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Meeting Date: 13 Feb 2022

Meeting Time: 7pm – 8pm

Prepared By: Ming huei
Project Name: CSIT-21-S4-06 Sprint planning JIRA plugin
Project Objective: Develop a Sprint planning JIRA plugin to allow users to manage, update and receive
information of their project

Team Members Roles Attendance

Zhang Cheng Leader / Developer Present
Glen Loi Developer Present
Serena Goh Developer Present
Ong Jian Rui Keith Developer Present
Tay Ming Huei Developer Present


 Updates on deliverables for the upcoming presentation


1. The meeting commenced at 7pm via Microsoft Teams.


2. Keith started off the meeting by presenting the demo of the project. During the demo, he
highlighted that the issues was resolved, and the project was able to work fine without
any issue. He also shared with the team that he shifted the workspace to GitHub and
requested the team members to share their personnel email for him to add them into the
workspace to allow the team member to have easier access to the project and also to do a
final check before submitting the project files on 19 th Feb 22.


3. Glen updated the team that based on the comments and updates from the previous
meeting, the report and slides were completed about 90%. He encouraged the team
member to continue to work on their parts and also do take time off to help check other
members portion to help identify errors before the submission of the project.

4. Keith updated that the screen shot of the programme will be update within the week
after he had completed developing the test case. Keith


5. The team had agreed to finalize the presentation slides, project progress documents and All members
the prototype plugin demo in the next meeting.

6. With no other matters, the meeting adjourned at 9pm and the next meeting will be held
on 18th Feb 22, 7pm to 8pm.

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