tiling factories (approx. 20 lg m\ hourly PM10) compared with the
(60}70 wt% of PM10 were in the PM2.5 range). other anthropogenic source. The grain-size distribution
The grain-size distribution of tra$c particulate emis- was very similar to that of the marine aerosols, with levels
sions was measured at di!erent places of the study area of "ne secondary particles similar to those of the back-
including major crossroads in the ceramic zone and in ground marine measurements (Fig. 7).

856 X. Querol et al. / Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 845}858

Fig. 7. Selected cases of grain-size distribution of hourly levels of total suspended particles measured in the vicinities of non-ceramic
emission sources. Levels in lg m\. See codes in Table 6 and Fig. 3 for location of measurement sites.

Fig. 8. Grain-size distribution of hourly levels of total suspended particles measured in rural-remote (Bartolo Mt.) and semi-urban
(Alcora, Onda) background areas. Levels in lg m\. See codes in Table 6 and Fig. 3 for location of measurement sites.

4.4. Grain-size distribution of atmospheric particulates: modes, two additional coarse particulate inputs are evi-
ambient air measurements dent (in the 10}15 and '20 lm) as the ceramic area is
approached (Fig. 8). These grain size patterns and levels
One set of measurements was performed following were also constantly recorded by a number of additional
a cross-section from the coastal area towards the ce- measurements performed at ceramic background sites
ramic-producing zones during the daytime in-land breeze around L'Alcora and Onda (Table 6 and Fig. 8).
circulation stage (Table 6). The measurements were per- The results of the measurements performed on the
formed in background rural and suburban areas and rural background station of Mt. Bartolo evidenced levels
showed a clear trend of an increase in the particulate of PM10 around 25 lg m\, of which 1/3 proceed
levels from the coastal area (20 lg PM10 m\ and 15 lg from the ammonium sulphate phases (8 lg m\ in the
PM2.5 m\) towards the ceramic area (36 lg PM10 m\ (0.8 lm fraction). In addition to other possible partic-
and 25 lg PM2.5 m\). The "nest fraction (mainly ulate inputs such as nitrates and crustal particles, the two
(0.8 lm sulphate) also followed the same trend (from other modes (2}3 and 5}7.5 lm) identi"ed were coinci-
8 to 12 lg m\). All the measurements of this cross- dent with the bi-modal distribution of the marine aerosol
section also showed two grain-size modes of around (Fig. 8). The presence of relatively high levels of am-
1.6}3.0 and 5.0}7.5 lm, corresponding to marine aero- monium sulphate at this site during the daytime breeze
sols. However, there is a marked trend to increase pro- stage supports the high re-circulation of this secondary
gressively the 5.0}7.5 lm mode (Fig. 8), probably due to phase.
the increase in nitrate levels and primary ceramic partic- In summer, the emission plumes from the ceramic
ulates towards the ceramic zone. In addition to these zones are dragged by the nocturnal seaward breeze which

X. Querol et al. / Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 845}858 857

the seaward transport of pollutants from the ceramic

area (Fig. 9). However, the levels of PM1 and PM2.5 did
not exhibit major changes during the daily cycle, with the
2.5}10 lm fractions being responsible for the increase
in PM10 levels (Fig. 9). Because of the longer transport
of pollutants, the increase in the '10 lm fraction regis-
tered close to the ceramic emission sources (Onda) was
not recorded at the Grau station.
The high impact of 2.5}10 lm particles on bulk PM10
levels is also evidenced by the measurements performed
at L'Alcora. At this site, high levels of PM25 and PM10
are reached during the daytime stage, when local ceramic
emissions are relatively high. At this stage the emission
plumes are dragged towards the northwestern areas by
the inland breeze circulation. Subsequently, in the noc-
turnal period, these high particulate air masses travel
back to the emission-source area due to the seaward
breeze. These processes account for the higher PM10
levels reached during the nocturnal stage with respect to
the daytime stage (Fig. 9). Because of the breeze transport
and consequent grain-size segregation, nocturnal levels
of '10 lm particles are low when compared with the
daytime stage. Once more it becomes very evident that
the grain-size range which detects the impact of these
polluted air masses on the ambient air quality is that of
2.5}10 lm (Fig. 9). The two major PM10 peaks registered
between 21}22 and 7}8 h (both local time, see Fig. 9)
probably mark the calm periods produced during the
change in wind direction between the breeze stages.
A similar situation was found at the Onda station
where the impact of emission plumes from the nearby
ceramic emission sources is not as important as in
L'Alcora, but the nocturnal breeze circulation also ac-
counts for high 2.5}10 and '10 lm particulate levels.
The PM2.5 levels did not evidence the impact of these
plumes at all (Fig. 9). The calm periods between breeze
stages are also evidenced in the late evening and early
morning by high particulate events (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9. Time evolution of levels of di!erent grain-size fractions 5. Conclusions

of atmospheric particulates in the daily breeze cycle at the Grau,
Onda and L'Alcora monitoring stations. Levels in lg m\. The Although the ceramic primary particulate emissions
simultaneous wind speed and direction measurements are also from the CastelloH area have a coarse grain-size distribu-
included to show the breeze dynamics observed during the tion, the particulate transport dominated by the breeze
measuring period.
circulation accounts for a subsequent grain-size segrega-
tion. Thus, major impacts on the ambient air quality of
the coastal area induced by the particulate ceramic emis-
accounts for a rise of the nighttime coastal particulate sions occur in the nocturnal period due to the seaward
levels. 24 h measurements with semi-hourly particulate transport of polluted air masses. Levels of ambient air
levels performed at the Grau station demonstrated that particles increase mainly in the 2.5}10 lm range due to
in the daytime stage all grain-size fractions remained at grain-size segregation by transport.
relatively low levels due to the relatively clean marine air The chemical composition of the ceramic particulate
mass #ows (see levels of particles and wind velocity and emissions is very similar to the crustal end-member
direction in Fig. 9). Later, in the nocturnal stage (21}7 h) but high Al, Fe and Ti levels coupled with a peculiar
the PM10 levels increased drastically as a consequence of grain-size distribution in the major insoluble phases

858 X. Querol et al. / Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 845}858

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Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Puicercus, J.A., Mantilla, E., Ruiz, C.R.,
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